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HELP! Im in Hell coming off Lyrica!! Has anyone on here ever got off it?

I am having a hell of a time w/d off Lyrica! It is horrible! I was on it for my dental pain and decided to get off of it b/c I gained almost 30lbs in 2 months and its not really helpful! I have read on many other forums about how bad it is to come off Lyrica, it takes a long time. I only saw in one forum that it took 3 to 4 months of w/d. I read a lot of people's stories that they dealt with the withdrawals for 2 to 3 weeks and couldn't take it anymore and got back on the Lyrica b/c the w/d are so bad! I agree, I am going through the same thing! Iv'e been off the Lyrica for 2 weeks now and nothing is better! I feel like I have the full blown flu, achy, joints hurt, can't sleep, nightmares, headache that doesnt go away, very bad GI problems, body temp is messed up, no appetite, lethargic, low grade fever, weak, night sweats every night,etc. I know what its like to w/d from the strongest pain med in the world,(fentanyl) and detoxed off high dosed of Norco and Loratab 10s. Those w/d were really bad, especially the fentanyl but, ended eventually. This Lyrica w/d is hell! I can't do anything. I fell like this will never end. I refuse to get back on the Lyrica but, I also need my life back! I knew taking Lyrica you would have some w/d but, I had no idea it would be this bad and this long! I can't believe no one on medhelp has ever talked about it b/c Lyrica w/d is all over other medical forums and, its all about how bad and long it is and how no one can handle it! There has to be someone on here that got off the drug after taking it reg. for a few months!
Hope someone can help!
Thank you!
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my wife came off lyrica and its a nightmare..nausea every day for 2 months now..and weight gain was crazy..
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Lyrica withdrawal is without a doubt the hardest withdrawal out there. I have come off of 800 mgs of morphine cold turkey I have detoxed off of Benzo and heroin but Lyrica is an entirely new type of monster. Yes, I am successfully off of it. The first thing I did was decide NOT to read the horror stories on the internet because whether we want to or not we tend to make them out own. I was on 300 mgs. A day for over 2 years. I cut my dose in half to 150 for one month before going cold turkey. For me the physical illness was bad particularly the headaches and nausea but it was the emotional withdrawal that I thought would kill me. It was one long unending panic attack. The feelings of impending doom and horror were the worst at night because the insomnia was killer.
Now to answer the initial question and please hear this. The worst of my withdrawal was over in ONE WEEK!! That’s right one week folks. Week two I still had nausea and headaches but the horrible impending doom and confusion and fear and anger was gone!! I felt like a new person. Please think about it in terms of that, ONE WEEK!! You can do anything for one week, it won’t last forever and I will argue straight up with anyone who says it will!! I also managed to care for 2 small children while I went through it.
Trust me baby you got this!! There is definitely life after Lyrica! And the last wonderful thing about getting off of it, the weight I gained (50 pounds) is slipping off! God Bless you all in your journey!! Peace!!
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I've came off of it before I used nerves and gabapentine which the gab I'm still on its perscribed btw but lyrica is hard it is similar to the gab the gab goes straight to the nerve and the lyrica goes to to brain then the nerve or it's visversa ( the other way around) see I've been shot an it caused complete nerve damage in my leg an that's why I get those
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I've came off of it before I used nerves and gabapentine which the gab I'm still on its perscribed btw but lyrica is hard it is similar to the gab the gab goes straight to the nerve and the lyrica goes to to brain then the nerve or it's visversa ( the other way around) see I've been shot an it caused complete nerve damage in my leg an that's why I get those
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I'm reading up on this because I want to stop can't do it cold turkey. I'm going to taper and smoke weed
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Marijauna will help calm you and help you eat and rest
I stopped cold turkey and use cannabis instead... not all cannabis is created equal. Some strains cause me more neuropathic pain, so please do your homework, try it for week before going cold turkey. So far 2weeks and no withdrawal symptoms. Good luck!
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To wean of Lyrica, you must do it slowly. The smallest pill size is 25mg, so whatever amount you are taking, ask your doctor to write you a script/prescription for 25mg less than that amount. Take that new amount for a week, then as long as you have tolerated the side effects, reduce again by 25mg the next week. Only reduce by 25mg a week. If you are experiencing side effects wait till those side effects subside before reducing again, even if that means staying on a certain dose for a couple of months. It is certainly possible to get off Lyrica, it's just that you have to do it gradually. When you are finally on the minimum dose of 25mg a day and want to get off it completely, alternate one day on one day off, etc. for a couple of weeks before getting off completely.
