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Day 2 Hydrocodone/Oxycodone Withdrawl.

I just need an outlet, i need a place that i can tell my story i guess. A place to vent.
Im only 21 years old, and have been taking vicodin for 3 years, or pretty much any opiate like percocet too oxycontin. Anyway, im over the ashamed feeling already, had a big sit down with my family and its out in the open after 3 years of secrecy and guilt. They don't understand exactly what im going through so help from them is out of the question. Ive been taking vicodin because it was a secret way of getting a high. Taking anywhere from 7-10 a day and wasting my whole pay check every week just to support my habit. So here i am on day 2, starting to feel the depression, the constant pain, the boredom! and also the terrible restless legs, i really need to find something to help me with the restless legs, if i can do that i will def. be okay. My will isnt the strongest out there but it is strong enough to understand and fight against the mental fight of this withdrawl. Thinking about vicodin every single day, almost every couple of minutes of the day. I know i cant live with vicodin any longer its just not possible. I just want people who are also going through this struggle to know and realize that yea..right now we feel like we cant live without it, but in a couple of weeks life will be better. We will become stronger from this, we will have to fight this addiction for the rest of our lives. Idk im just rambling, i just want to be a better person, i want to live out my dreams, see the world without worry. I feel like i wont be able to do this until im a "normal" person. Damn vicodin and all opiates, i hate you now and always will. Its the worst thing that happened to me, but i will make up for it, and so will everyone else with this disease.
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Immodium, Theraflu Nite time, and maybe some aspirin or tylenol for aches and pains.  That is the easy part.  The hard part is the test of your will.  Your story is quite encouraging though.  You seem to be fairly motivated.  I"ve been an addict for 16 years, and opiates are the one thing that I just could not quit.  Just keep talking on here, if you get the urge, and don't answer your phone when "whoever" calls trying to sell you pills.  Just stop and think about it for 5 mins.
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im on day four im 23 and have been using oxys for 3 years Ive quit 7 times twice with subboxone in the past im going cold turkey now and have been using 160 mg oxy per day im cold sweating headaches diaareah nasue anxiety and of course the tour de force the aches, my body feels as if a half dozen men beat the **** out of me with baseball bats. Im going crazy and am so close to relapsing as i can have pills  in 2 minutes at any time of day. right n ow i promissed my friend whos going through this with me that i would wait untill he picks me up in 40 minutes before making any dumb decsions hopefully one of you or him can help  (I appologize for all the grammer and spelling mistakes i cant really think)
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oh boy they def. do take over us..its terrible..im doing better..its just my legs that are bothering me but i actually went out yesterday and played some handball..skated around..so that was good...and wishful..i took them cause i was depressed wtih my life at the time..misery...and ofcourse to get high..it was like a secret way to do it..no one can notice it..u look the same..so thats what got me hooked on it.
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1303537 tn?1317800741
congratulations on stopping on your own! you can do it! it definately is a struggle, i am day 64 and i still feel like crap sometimes! it is something we always will struggle with and face for the rest of our lives! i was also using for 3 years and im a 22 yr old female. U can do this, i know you can, i can tell in your message u mean it! congrats on telling the family im sure that was hard! why did u start taking them in the first place? just to feel high? were u depressed? i was, thats why i started taking them
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Hey Dude, Shelli here; i posted this morning my account of 8 days going through w/d of hydrocodone (Vicodon) and tramadol - in fact that is similar to the title of the post.  You can read it if you like - I hope it helps you.  I used the Thomas recipe and spent a lot of time in bed, punctuated with brief episodes of kicking my own butt out of bed and moving around a bit.  I am getting progressively better.  I am naturally impatient and wish I had more energy NOW, but I look how far I have come in 8 days, and I rather impressed with myself!!  lol...

Those freakin' pills come to own us and have their way with us, don't they?????

