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How do I detox from pain killers??

I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and I can say I am addicted to pain meds. I don't take huge amounts but I do take something everyday. Or I was. Today I haven't taken anything. I do have legitimate pain but when I became addicted it was because of the everyday stresses were easier to deal with when I was on painkillers. I tried a ton of anti-depressants but they didnt add up to the pain pills. Before and during. I took pain pills in the past for a car accident and dental procedures and even after having my children and I NEVER got hooked......I feel that I cant get the household chores done unless I am high. I took my last 2 percocet last night and decided that was it. I am done. I am not there for my kids like I am supposed to be. I am constantly worrying when, where and how many pills I have or going to get. Its not fair to them. But its so hard to get up and do anything with out that extra help from the pills. I have gone days without before so I know what is going to start happening soon and I am so scared of the withdrawal symptoms. How am I supposed to get my kids ready for school and preschool when I am so sick? I dont have anyone else to talk to so I am posting this hoping to get some sort of support or just therapy for myself from writing down all my issues and thoughts and worries........
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the fact ur here is the first step. there are many amazing people on this forum and they have helped me so much. hang around for awhile and post lots, everyone here wants you to succeed and will help you in your battle....

  when ur here ur never alone. best of luck, u can do it!
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One week!! This is the longest I have been off pain killers in about 2 1/2 years. In the beginning I was taking Vicoden and after a few months my doctor thought I was taking too much so she switched me to Tramadol. And then she would prescribe me percoset if I needed it for severe pain. And then when I ran out I would get Methadone or whatever else I could get. I always would feel guilty about running out and having to buy it from someone. But this time when I ran out.....I didnt have any money to buy any so here I am. I have been wanting to do this for the last 6 months. :)
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1926359 tn?1331588139
I am glad to see you're hanging in and feeling better...Congrats on 6 days (I guess you're going to have to change your user name(: )...I've heard a lot of people talk about tooth pain when they are detoxing or afterwards...Just wanted to say that it's great what you are doing and keep on going...Lu
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Hi....well here is day 6 and it is better. Still weak but my mind is much clearer. I have been trying to eat but a bad tooth acts up when I do but I force myself to eat anyways.....the pain is worth the strength and energy. Only downside....I have been smoking more and thats expensive :) I hope you are doing ok today.
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You can do it. I would be shocked if you weren't feeling insanely better by the end of the weekend. And then it will all be behind you and all those problems - the mental stuff - won't seem nearly so big.

Your poor little hormones have gone and are going through a roller coaster. It's essentially the same as really gnarly PMS or pregnancy hormones. Your body will regulate and things will seem bright again very, very soon.

Good job mama! Keep it up just a little while longer. :)
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Hi there...I read and forgot to post when you came on the other day...I just want to send you some encouragement and tell you day 4 is usually the roughest so hang in there...You're almost there.  Take it one moment at a time and remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself...
I echo the good advice about vitamins and supplements...They've been key for me in my recovery.  The nausea will pass soon-stay hydrated and try to eat small amounts to keep up your strength (I ate toast and peanut butter and bananas all day and night)  
You're doing great...Keep posting and let us know what you need...Lu
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1970885 tn?1435860428
I too am on day 4 cold turkey...I was abusing Norco 10s for over a year, and had abused pain meds on a regular basis for over 10 years; there's more, but not important at this point. As you've read, we are all different with regards to our recovery. I was finally able to eat today (great weight loss plan); per the things I learned from this site, I have been taking Vit B12, C, D, and got a MILD OTC sleep aid. I am weak, need sleep, but, for now, feel a tiny bit better than I did yesterday. My day three was the bottom for me - at least so far. So, let's look forward to day five together. On day one, if you had told me that I'd make it to day four, I'd have called you a lier. Hang in there.
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Keep moving forward and it doesn't have to be fast!  It's only day 4 and it gets a lot better.  Try to sleep and rest right now. Be sure to drink and eat. That's important.  Are you taking vitamins and minerals? You need to...
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Day 4......not feelin too hot today. Stomach doesnt feel good......I keep telling myself everyday will get better but it seems I am at a plateau. Along with all the financial crap we are going through AND beating this addiction is mentally wearing me out. Im trying so hard.....
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Try SUBOXONE  its a medication used only to treat opiate addiction. I tried to do it cold turkey and my body would no let me do it.  With this medication I was able to get off opiates without any major withdrawal symptoms
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I have never had a baby, but I do love what you said...My mom went thru hell as a good woman who lost half her family in a car accident...I think if anyone was gonna turn to drugs or alcohol it should have been her...husband and 2 little babies killed in a car, she almost lost my other brother, who had massive head trauma and a tracheotomy...She had broken ribs and knees herself...

She went on to raise her 3 remaining kids alone, never remarried, went thru a lot of economic changes etc...she always said "mind over matter" and to her things were black and white...right or wrong...she told her self how to feel, coached herself thru sad, hard times and never turned to drugs or alcohol...I am truly blessed to have had such a role model, try to love like she did, live like she did and have never turned to drugs or alcohol to heal either.

I am going thru lots of depression myself, had my nutritionist run tests and has ordered me natural nutrients to combat my low hormone levels...Hormones such ad serotonin, epinephrine etc regulate moods...Not our faults, and mine were the lowest she had ever seen...so thru sheer will, I have been plugging along, but luckily she figured this out and gave me a remedy...