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Lyrics Survivors . Amazing support site
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So wat to do to stop daily dosage?? How to start it??hiw to slowly stop taking it
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Trying to stop Lyrica was the worst mistake I've ever made. And I've made some doozy's. I knew nothing about stopping it. My doctors knew nothing. Pfizer(manufater) has provided little or no information. They got caught with their pants down. Lyrica is their prodigal child. They've already made billions of $$ off it,at our expense. They are aware of the severe w/Drawal syndrome people are facing, but do nothing. The capsules available are not consistent with the recommended 10% monthly drop. 150mg, 75mg,50mg,25mg. The drops between these mgs. is to much and causes Withdrawl symptoms to severe. I asked for help from my V.A. Docs, they did not have a clue. In the U.K, their is a liquid available. Pfizer put this on the market for people who can not swallow pills. They have a neurological problem called Dysphagia. Ironically, on day 3 of my taper, I began having difficulty swallowing. I stopped eating. What is prescribed to treat, it causes. I never had tingling in extremities or muscle twitches, I do now. One of the best sources of info & support was found in a Facebook group called" Lyrica Survivors Support Group". I'm there. I also had a very new & terrifying symptom yesterday. It is called, sleep paralysis. From being awake so many nights in a row my sleep cycle was disrupted. This cause sleep paralysis. Mine happend trying to fall asleep. You feel like your smothering, can't breath, can't speak, can't move, and you desperately want to. Fortunately it is not life threatening, just feels that way. My other w/Drawal symptoms (which many share ) are stuffy nose, heart palpitations, racing heart, fear, paranoia, rage, involuntary muscle jerking, difficulty swallowing,eye pain, ringing ears,body parts get pins & needles then go numb, and more. There is tons of info out there but chances are you health care provider doesn't know about anything. It is our responsibility to inform them. You can report it and get other info at RxISK.com.
Also Thepeoplespharmacy.com has a lot of solid info. The best info to be had is by joining the F/B support group. Almost 1400 people from all over the world can't all be wrong. The water titration method seems to offer the best outcome. DO NOT STOP THIS R.X. ABRUPTLY. I made this fatal mistake. It causes a thing called P.A.W.S. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. I tried to stop and had to go back up to a stable dose. Still I suffer & im told it could be awhile. Lyrica is an insidious drug & a CNS drug. It gets in every place there is a nerve in your body. That's why it effects so many systems. When you stop it suddenly, you are in for P.A.W.S. You shock your nervous system and it causes the long drawn out W/Drawal syndrome and there's no turning back. Best wishes for anyone going through this. Pfizer is the biggest of big pharma, the Teflon dons of big pharma. Nothing seems to stick to them. Forget about any help from them or your doctor. To offer help from them is an admission of wrong doing and that won't happen. Losing billions of dollars for Pfizer is just the cost of doing business. Attorneys are totally intimidated by them. Doctors turn away and act like your crazy. I will help anyone, anytime, anyway I can. I'm at the F/B support group.
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I am scared to death, but need to get off this stuff.  I cannot find the FB page. Help!
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I was on Lyrica at 600mgs/day for six years plus 125mcg fentanyl patches and eight 10/325 oxycodone.... All for pain related to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD).  I noticed a couple years ago that my pain was lessening on its own, it was going into remission! I went to my doc so he could wean me off all these heavy drugs so whenever it comes out of remission my tolerance isn't through the roof. Any who, we did the opiates first. Those were terrible because we were tapering them down far too quickly. I was so miserable I just cold turkeyed about two months into it. After a month or so of my withdrawals from the opiates, we attempted the Lyrica. To this day, my doc swears there is no withdrawal from it! The withdrawal from Lyrica makes opiate withdrawal look like nothing. I can testify that I would rather opiate withdrawal everyday for the rest of my life than EVER go through Lyrica withdrawal again. After a wreak of withdrawals and no help at all from my doc, I got my neurologist to write me a script for gabapentin. I took 2400 mgs and a hour later was withdrawal free. I used those to slowly withdrawal over two months and it was very comfortable the whole time. Lyrica withdrawal should not ever be attempted cold turkey! It's damn dangerous!!!
