175688 tn?1297556647

Can Oxycodone be taken during pregnancy?

Hi. I was recently prescribed oxycodone for a severe back injury and I also just found out I am pregnant. I am 11 weeks along. Is Oxycodone one of the "safe" medications to take during pregnancy? I looked it up on the internet and saw that it is one of the Category B drugs to take during pregnancy, but I wanted to get your opinion on it also. I don't take them everyday. I usually am taking them between 1-3 a week at the most. I just don't want to take anything that would be bad. Please let me know.

36 Responses
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5763738 tn?1373846792
Actually you are only half correct here. The first poster speaking of oxycontin being a brand name is also half correct. A few years ago oxycontin was the same as condone just one was a brand name and one not as one poster pointed out.. So the drug companies in a effort to STOP abuse(most addicts would crush the oxycontin/condone and snort them made the new oxycontin with a rubberize base so it could not be crushed and snorted. As far as one being more addicted than the other it depends on the person. Condone which is crushed and snorted imo is far more addicting as the buzz comes on much quicker in a matter of a few mins and has a bigger buzz to it vs a hour with the new oxycontin.So if a person has the ability to get more condone they will elect to do so vs a much slower release version of it. just my 2 cents
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5817747 tn?1374803405
I am a pain mgmt intern! oxycontin is not only much stronger & much more of a risk than oxycodone, it is time release which stays in your system longer & the euphoric effects are stronger, last longer & more addicting than oxycodone cause the half life of codone is out of your system MUCH quicker & not as addicting! Oxycontin is stronger for pain & more addicting than codone, all of our patients are given codone rather than contin cause it is safer & easier to taper off! Hope this solid advice helps some of you lucky ladies, codone is safer & good for pain!  
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hi.. my kind advice is to consult your physician so that you will get cleared of your doubts.. Don't try to take it often when you are suffering from pain only take those pills.. Because this may affect your baby..
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I know this is an old post, but in case someone comes along and reads this, I just wanted to correct the MISINFORMATION provided by NewYorkChick...

Oxycodone, by itself, IS a CATEGORY B drug, NOT a category C.  

It is only when used in COMBINATION with other drugs such as acetaminophen (found in Tylenol and percocet) or ibuprofen (found in Advil and percodan) that it becomes a category C.  

Please do your OWN homework and talk to your doctor (or better yet, a practicing Pharmacist with a doctorate) to establish whether its safe for YOU and your pregnancy.

I am not providing medical advise with my comments or posts, merely sharing my knowledge and expertise.  

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Hi I know this is an old post but can you please tell me what dose of oxycontin you were taking before the birth?  I am in extreme pain and my pain dr is putting me on oxycontin too, I was curious at what mg you have a higher chance of withdrawal.

Thank you so much for the info if you get this!
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hi danielle, first and foremost...CONGRATS!! I am on here talking w these helpful, VERY SUPPORTIVE people as well, im battling a norco and oxy addiction myself and im on day 3 of detoxing n goin thru insanely painful withdrawals. i have read a few of the posts from other ppls advice on u taking oxys while preggers...i have a friend whose mom took pain meds wen preg with him n later in life he developed a drug addiction to opiates. im not a DR, but i would b very careful taking oxy bc ur baby will def feel the effects of the drug. i was takin was 10mg norcos, n oxys r alot stronger  than lortabs or norcs..but theres no aceteminophen in oxys which is wat is harmful to ur liver, but def talk to more than 1 dr n do wat u feel is safe for u and ur baby! good luck n god bless u n the baby!!
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Actually it's a cat B drug not C. Do a little more research.
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I was in a car accident when i was 6 months pregnant. A week later i had H1N1 & pleuresy. They prescribed Percocet for the pain. Th
ey said as long as you follow the dosage and taper down if necessary towards the end, all would be fine. I did that and had a healthy nearly 9lb baby boy. He's 2.5 yrs now and extremely intelligent with absolutely no sign of any affects. Good luck ;)
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1416133 tn?1351123217
What does your OB/Gyn have to say about what you're going through?  Since your pregnant again, you need to connect w/the Dr. on these issues and find a safe way for you to get off these meds and to minimize any harmful affects this process may have on your unborn child.

