3119293 tn?1342050532

How long does Hydrocodone withdrawals last?

I was prescribed Hydrocodone/APAP (10/500) in December 2011. Never took more than the prescribed amount (3x Daily). I am now in day 5 since I quit cold turkey. The first 2 days were rotten. My whole body felt achy. Mostly in my lower back. I couldn't fall asleep. I finally fell asleep on the evening of day 2 and slept a good solid 9 hours. (Something I haven't done in quite a while.) When I woke up on day 3 I felt as if I had energy to burn. (Actually got more accomplished on that day around the house than I have in a long time.) However, after working about 8 hours on rebuilding one of my decks I figured I had worn myself down enough to get a good nights sleep...again. But that wasn't to be the case. Day 3 turned into day 4 with no sleep in between. I was able to sleep a little during the day and last night got about 6 hours sleep. But for the last two days I've had this feeling that my body's just not right. I've not had any nausea or vomiting, just diarrhea and a general feeling of malaise. And really not much energy or any ambition. Not sure if I'm bordering on depression. (Though I did have some ambition to get a little done on the computer when I woke up at 2:00 am this morning, but that only lasted a couple of hours.) Also, I find I have to be really hungry to eat (nothing sounds appetizing), and cigarettes (maybe fortunately) taste like they do when I'm sick with a really bad cold or the flu...ich!

Anyway, I have searched all over the net trying to find a list of withdrawal symptoms from Hydrocodone, and it seems no two sites can agree. And all the information I've found about how long the symptoms last are usually dealing with someone who's been taking a lot more per day than I have, and for a lot longer. So here are my questions:

First, can someone point to a reliable web site where they list the symptoms?
Second, how long I can expect this general lousy feeling last?
And last, how long will it take to get back to a feeling where I want to do more than just lay around all day?

Thank you all in advance for answering my questions.
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I realize these posts are a few (years)and months old but if anyone out there sees this, I'm looking for ideas.
I was on hydrocodone for 10 years, started out at 10/500, 2-4 times/day but eventually lowered the dose to 1/2 that on my own. Just didn't feel I needed that much. I take it for VERY severe Restless Legs Syndrome. I started on it in 2006, by late 2007 I started having dizzy/nauseous spells (like motion sickness). I saw 5 primaries, 2 ENTs, a neurologist, allergy Dr.,physical therapist.... NO ONE could figure out what was wrong.  It usually came on in the fall and went away in the spring/summer. Last year a PA diagnosed it as possibly, vestibular migraines and at the time it seemed logical except that nothing he tried me on would stop it. I actually did not have it this year until March... weird.... except that is coincided exactly within 3 days of quitting hydrocodone. When I quit the hydro, though, it was to go on methadone (low dose) as per the Mayo Clinic neurologist's direction. Same issue... RLS. The dizziness/nausea symptoms have now lasted a month. It seems eating (anything) usually triggers it. I get really sleepy and will sleep over an hour during the day when this hits me. Can hydrocodone do this? Either being on it OR quitting cold turkey? Hydrocodone NEVER made me feel good, it was actually the opposite. I felt tired and flu like for the first 3 months. Everywhere I turn, I get a different opinion as to what caused this and how to stop it,  I've had MRI's, allergy tests, blood work, ear/hearing tests and recently was told by a Mayo nurse that it might be hydrocodone withdrawal, (except that it's lasted so long). It's not the methadone (5mg/day... very low dose) as I've been on methadone before with no side effects.
Any thoughts? I tired of being sick!!
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After taking hydrocodone for about 25 years, I quit 1 month ago.  I knew about the withdrawal symptoms from reading on the Internet. Pretty accurate. I took Benadryl for the first week to help me sleep.
Take your life back. I did   Such a waste of so many years
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I've been on Hydrocodone for 13 yrs., for Degenerative Disc Disease.  I recently saw a spinal expert reconstruction surgeon.  His requirement is that I must be off hydrocodone, then wait 4 weeks, taking no hydrocodone for pain relief AT ALL.  

If anyone knows anything about spinal disc degeneration, you know what kind of pain I'm in right now.  My pain management Doctor is taking me down slowly.  I will be completely off by the 9/29/15.  Still, I am having withdrawal symptoms.  He gave me a drug to take if the withdrawal got bad but said to only take it if I really needed it.  The script was for 56 pills in 8/15.  So far I've only had to take 6 of them.  I can take up to 1 every 8 hrs.  

