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Hydrocodone Withdrawal

I have been taking hydrocodone for about 2 1/2 years at an increasing rate, ending up with the 7.5 strength and about 18-20 per day.  I do have severe arthitis pain and am a 51 year old woman.  I have to cut down and recently cut down to 10 a day and have experienced physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms.  I have some clonidine and don't know how much to take for withdrawal.  What is the recommended dosage.  My goal is to eventually cut down to 4 a day, but have been very uncomfortable at 10.  I also take effexor and trazadone for depression, but I am so depressed right now.  Hydrocodone, believe it or not has helped my depression and has given me something to look forward to. This site has helped, knowing other people go through the same thing.  Hydrocodone has become my reason to live. I know this has to change.
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You ask for a website to look up withdrawal symptoms!  There is no need to look it up , you are experiencing all of them right now ; sucks dont it !  Well, put your big boy pants on , stop thinking about it , and get on w/your life and never look back .. its the only way !! Your welcome !  
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747988 tn?1396536878
DON'T try kratom- you'll have as many issues stopping that.
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Try Kratom. It helps with the withdrawals you can purchase it online it's a natural in the coffee family. It's a miracle order from Kratom Infusion that's where I order mine. I was shocked zero withdrawals tons of energy and they're different strains some help with sleep and some give you energy for daytime the best thing I have discovered, no more pils Good Luck  
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Just stop. That's the best way. That's an extremely low dose,you might feel mild withdrawls but there is no way around it.
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You can die from just stopping, dropping on how bad you are addicted so never tell someone to just stop
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I have been taking 1/2 to 1 pill a day of 10/350 hydrocodone a day for
a couple of years now.  Will i have withdrawals from this.   What is the easiest way to stop taking them.
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I have been taking hydrocodone 5mg 325 for about five to six months.  I get 40 at a time and try to make it last 10 days until my doctor will refill it.  There are times when I run out too early, like now.  Boy the withdrawal systems are brutal.  I also take anxiety pills because I have anxiety attacks, I know most people due not understand what that is all about, but it is something I cannot describe or control.  
My withdrawal from Norco includes not being able to sit still, no energy, aches and pains all over my body, just recently had a Hernia operation (Great!), can't sit still, sit or lay down for more than 2 minutes.  Can't sleep, it's after 2am.  I cannot concentrate, and taking my dogs for a walk is excruciating, yell at them a lot poor things.  I am waiting for my next refill, cuz life is too short to feel this bad for too long, but I plan on talking to my doctor about a plan to get me off the pills.  I  have CHF, which is why I have stayed on them so long.  It's the only time I feel normal with enough energy to get done what I need to do, although I can no longer work due to my Heart.
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My Doctor took me off them years ago because I had 11 back surgeries. He put me on methadone. He told me that was so much better than hydrocodone. I was on methadone for over 10 years. Then he told me that wasn't good for me and took me off that and I had the worst withdrawals. I was even in the Hospital. He put me on morphine. Then he has been trying to slowly get me off pain meds. Well guess what he got me back on, yes hydrocodone. The thing he told me was bad for me and took me off in the very beginning. Now I'm taking that again. I don't think he plans on leaving me on it for very long. I just feel it's ironic it's the pain pill that he took me off saying it was the worse to be on and I did a full circle. It's been hell, pain pills are so horrible, they pull you in and you can't get rid of them.
2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi wannastp, welcome to the forum.  We can help you. This is a very old post. If you go to the top of the page, and click on the green  "Post a Question" button, you can start your own post.  Tell us your story, and ask any questions you may have.  Tell us what you have been taking, how much per day, and for how long.  There is lots of great advice and support here. I hope to see your post. Take care.
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I am addicted to pain killers I'm scared I wanna stop do I go tell my doctor pls help
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What did u do I'm so afraid but want to stop
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  I read your post and I admire you.
I have a girl friend who is hooked pretty bad and won't (can't?) admit it.  