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I've been there done that. The best way to get through it is to trick yourself that you are just sick. One week that all it takes. I know DAMM those dirty little pills. Its messed up that something that makes you feel so good can make you feel equally as bad.... You don't need any neagtive **** now just the good stuff. If you have it in your budget go out and get fresh fruit and lots of juice some tylanol Pm or benadryl both can help w/ sleep. leg aches will unfortunatly hang on the longest keep writing in that did me a lot more good than anything. remember You can get back on thoes things faster than you would believe.... Swear them off at all costs. I am 3 day into my second tim quiting i SHOULD KNOW IT JUST STARTS AS A LITTLE RAZ-MTAZ , Then you are back to the daily now Im going through it all over again... You can do it...
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753324 tn?1457819192
Try tonic water lots of it for the rls.It tastes like ****,but its not too horrible w/juice(im using cranberry).I used  the hylands in the past with ok results .And your right do something anything.Potasium is suppose to be good too(bananas),And a wide spectrum multi vit.and mineral blend. 3 days and your not too bad??thats great.
              good luck and keep it up
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i dont know what vitamins you can take..but im doing this without anything to help me...except that hylands restless leg relief..but that doesnt help much..its my 3rd day..and im not doing too bad..im just jump and my LEGS AHHHH i need to go to the park..do something.
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I have been taking loratab10's for almost 5yrs. Now.I am so tired of these things taking over my life!I went through a 3 mon. period about 2yrs ago trying to get off of them by taking methadone.the withdrawals from that was more than I could handle so I began slowly taking the pills again and now I am taking 80 to100 mg.a day.this is terrible and I hate myself for it.it's taken over my life to the point where all I think about is when I can take another pill to feel better.can someone out there please help me so that I can get through the withdrawals a little bit easier?what vitamins can I take to help?thanks!d.shai!!!!
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I have been taking loratab10's for almost 5yrs. Now.I am so tired of these things taking over my life!I went through a 3 mon. period about 2yrs ago trying to get off of them by taking methadone.the withdrawals from that was more than I could handle so I began slowly taking the pills again and now I am taking 80 to100 mg.a day.this is terrible and I hate myself for it.it's taken over my life to the point where all I think about is when I can take another pill to feel better.can someone out there please help me so that I can get through the withdrawals a little bit easier?what vitamins can I take to help?thanks!d.shai!!!!
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thanks guys =D lol linkin park! only the first 3 albums =P
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753324 tn?1457819192
I hear you on the "DONE" thing.I,m so damn over that ****.Music does help, ive been jammin out to some Godsmack and LP:). I agree w/StillLost about the meeting.I just got back from my second one.I wish i would have dragged my *** there a long time ago...Good luck man if there's anything i can do hit me up!!
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Yo im the same age, and when i went through oxycotin and opium(tar) w/d my legs got like that too...i dont know what people say about it, but i just walked biked/leg lifts and used my body as much as i could til i was dead tired and just fell asleep, they still ache...but when your that tired you dont care as much, plus it makes you think they are just sore from working out and that made it easy for me to deal with. after awhile it stopped. I feel the same as you, i want to to see the world clear with no fear.
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yea you do have a good point there..idk right now im thinking about it..i figured i would go when i move to florida in a week..im not gonna be in nyc much longer so yea..=/
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Hey, you said in response to my comment, "im gonna go (referring to NA) if it gets really bad" Don't wait! Don't let it get really bad, even if you're only going for preventative reasons, I think it will help you in the long run. Maybe by going now, you won't have to experience it getting really bad. I don't know, just a thought, best of luck to you!
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Thank you freenclean for sayin i can message you..really cool =D...idk..today ive just been listening to so much music..trying to get my mind off of it and it works...i did buy the hylands rls thing..and took 3..helps out decently....but yea music..really helps me for some reason...tribe called quest..woot lol..idk i guess im taking this alot better than i should be..and trust me i was up to about 80-100mg a day...@ the big..i do plan on going to meetings soon..as soon as i get to florida..im gonna live right across the street from a swimming pool so im def. going to start swimming alot..being more active with my life..work out! learn to fight..jiu jitsu...soon enough...this is my 2nd time going through withdrawl..last time i relapsed about a month into it..sigh..this time tho..im done with it..DONE..thank you all =D..tomorrow is another day..and im def. gonna post how im feeling then..i hope people who are taking vicodin and think its not a big deal do read this and all of our posts..stop while you ahead please...illcheck in soon! tytytytytytyty<333