How long does the body hold onto the addicted state?  My surgeon says that in order to get good pain management post surgery, I need to be off hydrocodone for at least 4 weeks.  This is so that my body will not demand an escalating amount of pain medicine to give the same pain relief.  He says that by waiting the 4 weeks, my body will have returned to normal mode.  I'm not addicted mentally, but physically.  

I thought that I could quit cold turkey and did so.  I wound up in ER with a racing heart and throwing PAC's.  I had had Atrial Fib and had 2 surgeries to correct the atrial fib.  I no longer have A Fib, but coming off hydrocodone is affecting my heart!  I never knew that my body could be addicted like this.  I wanted to just stop taking the pain med and that would be that.  It just does not work that way.

Does any one else out there have the same problem I do?  Logically, I know that I won't be able to stay off the hydrocodone indefinitely.  The surgeon has already told me that I will require "damage control" surgery on my back every few years for the rest of my life.  And, that at some point I will have to go back on hydrocodone because I will have pain the rest of my life.  This is seriously depressing.  I will have to do this again, and again, and again.  Seriously, I just want pain relief.  I am only going to get a slight reprieve, then have to back on hydrocodone again.  I just hate this, hate having to live like this!
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Have your compression fractures healed and are you without
pain now!  I got on hydro a year ago for the fractures and now I'm in the process of tapering off.  I thought I could just quit.  Ha.  That's a joke.  I tried not taking hydro for just a couple of days and thought I had the flu.  Bad flu.  I'm now down to raking just one 7.5 per day.  Believe me, when I don't take it, I'm miserable.  Hopefully I'll taper down to 5-325 in the next week or so.  I hope this works.  

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6063300 tn?1430430571
Start a need post and you will get a lot of help from some amazing people on here!
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Does anyone still monitor this thread. I am starting to detox from hydrocodone and wonder is this is still monitored I take 4 10/325 now and have for about 2 years maybe less. I take it for the pain in my feet from diabetes but hate that it has taken control of my daily life.
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I have been taking 1 to 2 hydroco. for the past year...I have a hypersensitive
stomach and overthecounter pain meds mess it up.  For the most part I have
taken only 1/2 of a 10/325 each morning and then mid-afternoon.  Rarely have
I taken more than 2 whole ones a day...primarily only the two halves....my
script is for 60 tabs/60 days, so that limit has been helpful.  I'm very sensitive to medications and cannot use many that have been prescribed
for other problems.

HOWEVER, I have developed what is called "rebound headaches"....this has
happened to me twice before, once in the 80s on analgesics, and once in the
90s taking fioricet for migraines.  I would awake each morning of both events
with splitting headaches after taking these meds for several months.  The only way through it both times was cold turkey plus I used biofeedback
methods.  I learned that from a headache clinic when getting off the original analgesics.

So now I'm getting off hydrocodone.  You'll either think I'm crazy, or you've already heard of this....I am alleviating, sometimes avoiding completely, the
withdrawal headaches by sleeping with a large bar of soap under my pillow.  I started using the bar of soap (dial or some hard soap...not Dove) 3 months ago after hearing putting a bar between your bedsheets at night alleviates
leg cramps/leg aches.  It worked beautifully for that and has brought about
other improvements in my body.  The only thing that I and my scientific
brother can figure out is what we've read:  an acidic body causes inflammation, and inflammation is the basis of many illnesses.  Muscles get
inflammed and contract.  PERHAPS the alkalinity of the bar soap neutralizes the acid....I'm just guessing, but there has to be a chemical
reason.  I know lots of people (especially older people) who have experienced these positive results.

When I started having these rebound headaches, and knew I couldn't take
ANYTHING to help....everything would make it worse....I thought that
possibly the contractions in the blood vessels in my head might be caused
by inflammation. And I have read that medications do make the body more acidic.  So I sleep w/the soap bar under my pillow and wake up
without a headache.   This has happened 3 mornings in a row....I'm not
taking the hydroco., but my side effects now are lethargy and mild depression.
I have very little energy and am hoping, based on what I've read on this website, that will change in a few days.

