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can paxil, lorazapam and buspar cause major personality changes?

My husband started taking 30mg of paxil, buspar and 1 mg of lorazapam 3 times a day in October.  Since then life has been
insane.  He says he isn't addicted, but continues to take all of these drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist with only 3 month checks.  We have separated and he denies anything is wrong.  After all of the research I have done, this is scary..Why isn't anyone informed of the dangers of these drugs??  What is the possibility of stopping these...He says he is perfectly normal and everyone says he isn't.  What can be done...He is a drastically different person than before and I seem to be the only one very concerned...He also drinks 2-3 drinks a night and says I am over reacting to the change of personality.  
What is the logical step trying to convince him it is addictive.
What can be done to get his psychiatrist to stop this?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
49 Responses
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I have been on Cymbalta, Lorezapam, Trazadone for years. I was not told abiout the devastaing problems they can create! Personality changes etc. How does one get off these drugs safeley and without too many withdrwal problems. I have thyroid disease, adrenal insufficency, autoimmune disease and now I am told Lupus. I also found out on my own that drugs like these can cause lupus. What do I do? Donna Boyd
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Hello, I have been on paxil 20mg for 4 mos. and I am doing much better. My doc. want to take me off in Dec. That would make a total of 4 mos. After reading all the bad side affects on line during weaning, I'm really worried about what I may go through. It make me want to stop right away. I s there anyone here that went on paxil for anxiety and panic attacks that got off sucessfully, without extreme side affects.
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i have a friend taking zoloft for depression and also lorazapam for sleep due to a lot of stress. alcohol is also a factor here. wondering whether these two drugs together cause personality changes and what effect does drinking have in all of this.  

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i have a friend taking zoloft for depression and also lorazapam for sleep due to a lot of stress. alcohol is also a factor here. can these two drugs together cause personality changes and what effect does drinking have in all of this.  

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i have a friend taking zoloft for depression and also lorazapam for sleep due to a lot of stress. alcohol is also a factor here. wondering whether these two drugs together cause personality changes and what effect does drinking have in all of this.  

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I love you WW ... that's all I wanted to say. You're wonderful.

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awwwww now I'm blushing! lol

Thanks Thomas.  I love you too. Thanks for being you.

your ally in "operation respect for addicts"

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You both were truly eloquent...In thses days when I have such **** hanging over my head I could not have been so tactfull...been very irritable altely and it shows....hats off to the both of you.......love cin
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Thomas you pose some good questions. I can only speculate as to what might drive someone to post such thinly veiled hostility under the guise of trying to be helpful.

See...from what I understand about how therapy works, addiction therapy or any kind, the *key* to its success is the quality of the relationship between the therapist and client. The research (as well as common sense) indicates that clients who feel accepted, understood, and not judged have a much better chance of a successful outcome.

Professionals who bully clients or shame them make things worse. Way worse. Most, if not all, therapists are unconciously trying to resolve their own issues through working in this field. The good therapists understand this, and do enough of their own internal work so as to not project their issues onto their clients.
Then there are those who feel they have "The One and Only True Right Way". These folks apply a formula to the client, rather than be guided by the unique needs of each client to structure the correct approach. Some clients need a no bullshit hardline approach, others need gentler interventions..most need a combination. But I'll tell you this...addicts are the most sensitive clients I've ever worked with. An addict, or the adult child of an addict, can tell almost instantly if you are a genuine trustworthy therapist. Those with any self esteem left will run from the shaming therapists (and often be blamed for being "non compliant"), but sadly many stay because they see no other choice.

I think that dear ol' daniel has got some hostility for any addict that is not doing recovery the way he thinks recovery should be done.

Thomas, you and the rest of the crew here have done more for me in my recovery than any therapist I have ever seen (and I've seen a lot). You are right. It is the relentless love, tolerance and non judgementalism that is the key to coping with this disease, not the shaming and finger wagging. It blew my mind to find that on this site, despite admiting I was an addict, I was given compassion and respect. I felt like the scum of the earth, and here I was being given respect!!! That torked my poor lil brain enough to crack open some hope of love and light taking over in the darkness of my addiction. And is seems it has.

I did almost blow my top when I read his last post to me, but managed to remember my serenity prayer, and not give into the flaming that I wanted to write him.
Folks who evoke that kind of intense emotional response are usually projecting their **** onto others, in my experience.

Now, I suppose I'll get called a bad therapist by Daniel again. That is ok.  His opinion of a stranger typing into a computer is not something I'm going to let affect me anymore.

Now...let move on to spreading the seeds of tolerance, respect, and compassion! Yeeeehaw!!!