Good luck to you.
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OXYCODONE is immediate release....OXYCONTIN is a stronger CONTROLLED/TIMED release medication...
percocet is IMMEDIATE release oxycodone, with tylenol in it, ROXICODONE is the BRAND name of OXYCODONE....
but it is VERY different from OXYCONTIN!!! VERY!!!
I am not trying to be rude, or to come across as so....but its important that one knows that very BIG difference....as they have very different effects!!! I am in a pain management program and i take OXYCODONE HCL(immediate release...) and do NOT take OXYCONTIN....dr's rarely prescribe it anymore due to its hug rate of abuse....but IT(the OXYCONTIN is the TIMED release...8-12 hours apart the pills are taken depending and come in 20, 40, 60mg.....OXYCODONE-15, 30 mg IMMEDIATE RELEASE usually used for breakthrough, i take these because the percocets have tylenol and all that tylenol all day everyday is terrible long term......) :)
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Thank you for this information!  I've had to stay on oxycodone for these first 5 months due to pain from endometrial tissue that's grown in my hip area.  It (obviously) didn't affect reproduction but hurts so badly that each time I take less I lie in bed shaking with pain - I'm fine with hurting to benefit my baby but don't want him to suffer the stress hormones I'm feeling.  My doctors have been great but it's much better hearing it from another mama.  Especially one that mimics me as far as taking what I'm SUPPOSED to and CAREFULLY to keep me and baby healthy.  Thank you so much for sharing.
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oxycontin is oxycodone....they are the same identical drug...oxycontin is the brand name, oxycodone is the generic...percocet is oxycodone WITH acetaminophen...oxycontin is oxycodone WITHOUT acetaminophen...oxycontin comes in extended release and immediate release...I've been an RN for 13 years and I take oxycodone on a daily basis for crohn's disease...
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I'm 10 weeks pregnant today!  I've been on Loratab 7.5 for about 2 years now for chronic pain.  My pain clinic dr prescribed a refill for the Loratab and a trial of Roxicodone 5mg 3x a day.  I've had adverse reactions to Percocet, so I am a little worried about taking it.  She wants me to talk to my ob on Monday to see what advice they offer.  My PCP said it was ok to take the Lortab until the 3rd trimester.  Any advice?
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Actually oxycodone plain is a category B drug. If it is buffered with tylenol it increases the effects of the drug itself and Percocet(oxycodone w acetaminophen) and Vicodin(buffered) with acetaminophen is a Category C drug. There has been animal studies on Rats, New Zealand Rabbits and Lambs who were pregnant and given double the normal dosage and no fetal abnormalities to date have been detected. There is neonatal withdrawl if you take it up until the delivery date. If you take few and far between to manage chronic pain you should be okay. I would avoid taking it every day at multiple dosing if possible, no adequate studies have been done on humans. For women taking 30mg a day..I must say that is high dosing. Do some research (safefetus.com) and a few other sites state the FDA states Oxycodone plain is a Category B drug..Safer then vicodin although stronger. Also Ibuprofen is a huge no-no and it is a lot less potent.
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Well oxcodone is a lot stronger than Larotab which is Class C but Oxycodone is a class B some people misinterpet terms although Percocet that contains oxycondone  is a Class C but cuz it has other forms in it that cause it to be a Class C There is Oxcodone in other Types that is a Class B I am currently suffering with same problem have severe complications bed ridden and I'm only 8 weeks in severe pain and I take 1 Loratab a day but am switching to Oxycodone cuz it is known to be safer just cause something is stronger doesn't mean it's worse or visa versa for instance Tylenol 3 is lot weaker than Loratab same as morphine and Demerol but they all Class C depends on what is exactly in it the substance not the actual strength but of course same effect of addition that is for the mother will affect the unborn child so if you do take them everyday religiously and multiple your baby is definitely at a higher risk for problems when delivery occurs viruses someone who takes 1 every 3 days etc the more you use the more the risk but it always best to talk to your Ob not another Doctor in another feild solely an obstetricianist and he would never put you on anything that would essentially harm you or your unborn child well hoped this helps best of luck congratulations
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It took me 7 weeks to get off vicodin. I will be 10 wks tomorrow, and have been clean for 7 days! It could be dangerous to quit in the first trimester, but tapering is good. Thee less the baby get is better. I tried quiting 5 times in 7 weeks, but feared for my child. The 6 th time I felt as if the baby was ok. Not sure if this helps, but you can do it. My thought the day I quit? I'm not going to put my comfort over the life of my child. The first 48 are the worst, and if you can get through them, it gets better everyday. I feel horrible that it took me 7 weeks to get of f them when I was pregnant, and I dream about losing the baby and get alot of anxiety. Go to the dr right away, and do this with your dr. because we are pregnant, we cannot use the home remedies that most people on here use. Be careful and good luck.
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I want you to get the answers you are looking for. This thread is almost four years old. If you click on "post a question" and repeat your questions you will get tons of good advice. I am not the guy to be answering pregnancy questions, but there are a lot of posters with the answers you are looking for....GOOD LUCK!
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I am only 6 weeks pregnant and i have been on suboxone for 3 years. I am on a very low dose now I only take 1 miligram a day but I am terrified. I have been trying to get off the 1 miligram a day for a year and can not seem to do it. I feel like a horrible person. I also have been having pain in the mornings. I did go to the hospital and they said everything seems fine however I am still early in the pregnancy. Does anyone have any information that could be benificial? I would greatly appreciate it!
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I am 12 weeks tomorrow, I was taking 5 percocets and 3 oxycodones a day because my tolerance was so high. Had been taking them for over a year.... when I got pregnant I talked to both my OBGYN and my pain management Dr's. And they both agreed to taper me off. But not right away, they said that it will not hurt the baby, but that I need to be off completely by last trimester.... I took myself off the percocets completely... b/c I just don't feel comfortable taking anything while pregnant, and do now I'm down to my three oxy's a day...

