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How long will the withdrawals last?

I have a question about withdrawals and how long I can expect to have them. I started doing some Percocets at night to help me get to sleep and I won't lie I also enjoyed the high. Eventually I didn't get the same effect and the dosage had to go up. Then it got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore I just had to take more. As my tolerance grew, so did my need. A so called friend of mine stared selling me his script for 30 mg Roxicodone. They were nice and a lot stronger than the 5 or 10 mg Percocets. At first it was just a nightly thing but now has become every 4 to 6 hours. The dose I take is not the full 30 mgs each time though. I do realize if I continue taking them my tolerance with grow even more. I've started taking Oxycontins at low levels just to be able to sleep the night through without having to wake up in pain to take more of the shorter lasting Roxy's. The problem I'm facing know may be the best thing to happen to me. I can no longer get the supply of pills I once could. Now I have to get what's available on the street level. I don't like this feeling of unsurety. I do know that I will experience withdrawals if I stop cold turkey now. What I need to know how long they will last. I have just gotten some 40 mg Methadose tablets. I've tried breaking them into eighths and they seem to last longer and relieve any withdrawals from the other pills. How long can I take the Methadose and not get hooked on them? I'm taking only 5mgs at a time now. Would  doing this for a short time help me beat the Roxy and Oxy withdrawals? Any information you can tell me would greatly help!
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Lots of great info.  I'm currently struggling with oxy/perc. I hate pain pills of any kind!! Unfortunately in the last 5 years I have had to go through 6 knee surgeries. Each one getting a tad worse. Percocet has always been prescribed. Before this last surgery in June, once  the pain was gone, I was able to put them away and not worry. This Junes surgery added a new drug. The introduction to oxycotin.  Yuck!!  Once home from the hospital I was prescribed 2 60mg sr with perc 10/325 every 4. After 6 weeks we had the doc drop me to 40 sr x2, with the perc. Today, I'm asking for the oxy's to be dropped to 20's with the perc.  

Through all my surgeries besides knee in the last 9 years there have been a total 10.  I do not like pain pills, they themselves are a pain when recovering from surgeries, you have to make sure they are always with you wherever you go in fear that the pain will resume and you are far from home.   welcome the intro of oxy's, until now I have been extremely fortunate and have not had withdrawal symptoms from pain meds. (please know I'm not gloating) with the oxy I have never been so miserable in my life. I do not wish this upon ANYONE.

So, I apologize for the long history, but this is what I need help with from people who have experienced this and are not just spouting what is in a book.  What is the best way to avoid the horrid symptoms while you still need to be on the meds?  What, when & how is the best way to step down from the higher doses? Besides pot which tends to get pricey, any suggestions for appetite and nauseousness while still on the Meds?  Any help would be great.

Regardless of how we got here, we are all here. I wish the very best to everyone.
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Thank you so much!
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Sorry, mean't to say flu ish symptoms. Make sure you get immodium and plenty of fluids ahead of time. If you can schedule a few days off work, that too would be good. Much luck to you!
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Hi There, Welcome to this forum. You are not alone. You've made the first step at getting your life back, the way it used to be. YES, you can do this. Try not to fear the w/d's. They're not fun, but the fear is worse, trust me on that one. These pills turn on us and before we know it, we just medicate to feel normal and soon even that backfires. Check out the Thomas Recipe and get the supplements along with a good protein shake. Can you tell a Dr. about this for added support? Typically, it will be about 5-7 days of feeling very flush symptoms, but tolerable. Each day from there gets better and better. You may want to post on your own thread to get more replies, as this is an old one. Others will be along with more advice. All I can say is life without pills is amazing. You will wonder what took  you so long. Support is on it's way!
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I'm new to this forum thing..actually never been on one at all... I have been taking hydrocodone for about 10 years now. I have attempted to get off a few times but have never completely followed through.. But I usually only did it when I couldn't get them. I want to do this.. I want to be totally done with pain pills FOR GOOD!!!! I'm scared of the withdrawals... Today is going to be my first day totally without... I've been told to take methadone to help with withdrawals but I'm honestly too scared to get hooked to anything else too!! I really want to do this without another drug in place of it..does anyone have any ideas... Or any remedies that could help me lessen the withdrawals or speed up the withdrawal time?? I've been taking anywhere from 10-16 hydrocodone 10mg pills every day.. How long will the withdrawals last? What day will be the worst?? What day will I start feeling better?? Can I do this on my own!?? I want to be successful & overcome this horrible addiction that is running my life & ruining my life.. I hate having to depend on something to get through the day & if I don't have them I can't function.. I want to be happy again.. I want to feel normal..my family deserves that!!! I am determined but have no body to help me!! I've been trying to cover up the pain of losing my brother, sister & mother when they have each passed away.. But the meds aren't taking away the pain.. They are just causing me more pain & ruining my life .. I want to be the mom & wife they need & deserve... Don't get me wrong.. I feel like I'm a good Mom & my family is my whole life... But when I don't have any meds & feel like s*** that isn't fair to them!!  This has been going on for way to long & I want to start fresh & have a great future with my family,, please can anyone give me some good advice?? Thanks so much