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Get healing and deliverance prayer. You're dealing with evil.
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A GP upped my dose of lyrica after I was released from hospital from 150mg to 450mg per day. I was in hospital for back pain. I am in a big job that requires mental capacity. He did not tell me any of the side effects or consequences of withdrawals. Had I known I would of stayed on the dose the hospital had me on. I have put on weight ( too scared to weigh myself) I have blurred vision and can't think straight. My back is much better so I don't need this medication now. I have started withdrawals and I am adviced to drop by 25mg per week. That's 4.5mths of weekend withdrawals for me.... Depression and feeling out of it for mths. Same doctor doubled my Targin, when I left hospital. Those withdrawals were hell as well. I am going to report doctor to HCCC and lyrica needs to be managed better and maybe only allowed to given out by neurologists.. Yes I was in pain and couldnt walk but my choice was taken away because he didn't explain the consequences to me.. Subsequent GPs have said the doses were extreme.... I just want to get off this horrid drug.
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I am 63 totally disabled, and have been taking Lyrica for about 7 years.  When I use to try to reduce it, I would sweat and itch, which is what was happening before I ever started it.  Now, when I tried to reduce it, I went into a tail spin of severe depression.  Don't let anyone tell you that Lyrica is NOT an antidepressant, since has become for me.  I am getting a script to get it in 25 mgs, and will reduce it by 25 mgs more every MONTH.  A health professional told me that Lyrica will cause you to go blind, and I am elderly, so I don't need this.  The last time I tried to reduce it by 50 mgs, I ended up in the fetal position crying my eyes out.  I believe that physical pain and mental pain are one in the same.  So I will need prayer to get off of this stuff, and since I am so sensitive, must try at 25mgs a month.  I am also taking 300mgs a day, so this will take forever.  Thank You and God Bless.
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I started lyrica on the advice of my neurologist and GP to manage debilitating back pain. I was starting a high-paid position and wanted to prevent the pain and spasms that had destroyed my career in the past. Within 48 hours the pain in my back had completely gone for the first time in 15 years. However, I found I could not sweat when I exercised (I was overheating) and was gaining weight at a phenomenal rate despite cutting my calorie intake. Worst of all, I realized I wasn't thinking properly - I couldn't do my job. I was told I had "blown them away in the interview" but was failing to meet expectations. I immediately lowered the dose in consultation with my GP - I had night panic attacks as a result. I did regain some of my cognitive skills and halted the weight gain (although I was on starvation rations, the weight should have been falling off me!), but I ended up with worse back pain than I had ever had before. The drug that was supposed to make it possible for me to go back to work has resulted in excruciating pain. I still have only part of my cognitive abilities back, so overall the drug has done more harm than good. What annoys me is the lack of information I was given prior to starting lyrica - we are all told to listen to 'evidence' not opinion, but the blogs have been more accurate than the experts about the effects of this drug. I am hoping to completely withdraw from lyrica by the end of this year, although I have read on some blogs that people are living with the withdrawal effects for years after ceasing treatment. Has anyone thought of a class action suit for the damage this drug causes?  
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Thats terrible.  I take a much lower dose but have put a lot of weight on.  My friends and family call me 'fatty' and accuse me of being greedy and lazy (going swimming or gyming is almost impossible on this stuff).  Its all I can do to get out of bed.  You must surely get some help with your children.  I didnt realise how addictive they are until I ran out on a Thursday, fetched a prescription on Friday, took it to the chemist who I didnt realise closed on Saturday afternoon (how daft is that)  By Monday I thought I was going crazy.  Im sure it was as bad as say alcohol withdrawal.  I am getting off these,  I wont tell the doc cos i dont actually want the script stopped just in case.  I live in the UK, where it is possible to get NHS rehabI  but that;s only for people with serious addiction eg heroin, not just a measly prescription tab - yea, right! I certainly havnt the money to pay for rehab myself otherwise I seriously would. I feel for you and hope you have a good support network,  Good luck with whatever you decide.
