1888659 tn?1322439115

Can someone please give me some word of encouragement about getting off suboxone??

Can someone please give me some word of encouragement about getting off suboxone?? I have read so many horror stories and I am truly scared out of my mind. Today November 10th I have decided I have had enough of suboxone and I have made up my mind to quit. Tomorrow will be the first day of me taking nothing. As strong as I sound right now give it a few days and I will more than likely be crawling out of my skin. Regardless I have to do this and there's NO turning back!

I would just really like to hear other's stories and maybe just have some online communication therapy along the way.
Anyone willing to post back and forth with me while I am on this journey I would be forever greatful...  I have been on suboxone for 3 straight years never stopping. Before that I was doing oxy's for just about 8 years...

23 Responses
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well you gave it a shot.....you have to understand we have seen people try all kinds of stuff with sub so its kinda like been there done that for us and sub is a very subtle drug it is a powerful narcotic and a lot stronger then people think ......most think well it dont get me high so its probably not that strong....NOT...it is probably the second strongest narcotic to come off from
well at lest you established a low starting point 2mg is good and we have had several members jump from 2mg after being on it a wile and have little to no withdrawals.......sub is funny like that though you never know how your body is going to react coming off it till you try give yourself a couple of weeks at 2 and then maybe give it a shot or keep drooping till your at crumbs ether way you will still go threw some withdrawals but as a general rule the lower the dose the less sever use this as a learning experience and please trust us as we all want your success just remember you can do this and dont loose site of the prize good luck and God bless,,,,,,,,Gnarly  
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Been on 2 mg of sub since Monday and am just starting to get used to it. I can only hope that everyday that goes by I start to feel better. I truly hope that tapering works for me as I'm at my witts end with the entire process. I guess I just want way to much to fast, and ultimately what I was trying to do is pull off the impossible for me....  I hope that when I come back in a few more days I will feel even better...  Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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1888659 tn?1322439115
So for everyone that said TAPER and I did not listen you were right. After 9 days of taking nothing Saturday night the tenth day I went into full blown withdrawals. I suffered for as long as I possibly could which was until Monday. I took 4 mg of sub to eliminate my immediate suffering and it worked..  I dont want to look at this as a failure because I wanted to do this cold turkey and come out strong drug free and that did not happen. The only good thing that came out of this is that I was able to basically reduce my daily dose down to 2 mg a day.... I am going to stay at 2 mg a day until I feel like a human being again....  Once I am okay and functioning at the 2 mg then I will go down to a 1 mg....  I will NOT be jumping off until I am down to basically crumbs....  I dont even in my life want to experience what I did for the past three days..
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1881798 tn?1339680233
Just want to toss out there that you sound ready to kick this. You have a lot of clean time to look forward to. If u stumble, just get back up.
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1888659 tn?1322439115
So much for having such a great day I broke down and took an entire 8mg sub... I am so MAD at myself right now but maybe that is what i get for puttin that out there earlier that I was having such a great day. So tomorrow I will keep on trucking along like it never happened even though it did. I dont want to spend to much time focussing on the fact that I did a really stupid thing... I put myself in a situation where my stress level went up and I could not handle it. What I have learned from today is dont try to do to much to soon. I feel for me that sticking around the house for about the next four weeks other than going to work is probably the best. Im vulnerable even though I would like to think Im not.
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Today is a good day actually left the house to get my hair done. Granted the I was so cold in there I kept shaking.... I must of apologies to the lady a hunred times. Tomorrow is nails and toes day...  Monday I start work again so Im kind of looking at myself as a new person with a new look and a new look on life. If I get up and get going I am so far better of...  If Im sitting for long that is when I feel very uncomfortable...  If I have one more friend tell me oh it's going to get worse just wait... Its day 8 I cannot imagine I will all the sudden go completely down hill at this point. I am sure I will have bad days but what the hell who doesn't....  These are also friends that are all hooked on PERK 30's... Those seem to be the new thing now. Way before my time and they all thought I was gross snorting 4 oxy 80's a day.. But taking many perk 30's through your day is a better look.........  UGH.