Btw..I have been reading other comments from everyone & this is a great website.. So many people seem so helpful & sincere..it's great to know others can relate to you!!
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I have a little info on methadone, be careful taking it for more that 5 days, i wont help you beat the Percocet withdrawl it will only take over your addiction in Its own way, i had to go thru the methadone clinic to get off of OC's after i broke my neck And back in an accident in may 2008, i was going to the mwthadone clinic from then all the way to may of 2010 i was on 110 mgs a day for a long time, granted it cost me 3600 a year just to dose And god knows How much time wasted And gas, anyhow this probably wont pertain to most of you but mayb someome can benefit from my post, anyhow when i got tired of going, i spoke with my counselor And tbey had no intentioms on ever dosing me down period, i went n to the hosp for vascular surgery And was penalized for not commin in to dose, so my clinic cut me from 110 to 66 Mg And every day after that it would go back up,but i felt ok on 66 so i decided to do a rapid dose down, i Did a ten day decrease of 7 Mg a day And the last day was 3 mg, and i figuref it was over after that, well the first WD symptoms didnt even sink in until ab three days of not taking it. I was tired no energy nor appetite, day 4 started with cold chills, but sweating at the same time, oily hands feet hair and everything, i took 2-3 showers a day, to feel clean, i was waking up about every hour n just wandered around the house restless, when i was in bed i couldnt keep my legs still, my joints all felt loose. My hands would stiffen up And almost felt like exorcist How they would bend And stay bent at the wrist. My legs would constantlu have to be stretched like i had just woken from a good nights sleep, it got worse And worse every day, i googled everything i could think, i called the clinic to *** How long is be sick And the one And only reaponse i got was " We dont know, no one ever calls us back to let us know"  then iknew i was totally alone, i stopped eating, And only drank enough water to keep me alive, i know everyomes diff so your WD may not last as long as mine did, but i know first hand that for me it took 7.5 weeks to remove myself from the couch, but honestly about a month after i quit every day got a little better, this isnt a sugestiĆ³n only my story but j smoked weed to gain an appetite and to sleep. Every day after if get a little more sleep, my reflexes wud become a little more normal, And eventually i was clean. Now im back on prescripciĆ³n pain killers for pain but i am veey careful, im able to take as prescribe and so far im doing just fine and its been almost 2 years, i know that multivitamins help but Its only to replace what your bodys losing,  i do know now that the medicina my children are on at night to counteract their adderal is also given for opiate withdrawl, its called " catapress" the generic is clonodine,if you need it you can tell your dr Its very cheap only 7$ a script and it will help, it is a blood pressure medication for adults, but Its also used to mellow out children on adderal and ritalin for adhd.  I hopeno one ever has to go thru what i did but if u want to get back to your old self Its inevitable. Ive been told exercising wholegoing thru WD and gots of water helps u sweat and flush it out 50% faster, honestly if ur withdrawling and have everyto breath your lucky, but i hope someone can find this post useful at some point.
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i started to take methadone after i quit roxys and they are ten times more addictive than oxys perks or any thing like them. i took them for a month and my withdrwls were 50 times worse than they were for the roxys. Methdones are the worst thing to start taking unless its for a short time suboxine are allot better and they get you used to living without have to be high. trust me ive been fighting my addictions for over a year now and i was doing roxys heavy for about a year xanax also help to take the edge off and help keep your mind off getting high but you have to space out the drugs you take or ull just get addicted to them
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In my opnion methadone is just as addictive as the roxys. I kicked cold turkey and I am not gonna lie its hell......on the up side I no longer waste my money on pillls. My symptoms where like the flu with lots of leg pain and restlessness.Hot showers helped some.Good luck to you
