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Does anyone have a question

Hey guys, I was able to post this morning, but I figured I would take this spot and allow anyone and everyone to use it as an open forum to ask questions and not worry about breaking the thread.  So, if you have a question, ask it?? Good luck to all of you and in the words of our own "forum leader"

"Keep an angel on your shoulder"

124 Responses
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is it possible to test positive in your urine for cocaine, if you are around people for about 20 minutes, that are smoking it in a small area?
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Hey Doc,

I realize that this post is probably a little too late and I apologize. My profession now keeps me away from home and e-mail access for sometimes 2 to 3 weeks at a time.

Here is my advice for what it may be worth. If the board decided that rehab was necessary then it was not only for you but for thier purposes. They want to dot thier I's and cross thier T's as well. I hope that all went well with the board. The way that I see it is that rehab is the discovery part, the education part of our addiction if you will. FGor me, it made me understand why things happended the way they did and what precipitated the whole addiction. I came to understand the disease. I was also put in touch with reality and I was helped in setting my goals for the rest of my life.

In short, it was, for me, a necessary course of events to put everything into persepective. The follow-up or after care was to support and build on what the rehab had put in place. I refer to the A.A. and N.A meetings that I attend. It's all good. If it's a stigma issue then that will pass in time. I had to fight that demon as well. I can remember my precious wife telling the group in a meeting in rehab, "We don't belong here, he is not a druggie or dope addict." Boy did that hit home and hard. The truth is, I was and am an addict, a recovering one now with 14 months of sobriety and a lifetime ahead. One day at a time. Although my wife has been and still is very supportive, she cannot sit and watch me post on this forum. She cannot handle the pain of the stories here. For her it only brings back the memories of the extreme pain of watching everything in my illustrious career disappear. I hope and pray that this will pass in time.

From the healing standpoint which I know you understand, think of it as a terminal healing process. Dont read more into that statement than what was said. Take the course of action offered to you or ordered to you and make the best of it. We are all faced with making the best of what we have left in our lives, after the destructiveness  of the addiction, which by most accounts is quite a lot. LIFE IS GOOD AFTER ADDICTION! You will see. Remember, what was or is in the past no matter how recent, is just that, in the past. The rest is ahead. Think of it as having one up on every one else. You know the mistakes and destruction in that area, now take the lessons learned from it and capitalize on what's ahead.

Doc, we are here for you, everyone of us. It truly only gets better. I will continue to pray for you and your family for complete healing and growth. "Eye has not seen nor ear heard nor entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love him."

In His Love, JR.

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Congratulations on how well you've done! I don't see what more rehab could have to offer you, other than to satisfy the board's bureaucracy??? But I'm not in the medical profession, so I don't know. I wanted to wish you the best of luck though and say great job, hang in there, you're doing your part. Also post this on the top question from today and you'll get more answers, as many don't check questions down lower. Hang in there and I'll send a prayer your way.
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Well I'm not an expert on the subject, but I was always under the impression that rehab was only necessary for those going through withdrawls and to get them through those first few weeks of sobriety. It sounds like you're doing an excellent job with your current regimen and I congratulate you. I would say that you are not a candidate for rehab.
So you are a doctor? Not to sound like a downer, but I couldn't imagine having the access that you have to these drugs. I'd be in big, big trouble. The nursing profession has always interested me, but I will not even think of entering the field because I would not want to be under this kind of temptation day in and day out. Good Luck to you.
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I've posted here before. I got good advice so please lend me some more... I will be facing the board this Friday for my addiction. I took 10-15 5mg vicodin everyday for 1.5 years. They may want me to go to rehab! I have been clean for 50 days, no bad withdrawls, I have been to 5 NA meetings a week for the last 50 days and to 2 group therapy sessions every week for the last 50 days for recoverying Dr.'s. My question is this: Is rehab totally necessary for recovery, or can NA and group therapy  be my rehab?  I will be checking for replys soon.....thanks for your support.
"Take my will and my Life and show me how to live"

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Yes the F-ing heat is depressing.
Do you think any of your state of mind is affected by your detoxing? Are you still on that path for the time being? I think I'm just getting more crazy the more "Sober" I become.