In addition to pain pills (750 Norco) she also abuses Lorazapam, Clonazapam & Diazapam.  
At times she wants to quit but as soon as she gets money, she goes out and buys them.  I have been helping her get on her feet and after 9 months now realize I am simply "enabling" her. I don't know where or who to go to about this but she is often like Dr. Jeckle & Mr. Hyde (VERY moody). She is very defensive about this as she has been doing this for quite sometime (most of her life).  She has no relatives and her mother is in an institution. I am trying to be as supportive as I can but I seem to only be making it worse (supplementing her income).
  I would like to know how you are doing?
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Wow sorry that's happening. I'm not certain what steps need to be taken, but I can ask around. Make sure to dispose of unused pills properly, a lot of people are doing silly things to get those.
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my mother was on this initially in March 2014 for pain when she broke her arm....her doctor prescribed it......she will be 101 years old in September...her doctor is on the medical staff at the nursing home....I just found out today, August 25, 2014 that she is still on this medicine...taking 4 a day....the doctor neglected to review her meds obviously....I am very very upset and think he should be held legally accountable for this error on his part....I have not seen any side effects.....does anyone have any suggestions on where I should take this even further? The doctor has been notified and I will be following up on just what he is going to do about this when I return to the nursing homeon Wednesday
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Going on 4th Day cold-turkey, depression is getting a little better each day...That's my biggest reason, beside back issue that I like taking the Norco, I am anti social without them, and get stressed in public or at work. The cravings are still here and it helped reading these comments every time I get weak and the craving kicked up. Listening to music and forcing yourself to do things does help get your mind off it. HOWEVER, a light bulb just went off in my head to try and take one Goody's and/or BC powder since there is Acetaminophen in both those OTC headache powders which is also in the Norco. OMG I dont know why, but I wish I did this on day one. Anyone looking to go cold turkey may want to use but not abuse a OTC headache med with acetaminophen in it. GOOD GOD, I think I'm going to kick this dumb habit and really undo all the numbing the meds did to me to avoid real life. You started for a reason, to hide or cover up issues, dont forget, they never went away, however you,I, did with the pills. You only live once, so dont let these dumb pills take whatever its effecting in your life. IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO. IF YOU FALL OFF THE HORSE, GET BACK ON, TRY TRY AND TRY AGAIN. I tell myself, just hold on for one more day.
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Going on 4th Day cold-turkey, depression is getting a little better each day...That's my biggest reason, beside back issue that I like taking the Norco, I am anti social without them, and get stressed in public or at work. The cravings are still here and it helped reading these comments every time I get weak and the craving kicked up. Listening to music and forcing yourself to do things does help get your mind off it. HOWEVER, a light bulb just went off in my head to try and take one Goody's and/or BC powder since there is Acetaminophen in both those OTC headache powders which is also in the Norco. OMG I dont know why, but I wish I did this on day one. Anyone looking to go cold turkey may want to use but not abuse a OTC headache med with acetaminophen in it. GOOD GOD, I think I'm going to kick this dumb habit and really undo all the numbing the meds did to me to avoid real life. You started for a reason, to hide or cover up issues, dont forget, they never went away, however you,I, did with the pills. You only live once, so dont let these dumb pills take whatever its effecting in your life. IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO. IF YOU FALL OFF THE HORSE, GET BACK ON, TRY TRY AND TRY AGAIN. I tell myself, just hold on for one more day.