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82861 tn?1333453911
Don't forget about soaking in a hot tub, preferably with Epsom salts.  It seriously helps with the creepy crawlies and RLS.  Temporary, of course, but any relief is welcome.  You're really doing great!
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Day seven! Still pushing on......  Was able to log on and get some work done remotely from home today..  GOD I MISS work. Lord knows they dont need to be seeing me like this.  I am one of those people that thrive at work even though I might be a failure is all other areas of life. The symptoms comes and go. I'll have a few good moments coupled with a few bad ones...  Today the uncomfortable feeling is an inner burning..  An uneasy burning feeling like with my mind telling me go get a sub and take one...  That thought has crossed my mind probably thousand damn times today.  
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Day six and Im am having bouts of wanting to freak out but am able to keep it under control thus far. I am literally just within this hour starting to feel my skin crawling and my shoulders have this restlessness that could possibly push me right over the edge.. I can do this and I will do this.
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Okay day five and Im still feeling okay. Nothing I cannot handle. The word taper for me does not register because if I am taking something I take it in  large quantities and always more than I should. I have never wanted to be off something so badly and Im putting in the work. It has taken ten years but I am there and am jumping in full force. Like I said before even if I take my med as prescribed my body is to the point where I just feel like crap everyday. It does not make me feel better when I take it. Looking forward to day 6.....   Thank you everyone for posting!
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HEY Dude its 1 15 am I work nights just thought I would check to see how your doing I write these fro people to find in the middle of the night I truly hope you dont untill morning but I know all to well how this goes so let this encourage you to keep pushing forward with this and dont loose focus of the prize you will be drug free....now you got some hell in between here and there to go threw but YOU CAN DO THIS if you put your mind to it post when you get a chance to let us know how your doing........Gnarly
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199177 tn?1490498534
You really need to taper yourself preferably with your doctor a taper to take you all of the way down to a crumb of sub .Its going to take time going off 8mgs is going to be H e L L to jump off of   .Llet us know how thing go it may take up to a week before you are in full withdrawl .
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Hang in there your in the beginning of it right now the cloidine patch will help a lot try to find something on tv to watch to get your mind off it your going to drive yourself nuts waking in circles and yes YOU CAN DO THIS we have had members jump from higher  doses and make it its just doing it the hard way but you will survive keep posting for support mabe you will sleep one more night if you lucky hang in there keep posting good luck and God bless......Gnarly
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Day#3 and I finally had to break down and put on a clonidine patch..  I was really hoping I could hold out another day. I really hope I can stick to just the patch and not have to use anything else. Klonopin and Xanax are on standby. I would never take any of it together so I am praying the clonidine is all that I need. Im actually afraid of the other two.. Sounds quite ridiculous being an addict and afraid of a pill. My love affair was only with opiates. Im actuall just now starting to feel the sweats with an uneasy feeling and all I keep repeating to myself is I can get through this. I cannot sit still so walking around the house is all I can do. I thought about taking a walk outside where its cold but if I happen to run into a neighbor I am for sure NOT going to want to stop and talk. So we'll def. stick to the house.
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You sound like you got your head on straight and have prepared as well as you can--good going! I know you can do this---the whole forum does. We just don't think it's a good idea to step off that big a dose, is all. Well, all the best to you, and stay in close contact with us if you need anything or have questions. We are here to help you, today, tomorrow, and always.
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1888659 tn?1322439115
I do thank you for your advice and I will monitor myself very closesly. I have a clonidine patch which was given to me by my doctor. One patch is supposed to last seven days and I have enough for a month. Today was day number two and I have had minimal negative feelings. IM sure withdrawal has not even set in. Im sure come day four I'll be pretty to look at :-). Tomorrow being day three we will see what happens. I have my suboxone if there was ever a point I needed to throw in the towel. I am just trying to take back my life and for some reason or another my mind is made up. Just like I did not think I would ever quit smoking and it's been two months since I last smoked. I thought I would never get to this point. I am an addict and I like drugs. I have to say it because its the truth. Tomorrow the family is coming to stay with me. I do work for a medical company and have all that I need to be checking my vitals. Everyone I talk to on this website has something to teach me! This is the therapy that will get me through the hard times to come over the next two weeks.  
