2333944 tn?1342912367

Hydrocodone addiction

I never thought I'd be writing this.   I have never done drugs or even drank alcohol, prior to going on hydrocodone about four years ago for my very bad knees.   I am 65 years old.  My doctor prescribed me 120 per month.   I usually only took two a day, sometimes 3, but I got to the point, if I didn't have some with me at all times, I felt panicky.  I didn't even have to take one....I just had to have them..."just in case".   I found my self liking them and taking them because they made me feel "happy"....like I could go out and get some work done.   However, recently I broke out in a very bad rash.   Also my throat was feeling swollen.   I quit them.   My husband had some tramadol so I took one twice a day for a couple of days....and I thought..."this is fine...this is no biggy....it isn't as good as the hydrocodone, but it helps with my desire to take it.   Then I did a search on Tramadol and found out it is a synthetic opiate too.  So yesterday morning, I took one but no more, and I am through with those too.

I had a horrible headache last night and ended up taking some ibuprofen which didn't help a lot but I got to sleep.   This morning I feel horrible.   The pain in my knees isn't so bad, but I feel like going to bed and staying there.  I feel tired and nauseated.  

I guess what I want to know is...how long will this last?   I have been drinking lots of water and what little I have eaten has been good food...no junk.   My husband is here to help me, so I at least have help and moral support.   Thanks for any further info.   I will also be reading the forum to find out all I can.
18 Responses
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2333944 tn?1342912367
I took a tylenol when I went out to do my evening chores.    Littlebit, isn't that something about the swallowing?!   I never in a million years thought it was connected to my hydro use.   A few days ago, my husband I went somewhere and he wanted to stop and get a hamburger.  I told him I'd split one with him because I had such a problem swallowing food that I could hardly eat.   I couldn't believe it....that is was almost gone.   That alone is worth everything to me.   I was worried about it being a tumor, but my husband has been out of work for almost a year due to an injury...and I don't have insurance and really couldn't afford to go to the doctor (oooh, I made the exception for the hydros) to see about it until he gets his settlement.  The only slip up I've had is a couple of sips of Pepsi Cola.
(I gave that up too).   I felt so down, I thought it might make me feel better, and it did, a little, I think, but that is really off limits now too....just not as critical as the pain pills.
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Mary, I wanted to say great job!  Keep it up and soon you will feel like a new person.  I also wanted to say it is amazing what we learn here.  I was having problems swallowing sometimes.  As I read your post..I realized I do not have it anymore.  Just did not make the connection.  I had severe reflux and although I know I had it before the pills...It is so much better now.  Just had a duh!  moment.  Thanks for sharing.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hey Mary, I too was originally prescribed for bad knee and bad shoulder! When I was withdrawing, My whole body seemed to hurt! I had pains where I didn't even think I had skin! LOL I think it may just be your mind telling you to take a pill! Stay strong! It will hopefully pass! But, keep an eye on it and if it gets worse or not better in a few days check with your Doctor! Good luck!!
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Aches and pains are a part of your WD's.  It will feel like the flu for a few days but after 4 the worst is over.  You will still battle the anxiety, lack of energy, aches and pains etc, but they will begin to get better and better each day.  Keep up the great work!  You have made the right choice in getting your life back and I can hear it in your words.  Congrats!  
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2333944 tn?1342912367
Thank you, Sonrissa.  I have a question about back aches.   I have never hurt my back, but all day today, if I am out of bed for very long, my lower back hurts.    Is this part of the withdrawal too?   I was originally prescribed the hydros for bad knees but never had any issues with my back.   I am hoping this is temporary.   It dawned on me that my body may be accentuating every little ache and pain, hoping I will give in.   I've got news....I won't.   I'm done.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi Mary, it sounds like you are doing very well! Congrats on you clean time! It gets better day by day! Keeping moving really helps! I also drink some high protein, low sugar drinks for energy! It really does help! Ensure makes them and you might want to check them out! You have such a great and positive attitude! All the very best! Keep moving forward! Keep posting your success! Take care!