I say people should find a nutritionist, or I will give you mines' name and email, she can get u a test kit to be sent off for free and test ur levels...help once results are in...

also, I am dating a guy who likes to take xanax to relieve his depression or to zone out...I am very scared of this and am considering ending it because I am afraid he will end up like Heath Ledger, Marylin Monroe, Brittany Murphy, Michael Jackson, Elvis etc.... Any advice for me as to whether I should give him ultimatium, kindly coach him to leave them behind etc...or what?  I have said his pill taking scares me, he continues to eat pills...

I hope everyone can level out the hormones in our heads, be happy and clean of extra meds...I want a life where there werent so many freaking options to eat to feel the quick fix...

therapy, exercise, work hard everyday, nutrition, love, sex, books, mediation, breathing, dogs, horses, art...all natural things that help us all...

words for me to head more of myself..
God Bless us all
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support is so important. if not for my wife and family, i would be back to day one not day 6. i tried to do it by myself before and failed quickly. but after i admitted it to them, i had other people to help me. another huge help was reading the stories from others here. you will make this journey but you don't have to make it alone.

                  together we are stronger then anything
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Today is day 3 and I am feeling pretty good. Since towards the end I tapered down, the withdrawal symptoms arent bad. I am just focusing on my children. Yesterday I was so proud because I got them all ready for school, fed, bathed and put to bed at a normal time. The dishes and the laundry can wait. My fiance is on board with me......he had a problem but not as bad as mine.....we are just leaning on each other and it is a huge relief that he is right next to me willing to make a change for a kids. Thank you to everyone that posted comments. It helps so much to know that I am not alone in this.
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           The word I used was advice its not advice its just good recovery from drugs.   Ive been clean for 20 yrs but I still like to share recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol.    Have a good day.
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Here's what I say... I am a mother of three as well. During labor with my first he came way too fast. I went from 4 cm to 10 in like 2 hrs. There wasn't even time to get the anesthesiologist there if I wanted - and by then I really did.

One nurse just kept saying "You can do this!" over and over again. Somehow that mantra just got stuck in my head and I started saying, "I can do this, I can do this" over and over. And I did! I guarantee a few days feeling like poop cannot be worse than childbirth. We think it might be looking back because the memory gets so fuzzy, but it's sooooooo much harder. If you had a c-section think of recovering - yuck! Or just imagine the first few months where you hadn't slept in so many days you thought you would die for one night of uninterrupted sleep. It all passes.

Tell your kids "mom has the flu." Stick to that as long as you have to. I have little ones too and I'm a single mom. Trust me I know!

Just surrender to it sucking for a few days. Millions of people have had to do things like this before and they did it too. Just like giving birth. Let go of being afraid of it being bad and just do it.
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Please read bkitty and know what shes talking about. Shes wise. We all.or over 75% of us started off with legitiment pain issues of some sort. Read my story. Im a living surgery nightmare. My addicted husband a very very bad headon collision with a police officer. Not husbands fault at all....but ironically he was trying to score dope. Smokage. Talk about scoring. Know your not alone. Post alot and ask yourself really hard soul searching descissions. Are yku waiting for next doc appointment or do you want the sober life? If either no jusgement will be. Its your body your choice etc. What do you want? How long have you been using medicine? Big questions to ask yourself to a big problem. Sending you a hug and a prayer
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Hi and Welcome! Those pills give you a false sense of security,,they make you think that you need them to "get thru the day",,thats the addiction talking. You dont need them. In the beginning,,the first 5 days its all about the physical w/d's but you need to pay attention to the mental part,,thats what gets you. The pills screw up all the chemicals in the brain,,,they take over producing these chemicals so your brain doesnt have to. When you first stop the pills it takes a while for your brain to figure this out and start making them on their own again. I took an antidepressant while on the perks and it did nothing. Only when I stopped them did I get the full effect. It will be difficult in the beginning to get motivated and feel any energy,,you kinda have to re-train the brain that you can do this without the pills. You mentioned you dont take as much maybe 1-2 pills a day? Jump now because I gaurentee as this addiction grows you will be taking 10-15 a day to get that "good" feeling back and it never ever ever comes back,,trust me. The pills will turn on you. Take it one day at a time and be patient with yourself and brain. You will get you back again,,it just takes some time. You really have to push yourself in the beginning and I know how hard that is,,Id rather have poked my eyes out with a pencil than get up and do something. Hang in there you can do this~Bkitty
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          You have a disease called addiction without help it is to much to handle.  You have to want to quit more than anything you may need to see a drug counselor tell him or her your problems or you can post there are some good advice here been there done that.  So just one day at a time and easy does it some people dont like na meetings  na ain't for everyone so hang in there remember most of us have done what you are trying to do just get rid of the pills out of sight out of mind.  prayer helps to.  
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271792 tn?1334979657
Hi & Welcome,

The first thing you need to do is lose your supply. You cannot stop with pills at your disposal.

Today is your first day without anything? Tell us what you are feeling and we can give you some suggestions on natural supplements and such.

Stick around here and talk with us. There is a lot of good support here.
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