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Help needed to do away with cravings. I dont want to give in but please help to come out from this torture

My cravings for just a litle dose will kill me. What if, i will take a small amount to get a rid of frustration ...
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How many days it takes to get body detoxified from heavy abuse of codeine,CPM,mixed, off and on,with benzos ?
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Everyone gets to assign their own values, and yes gettin clean is one of the most important things we ever do! There are a few times in life that I think it's necessary to be selfish, this is one of those times. And when you are clean, protect your clean time with all your might. You are now aware of what this animal is, and what it's capable of. My first [failure] at detox was violent and right out of a horror show. I hope that doesn't discourage anyone else from going for it. Again everyone's experience is different, lot's of factor's go into the severity of the detox. It seems to many just assume it will be worse than it is for them. No one should let the unknown deter them from doing what they already know is best for them. But, that's me, always in for an adventure. Just don't wanna do "that" one again! Whatever it takes to get free of this, by all means necessary. It will make what would otherwise seem difficult, pale in comparison. Glad your feeling better. It's not over yet, but it will continue to get easier every day, but slower than you'd like or expect. Patience isn't one of my strong suits. Just keep pushing the fluids, the vitamins early in the day, read the thing about "sleep etiquette", you well regain yourself. Have you started investigating aftercare? Get the tools you will need early, don't wait till it becomes an issue. Good luck!
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Thankyou very much, I am feeling better today. In fact. except that injection,antibiotic and that chemyrol forte for swelling of nose i dint took those antiallergic drugs as i felt it may make something silly with my detox. Today i am feeling lot better. Sleeping has become problem with time.I think for the first few days it was not problem. To be frank enuf research project is yet to be written. Im nt able to concentrate. Yes,had it on addiction it would have been easier but it is totally different subject. Anyway,i feel happy if i could accomplish the project of detox,that will be great. Isnt it ?
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The allergy meds might even help your sleep? No worries. It's a lot of sneezing and coughing to get the crud our of us. It's real dry here and a little bloody nose is common. I think some people even use something like "benedryl" during this time, and it helps them sleep. Not unlike some "Nyquil"? I'm just trying to avoid any medication that I can. How you doing today? Is it ok to ask how the research paper is going? If it was on detoxing, you would have plenty of material to work with by now. Keep hydrating, in goes the good stuff, and out goes the bad. I think drugs or alcohol can after time become the bodies defense mechanism against virus, and it's also common to get a cold after getting clean, hate to say it. It happens. Remembering dreams should be coming soon, usually pleasant ones. I didn't remember my dreams while using. Are you sleeping ok?
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no you're fine. Those are just allergy meds
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Hello all !
Yesterday i had some problem and had to seek some medical aid from ENT, splst. Iwas driving and all of sudden it made me to sneeze like hell and i bleeded through nose. A physician made some carterization and gave some medicines but today i consulted an ENT who,diagnosed it chronic rhinitis and prescribed some antibiotics for 3days, antiallergic injection of siingle heavier dose and antiallrgc tabs for 10 days and chemyrol forte for 3 days.However,none of these drugs are abusive in nature. I hope this development has not hampered my programme of detoxification. kindly remove my doubts in this regard !!!!
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Amen Petro- u hit the nail on the head
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It's a new day, whew! I don't think there's a giant rush to get into aftercare, but you could start looking, planning where,  when and how. You want to get some mental tools in  place before the "blowback" from detoxing get's a person thinking about "just one"! The symptom's still nagging you are perfectly common, aggravatin sure. This is what it's like getting free, and part of my inspiration for not going back. I fear a daily dosage to control pain more than pain itself. I'm not fond of either. Life and health are a learning experience, forever young, right? You have went through so much already, I so hope you learn from it. Try some aftercare of your choice, have a plan in place before the devil comes knockin for how you will deal with temptation, it's out there and it want's you back. Good luck
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Thankyou very much for your support. I can go definitely to other town where i can seek aftercare. In fact, my question is shall i go immediately or i can delay till i feel little better from this restlessness and the body aches,particularly,my legs. Moreover,i dont dislike herbal things,the only problem with them is dosage and interactions and that makes me little apprehensive. At present i have only two problems,one is bodyache and the other is restlessness because of sleepless nights. Sneezing i dont care now because after stopping drugs the natural systems are becoming functional again as you very well pointed out in your prev post.