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Lyric withdrawal, I was taking 300 mg once a day for diabetes foot pain, I gained 25 pounds feet got so big I could hardly get shoe on. I quit it cold turkey and never had any withdrawels at all. It did get me a tad high and very tired. I was driving west from Florida to Yellowstone and was afraid of falling aslee at the wheel,take Gababentin now but must take at least 2000 mg. a day for it to work and it does work a bit but pins,needles and pain in feet still there,Lyrica took it away totally but side effects ate terrible.
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If your taking gabapentin it's pretty much same as taking lyrica. Gabapentin is the active ingredient in lyrica. That's why no withdrawls. If you stopped the gabapentin then you would have withdrawls.
Stay on the Gabi if you can. Lyrica is a bad drug!!!
Withdrawls from gabepentine are just as bad an in time you'll increase I'm 32 year old I've been on gab since was twenty off and on the withdrawls are hellish as well an they're same addictive I came off them both using a little something for pain an nerves and weed but gab causes hot/ cold flashes bad when coming off them an depression bad and btw I tingle and etc on my back were my fibra is but it works great for nerve damage an I'm getting gab perscribed now an they are hard to let go of
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I cannot imagine trying to come off Lyrica while trying to take care of 4 babies!  I spent 7 years on 300mg of Lyrica 3 times a day.  During that time I gained almond st 200lbs.  About a year ago my doc started tapering me down slowly to try and prevent withdrawals but that didn't help. My BP was dangerously high so she put me on Clonidine and that helped shape me with the BP and sweats.  I've been totally off Lyrica for 2 weeks and I don't even feel human.  I'm lethargic, stomach hurts, headaches, BP is crazy and I don't have the energy or desire to eat,  this is the worst medication I've been on for fibromyalgia and I've been on Fentanyl, Methadone, Kadian, OxyContin, etc., but withdrawing from those was a piece of cake compared to this. I will never take this crap again for any reason,  I wish you luck!  Take care!
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I have been on 800 mg of Lyrica for about a year now and I have tried to stop three times but the withdraws are so herific I always get back on it. I also have gotten off of Fentynol , Oxicontin. Etc.  why would doctors prescribe chap like this if you end up needing it all the time because the withdrawals  are so bad. Severe headaches, flu like aches and pains, can't eat, can't sleep. My blood is so thin that my skin rips off if I hit it even lightly. IM SO SICK OF THIS!!! I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE...
15734167 tn?1442606675
Hi I've been on high and low doses of lyrica now for over 2 years, I've been prescribed 600mg a day for at least 7 months I have triesd so hard to come of it, pure hell, worser than any street drug at least those may only last 4 to 7 days this has my head and my body all messed up. I need sleep I have four kids under the age of 5 and a new born .............
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All prescription medication come with the risk of the body getting attached to it; therefore, you must wean yourself off the drug - - give your body time to readjust.  Do it SLOWLY.  Taper off for a month or better if you have to.  There are all sorts of mg's available and if you're taking a high dose, step down to a lower dose for 2 weeks, then another lower dose for 2 weeks, and so on.  I've had to wean myself off many medications (bad neck problems and surgeries) and it's not immediate if you wean slowly, but it IS less painful.  I assure you it will get better.  Do NOT lose hope.  
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Lyrica is the most negative life-altering medication that I have ever experienced. After a hellish month of trying to hang with the side effecgts, I had to stop it. And now almost 10 days since my last dose I am still suffering worse that I have been for the past 7 years with this fibromyalgia-like condition. If I had had a gun, I would have put a bullet in my brain. I have never felt so despondent about my existence. And to boot, my digestive system has slowed down to the point that I cannot eat a small meal without the feeling that I just gorged on a Thanksgiving dinner. My lower legs and feet have swellesd up to where I cannot wear my shoes. I am living in a state of mental confusion and cannot remember things from one minute until the next. I have forgotten the names of people whom I have known for years. Stay away from this poison! When I see my doctor next week I am going to demand that he take it fpr a month himself before prescribing it again. My money is on him not ever prescribing this medicine again. These doctors hand out these meds loke they are candy on the information that the pharmaceutical SALES REPS have given them. Stay away from LYRICA. Stay away fronm it.
