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Just Found out I am pregn,ant and am addicted to painkillers

Hi there, I have been abusing pain killers on and off for about 6 years. I just found out 1 week ago I am pregnant.  I have been taking 4 10 milligrams hydrocodones a day for the last few months.  I have 3, 5 mgs left. I wanted to taper but I am more addicted than I thought.  I am 5-6 weeks pregnant.  I am not sure what to do? Is the dose i was taking small enough to go cold turkey, although at this point i dont have enough to taper.  I am so ashamed so please avoid trying to make me feel any worse than what I already do.  Does anyone have any tips to make withdrawls easier?  HELP please.....I feel so desperate.
37 Responses
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Congratulations.  You have done an amazing job at tapering off your meds and should be so proud of yourself.
Lack of energy is a big part of the withdrawal process.  You should discuss it with your doctor.  You are probably already on prenatal vitamins but ask him about drinking either ensures or boosts as they really help with the energy and are full of vitamins and nutrients.  Are you eating and staying hydrated?  It's important to do both.  Exercise really helps with getting your energy back as well.  Again I would discuss it with your doctor first and I'm sure he or she can recommend what to do safely.
I am so happy for you and please keep us updated.
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Sorry it would not let me finish my comment but when I was trying to say was yes it's embarrassing to you but most doctors understand that this stuff happens and they will respect you for coming to them and asking for help for the health of your baby. Things will be so much worse for you if something happens to your child because of your drug use and I would not want anyone to go through that. I wish you the best of luck and I will say a prayer for you
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I was in a very similar situation to yours about a year and a half ago only my problem wasn't as bad and I was taking a lot more than you are four a day is such a small amount to me I wish I could only take four a day I take 20 and sometimes more day.

I have three boys and about 15 months ago I gave birth to my first daughter. I was having a problem with the pills prior to conceiving the good thing was that once I got pregnant I was only able to take less than half the amount of pills that I was taking and when I would stop the withdrawals we're not that bad. My doctor had continued to prescribe them to me throughout my pregnancy. She kept telling me that it wasn't that big of a deal to take them during my pregnancy as long as I didn't take them every day and I did not take them every day at that time. I also would only take maybe 2 to 4 at a time if I even took that but I would also go a week or two without having any at all. I know that it was not a good decision and please no one judge me but I did give birth to a beautiful healthy little girl.  I love her to death I love all of my kids today she is the only pregnancy that I had a problem with my pain was so bad I had to take something and my doctor kept giving them to me so I thought that it was okay. You're making the right decision to not take them and I wish I would have done the same and like I said I did the best I could for me and my situation and I tried not to take them every day and I didn't take that many. For some reason being pregnant I couldn't take very many it was like my body knew that I shouldn't be taking them or taking too much of them and that it would hurt the baby and my body would only allow me to take so many. My problem didn't get really bad until after I had my daughter my daughter was born in May 2011 and my addiction problem dramatically increased shortly there after. Part of the problem was I had really bad postpartum depression after I have my daughter and that is why my intake increased so much and why I take so much at this time. I can't do like I used to and not take them every day or go any length of time without them if I don't take pills and 24 hours I start to have withdrawal symptoms. I do think the best thing that you can do is talk to your doctor and I wish I would've talked to my doctor and had her stop prescribing them to me but I tried to not take them as much as I could. It is playing Russian roulette when it comes to this yes my daughter was born healthy and beautiful and is a beautiful healthy 15-month-old to this day.  But it could have been much worse and I also had a complicated pregnancy that I am positive is a direct result of my pill intake. I went into labor with my daughter at 31 weeks and was scared to death that I was going to lose her and I still ended up having her three weeks early.
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Hi there, I am on day 3 with nothing. I am doing alright.  Just have NO energy whatsoever.  I just want to curl up in a ball and hide, but thats impossible with work and family.  I still am doing better than I thought though.  I actually went to the fair yesterday with my husband and daughter and it was enjoyable.  I think it should only get better at this point.  Sleeping hasnt been too bad, my Dr advised me it was ok to take tylenol pm thank goodness.  Will it get better now?
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That's still excellent!  The doctor will be happy with your progress. It takes a lot of strength to stick to the taper but you do have motivation,huh?