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yes im new here but i came off methadone 5days ago, i went only as high as 90 mg from coming off 3 80mg OXY a day and to be honest i proly would have been fine staying at 60mg of methadone but as a user we always go higher to reach our next high. Anyway i've gotten alot of info from these sites so i just thought it might help someone else if i shared my story. like i said i was at 90mg of methadone and stayed there for 4yrs when i finally had enough of the liquid hadcuffs i started coming down 5mg a week got to 50mg stayed there for about 2 months then pd to come down 3mg 1 week and 2mg the second week then back and forth till i reached 15mg then i went all the way down to 1mg , i went all the way down to 1mg because i was scared to get off on anything higher. so now here i am 5 days clean, my withdrawls have not been unbareible more or less flu like symptoms getting a little better every day im off 2 weeks from work hoping that will be enough to get over it! this is my first time going through thisand hoping my last , ive been taking a multi vit and drinking lots to help flush my system. so there u have it my story, I truly beleve your alot better off comming off 1mg  , pluz gives u enough time to metally prepare ur self
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617347 tn?1331293081
Hi, welcome here :) this quite an old thread, you can copy your post and start a new thread but anyway, i  wanted to say  congrats on the decision you have taken.. i wish you all the best at the detox center and never give up !! we can do it !
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My addiction started when I was young and had my wisdom teeth pulled and they prescribed me Vicoden 10mg's.  The pills took my pain away and made me feel good inside; warm and fuzzy, like nothing could get in my way.  I was productive and felt great.  My addiction went on and off for about 5 years until I was introduced to a friend who was prescribed 30mg Roxy's.  I remember the first time I took one how I felt.  I'm ashamed to say it, but I was obsessing over this new powerful, "miracle" pill.  That was about two years ago.  Ive been a constant user, sometimes more than others.  I have tried to quit but always come back to the addiction. I'm always making excuses for myself.  Suboxone has worked well for me, but again, I always go back.  Now with my first child on the way, a great girlfriend, beautiful home, and professional career, I NEED TO STOP.  This is so destructive to my life.  I miss being normal and not depending on this drug.  I'm getting help today.  I've got a few numbers of local detox centers.  By sharing my story and reading other peoples helps me a lot.  I'm hoping to put this bulls*** in the past.  I've got too much to look forward to in my life.  Good luck to anyone who is trying to quit.  Many people do it and are successfull! Its not imposible!!!!
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1888430 tn?1322319949
They gave me Darvon in rehab the first time around. It did work a little BUT IM PRETTY SURE THEY RECALLED THE MEDICINE BECAUSE IT WAS KILLING PEOPLE!  
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Hi everyone I am new to this site....I have been taking Row's for about 5 months maybe 10-15 mgs a day and I am soooo terrified of withdrawl symptoms. I am on day 2 of not taking anything and it is starting to set in. Nauseous irritable the runs. Is it gonna get worse?? Help! Should I taper down??
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Repost your comment by going up to the top and hit the orange button to ask a question.  Copy and paste so you won't get missed.  This is really an old thread and you might not be seen for the help you want.
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I have been taking like 30 to 60 mg of op,s (don't even know what they are really called) for about 7 weeks, when I stop I start having withdrawl symptoms after about 12 hours. How long will it last, and how bad will it get? Should I go to the doctor?
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     I think I might add my personal experience here to help all of the addicts and dependents out there. I have had a couple of back surgeries and had to get off of the medication cold turkey and there are many ways to get off of it. The first time that I got off of vicodin norcos (10 pills a day) and now revently 40 mg oxycontin and 8mg dillaudids cold turkey. The first time I did not prepare and just quit and for almost 2 weeks I was shaking like a crack head, vomitting, dianrhea, blurred vision, cold sweats, hot/cold flashes, etc. and lost 20 lbs. The scene I went through was horrific...