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This week I started to detox on my own. I have been taking narcos, Vicodin even Oxus, the last pill I took was on Thanksgiving, I must admit Friday and Saturday were pretty bad,I felt like I was crawling out of my skin.I still havn't slept that much but after 2 full days. I feel pretty good. Take ibuprofen and if you. The first 2 days are the worse, drink OJ,take vitamins, and drink a lot of fluids that cleans you out. If you can get threw the first 2 days, it isn't so bad,and think how good you will feel after 4 or 5 days. Good luck
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5787980 tn?1397516409
**Hi workin_mom, and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of advice and support here. Please start your own thread. This one is very old and long. You will get many more replies if you have your own thread. Just go to the top of this page, and click on the Post a Question Button, and then either copy and paste your question or just type it in. Please do that. Take care, and I wish you all the best!**
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi workin_mom, and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of advice and support here. Please start your own thread. This one is very old and long. You will get many more replies if you have your own thread. Just go to the top of this page, and click on the Post a Question Button, and then either copy and paste your question or just type it in. Please do that. Take care, and I wish you all the best!
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I'm on day two from loratabs 7.5. I was on 10-12 a day and cut down to 6 a day. But could never get past 6. I'm  on day two without anything. I can't sleep. I've been using the Thomas Recipe. My head and legs are killing me.
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I take a little bite of ambien and it helps with muscle crabs since it relaxes them. Doesn't put me to sleep at all either.  I read it somewhere, and that is the only thing that helps with my restless legs.  Look online, there are other tips out there. Look up "restless leg syndrome" or "leg spasms". May help.
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This really inspirers me, because that's exactly how I feel. I'm just so so damn tired of thinking I need more than what my doctor writes. An I want to be able to join an love life again because the real me wants to not because of some stupid little pill, thinks it controls me...when I remember. I could tolerate almost anything before....and now my body wants to wait on some stupid little pill to come around because it thinks it needs it to get up an go. When I know I'll be doing my body an me a big favor!!! Plus I have a 8 yr old an a 15 yr old that's missing me because of a little damn pill....crazy. I have cut down. An not easy... An planning to go to only one a day. Like my doc says. Or when needed..or not at all.
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This really inspirers me, because that's exactly how I feel. I'm just so so damn tired of thinking I need more than what my doctor writes. An I want to be able to join an love life again because the real me wants to not because of some stupid little pill, thinks it controls me...when I remember. I could tolerate almost anything before....and now my body wants to wait on some stupid little pill to come around because it thinks it needs it to get up an go. When I know I'll be doing my body an me a big favor!!! Plus I have a 8 yr old an a 15 yr old that's missing me because of a little damn pill....crazy. I have cut down. An not easy... An planning to go to only one a day. Like my doc says. Or when needed..or not at all.
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My 1st time to take 512 was when I got skin cancer, I never used to take the frequently, some times I could pick prescriptions from my doctor and don't use them to get the meds because I did not need them, but I had from some one that they were worth money but never had buyers, but after I met a devils advocate one day who is addicted so he conviced me that he was using them for pain but as I hang out with this dude I realized that he could make lines for me to snoz, at 1st I said no but as time  when on I started doing his lines, that's how I was cought up, one day GOD sends me a dream and told me that hanging up with that guy doing pills was like putting a bullet in my head, its all some ones will power to over come dreams because for sure its a devils trap,jesus Christ had to suffer for our sins, its time for me to all pass through this suffering for the people we love, its the only way out, there is nothing jesus Christ cant do brothers and sisters, its just beliving that u are not going to die, jesus Christ says am on the door of your heart knocking for you to open to get my healing, who ever opens for Christ automatically receives healing. say enough is enough and accept to go through the side effects, just days or a week is not too much. GOD bless u all!!!! and thank you for your encouraging comments, its day 3 for me but with the grace of jesus am already filling much better!!!
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Been on norco 10/325 for about 2 mounths after neck fusion. Been taking 2 every 4 hours so around 10 a day how long will withdrawal last and how bad
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If anyone was taking ten our twenty vicodin of any mg that's way to much you should try  percocet you'll only need a couple depending on your situation and mg I'm just trying to figure out how to get off hydrocodone and or oxycodone without using a nothrr drug
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I don't know why I'm commenting on here other than I'm ready to get off the hydro too I take 8-10before noon and the rest of the day bout the same. But I've had enough and I don't no how to stop ?? pLEASE help me
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