I know what you mean about all the sh*theads who think that their problem is the most important thing at the time.. Hell, the brownshirts at THIS Gov't agency expect us to ask "How high" when they say "jump". We remind them from time to time who's REALLY in control here by taking away Internet priveledges around lunch and the last hour before shift changes when people start getting lazy. Sometimes we create a report of what webpages an individual was happily surfing, and quietly e-mail it to that individual with a question to the effect of, "How does researching (________) help you with your job?"....

Yes... If I were independantly wealthy, I'd quit and become a Monk or something of that nature.... But, REALLY, the heat here is making all of us midwesterners just a bit whacky right now..... Just all a little unbalanced.

Muchos GRANDE deintes!
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when dilbert cartoons aren't funny anymore, i mean when wally is
my role model....well who in their right mind wouldn't want to
just walk away? at my work place, i deal with a constant stream
of primo-donna's (spelling) who's research is always the more im-
portant than anyone else's time. i'm just a grunt with social problems (i aspire to low goals), and a good deal of the time i am treared like an unperson....

lucky for me (and you i hope) we have lives beyond our jobs. when
they asked me in fourth grade what i would probably be doing as
an adult, i saud i would probably have to have a job. when they
asked me, don't you want to have a an exciting job that really
made a difference? i said no, i'ld just rather not have anthing to do with work or "them."

see i really don't mean to sound hostile (sorry if i did) i'm
just depressed. it's monday and 95* out there. and all this
"stuff" that doesn't work, i must deal with right now.

you know i like to think of it as emotionally outgrowing the need
for work. i told my boss that...heasked me if i'ld economically
outgrown the need for a job

keep an angel on your shoulder
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your awesome!!! always answering my posts, yea, I used meth the last 3 days and then got rid of whatever I had left.  Personally, anything after 3 days is too much, thats my outlook, I don't want to become addicted to the meth, you know??  I figure I will have a couple of days of mild withdrawals and then it will be a mental battle........... Well, I hope all is well. keep posting, PLEASE!!!

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Hi gwh. Did you start the meth? Is it working, and did you completely quit the OCs? I know you can do it this time. Let us know when the catalog comes out. You should be really proud! That's great. See, life is taking you in new directions already. Anyway, I'd love to see it. Hang in there, you sound better already. Once the fog is gone, you'll be unstoppable.
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I saw a couple that resembled what I remember in the picture you sent, thats all. I thought it was you, anyway, I guess your right about the weed, it really depends on the severity, but people can definitely become complacent when smoking all the time.......
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you sent me a picture........
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ok, well that definitely got my attention..................so????????????
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i have to ask...how can you "swear" that you saw me at richardson's when you have no idea what i look like?  no, i wasn't there - we don't go all the time.

i agree about pot, except when it takes over someone's life and makes them numb and unable to move forward.  i think it can stagnate you...you can get so unmotivated.  anyway, i'm glad smoke stak is here...i think he could get a lot out of this place.
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No negativity, O.K.?

You are a pretty damned Smart and Compassionate guy the way you reach out to all the Newbies here.... Just because I can't manage my time worth a **** doesn't mean I'm ignoring you! I'm just another junkie like all the rest here... I hope I can get my head together and start living like a HUMAN, because I NEVER have in the past! This whole sobriety thing to new to me, and the Booze and Drugs were there to calm my insecurities and fears, now I'm just having to deal with life on it's OWN terms.. Really F-Ing scary!

The strange thing is that I just want to walk away from my proffession now! Just drop everything and go back to what I REALLY love. [Writing and Playing guitar in local bands] Yes, I was a touring midwestern "Hair-band" 80's era Metal guitarist from the ages of 17-25. It didn't pay enough, so I went to college, and here I am making pretty good money and hating what I do now... Before I was sober, I LOVED my job. Good money to pay for all my Booze and drugs... What could be better? Now it is SO LIMITING! I'm stuck here 10-12 hours per day, and most weekends.... Oh well, just have to work it all out!

So, everybody.... What do Skipper and I do?

Aw, ****, I'd better not say.... Doesn't sound like you want the forum to know! It would spoil the mystery around the persona...

Here's a clue: We both work for an Agency that has a three-letter abbreviation... That's all I'm going to say for now!

Hows your life treating you, Skip?

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Whats up smoke stak, its good to have comic relief, and I agree, I think pot is the one drug that should be excepted. Many people may disagree but seriously, its the one drug that you can leave without a real physical withdrawal and it doesn't interfere the way opiates do.  anyway, good luck I hope all is well

Groovy, sounds like you have a great friendship with Smoke Stak, he sounds like a fun guy. I hope your doing well, and I wasn't going to say anything, but I have to ask, were you at Richardsons this weekend?? I could have swore I saw you..................