     I just decided to quit a week ago and this time did some research and prepared and 95% of the withdrawl symptoms are absent. Its been a week and I have only had a hard time sleeping and some restlessness. SO ALL OF YOU WHO WANT TO GET OFF OF OPIATES LISTEN HERE!!!
  2 Days before quiting go to a local natural remedy store like whole foods, lassens, etc. The stores are where most likely your local Vegans shop at. Go there and pick up these items: Valerian Root (help to relax), Melatonin (help to sleep), Arnica Montana 30x (musles soreness), Ignatia Amara 30x (emotional upset), Ipecacuanha 30 x (nausea and vomitting), A blood detoxification, and if possible have a doctor prescibe promethazine (extreme nausea). Hylands homeopathic (the company that sells the miracles above) sells most of that stuff mentioned above. I also wanted to add to help with the muscle spasms and restlessness there is a spray from "Bach original flower essence" This spray may not work immediatelly so start it 1 day before you quit. Drink plenty of water... If for some reason you do have mild symptoms take a hot bath or hop in a hot tub. Do what I said in the this post and you will be fine. The trick is to get these into your system 2 days before you quit and keep taking them when you stop. I am on day 5 and feel no withdrawls at all, well maybe a little stiffness.The first time felt like death and now this time nothing. Take what I said and you will be 90% better that going cold turkey without any assistance. Alos the pills I mentioned above are super small pills that dissolve in youir mouth so if you feel like you have to puke these will enter your system fast and assist in the nauseaness...I hope this helps.Good luck... .
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Hi guys. My names "Jay" for all intentional pourposes. I have been struggling with this for 9 years. I'm in my 30's with wonderful kids and a professional job. I have tried suboxone, but was not really "ready". I am now... I am going to try the Thomas theory. I appreiciate the posts because there are items on the list that I think may really help. The energy issue has been something that I have not been able to master. Expecially with the  small children. Regardless of the way that I got here.... I am. I thank you all for the tips. Wish me luck. Unfortunatly, this is not my first go round. Just my first go round without suboxone. Sure I'll check in later. Thx to all. This is not a laughing matter. It is so serious an affects too many good people.
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I am new here and have been reading the posts. I would like to share my story and any support would be much appreciated.
I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for the past 12 years and during that time (about 6 yrs ago) I started having pain throughout my body that just wouldn't go away. My neurologist put me on a low does of Lortab. He would give me a new script about every 2 mos. I did stay with the dosage that was prescribed and did well but then he moved away to start his practice else where. The next neurologist said he would not prescribe me any type of pain meds but tried muscle relaxers, which was horrible. I then tried seeing a different neurologist and found the same thing. They didn't want to create an addict in me I am guessing.
I took it upon myself to get my records and go online to find away of getting my pain meds and I found it, though costly, I did get them for the next 3 mos. During that time my husband was having severe back pain and started pain management for it. He was going for the steroid shots and didn't care about the pain meds so as you can imagine I was more than happy to take them off his hands. He was given 90 Lortab 10's per month then about 2 yrs later his back got worse and they started giving him 120 per month. I had went from taking about 3 lortab 5's to 4-5 Lortab 10's per day and all of this over a 5-6 year span.
During those years I was faced with mental abuse so every time I wanted to quit those emotions would come back and I realized I now had gone from taking the meds for pain to pushing those feelings down so I didn't have to feel.
Recently my husband had back surgery and is no longer getting meds. I decided I will not go out on the streets to get them. I have been clean now, completely, for 5 days. I had gotten clean for about 2 weeks a few weeks ago but a family member had some in her cabinet so I took 4 and broke them up into 8 to try and help with the withdraws. Well now I am determined to try and get through these symptoms but I am finding the hardest part at this point is I have a son who is stationed in Iraq. I did not realize how much this medication was helping (well, what I thought was helping) me not to think of the danger he is in. I find myself crying a lot. I am on Welbutrin  but it seems to make me anxious. I have the the lack of energy ( which comes with having MS too), diarrhea, feeling like I can't breathe. I just wanted to know if these symptoms will go away. I know I am in the midst of the fire right now and I just need to make it to the other side. I am thankful for this forum and support! God Bless.
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Maybe someone can help me. I have been using about 5-6 30mg oxys per day for 4 years now i think for my back and neck, even after surgery didn't help. With the laws changing to control the flow of pain meds here in Florida, I had to go 3 weeks without my meds while in the transition to a new pain clinic.