For all the people with restless legs, muscle cramps, whatever....try a bar
of hard soap between your sheets.  Doctor's columns in the Los Angeles
Times and Orlando Sentinel newspapers have discussed this phenomenon.
I know people whose dogs had arthritis, they put the soap in the dog's bed and the dog improved dramatically.  You can google this...there is a website
about "Bar of Soap Helping Muscle Spasms".  In my personal experience
and that of others I know, it helps.
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I have been taking 1 to 2 hydroco. for the past year...I have a hypersensitive
stomach and overthecounter pain meds mess it up.  For the most part I have
taken only 1/2 of a 10/325 each morning and then mid-afternoon.  Rarely have
I taken more than 2 whole ones a day...primarily only the two halves....my
script is for 60 tabs/60 days, so that limit has been helpful.  I'm very sensitive to medications and cannot use many that have been prescribed
for other problems.

HOWEVER, I have developed what is called "rebound headaches"....this has
happened to me twice before, once in the 80s on analgesics, and once in the
90s taking fioricet for migraines.  I would awake each morning of both events
with splitting headaches after taking these meds for several months.  The only way through it both times was cold turkey plus I used biofeedback
methods.  I learned that from a headache clinic when getting off the original analgesics.

So now I'm getting off hydrocodone.  You'll either think I'm crazy, or you've already heard of this....I am alleviating, sometimes avoiding completely, the
withdrawal headaches by sleeping with a large bar of soap under my pillow.  I started using the bar of soap (dial or some hard soap...not Dove) 3 months ago after hearing putting a bar between your bedsheets at night alleviates
leg cramps/leg aches.  It worked beautifully for that and has brought about
other improvements in my body.  The only thing that I and my scientific
brother can figure out is what we've read:  an acidic body causes inflammation, and inflammation is the basis of many illnesses.  Muscles get
inflammed and contract.  PERHAPS the alkalinity of the bar soap neutralizes the acid....I'm just guessing, but there has to be a chemical
reason.  I know lots of people (especially older people) who have experienced these positive results.

When I started having these rebound headaches, and knew I couldn't take
ANYTHING to help....everything would make it worse....I thought that
possibly the contractions in the blood vessels in my head might be caused
by inflammation. And I have read that medications do make the body more acidic.  So I sleep w/the soap bar under my pillow and wake up
without a headache.   This has happened 3 mornings in a row....I'm not
taking the hydroco., but my side effects now are lethargy and mild depression.
I have very little energy and am hoping, based on what I've read on this website, that will change in a few days.

For all the people with restless legs, muscle cramps, whatever....try a bar
of hard soap between your sheets.  Doctor's columns in the Los Angeles
Times and Orlando Sentinel newspapers have discussed this phenomenon.
I know people whose dogs had arthritis, they put the soap in the dog's bed and the dog improved dramatically.  You can google this...there is a website
about "Bar of Soap Helping Muscle Spasms".  In my personal experience
and that of others I know, it helps.
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6063300 tn?1430430571
I would start a new post as this one is very old. Just go to ask question and tell your story, many people on here to help!
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13410500 tn?1429951828
I am just reading into this years after it had originally been posted. I am grateful for those that have been clean for months at end. I am on day 2 of my cold turkey cut off. Hydro-acetaminophen 10/325

I am feeling leg pains tightness, this morning was down in the slums; sad; not sure of why; I have been feeling that I need to cut off these pills because i would see myself daily doing for pills. I want to flush what is left of these pills and this way it'll dry up what I have left. I am feeling okay as the day gets better, I called loved one to talk about nothing just to feel better talk on the phone see how they are. Theres a lot of negative in this world.

This is the first time I've been on meds that I require I feel like i wanted that daily feeling of just feeling better... I guess that would be a high?

