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Just received an appointment for June 17. It says for an assessment. Im in the uk. What will they do with me n why so long to wait???? If i stick to my 15mg x 4 mg taper (my mam has posted all the pills back to me through the letterbox) then will i need this appointment or their help? That will show im not an addict right?
What do i do?????!
Im going to go but i dont want to go at same time as im scared n as it's only codeine they may have a right go at them for wasting their time or take my child away???
Advice pls?
Evey xxx
116 Responses
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480448 tn?1426948538
We HAVE gone easy on you eve!  I'm sure most of us have bitten our tongues a lot, trying to remain supportive.  I know I have.

Like DS said, you are in denial about your daughter.  You cannot do what you're doing and be a proper parent.  That's why it is so important that you do whatever you need to do to get on the road to recovery.

Admitting you are an addict was an amazing first step...now let's move forward okay?  NO more overanalyzing what all of that means right this minute.  What matters is you have admitted you have a problem and need help.  Nothing else matters.  

One day at a time, TRY like hell to stick to your taper, it will be hard, but you can do it.  I really think you would benefit from an inpatient program.  Perhaps you can ask your parents if they would help with your daughter so you could go?  They will help you with the detox and w/d process and get you started on a recovery plan.  Why not make some phone calls?  Your parents would probably be SO thrilled to hear that you were helping yourself.  
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495284 tn?1333894042
You are still in denial about your daughter
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In response to this codeine never made me a bad parent. In fact i still played with my child, cooked her food, learnt her red read, took her to school, made things for her to learn yhe alphabet etc.
it wasn't like i was stick in my room all day. I was fully there for her. Its during withdrawal that i find looking after her difficult.
And im in withdrawals now as im back on the taper so please go easy on me ok.

I do read n appreciate your advice n time honest
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1235186 tn?1656987798
eve you admitted you are an addict. that is the first step to recovery.
you are no longer in denial. there are all kinds of addicts, it doesn't discriminate, male, female, rich, poor, red, yellow, black and white, European, indian, Asian, American.................
I think you get the point. please now do what you need to do for YOU and YOUR daughter. go to the meeting, keep your appt, yes there will be cravings.... that is a given.... you need to learn how to live life on its terms, yes there is heartache, ups and downs, but continuing to numb yourself with codeine isn't going to change your pain. working through your pain, scars and wounds with a counseling and going to support groups will.

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Im sorry i shouldn't have put that about the wine it was selfish n thoughtful.

My doctor hasnt prescribed 700mg codeine he put me on 15 x 4 codeine phosphate until i get my appointment with the prescribed medications support service on 17 June. They will do sn initial assessment.

It was the weekly prescription off the doctor that i put in the attic to try and STOP myself taking more. But my mam is now giving them to me again because I can't control myself with them.

I know I'm an addict but my mind plays tricks on me n makes me question that.  So i ask those questions.

Im so very sorry i didnt think when i said what I said n are so very sorry to have caused any offence.
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its hard for me too, and all of us..  but we are on in this ship together, Its more mental dependence then anything, I find any excuse.. to pop a pill... flat tire, pop a pill, headach, pop a pill and the list goes on and on.. ive relapsed over and over..
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Think i am an addict just is so hard accepting it.
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Ima ask you this eve.. If your NOT an attict,,, why are you waisting ppls time? im here becuase ive made a decision to get clean and get off oxys, and im going through rough withdrawls and came here for support, GOD knows how much i wanna go get a few pills to ease this with drawl, but i know what will happen... try to think ahead at your consiquenses,   From USA FLORIDA
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Hello again Dear....If the wine, codeine, pills, or any Other mind altering substance is not a problem, then just stop all of it and prove to yourself that you are not an addict. Being that your Dad is an alcoholic you already possess that gene. As I stated in an earlier...you could have a really bad disease other than addiction. Own it, swallow it and get on with your life while you have the chance. Find a power greater than YOURSELF and give yourself a chance. Do it Babe!
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4341997 tn?1514588688
honey i think deep down you know you are an addict, otherwise you would not have come to an addiction forum....i will also be praying for you...i hope you find the peace you need and for your daughter's sake as well...please stop before it gets any worse.  The advice you have been given is all true and from the heart and from experiences of many people....please take it to heart. Being an addict does not mean you are a bad person, it's a disease but you can put it in remission....take care of yourself AND your daughter.  
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4522800 tn?1470325834
OH BOY..This is like hitting our heads up against a Wall..We have been over & over & over this with you in many Post..Some that got pulled..How long now 2-3 weeks it seems..You got more information about this issue than I have ever seen any body else get..With all do respect.I think you need to go and talk with a Physiologist..There is alot of Reason Deep inside on why we want to run from our selves..If you can just get to a DR or even a Treatment Center they can help you address all that is going on inside you..I really Pray you do see the Light sooner then never...
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I agree...
To Eve: its called a trigger...which is when an addict reads , hears or is around someone or something that will cause them to relapes or reminisce about their DOC
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Thats just inhancing ur buz or prolonging it. R u kidding me...u shouldnt of even asked if that was ok...thats called a replacement drug. Replacing one drug for another...y dont u make the choice to just go cold turkey? Y dont u show ur self what real detoxing is like...to see what people actually have to go through, and than maybe u will see what u r actually doing to urself. I went cold turkey off opiates raking 120 pills in one week for five years...than maybe that will b a wake up call for u. Thats what u need is a wake up call and than u wont need to b asking questions like if drinking wine is ok...good luck and im also going to start praying for u!
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495284 tn?1333894042
I have tried to help you along with everyone else and it is falling on deaf ears.  I take great offense to the comment you made about swigging wine.  You have no idea what that would do to some of us here.  For me it would kill me, literally.  We are all working so hard to keep our sobriety and all you want is your codeine and when you dont get that you tell us about your drinking.  I wish you the best as you need it.  I hope you find yourself before it is too late as the clock is ticking~sara
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Im seriously in shock Eve! Nursegirl is 110% right! These r people that r trying to help u on their spare time and its like u r throwing everything that we say down the toilet! Its like u r only reading what u want to read. U should admit that ur an addict. And mean it! U dont need to lie to us. We r not the people who love u or r in ur life everyday...we care about u but we r not theones who r being hurt by ur actions. U r definitely not getting anywhere. U keep going backwards and r getting further n further in denial. Im also sure ur parents would take ur child for u so u can put urself in treatment. If what u say about only caring about codine, then that dont sound like u have ur priorities straight with ur daughter. Maybe if she's the reason u cant enter treatment programs, u should try allowing her to live with a family member or possibly some sort of foster or group home? You need to put ur child first before the temporary effects of some pill that u cant even admit ur addicted to.... Do u really think its fair to her to have to be forced into this life of having a mother who cant even take care of her or play with her just because she needs a temporary fix to escape from body pain or lifes problems? The pain and/or problems will still be there after the pill wears off, so why dont u find ways to fix it instead of just using pills to brush it under the carpet for an hour or so at a time? U need to realize that the path ur on is in no way healthy and it will only get worse unless u make the decision to stop and make it right to better urself....