Every physician I've talked to have told me the stress/anxiety and plus the problems that I take them for in the first place, can and more than likely will be way more of a risk to my baby than the medication could ever be. So just keep that in mind.  The pharmacist told me to decrease my dose by one tablet every 10 to 20 days  atleast to avoid any anxiety symptoms...   good luck to you!!
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Oxycodone and Pregnancy

In animal studies on pregnancy and oxycodone, the medication did not seem to increase the risk of birth defects or other problems. Limited human studies have also shown that oxycodone does not appear to cause birth defects. However, as a narcotic, oxycodone can cause withdrawal symptoms in the infant after delivery. If you are taking this medication and pregnancy occurs, talk to your healthcare provider.

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Is Oxycodone Safe During Pregnancy?

Oxycodone hydrochloride is an active ingredient used in many prescription pain medications. It is a narcotic, opioid (morphine-like) medication. Animal studies indicate that oxycodone is unlikely to cause birth defects.


It is important to note that oxycodone is available by itself or in combination with one or more other active ingredients. The other active ingredients (which vary, depending on the particular product) may have other pregnancy Category ratings and may cause other problems when used during pregnancy.


Pregnancy Category B

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses a pregnancy category system to classify the possible risks to a fetus when a specific medicine is taken during pregnancy. Pregnancy Category B is given to medicines that have not been adequately studied in pregnant humans, but do not appear to cause harm to the fetus in animal studies. Medications that have been shown to be safe for use in pregnancy in humans (but have caused problems in laboratory animals) are also given a Category B rating.


When given to pregnant animals, oxycodone did not seem to increase the risk of birth defects or other problems. Very limited human studies also suggest that oxycodone does not seem to cause birth defects in humans. However, oxycodone is a narcotic, and using this drug during the end of a pregnancy may cause narcotic withdrawal in the infant after delivery. Such withdrawal symptoms may include:
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Oxycodone and Pregnancy

In animal studies on pregnancy and oxycodone, the medication did not seem to increase the risk of birth defects or other problems. Limited human studies have also shown that oxycodone does not appear to cause birth defects. However, as a narcotic, oxycodone can cause withdrawal symptoms in the infant after delivery. If you are taking this medication and pregnancy occurs, talk to your healthcare provider.

Is Oxycodone Safe During Pregnancy?

Oxycodone hydrochloride is an active ingredient used in many prescription pain medications. It is a narcotic, opioid (morphine-like) medication. Animal studies indicate that oxycodone is unlikely to cause birth defects.


It is important to note that oxycodone is available by itself or in combination with one or more other active ingredients. The other active ingredients (which vary, depending on the particular product) may have other pregnancy Category ratings and may cause other problems when used during pregnancy.


Pregnancy Category B

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses a pregnancy category system to classify the possible risks to a fetus when a specific medicine is taken during pregnancy. Pregnancy Category B is given to medicines that have not been adequately studied in pregnant humans, but do not appear to cause harm to the fetus in animal studies. Medications that have been shown to be safe for use in pregnancy in humans (but have caused problems in laboratory animals) are also given a Category B rating.


When given to pregnant animals, oxycodone did not seem to increase the risk of birth defects or other problems. Very limited human studies also suggest that oxycodone does not seem to cause birth defects in humans. However, oxycodone is a narcotic, and using this drug during the end of a pregnancy may cause narcotic withdrawal in the infant after delivery. Such withdrawal symptoms may include:
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Actually there are two different drugs that start with oxy. One is oxycontin and the other is oxycodone. Oxycontin is a category B drug. Studies have been done. It's a time release drug which is safer than oxycodone. Oxycodone is released all at once and that makes it more dangerous. I've had four back surgeries b/c I was injured while in nursing school. Then 6yrs later I got pregnant and my dr gave me oxycontin. My son turned out just fine, no health problems at all. At the end of the pregnancy I titrated down as far as possible to make sure he was ok. I just found out I'm pregnant again. I'm going back to the same dr b/c he treats high risk patients. I want to be treated by the most knowledgeable. Maybe you can find a similar type of dr in your area. Good luck.
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Actually there are two different drugs that start with oxy. One is oxycontin and the other is oxycodone. Oxycontin is a category B drug. Studies have been done. It's a time release drug which is safer than oxycodone. Oxycodone is released all at once and that makes it more dangerous. I've had four back surgeries b/c I was injured while in nursing school. Then 6yrs later I got pregnant and my dr gave me oxycontin. My son turned out just fine, no health problems at all. At the end of the pregnancy I titrated down as far as possible to make sure he was ok. I just found out I'm pregnant again. I'm going back to the same dr b/c he treats high risk patients. I want to be treated by the most knowledgeable. Maybe you can find a similar type of dr in your area. Good luck.
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I know this post is ancient but I found all information very helpful to my current situation. I thank everyone for taking the time to post this valuable information. I know everyone should "start their own posts" but this way I was able to get the information I was searching for all in one place.
Thank you to everyone who contributed!
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