Thoughts from others?
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Been taking 4-6 hydrocodone 10mg for 8 years trying to stop my pain doctor prescribed gabapentin 800 mg four times daily it helps
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Keep up the great work!
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12292823 tn?1424669764
I did it! I was taking 2 Tylenol 3's for pain every 8 hours until about midnight Monday night. It's now been just over 24 hours! I woke up without much pain and just thought I would see how could get by. I made it through all day. It's still a little touchy. My head could still get achy. I suppose I could take a plain Tylenol and see if that works. Anyway, those dang withdrawals are done, Jeez Loueez!
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I was on a similar dose as you for years.   I weaned down slowly.  Basically after about 2 weeks I felt normal.  Specifically day 17 was a huge breakthrough.  You will feel normal soon.  Hang in there!
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I been addicted to viccodins 10/325 I was taking as much *** 25 a day my money started to decrease all I can do is think of it so I had anuff so I went cold turkey and by day 3 I was moving around and got more sleep and today is the beginning of day 4 and I fill better
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12292823 tn?1424669764
I started hydrocodone in the hospital. I just had brain surgery! That was back in January of this year. I'm an alcoholic and x druggie. I've been sober 16.5 years. I must admit before going in for surgery I was a little excited knowing I was going to have major painkillers. But now I'm sick of them and trying to get off.

So what I've done over almost 6 weeks:

When I came home from the hospital I was on 2 325/10 Norco hydrocodone pills as needed a day, which for me at that point was every 4 hours.  Two weeks later I tried downsizing to 1 pill. That was too low for pain and a sense of withdrawal I could tell already! Then I got the staples and stitches removed and that was even more severe pain than before. My Neurologist at a follow up then told me that when the pain usually really happens because tanking off the stitches/staples makes the muscles start repositioning. Yes, the pain was with a vengeance and I went back up to 2 pills every 4 hours. It was Norco as needed.

A week or so later I went down to 1.5 pills every 5 or 6 hours. Then a week later I went down to one. At some point in between I've tried just taking Aleve a couple of times, but the cold turkey withdrawal symptoms started. I had never experienced it but figured it out quickly. I get them when I don't take my anti seizure meds.

I've tried taking half hydrocodone pills every 4-6 hours but somehow that is uncomfortable. So now it is about 6 weeks. I had 2 surgeries. January 6th and 13th, 2015. My hydrocodone script was getting low so I called my surgeon's office for another and asked for something milder. I told her about the withdrawal symptoms, and how I want to get off. The nurse suggest Tylenol 3. She reminded me that it's just to be used as needed. I know what happens when it wears off. I totally let it wear off last night and my head hurt immensely. I know a dose of something like 2 Aleves doesn't work and I get withdrawal symptoms.

Tylenol 3 has less than half the codeine but I'm using it. I'll  keep reducing the dosage slowly. I am experiencing a little withdrawal now. I took some Immodium, yesterday.

I've been laid up for 6 weeks anyway so all of this is part of a recovery but I hope this helps. I hope its helps me just talking/writing about it putting in perspective. I like being sober I intend to stay that way. I need the painkiller I'm not using it to get high. I ask my Higher Power for help all the time. Everythings gonna be okay.
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I'm horrified at the dosages some of you  were taking,  especially with alcohol.   THe risk of liver damage from the acetaminophen  is  VERY high,   The maximum allowable daily dose has  been dropped  recently in accordance with research.

Some of you asked how to know it you have liver damage.
GET a "metabolic panel" (it akso checks liver enzymes)  and follow   your doctor's advice.  

This is more serious than the addiction,  although at least the liver regenerates (this means it's easier to get transplants  if vitally needed).
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I've been taking hydrocodone for back pain on and off for 15 years,  and this is my third (self)  detox.   Every time it's different.   At first,  the medicine made my moods swing  between  during the day   depending whether I  was on and off (the med) .    In my kids' words,  it  made me seem like I was manic depressive. When they left home,  I detoxed (especially waited because I knew I'da be severely depressed and didn't want them  affected (and i was - I  already tend to depression).

After a few years I went back on  (always prescribed) ,  deliberately allowing myself to up the dose to very high (for me) - ~ 6   10/325/day.    That  was  to  allow me to put my house in shape despite  my pain  (I worked on it 10-16 hrs/day for ten months!)  .   Then I  had to suddenly detox (doc "hadn't realized how much he was prescribing")  at a terrible time  -   family was visiting,  from overseas).  The doc's  ultimatum came  a week before their arrival  (my area is "medically underserved"  - few decent physicians).  This was an irresponsible decision.

I knew it was going to be hard but not HOW hard.   Trashed our  visit,  because I was  in terrible shape.   Imodium controlled the diarrhea and the back pain  was  difficult.   However,  this time the worst was the insomnia.  I couldn't sleep for at least a month no matter what I took  (Ionly tapered for a week  -  until they arrived -  then CT).