Let us know what the doctor says tomorrow and don't be a stranger!  xo
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Hi there, sorry I havent been on in so long.  I am struggling with tapering but I knew it would be difficult.  I am taking between 1-1.5 a day.  I am supposed to be at .5 now so I am behind.  I have another appt with Dr tomorrow afternoon.  Thank you for checking on me.
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I was using norco about 45 mg a day before I found out I was pregnant. I found out and just stopped using. Stupidly. But I didn't know any better at the time I thought I was doing a good thing by just quitting. My baby girl is almost a year and fully healthy. In not at all saying to just stop but that was my experience. I was however only a month along. But please talk to your dr. It's very dangerous. And they can help you stay sober thru your pregnancy. Good luck Hun
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495284 tn?1333894042
How are you feeling now?
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3114910 tn?1341850919
I have been taking narcotic pain medication since my car accident in 2010. I found out I was pregnant March 29, 2011. I gave birth to my daughter November 14, 2011. I could never find it in me to share with any of my doctors how serious my addiction is/was. I just recently went for a drug & alcohol evaluation and got accepted into the suboxone program. You are a brave person. I am sure you have the courage to overcome this. As far as you asking if you take a small enough dose to quit cold turkey, everyone is different. Just because you take a small dose doesn't mean you won't have horrible withdrawals! Best of luck!
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495284 tn?1333894042
Good Morning!  I dont care if you are taking half a pill every 3 weeks, this is a problem for you.  The mental part is tough and we usually recommend some type of counseling.  Is there anyway you could see someone?  Your brain will play some real nasty games with you.  It takes awhile for our brain to get used to not having any pills.  You are doing a fantastic thing here by tapering down the safe way.  Stay busy thru out the day, turn on some music, go outside, just stay busy.  You can do this!!
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Ok so definitely easier said than done.  I am so glad I got on here this morning and read your comments.  They are definitely motivating to do better.  I have taken 1/2 a pill more than i am supposed to Saturday and Sunday.  I really really need to work on my self control.  If I dont my withdrawals will be worse on me.  I feel like I 'need' them to be happy.  I know that is horrible, but its really how I feel and I hate that Ihave given these little things so much power.  I know some people say the dose I am taking is super easy to get off, its not for me.  Its awful.  I have to though. I have to put these wants aside and  get more tough.  Thanks for your support.  Couldnt do it without this place.
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495284 tn?1333894042
Going cold turkey is NEVER recommended for a pregnant woman.  Pre term labor and miscarriage can happen.   She went to her doctor today and the doctor is helping her wean down.
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Hey you can definately quit cokd turkey! Im on suboxone so unfortunately im srill battling stuff but my brother was taking 20 blue watsons a day and he cold turkeyed abd he went through the total withdrawal (there's no escaping that) but on day 5 he started to feel a WHOLE lot better! Plus you have a cheerleader in your stomach rooting you on!! Good luck!
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Sounds like a plan!  You are to be congratulated for your strength!  Thanks for letting us know what happened.  Please keep checking with us..we love babies!
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi! I was not going to weigh in on this post because I have absolutely no experience being pregnant and addicted! I have read through the entire thing! I just have to say you are so amazing!! This took so much courage and yes you have put your baby's health and well being ahead of your addiction!  

I hope to see you stay around here for a long time! We see many posts from pregnant women who are in your similar situation! They are scared and ashamed and desperate! You are truly an inspiration! You have so much to offer here! Please keep us updated on your progress! We really care! Also, stick around you can give many women hope! Take care and all the best to you! Big hug!!
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377493 tn?1356502149
I just read through this.  I work for a non profit agency and a part of what we do is help women who are in exactly your situation.  So I see this all the time.  I just want to tell you that I think you are absolutely fabulous!  What you did took a lot of courage and strength.  It is clear to me that your first priority is that baby and that is pretty telling as to the kind of mother you will be (and already are).  You should be incredibly proud of yourself and I know that your story will inspire a lot of other women.  I honestly wish that I could reach right through this screen and give you a big hug.  You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and a great deal to be very very proud of.  I wish you nothing but the best!!  I wish everyone would be brave enough to take the steps you just did.  Way to go momma!!!
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495284 tn?1333894042
I am so proud of you~~That took alot of strength and courage to do what you did.  I am also very happy your doctor was so helpful and understanding.  Make sure you keep being honest with her.  Keep talking with us on here.  We care about you and the baby~~~sara
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Just got back from the Dr. She was very, very kind.  Thank goodness.  She even hugged me when I left.  She prescribed me 30 pills and gave me specific instructions on when to take.  She said to take two for 5 days, then 1.5 for 5 days, then 1 for 5 days and so on.  SHe has me scheduled to see her next week.  She told me that with the baby and me taking the pills, it was all or nothing, basically meaning I will miscarry if I stayed on the path and increased dosage or the baby would be born and be fine.  I do NOT want to lose the baby so I will follow her instructions exactly.  When i left there I even texted my contact that i get them from and said to please never contact me again i do not want any part of the pills.  I am going to block her number too just in case.  I do feel better, even though it was so humiliating for me to tell her I got it off my chest and will ge off the right way.  The good thing is I am sure she can check if I am still on them when I visit her so its yet another good reason to make sure I am doing what she says.  Thank you everyone, I will keep posting.  If I wouldnt have got on here, I wouldnt have found the courage to call my dr.  Thank you.
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It takes tremendous courage to admit your addiction. My very first hydro script was given to me while I was pregnant with my daughter- 15 years ago. I had a 9mm kidney stone! Obviously, I could not pass that. LoL! Kidney started shutting down, they put in a stent, etc.. I started having contractions because my body was under so much stress. They could not operate because the chances were high that I would lose her. They couldn't do anything but try to keep me comfortable. The stone moved so much that my urine was red for months. I wish I knew then how dependant I would become upon them. My daughter was, thankfully, healthy. They had to induce 3 weeks early to get that stone taken care of.
You are doing the right thing, but I wouldn't advise quitting cold turkey while pregnant.  I agree that if your doctor doesn't support and encourage, you need to find a new one! Everyone has their own struggles and need encouragement, not judgement! You are already putting your child first- you'll be a great Mom.
Stay Strong <3
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3107270 tn?1341523196
Well my fiance is about 3 months pregnant and had a way larger problem than 40 mg's a day. She has found a doctor and now takes Subutex. Which is a safer alternative for the baby to Suboxone.. Which is an addiction medication used to taper people off of opiates..
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495284 tn?1333894042
You are never alone while you are here.  We are all addicts in different stages of recovery.  We know the feelings you are going thru right now.  Look around the forum and get comfortable.  We are open 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
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I keep tearing up when I ready everyone's comments. EVeryone is so kind and understanding.  I felt so alone before I got on here.  God bless you, thank you.
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495284 tn?1333894042
That is why tapering down slowly will help.  Try and calm yourself, you will get thru this and we will be here to help you~~
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Will definitely let you know.  This is my 2nd child, my daughter is 15 months old.  I scared of the withdrawls so bad because I do not want her to suffer from my STUPID mistake(s).
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