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Witchywoman re: Danielincc

I am finished directly addressing the grotesque Danielincc, but I must applaud you, my increasingly intriguing WW, for the superhuman restraint you showed in your last response to him. If he had ever displayed enough humanity on this forum to inspire me to care, I'd almost pity him for being so totally blind to the hostility, contempt and fear he demonstrates for the poor, poor people he claims to treat. Can you imagine going to a "professional" in the vulnerable, anguished state of mind most addicts are in at the point where they finally ask for help -- and then getting a person like Danielincc for your therapist? I've never read posts so openly venomous as these are. Imagine allowing a malignancy like this to actually influence your self-image at a time when you lacked the inner confidence, family support or objectivity to question what you were hearing? Quite honestly, WW, I shudder to think of the damage this person has already gotten away with under the guise of being a "professional." How can someone hate the way this person does and not even know it? This is not meant as rhetoric, WW. I genuinely want to know what you think, because I can't remember a poster who disturbed, depressed and, I'll admit it, angered me the way this poster has.

All I can do is fight him by redoubling my efforts to love and support those who write me for help or for straight answers. Despite being married for 18 years and being the proud father of a beautiful son attending his third year at Cal State Long Beach University, I have always been a relatively solitary person. However, that has never stopped me from drawing from the deep well of compassion I feel for the addict among us who still suffers. My answer to haters like Danielicc is to love my fellow addict without reservation, to make a safe harbor of my heart where, man and woman, boy and girl, old and young, black, yellow, brown and white will never be judged or diminished, never be shamed or dismissed.

Love is the only weapon that will defeat the efforts of a poster like Danielicc, and I mean to defeat him by countering his intolerance with a torrent of love and respect against which no prejudice can prevail.

I can only pray that Danielincc's dark cloud moves on to doom another web site and leaves the good souls of this forum to their work - spreading tolerance and understanding while articulating the joy of our common struggle and sacrifice.

Your Friend,

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THOMAS...That last post was truly eloquent! And you used such dipolmacy. Diplomacy meaning..having the abilty to tell someone to go to hell and have them look forward to the trip. I applaud you sincerely.

May your kindness, wisdom, experience and compassion continue to ease the pain of others on this forum.


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this will be might last post for a few days- but i wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the kind words and thought-i do not suffer from an inferioity complex or any such thing- but when i stated that i felt i had little to offer- what i mean is that- the extreme pain i have from degenerative joint disease- well just about everyone hear suffers from some physical pain- there is little i can offer there-  most folks here either have battled or are battling, or are going to battle the horrible effects of withdraws- again- i have no unique situation here-  many participants in this forum have offered supplements that supposedly will help alleviate withdrawal symptoms- for those folks i indeed thank you- but sadly- i have no additional advice to offer- to make this long story short- i just cant seem to see the benefit of repeating my problems that so many others have stated time and again- rather i gain strength and encouragement from reading what others have to say- if i find a new medical breakthough that will help all others- here would be the first place that info would be posted-  so--- hopefully you will understand that i will continue to "ghost" here-

although i do hope you wont mind if i pop in everynow and then just to say hi, and that i have been thinking of you- i will have access to a computer in a couple of days-

thanx again to everyone for their nice words and sentiments-
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Hi there Kip,
I just wanted to check in and ask you how you are doing these days? How is your pain level?
Just wanting to send you good vibes.  :-)

and ssfr, I think Kip is right on the money.  You do have a lot to offer, and I love to see you post.  

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about your post above-i guess i have a little problem. i spent some
time doing the ghost thing. if that is what your most comfetable
doing, well thats fine, but please don't pass judgement on your
self. what i mean to say is i guess it bothers me to hear you say
that you "have so little to offer." i would be very reluctant to
pass that sort of judgement on someone else. I think you have as
much to offer this forum as anyone else!

keep an angel on your shoulder
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Getting clean is the easy part> Staying clean is the part that requires an addiction professional. This is basic information that everyone knows in the field. Maybe its time for a tune up on your skills as a mental health worker. This forum may help when detoxing,but professional help is needed to prevent relapse.
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I was really offended by the insulting things you have said to Thomas, WW and whoever else on here...you were so very quick to judge and point fingers when you dont have a clue about what people have been through on here and what it feels like to be an addict....NONE of us need your criticism and negative thoughts...I will have you know that the people on this forum are what gave me support and strength WHILE I was detoxing....EVERY single one of them was willing to give out email/phone numbers, etc. in all hours of the night if I needed someone to talk to...I dont think ANY doctor is going to do that for me.  I do NOT have medical insurance so I CAN'T pay for psychological help....so I turn to this forum and the support of NA and AA.....I think if you were to go back and READ some of the earlier posts you will see there is alot of healing on this forum....i dont think ANY of us are in DENIAL or we wouldn't be on here spilling our guts....we'd be saying "I'm FINE, I dont have a problem"....but we dont....we share our hopes, dreams, fears, losses, cravings, etc.  with each other and ask for support and knowledge from anyone that can give it...and I personally think WW is a fantastic, smart and VERY bright psychiatrist....she may be a recovering addict, but she has given me some of the GREATEST advice and I think I am where I'm at because of her....If you dont like the way we go about things on this forum...just dont read!!!  What is the saying we all know and love  "if it works, and you work it, then your worth it"...I think ALL of us are doing what works for us!!!  Love to all~~kristen
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I can't speak for anyone else on this forum, but i am really
offended by your manners (lack of) and your attitudes. I guess
the only way you believe one can find recovery from addiction
is to pay an "ADDICTION PROFESSIONAL" such as yourself. One has
to wonder what AA and NA did before professional such as yourself
came along to charge money for what was given away before.
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Wow.  You know, I can think of several other ways that you could have said what you said that would have been less likely to evoke a defensive response.  I've watched your posts, and am puzzled as to why you seem intent of saying just the very thing that will allienate rather than engage.