Finally,  I got a script for Seroquel  (an antipsychotic used "off label" in very  low dose  for sleep).    Helped some,  but I was literally off balance  and completely nonfunctional from the detox and weird medicine side effects.  I feel repeatedly,  several times breaking ribs.  (I  didn't even go to the ER since I figured there was nothing they  could do and it  wasn't an emergency   since there was no  pneumothorax  (lung puncture).  I knew that because I could breathe without pain.

Gradually,  I went back on (remember, I have a  severe spinal problem!) and  allowed myself to  get up to  3  10/325/day  -   never more,   because of  previously hellacious detox.   Sudden doctor change (the one prescribing the hydrocodone)   forced me to detox,  and within one week I'm  down to 1/2 a day  (5 mg)but in terms of habituation,  I'm   far from  "off".   My sleep is more regular and not as long  (was over sleeping).   I  take sleep aids as needed, also imidium,  and have upped my Advil dose for pain.  

The depression is pretty bad though  (after all,  I am chronically depressed,  "treatment resistant"  - i.e.,  no meds help,  (except for one - Nardil,  which unfortunately landed me in the hospital due to rare side effect.  i figure I need more  dopamine and ordinary antidepressants work mostly on  serotonin).

My problem is coping  with the  depression and  not reaching for a pill. Hope I'm  not overdoing the  Advil  for pain (can cause kidney damage).  I don't know how to handle the chronic pain and depression.

I'm very grateful  that  I kept my dose low this time,  even though it meant I was always in pain.  Currently,  I'm researching new antidepressants (don't want any that leads to  weight gain or sexual side effects).  

I have  four months+  supply left  (3/day)   but I don't want to be dependent on a doctor's caprice (they aren't very good here).  Feeling in control is very important to me.    If it doesn't cause  permanent damage (memory,  hearing loss.  mental clarity) I  wouldn't mind staying on a low-dose indefinitely.      However,  I need better advice from better doctors.   (I already have permanent tinnitus - ear ringing).  I'm also trying meditation,  but so far it hasn't helped,   though getting out of the house is good.  Note,  my spinal disability hampers my ability to socialize -   house is disorganized since I can hardly walk (need support) and I  have trouble making myself do things since even basic  self care  takes so much time,

I  don't feel I can do without that last  1/2 pill   - just knowing I can take  it,   helps.  I must admit I was taking the medicine to a degree as an antidepressant   -    not  just for pain relief.  However, I never took enough to get high in the last years,     Either the dose was too low,  or it's stopped having that effect.    One thing  I'm  wondering is how my brain  chemistry has changed from all the hydrocodone use (over the the years).

BY the way,  you all,  It is NOT true that detox is a matter of a week (least of all for a high dose) .   Maybe the acute  discomfort,  but not  the brain mechanisms!   My  reading of scientific lit  says  the brain chemistry changes can take a decade to normalize, if  EVER!    I  feel my memory may have been affected - also clarity of thought.   :)

Good luck all of you.    One word of advice,  try to get narcotics from a pain med specialist  as few doctors have proper training in prescribing them.   I especially fault them for not warning patients  about side effects,  and  especially  depression.     For anyone addiction-prone and/or depressed they need to know what to expect.   It's even worse to experience severe depression when it's discontnued  (for example, post surgical).    It at least, you know to expect it and that it's chemical,  it can prevent much psychic pain.   Surgeons are very irresponsible this way!