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2333944 tn?1342912367
Thank you for the kind words, and I hope this time will be the time that you make it.   I don't think I was using to the extent that many people who are addicted do, but still managed to become addicted.  I still don't feel really good, but not sick to my stomach any more....just kind of dragging.   I am up and down all day....get up, do a little, lay down, get up and go do something else, lay down.   The hydros made me feel like I could work.   I could take one and go outside work for 4 or 5 hours.   It just made me feel "happy".  
I'm not "unhappy" now, just kind of blah.   It has helped so much reading this forum and I thank you all.   I see what this could become.   I used to rationalize that I didn't have to quit.   When I broke out in a terrible rash and my throat felt like it was closing up....which, actually had happened some months ago, but I thought it was something else....I knew I was doing much more harm to myself than good.   And the issue with my throat....I had difficulty swallowing...is almost completely gone.  I would be able to swallow food, but past my throat, it would sort of hang up.   I never connected that to hydrocodone, but after just a week off of it....that is improved 90%.    To me, that's a small miracle.  
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2127868 tn?1346093098
Mary, congrats on choosing a pill free and addiction free life. I will tell you first hand that hydrocodone ruined my life. It started with a few vicodin here n there ( 8 yrs ago) then i got bumped up to norco 10-325, then tramadol, then eventually oxycodone and methadone... And as embarrassed i am to say eventually my opiate addiction made me a heroin addict.  So you have no idea how refreshing it is for me to hear about someone gettin clean. I am trying again this time.. Its been day 4 for me with no dope.  Im feeling horrible. A bit better today but still bad. Im 32 yr old, im a mom too :(  keep up the great work mary.
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2161407 tn?1337538702
Sounds like you are on a positive journey forward. Congratulations.  Many of us became dependent as a result of an injury and chronic pain.  When they stop doing their "thing" we take more or more powerful narcotics.  You recognized your need to be free of them.  And now you are on the path to a clean and happier life.  I'm 58 and have been sober for over a month after 7 years of abuse.  My mom was hooked on opiates as a result of a serious spinal condition and at 75 she said...the hell with this.  I'm sick of feeling "drugged".  She quit cold turkey and lived her remaining 15 years dealing with her pain in other ways.  Sounds like your attitude is  perfect.  We'll support you as you continue on.  I, too, was a first thing in the morning pill popper.  Took me a good 3 weeks to break the habit of reaching for them.  Having none available along with the good people of this forum, saved my life!
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2333944 tn?1342912367
I'm not taking anything now for knee pain.   I took hydrocodone for about five years.   Sometimes two or three a day....rarely four.   I was prescribed 120 a month and always had some left over.   I haven't had one for a week now.   I feel better today and slept last night...although I didn't sleep at all the two nights previous.   I am taking vitamins, drinking lots of water and eating right.

I have an anti-inflammatory to take but I haven't even taken that in awhile because I was concerned about some stomach pains I had with it, even though I took it with food.

I started on a diet about two weeks ago to lose 45 lb.   Well, not a diet per se, but eating right...and less.  So this goes along with my plan to get healthy.   I still want to take a hydrocodone....it's my first thought when I get up in the morning, but they are out of the house...and I am not going to get any more.  
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Hi Mary- How many pills did you take per day for all those years?

It sounds like you're doing just fine but don't work too hard, okay? This first week, while detoxing, be very gentle with yourself. Lots of fluids, eat protein and beef up on the vitamins and minerals!

What will you take now for knee pain? Does Motrin work?
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2333944 tn?1342912367
Thanks very much.   I knew I was dependent on them about three years ago when I would get very irritable in the mornings until I had my pill.  