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I am coming of varied doses of Lyrica which I have been taking for 5 months in the dosage range of 75-1200 mg, (for depression, migraine prophilaxis and GAD) mostly around 450-750 mg a day. I have skipped a few days here and there without ill effect. Now I cold-turkeyed it 3 days a go. First day was soso with chills, sweats, diarrhoea etc, second day was worse with suicidal ideation and depression and TODAY on the third day, I am in absolute despair, pacing, acutely suicidally depressed......I went half the day and gave in. Took 300 mgs at 1pm and feel completely normal now at 4pm. This drug is the DEVIL!
I want to avoid tapering over weeks so will attempt lowering the dosage every 48hrs and see  what happens.
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This is a reply to all who have reported significant side affects from Lyrica and/or significant side effects with withdrawal. Please report this to the FDA. I do not have confidence that our Dr's do or our health care systems. The FDA and the drug companies collude to get drugs on the market and chronically under report users negative feedback. I believe that posting on the FDA sight may get the FDA to test this very strong drug. Best to all of you.
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I also had some relief using GABA.  It was prescribed to me by a nutitionist to counteract the effects of the Lyrica.  I used a supplement called Zen.  It contained 550 mg of GABA ( gamma-aminobutyric acid) and 200 mg mg of L-Theanine.  When I first took it I felt amazingly better, but it seemed that the longer I took it, the effects decreased.  Still worth a try for all those who are suffering.  I just can't believe that more doctors are not aware of the terrible withdrawal symptoms of this drug!
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2014 and I have just read these comments about Lyrics.  I had a similar journey that started in early 2013 when I went to an upper cervical chiropractor for a stiff neck that was bothering me.  After several adjustments to the C1 and a final adjustment to the C2, I spiraled down into total body nerve pain.  I went to an orthopedic pain management specialist who put me on 300 mg daily, telling me the pill was a non-narcotic and "I didn't have to worry about it." I didn't stay on that very long, I felt so terrible, that I quickly went down to 200 mg. a day and stayed on that amount for about 3 months.  When I tried to go down to 150 mg. I had all the symptoms I'm reading about here- headache, sleeplessness, mental fog, loud ringing in my ears, and horrible diarrhea.  So I went back up to 200 mg.  when another well respected doctor in alternative medicine told me the Lyrica was "poisoning my system"'I was determined to get off.  This doctor helped my neck and I was able to go down to 100 mgs.  From there it became a night mare!  Not knowing what exactly "gradual withdrawal" means, I thought gradually going off the  100 in a week's time would do it.  I have never experienced anything so terrifying in my life.  I felt as if spiders were crawling all over my body, my head pounded and my ears rang so loudly, I could barely stand it.  I am now grateful, I didn't have a seizure! I could go on and on here, but what I want you all to know is that I did finally get off this terrible drug.  I have been off for about 7 months.  The way I did it was to go down from 200 mgs. In 25 mgs. Increments and would stay on that dose for at least a month before lowering it again.  I did have withdrawal symptoms, especially with the stomach and sleep, but I was determined and I prayed a lot.  I still have some nerve pain, whistling in my ears, but I can tolerate it.  I am SO glad to be off this terrible drug.  Good luck and many prayers to you all who are in this battle.  I so understand what you are going through.
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Kick, I too took Lyrica for a month, refilled the script and started on it and it did me the same way it did you. I quit CT didn't know any better. The Dr. gave me amitriptyline 25mg it worked great!! I was on it a month. I was also taking ambien so when I went to get off it I took the amitriptyline again. Stopped taking it again and just took otc pm med. all this in a 2 month time with on wd's and no trouble. You might check into it.  
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3197167 tn?1348968606
I SO AGREE with you!!  The older we get, the more sensitive our bodies get to prescription medication....we metabolize it differently than someone younger.  The Norco and Dilaudid in between if she needs it sounds good.

She is SO BLESSED to have you for a daughter and it's great that you are looking out for her.  I agree, adding MS Contin and Lyrica to the Norco would totally zone her out.  I'll tell you when my Dad was in his last days he never would have made it without an advocate in the lung hospital he was in....they even carried strep b across the hall....and I was furious with them!  I'm so glad she has you...you're right to be concerned.

If you want to talk to any of us on the substance abuse forum again....this thread is pretty old...and if you go to the top of this page and hit the orange post a question button, you will be on the most current page of those seeking help and answers on the forum.

Wishing you and your Mom the best~
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