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Last pill @ 9pm.  Starting in the morning, on Thanksgiving I will not take my medication.  I have been taking between 1 up to 3 per day since 1998. December of 98, I was rear ended in a car accident. Toyota T12 hit me on the off ramp of the hwy.  The force of 50mph pushed my car into a row of 6 waiting at the red light. Car was totaled. I had a compression fracture T11/T12.  Now I degenerative disc disease. One disc is full of blood.  With all that, and time I have been on meds.  What am I in for?  Maybe the pain in just in my head, and the Drs. Are getting rich off of prescribing pain meds.  Or the pain is real.  I am aiming for Christmas for the truth. What can I use for back pain? Thank you for any advice. 51 year old male.
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I have been taking lortab 10 for 5 years up to five a day max . I'm thirty years old and I'm starting to realize it's taking affect on my life . I'm not the mother I want to be my mood swings are terrible . I don't spend a lot money on them because they're prescribed for my back but I hate depending on something . Sometimes when I run out I just ly in the bed all day . My child wants me to play but I have no energy and it's killing my soul . I have to stop now. I tried once but I couldn't handle the withdrawls and having to work 8hr to 12hr shifts and be a good mother n wife . I just read about a vitamin supplement called withdrawal ease , the testomonials were great . They described everything I'm going through . Do you know anyone that has tried this .     Cb
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I have been on hydro 10/5 for over two years, I went cold turkey  4 days ago, I feel a bit better today, I finally slept about 5 hours in 4 days, I am still so miserable, I feel like my skin is crawling, restless legs are awful, I'm very emotional, my chest feels like my heart is going to jump out. I am going to do this if it's the last thing I do, I don't wanna take them anymore, I'm very embarrassed about it but I opened up to my sister and husband and my daughter's so with their help I'm hoping to concur this terrible addition I have, (had)...thank you for your encouraging words..god bless you and I hope your life is better
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That's crazy Texan817 is me lol I remember all those post I posted I just never figured I run into it again. I got clean for 7 months then started parting a lot (I turned 21) and then I started to abuse the hydrocodien again. As you can tell I'm back on here just with a new name Jameskeenom8171992 I saw someone say don't use Xanax cause then you'll get addicted to Xanax and the withdrawals. But it takes a few weeks to develope a dependence on Xanax. Now if your taken 5 a day for 2 month ya your screwed the withdrawals on Xanax I heard were horrible. But if you break a 4 bar (Xanax) into a 4th or even break it in half it won't be that bad I'm currently on day 5 of withdrawals from hydrocodien (which is my second time detoxing) and over these past 5 days I've taken 6 Xanax bars the 1mg ones (which are the weakest ones. But some people get easy addicted to certain drugs like for me hydro and viks are my poison but Xanax I hate and it helps with sleep and (RLS) along with vitamin c and tonic water etc etc. I'm just saying I'm an example of someone who relapsed I went 7 months clean and just said **** it one pill won't hurt then a year later I'm here addicted once again so I've learned that. Now some people love 4bars(Xanax) and can become addicted to it, but I actually hate Xanax and last time I detoxed I used a bit of Xanax I think I used a total of 12-15 Xanax within 12 days then stop completly no withdrawals and that's when I started working out hard and life got so good I was so happy god was on my shoulder guiding me threw evil then I just said I deserve one good high then got addicted. That's how easy it is to come back on your drug of choice,what I'm saying is it all depends on how you like a drug in my opinion (and I say my opinion) weather or not you develop and addiction depends on you. I personally hate Xanax I don't like the high it makes me sick a little that's why I take small proportions but when your going threw withdrawals for the first 1-14 days I think it's okay to take a small dosage to help with RLS and sleep (although it doesn't help a lot but it does help for me a tad bit but it not might work for others so listen to the people on her purrfectlykrazy is a great supporter and advice giver I listen to HER quite a bit. So if anyone reads this anymore there you go
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9880688 tn?1414115647
This is a very old thread.  If you would like to discuss substance abuse or have need of our forum please go to the top of the page and click on Ask A Question.  Thanks!
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I have kicked Hydrocodone 3 times after long term use months-years taking anywhere from 6-20 10's a day. I find it best to stop everything at once and plan at least 72 hours of no commitments. Say you have the flu. CLONIDINE was by far a gift from science for withdrawal. The worst symptom they call "restless leg" but for me it was more like the feeling of holding my breath until my body was jerking and screaming for relief. The clonidine took all of that away and most of the pain. Advil Immodium and Nyquil are also helpful. Remember Hydrocodone has a short half life so withdrawal is quick. If you keep moving and use a sleep aid and possibly an antidepressant you will get through it. I usually feel better within 36-48 hours. Hang in there! Withdrawal can also be a beautiful and empowering spiritual experience. It brings back the God Factor or Hope and it can be magical. Remember the "restless leg" will come in waves. Get up and walk and walk and walk until it passes then try to sleep. Love you all!
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