Yes, I agree that staying clean is the hard part, and that professional help is an essential tool for most people.  I'm in therapy, and working on staying clean, exclusively.  I find it interesting that you would assume that I am not, and then feel a need to insult me professionally, without knowing anything about me.  If you've read my posts, you'd see that I constantly encourage folks to see therapists and go to meetings.

I am glad I'm not your patient, and hope that you can develop better empathy skills.

I'm done bickering with you..this forum doesn't need antagonistic energy. We are all in this together, trying to support each other is what works.  

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wow- it appears you have done the almost impossible- that is offend just about everyone who has spent so much time contributing positively trying to offer help and advice to all who seek it- as one of the "ghosters" of this forum- who feels i have so little to offer, but indeed much to gain and to learn, i am astonished of your criticisms- it is apparent that you have spent very little time looking at the various posts of the past, and even less time analysing the heart felt advice given so freely here- my fervent hope is that you will be able to turn your negative energy into a positive flow- as a health provider, you have an inherent obligation to contribute in other ways than to simply criticize, and to state that the only salvation is to elicit the services of so-called professionals- that is simply not an option for so many who visit this forum- i hope to read more from you- but hope you refrain from personal attacks that are of little or no help to anyone.
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Hi Daniel,
I too am a mental health professional. I treat all kinds of folks, including some addicts, and I am an addict myself.

This forum was what got me clean. Granted, I am newly clean, only a few weeks. But this is how I did it. The unconditional acceptance no matter what, gave me the space I needed to come out of my denial and make my own decisions about what I needed to do.

I know that if I came here, and was hit with heavy duty helpful advice about how I am in denial and need to stop forever, I would have felt overwhelmed and judged, and would have left and would likely still be using. I know this, because it happened to me on other addiction forums on the web before I found this one.

Your advice may be true for some folks, but I can only speak from my own experience.  It was the love and support of these other addicts, who didn't tell me what to do but gave me the space to learn from their experience, that got me to give up the meds that we slowly destroying my life.

I will say that when I hear others on this board who are able to take the pain  meds now and then, I do begin to hear the whisper of the Dragon, telling me I can now do the same. I get tempted.

But, it is MY responsibility to make the choice about using or not, and I would never in a million years want anyone here to censor their truth, since it was their truth in the first place that helped me get clean. I know that I personally can't use just once in a while without going back down that road, but I can't know whether someone else can or not. Each of us has to make our own choice about that.

I'm all for professional help, don't get me wrong. But, this forum is what got me clean. Period.

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Talk about addiction! I've become addicted to this site. Trying to snatch time here and there to see how all this banter is playing out. You guys are some wonderful people,trying to help each other, and the in squabbling is slightly bothersome. In light of last week's tragedy,remember united we stand-divided we fall. We are more alike than we realize. Of course,EVERYBODY has an opinion.                                                          At any rate I'd like to post a little saying that may help - Sometimes it is the little things that get under our skin and bother us the most.We should try to put things in perspective and hope for the skin of an armadillo.
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My intention was not to anger anyone. I treat addicts on a daily basis. I see the pain that this disease incurs. People I treat really want to be helped. The good majority of these clients go on to live prosperous lives free of the pain of being addicted to opiates and other substances. There are various ways to treat the disease of addiction. There are professionals like myself working very hard to help those who really want help! Coming to a forum like this does nothing to treat the disease. If you people want help, get off your rears and get some real help.
                                                                  Addiction is a like a cancer if you do not get help it will kill you. I know, I have seen it take many good people! The denial I speak of is the denial that you have a disease that can be treated and the denial that if you continue to abuse short acting drugs like thomas abuses his ninety hydrocodones a month it will cause related problems that will take your life eventually.
Good Luck to you ALL!
Ps: If I can beat this killer disease-so can all of You. But it requires help from a professional.
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Amen.  You said it all...just right....Susan
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I'm not sure I merit such praise, but I thank you for your friendship and support anyway.

Your friend,

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