I am doing better today, even though I didn't sleep all night.  I finally dozed off about 7 a.m. and slept until 9 a.m.   I don't feel all that bad though.   I don't feel good....but I was able to do laundry.    Last evening when I was taking care of my animals (live in country have chickens, horses, donkeys, etc.), I really wanted a pill because that is when I take one, just before I go out to do my chores.   I had to drag myself out there, but once I got out there and got to work, I felt better.   However, half way through I had to go back in the house and lay down for 20 minutes, but I went back out and finished.    So I am breaking my work down in increments and taking it easy most of the time.   Even though I don't feel terrific physically, my frame of mine is much better today and that is what I really care about the most.

Thank you all for you encouragement and this forum.   So many people have it much worse than me, and I appreciate all I am learning because I think it will help me stay away from them from here on out.   I plan to have some dental work done in about a month, and I am going to tell my dentist no narcotics.   I will tell him that I had a problem with them and don't want anything that might become habit forming.
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Mary, welcome and congratulations on your decision.
You have made the best choice in your recovery process in posting on this forum. I am 17 days clean, but without the forceful nudging of my wife I would have been to prideful to ever sign up here. I have no doubt in my mind I would have failed if ir weren't for the fabulous souls on this site, who OH YEAH, are just like us.
There is so much support and help on this site, you will be simply amazed.
Keep posting and reading.
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2120911 tn?1350922661

Selfinduced 's  gated view is correct.

Shame?  cmon.

...if anybody is given opiates around the clock for over a month will develop physical dependency for sure....

A certain part of the population will develop a psychological dependency...
(ME)  add to that..I liked the high to be honest, who wouldnt want a pill to make life seem all warm and fuzzy?

But I am the type if given alcholol or opiates I will abuse them. My sister who is closest genetically...hates them..but loves her weed.Go figure,,,

You will be fine...

hot baths,

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You are not stupid at all, wish my mom had the sense you are showing as she died hooked on pills. Sounds to me you are doing everything right. We seem to take shame in the fact that we became dependent on pills . Shouldn't be that way.These pills are tricky and can pull us in before we know what hit us. Know that we know better, we do better. Not only do you sound like you are losing the pills , but improving your health all the way around. YAY for that. Don't get to overwhelmed ,keep reaching for your goals and you will come out on top. Keep posting for more support. xx
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2333944 tn?1342912367
Thank you for your encouragement.    About a week ago, I decided to go on a diet to lose 45 lb.   I was tired of feeling crappy all the time and wanted to get the weight off my knees.   I gave up sugar, all sodas...diet and otherwise, and started eating healthy foods.   Then over the weekend, I got a rash and had noticed my throat felt swollen.   That was a wake up call.   I took Tramadol for two days...before I realized what it was....so quit that too.   So I have given up "just about everything"...all at once...but I know I will be better for it.

I have been riding my exercise bike 3 times a day.   It doesn't hurt my knees as much as walking, and though I can only stay with it for 10 minutes or so because I feel so fatigued, I am going to try and increase a little every day.   When I feel okay for a minute, I get up and try to do a little and then I lay down again.   I am going to try Thomas' recipe.   It sounds like something I need, because I haven't been taking very good care of myself...just relying on the hydro to make me feel better, and I realize how stupid that is!

Thank you again.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi Mary, welcome to this forum! You will find tons of support and advice here! Lots of smart and caring people here! I can not add much to what Selfinduced has said! Just keep posting with any concerns or questions you may have! You can and will get through this! Probably just a few more days of not feeling good! Everyone is different and hopefully the physical symptoms will ease soon!  Take care and make sure you stay well hydrated and eat good food as you are doing! Take Immodium for bathroom issues, it really helps with other things as well! Mild exercise, just some walking will help! Take care and I wish you all the best! Stay with us!
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You are going to be fine. The headache is w/d from the lack of opiates and the swollen throat is also a symptom. Know you will have a few more days of feeling uncomfortable, but then each day you'll feel better. Have you looked up the thomas recipe? Also take as many hot baths to ease the anxiety and muscle pain if you have it. Drink warm teas (sleepy time ones) to relax you. You have made a very wise decision. These pills will only lead to disaster and be harder to kick as time goes on. You can do this, I promise.
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