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In an ideal situation, you'd be going to a doctor and saying to them the exact thing you're saying to us. You need careful monitoring by medical professionals. It's a very bad idea to come off cold turkey from your current dose of sub---and dangerous.But if you insist on doing this, here's a little advice in addition to the excellent suggestions you've already been given----watch your blood pressure like a hawk. It can spike so high that people have had strokes with getting off this stuff. You need clonidine handy to keep that B/P in check. You MUST have it on hand---get some before you begin.  I repeat: monitor that B/P. I wish you all the best!
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1888659 tn?1322439115
Call me crazy but for me it's just something I feel I need to do. Even if I take my sub for some reason I still feel sick so at this point for me I am so frustrated and over it. I will do the best that I can do in the next ten days and who know we will see what happens on a daily basis. I really want  to give this a shot no matter what the cost. Im sure in a couple days I'll be a mess but I am willing to deal with it. Im lucky to have my mother, boyfriend and friends all coming by to support....  I have got a clonidin patch to help and Im sure it wont help much but its something.  I do have clonipin and xanax but I have never taken that stuff before so Im kind of afraid of it. I hear it's just as addicting. I wil try my best to stay away from taking them. Just be able to communicate with everyone actually HELPS big time. Because no one around me has ever done drugs and they dont know first hand what I ma going through they can only support in their own way. I am vyer curious to see what day two will bring.  
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I was on 8mgto of suboxone for 2 years, I have detoxed drom herion, methadone, oxy, all cold turkey, the suboxone withdrawal was not near as intense as herion, over 2 weeks I cut down to a quarter a pill then went cold turkey, the withdrawals sucked, the worst is that it lasted 2 weeks, then another2 weeks of mental withdrawal, it was not fun, the withdrawals seemed to never end compared to 5 days from herion, the good news is that although long and painful it is bearable, hot baths, klonopin, valium, or zanax helps a ton but be careful with those, immodium suprisingly helps alot, but nothing takes it all away, you can do it, suboxone *****, get that in your head, convice yourself of that and it helps mentally, good luck
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jumping off at 8 is to high your going to go to the 7 level of hell if you do you need to taper way down sub is a very strong narcotic it is doable but most successful members have done it at 2mg or below 8 is really high sub withdrawals can last weeks at that level this is nothing to mess with taper down some tell them at work you need to ween down then when your low then jump then the 10 days off will work.......Gnarly
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1888659 tn?1322439115
I was gross for 8 years taking probably 4 80mg oxy a day. Then I had just had enough of working so hard to just pay for pills. I have been on subs for  three years now straight. Started on two 8mg a day and now have gotten myself down to one 8mg a day. Even that hurt allot to do. My work is allowing me to stay home for the next ten day to try and get myself off this stuff. I understand its a tall order but I have never in my life wanted something so bad. I have been at my company for over ten years my two bosses know everything about me and support me all the way. I dont make excuses and I own who I am. Day one god only knows what is about to come. You mention counting pills because that is literally what I would do everyday and I would always be checking where they were.... I know ten days is unreastic and Im more than like still going to be ill but I am just hoping I will make it throug the worst of it at home.
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HI WE have had several sucsusful sub storys of people getting off at 2mg or lower with little to know withdrawal sub is a funny drug though you never know how your going to come off it till you do it what mg are you jumping from???? with that I can tell you more.........Gnarly
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   Congrats to getting off sub. I quit sub last sept and feel great off opiate's. The withdrawals from sub tend to be less than that of short acting opiate's but the sub withdrawal tends to last longer. But you can do it and just keep thinking about being clean and not counting pills and planning your life around them.
   How long have you been on sub and how much are you taking, also what are you taking the sub to get off of and how long and how much of that were you taking? Sorry to ask so many questions but it can make a difference on how long the withdrawals last.

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