Here is my problem. The first 4 days, was non stop vomiting. Even my own saliva sliding down my throat was enough to make me want to vomit. The slightest movement. During the second day, the rancid smelling sweating started, my skin was always soaking wet, so the slightest breeze caused me to freeze. I could wrap up because I would be too hot, but I could not wrap up because I would be cold.

On the 3rd day, the leg pains started, I couldn't stop moving them, this is not excluding the arms suddenly shaking out of my control and then flailing off to the side. I was in fear that I would lay out my own husband in the middle of the night.

After a week, this all subsided, I am pretty sure that my being cold all the time now is because I do not have my meds in my system, so my body must learn to acclimate.

Here is the primary issue I so desperately need help with. It has been nearly 3 weeks, and I still cannot hold down anything solid. My meals consist of vitamins and bottles of Ensure, which passes through my system in what seems like minutes, which I know is not possible, but tell that to my out of whack digestive system.

How long does it take for the digestive system to finally normalize? I know that I have been on the meds for a very long time, but I was always monitored my a physician. Everything I read says that this should have been over and done with over a week ago, but my lack of toilet paper and burning 'roids say different..hehe

Help please?
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I am starting my detox and I am going to keep a journal of it, so every time i think of using, i can remeber the **** i felt through it. I was prescibed to Hydro 10's for a car wreck, 2 years later and i was taken 80mg Oxys a day. Finally got sick of it and went to the Methadone clinic. Don't get me wrong Methadone and Suboxone help a lot, but just a FYI, it stays in your system for up to 2 weeks to 6 months! When i was detoxing off of Methadone, it was like I had wasted my time, lasted 2 months clean, still having withdrawl symtoms, which brings me to now, after those months i promised myself i wouldn't get back into them, but Have you Detoxed off of Methadone? ONE SCARY THING TO DO, which made me relpase to taken hydro 10's agian, been taken them on and off for 4 months now, I quit last week for 4 days, I couldn't take the feeling of being sick anymore, and i know i was almost a day 5, but them pills will drag you back in and suck you dry. Today it has been a day and 12 hours of the Detox. My best advice for anyone is, if you know someone that will enable you, just delete that number, I sat around all day before typing this thread, debating, should i go look for more, or just quit and live my life? I have chosen to quit comepletly im so tired of this hell! I can just say that after quiting and going back for 4 days and deciding this is what needs to be done, I have to do it, This is why im here posting this thread, to remind me of the pain and hell i went through, and to relapse again, it a awful feeling, but i must say it makes you think about your life ALOT! My nose is been runing and  eyes watering, can hardly eat a thing, stomach is killing me. I hope when i look back at my threads day by day, I can feel some sort of self satisfaction reading how much better i got day by day. I also went to the doc, he prescrided me Clodine .01mgs to help with the Opiate with draws, and boy they knock you out! i take them 2 times a day, it really helps me sleep, also he prescribe me Klopins 2mgs to help with the withdraws, he was going to prescibe me xanax, but i did my research and saw they are more addictive than pain meds.
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Hi I am 17 years old I have been on hydros for 7.5 specs in particular I was takin at least four a day I know this don't sound like much but I'm not a very big person I have been off them for six days now still have joint pain and feel tired all the time and really cloudy thinkin can someone give me some insight on how long this will last I'm so ready to be the old me again
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I just want to say that every single person here is an amazing being. i am still addicted. i am very afraid to stop. i was fun at first, but then fun turned to just doing one to make the pain stop. withdrawl is not for the faint hearted. thank you all for giving me a bit of hope that i maybe could do it too.

Thank you.
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There are 2 options......4-5 Days of tuffin' it out..OR...Get yourself some suboxone.....I kicked a hard core 3 year addiction to roxie's 30, I was taking 4-5 a day!!
I kick the addiction and NEVER looked back with the help of SUBOXONE 2's...in 3 days....(Day 1 must start at least 12 hours after your last pill) Day 1- I placed the tab below under my tongue when I started to wig out, jumpy legs, restlessness.....Let it Melt completely, swallow it all down....and amazingly pOw in 20 minutes you are like a new person...I took one a day for 3 days and the day 4 I was STRAIGHT ....I didnt want to take anything else ever again!!!
I finally dug myself out....

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I have been taking pills for five years now.. it all stated out when i broke my foot, they prescribed me 15 roxies.. and then i took them for a couple of years.. 'then i up graded to the 30 mg roxicodone did that for a couple years. Then i broke my shoulder and had surgery. after that they placed me on oxycontion for another year up to 240 mg a day. and i was like that for a year.! so i just finialy said to myself. I need to just grow up and not do this anymore.. how nice would it be to just wake up in the morning and feel fine instead of taking a pill before you bruch your teeth... it just ***** my withdrawls went for about 5 days day two and three you want to die but if you make it past day three you will start feeling better. And im telling you this was the best decision i have ever made in my life. i feel just great dont have to worrie about fades anymore ... its awsome you need to just do it. dont be a *****... **** get it over with yeah its one **** week of your life but after that it feels like you have been set free from the bulls ****....Best of luck to anyone that is going to do it... dont give up the min you give up is the min before you succeed..
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