Thankyou very much.
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To gh 76, medico's is almost free of detoxing, I believe either of those would be severely backtracking at this time, don't you? I wish you well also, and what your doing seems like a good start, and good luck!

Medico's, I'm not aware of anything you need medical help with unless I missed something? If your referring to suggestions of aftercare, I'm thinking of mental and moral support, not medicinal. If anything I would hope you would look at naturopathic, or nutritional expertise, long before anything else that might be "habit forming", even if that hasn't been determined. I believe in the beginning Oxy was touted as not being addictive. I beg to differ with that assessment!!! Same with tramadol, these pages are rife with examples of differing opinions on that as well. But like you said above, you can't just take any of this stuff randomly, know what your putting in yourself.
I'm not laughing at your family structure at all, mine maybe. I would be very suprised if in that group, that you were the lone addict. Being healthy is a life style and a choice. It really doesn't seem possible to do both. Can you go to the next town over and seek the addiction aftercare of your choice? If you don't like it don't return there, but find what works for you.
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Just want to share my experience.Have had a very hard time with cravings and giving in after competing detox.Read about Wellbutrin on this sight and got some from my doctor.It has 90% removed my cravings and knock on wood it continues to work this way.I also took Dexedrine which I know is not recomended for those with past substance abuse issues but it really helped me get through the withdrawals without going back.
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Iam really thankful to you for providing me so much information and believe me i feel highly obliged for this gracious act of yours. I have been using cough syrups also apart from other drugs. I will seek some aftercare but i just want to clean myself first.In fact, i belong to very conservative family and thus,i can not afford any publicity to this thing. I sometimes feel we are social slaves. I would have sought any type of rehab centre because money was not an issue but to our family everything comes to our home,not only doctor but even barber. You may laugh but it is like this. I am going through all this torture but only my mom is aware what is going on with me. Anyway, do you think i should seek some immediate medical help or i can do that later on? I too am suffering from digeston but is it normal ?
Again thanks for your support.
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You got in a post while I was typing. I had to go back and read some of your posts and see about your doc. I think we become saturated with opiates, right down to where are blood is created in our bone marrow. It for me is kinda like trying to clean up kithcen grease with just a wet sponge. It's not easy to get it wiped up with just water? Best analogy I could come up with? I'm still sneezing more than I ever have. If you were taking cough syrup, your cough/sneeze mechanisms were being paralyzed, this is your body waking up, it will clear itself if you let it.Sooner if you help it. All this is perfectly normal wd symptoms. I was amazed myself, with so many symptoms I just finally started attributing everything to that and, well still alive, but still amazed also. The opiates suppress everything in our bodies. One of the ones I hate was it suppressed my digestive system, I'm still working on correcting that.
Another thing about the sleep, if your taking all those vitamins, take them early in the day as well, some actually give you a boost that you don't want at night. Keep cleansing, and posting, you almost free. Consider aftercare
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Thanks and a blessed Easter to you as well. I guess we can both be thankful as this is the first sober Easter in years! For me lots of years.
Unfortunately, sleep is very allusive. Again, everyone's experience is somewhat different. I wish I could tell you do this or that and "oila" sleep will be there waiting. Sleep seems to be one of the last things to return as is energy. But, we are trying to go organic here. So, to me it's a process. Type in sleep etiquette in your search bar and read it. Some of it seems silly, but during our drug years we tend to forget what innocent sleep is like. As others have said, read and follow the direcitons as well on the melatonin. The way I understand it on the valerian root, it's for calming oneself down? You have to plan to sleep, just like preparing for anything else. Set yourself up like you are going to get some sleep and don't dwell on it. Try, "Gnarly1's" suggestion of "sleepytime tea". If you drink coffee or other caffienated beverages, cut way down and stop early in the day. Follow the 6 "p's" . Proper planning prevents p$ss poor performance. Give yourself a break, your accomplishing something that is monumental in your life. Few things you will have to do again are this difficult or worthwhile. Again read sleep etiquette. Getting clean doesn't happen overnight, we didn't become addicted over night, but I'm positive you are already feeling the difference, to some degree and it just keeps getting better.