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hey aesthetic what vicki said about the hylands restful legs works your gonna have to take about 4 of them about an hour b4 bed also melatonin at gnc its 8 bucks and it will help with the sleep and the legs thrashing hylands you can get a walmart its 4 bucks eat alot of bananas it will help i know you wont feel like it but take a brisk walk even if its around the block that will help more than you know you can do this your about half way through the real bad stuff then it starts to get better and when you come out on the other side your gonna say wow this is cool i like life again i will add you to my very long prayer list take care and God bless if you need to talk message me im always around and willing to help any way i can Free...
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753324 tn?1457819192
Hey man i,m on day five of the same $hit.This is the forth time for me and by far the easiest....well i wont say anything to the effect of easy,But WAY more bearable. But im doing things this time i havnt done in the past.First let me say I went to the ER.If you have no money or insurance they still HAVE to see you,they DONT have to help you for stuff like this. In fact the DR I saw was a complete ***.But after telling him i was addicted and wanted and needed help he came around.He RXd me colonodine(sp) and xanax for the anxiety(the worst part for me).I have to say its only been mild to mostly moderate since I started taking it.Also i started the thomas recipe on day2.Ive only drank Tonic water mixed cranberry juice, and gatorade.( I heard that tonic has the same **** in it as the hylands restfull legs stuff which i have used in the past w/ok results..My rls has been mild at worst....GET YOUR *** UP AND MOVE....I know how hard it is,but after you do it a few time you know you'll feel better,and it starts to get easier.I had to literally yell out load to myself the first few times.(I've been swimming).I have to go to a meeting but i'll be back in a few hours and check in.OH u should try to do that also.(go to a meeting).I
. went to my very first one last night.It gave me some "hope"somthing i havnt had in a while.helps w/head stuff,and you damn sure have nothing to lose.Thats the way i looked at it.Good luck hang in there.
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i hear u man..im actually moving to florida in about 2 weeks..but i do plan on looking for a place out there to join like an NA ..only if it gets really bad..but i probably will need to do that sooner or later..and yes..it does suck at our age..everyone is out and partying while we r home feeling terrible..woo
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I agree the hyland's restless legs works really well. Congrats on stopping, I am the same age and addicted to oxycontin. I have tried to stop many times, but when I was doing it on my own and with my own will I only lasted a few weeks or month. "white knuckling" it as they call it. So, what I am getting at is do you have plans for getting a support system and doing something for your sobriety for long term? For instance an addiction therapist or AA or NA. Those are places where you can vent, tell your story, and it is with people who are going through the exact same experience as you, all on different stages of their recovery. People who are at the same place as you and then people with long term sobriety that can help you, give advice, guide you through stayin sober. Are you open to going to meetings? If your family can't help you, then I'd say it's probably important to be doing something where you can go and get help and be around people who know what you're going through. It's even harder at our age, at least for me, because all my friends are partying and doing drugs, drinking, going out every night. When I am trying to get sober and I hang around them all day, my sobriety never wins. But if I have a place to go and at least balance ( if you're not willing to cut your friends out, which I am not because they have been my best friends since I was young and don't use drugs like an addict, just party like a normal 20 year old does, I know some people will disagree with this though) so if I can balance seeing my friends and having a place to go where people are sober and understand what i'm going through I usually have a better chance at staying sober.
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Thanks alot guys...yea i think i have to be more active..maybe take my longboard and and go skating, its hard tho cause my back feels really weak but im going to try...been laying down all day. Im gonna go to the pharmacy and look for that RLS stuff...hate it hate it hate it..
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Okay good !!!  You've got the right attitude. You have to HATE that crap !!!

Get some : Hylands Restfull Legs for the RLS. It's at Walgreens,Walmart...


Nyquil without the decongestant. It,also helps the restlessness and insomnia

Force a lot of fluids and juices

Take multi Vits and chelated cal/mag supplement

Protein driks

We're here...post anytime!!

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you know what dude, I feel ya, im on day 4 right now, for the legs you need to get a potassium supplement or eat a bunch of bananas, do you have insurance?? so you can go to ur docs and get something for depression, if not, go to vitamin store and get 5-htp, it helps with the mood, as for the boredom, u need to take a walk and get things moving in ur system, another way thats helped me is I went out and got a big jug to put change and money in, get one and write on the outside of it the name of a toy that youve always wanted (boat, motorcycle) I am constantly putting change and bills in there all the time, just cuz I refuse to give it to the dealer or pharmacist, hope some of this helps, hang in there, I am with no support system but this board
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