Skipper, stop feeding into that negative bullshit...... first and foremost, your a person, not a drug addict, and your a person with extreme warmth and compassion to help others!! And if I were local I would meet up for a cup of coffee whenever you wanted.!!

As a side note, I can't tell you all how much physical activity can help motivate to stay sober.  My brother has helped me by really gearing me towards training in the gym.  Dedicating myself to that will take a lot of time, strength, and mental toughness, but I will do it, I can't wait to move out of the fog and into the clear day, I feel like I"m in a daze......... Point being, get up, get out and move around, it will help, I promise........... Another question was, how many people would meet others within this forum? I'm always curious as to how confidential people like to be.......

I swear this is the last thing, but something that helped my self confidence this weekend........... I get to go to NY in 2 weeks, I got picked for the Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly magazine!!! too funny, my family is already making fun of me, but anyway, it was a weird kind of boost for my self confidence.

I hope all is well, and please keep posting.

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you can blow smoke up everyone else's butts, but not mine...hahah

when you feel like you're in a very truthful mood, just let us know.  xo
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skipper thanks for the kind words, i appreciate your kindness...

groovy...it is sunday night, i wish you would call me...i had a great weekend around the pool...yes, i smoked a bunch of pot, ate way too much, and got a bit more of a tan... its all good thou...am i expected to talk about my "so-called" pot problem here, or can i just tell you how much of a great weekend i had..

lastly groovy, i dont drink, i dont do drugs, i even hate tylenol...so let a single, successful guy have his weed...damn i can remember when you smoked weed, hey wait a minute, i can't remember, weed makes me very forgetful... hehehe

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Well, from kip's email address it looks like he's at a university, but hell I don't know what he does. Have to admit geology does sound pretty dull, but only because I know absolutely nothing about it. So 'fess up, which is it?
Skip, you're too quick and funny to be putting yourself down so stop it, now!
Hope everyone's having a great weekend and those of you detoxing are as comfortable as possible. I went to the lake yesterday, where it proceeded to rain most of the day but we stayed anyway.

Tomorrow's my three month anniversary and it's amazing I feel so much better than I thought I would at this point! Question: I ran out of tyrosone. Do I still need it? Took the last one yesterday, and although I was taking a low dose, I still wonder if it's continued to help with my mental state. Any suggestions, anyone?
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i really doubt if either, but i'd have to say b.  i do not think you live near the univ of neb.  hey, who knows.  geologists are not necessarily sci fi junkies.  i'm more into the gothic era, and not the snotty nosed kids of today.  i love the romatic era with shelby, byron,etc...
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i vote "c."
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my vote:  a
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Hey.... I don't think you're unsavory! You just calm down, now, Ya hear? You know damned well that our industry makes us seem Dull..... But, we are in fact: Sci-Fi Junkies as well as "junkies" of one sort or another. I'd wager 16.2% of my hourly pay for a factor of .356 times our workweek actual hours that 80% of respondants would correctly Identify ME with our line of work other than YOU......

Dare me?!

O.K. Smart Forum.... Skipper has bet me, Jessesarpy, that you guys (The Rest of the Forum), will guess our Mutual Proffesion.

One of the following statements are, indeed, factual about the nature of "Skip/Kip's" line of work shared by the one who calls himself "Jessesarpy"----

A.) Both Skip, and Jessesarpy are professors of Geology on the staff the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

B.) Both Skip and Jessesarpy are personnel at the I.S. Departments Overseeing a vast computer network.

"A" or "B", which is it?

PLease submit your vote!
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todays saturday! tomarrows sunday. you hear about the shipyards
on monday...good! you know you will do just fine at the shipyard
interview! don't worry about pissing in bottles....you have been an
addict long enough to go everywhere/anywhere drugs (hydromorphone)
can take you. put some of that existential cool on, and wait for
the results....make it as easy as listening to cannonball Adderly..

hey i'm praying you'll get what you need... beyond that i'm praying
you'll want the things ya' need...

must take nap as i'm going to hear Dave Alvin tonight...

keep an angel on your shoulder
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I had already written the update before I got your post.  Next time, I have personal problems, I'll email.  Thanks, and let me know if you have any advice.    Angst
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