Also, I think I mentioned somewhere before, you just can't believe all the aches and pains form getting narcotics out of your system, including back and leg pain. It's your body fighting back.  Happy Easter
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Melatonin works great - taken in a dark room around half hour before you want to sleep - I took 10 mg in the beginning, sometimes 15, and it helped me sleep.  Unisom is another good sleep aid - doesn't give you the jitters the way advil or tylenol pm can.  And a hot shower or bath before bedtime helps promote a good night's sleep too.  And warm milk (or cocoa) or a banana will also help.  :)
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Is there anything,apart from benzos and of course,not addictive in nature that could help in sleeping ? Please suggest.
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Happy Easter to you and all. You are right these herbal drugs cant be taken at random so i am taking all precautions. For past few days the stiffness of my lower legs and sleep is worrying me a lot. I am unable to sleep and whatever little sleep i get it is disturbing because of insane dreams and all that.
I do smoke but dont take alcohol. I do intend to quit smoking but at present it was not possible.

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I just looked at my bottle for dosage amounts and it seemed ambiguous to me, so I typed in valerian root dosage into "Bing" and there was lots of info. The one article I read said 300 to 600 mgs or 2-3 grams. Please don't take my opinion on dosing amounts, but everything has warnings. Vitamins and herbs in the U.S. are not regulated by the F.D.A., so potency, quality etc. arnt' always clear. What I do personally if I have a question is read up on it a bit, and then I start out with the least amount that has the potential to give me the results I'm expecting and watch for side effects. This may sound strange, especially after me taking narcotics for years [pain management] but drugs or meds and sometimes herbs actually frighten me a bit. It's the interaction between them all that worries me. I think that if someone takes medicine A and then B, then possibly C and so on thats the potential for at  least 9 different meds and not just 3? Anyway that's what I think. If you've used the root with no side effects that wern't tolerable and think you need to increase it's effect's, increase the dose gradually? That's not just my paranoia talking! When my mother had her first stroke we found out she was taking 17 different meds, the dr's at the time said there was no one who could calculate the different possibilities for inter-reactions.
Yes I do feel that the wd's are increasingly worse with amount taken and over length of time. But again it's a bit different for everyone. Also I think contributing factors are general health, age, whether or not you smoke, whether or not you drink alcohol or I hate to say it coffee, and how much. Which time it is that a person is detoxing, mental state, personal knowledge of what their going through, and of course mental attitude and Faith. A few get off for free, but most don't. I also think most people that stay off drugs, get some form of aftercare.
As Sarah said above, it's better to be safe than sorry. You are almost out of the woods on your detox now and I'm pretty sure you've seen some difference already. Keep up with your health regimen, are you ready to take the kids to the park or a walk? It will take more time to get this stuff out of you and you can still get some rebound pain or wd's but they wont' last long. You doing great, keep it up.
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Thanks for response. You are right restless legs makes one more restless when one lays down.Whatever you have suggested i have been already following like religion except valerian root that i was taking occasionally. How much valerian i should take each day ?
I feel my w/dwls will take time because i have been abusing for a longer period and with heavy doses. Is it so? Do the length of w/dwls depend on the period of use of drugs? Is there any relation between the two?
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495284 tn?1333894042
Hot flashes are pretty common during this time.  If the breathing doesnt get better make sure you get seen by a doctor.  Better to be safe than sorry.......sara
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I do believe the breathlessness and the flashes are anxiety and at least to me sound like perfectly normal wd symptoms. Take a long hot bath, try the Valerian root to calm to help calm, keep pushing the fluids. Ignore the hot flashes. Banana's are great to keep your potassium levels up and do wonder's for restless legs or arms. Many people including me would get rls, restless legs when I lay down. Walgreens carries a product by Hyland's calles restless legs, it works great. Read the directions on them. It seems to be getting better for you at the normal pace. Just takes the magic ingredient, Time.
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can somone help please?
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