What makes u love the codine more than ur own daughter? What makes u resentful? What is ur daughter doing when ur high, who is actually taking care of her? Not u, cuz ur high, or more worried about ur codine. I hate to seem like a b*****, but after sitting back and reading all the post on this forum over and over, im getting tired of the sob story. It seems like u r on here for the attention and not the help...if u were here for the help u would start taking people advice and start treatment, not telling us u started hiding ur codine in the attick, or that u started drinking wine in between ur doses
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480448 tn?1426948538
You would have to check into it, but my point is, no doctor would prescribe or "okay" 700+mg of codeine.  In order to maintain and not have w/ds, you are taking codeine many times a day, right?  If so, then you're high most of the time, even though you may not "feel it" like you used to.

Seriously, this is no small matter.  You really MUST start making changes and soon, or you're risking some seriously bad outcomes.  The fact of the matter is, no matter what you THINK you should be allowed to do, you cannot abuse mind altering substances when you're the sole supervisory adult for a minor child.  THAT is the honest truth.  You COULD choose to be left alone with your codeine, but you would have to give your daughter to someone else to care for,  You can't have both.  YOU have to decide that NONE of the other crap matters.
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Not sure about the law i showed the boxes of what i was getting to my doctor n he never mentioned me breaking the law?
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Im not high most of the time. Ive only had the 15 mg x 4 today that the doc has given me n a little bit of alcohol. Ive been in withdrawal most of the day.
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Really sorry x
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480448 tn?1426948538
Im sticking to my taper. Im trying to do what people want.
I will get sober for now i have no choice. .

Come on now...has NOTHING we've discussed back and forth with you registered?  It doesn't MATTER what other people want...YOU have to want it...you have to recognize that you cannot continue abusing codeine like you are without suffering drastic consequences.  You cannot abuse codeiene and be a safe and responsible parent.  You can't abuse codeine and be a role model for your daughter.  You can't abuse codeine and not suffer ill health after a period of time.  You can't abuse codeine and not run through all of your money.  You CAN'T get better without admitting there's a problem.  If you don't, can't or won't, then it's just going to be more of the same.

If you had cancer and needed a life saving hospital stay, you would find a way for your daughter to be cared for so you could be well and not die.  This is the same thing.  So, go find yourself an inpatient program, and get started on getting your life back.  NO MORE EXCUSES.  

YOU have two options...to choose recovery, or one of the negative outcomes of addiction.  I know, you think it's "only codeine" and nothing bad will happen with only codeine.  It most certainly will.  

You can OD, your liver can fail, your kidneys can fail.  Also, you will eventually run out of money, then how will you buy your codeine?  THAT'S when the legal consequences come into play.  It's when people run out of money (after spending their life savings and themn some on their drug of choice) that they have to start stealing to fund their habit.  

You already see how strong the urge to use is....if you ran out of money, you would still have cravings, if you haven't gone into recovery...so then you're going to be looking at a whole other ste of issues.  Youv'e already wasted SO much money you could have spent on a savings acct for your daughter, or your own education.

Actually, I'd be willing to bet that you may already be breaking some kind of law with as much codeine as you purchase.  Even though it isn't as tightly regulated in the UK as it is here in the US, I know it is still regulated in some way..so likely, you've already broken the law.

Praying for an open mind for you.  Nothing sinks in...and I suspect that's because you're high 99% of the time and cannot process the information correctly or problem solve properly.  

You've been doing this round and round at LEAST since the fall...you're running out of time.  Time to stop talking and start DOING.  Actions speak louder than words.  
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Im sticking to my taper. Im trying to do what people want.
I will get sober for now i have no choice.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Amen Lesa.
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Sometimes it is hard for me to read of others in the throws of their addiction.. If you were getting our sober.clean, and in recovery You would have the foresight not to speak of getting high with a bunch of addicts that are trying like Hell to get clean and to stay clean. In you addiction you have No consideration of others.. not even your child. I'm not being rude This is what addiction is... Your need to self medicate your pain Physical our emotional away to the determent of everyone and anyone... I have refrained from making further comments on your thread as I do not feel a desire from you for change. But Please do not Flaunt your continued abuse ok We get it.. I will send a Prayer for you tonight that You Live long enough to get well...  lesa
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