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Kicking the Hydrocodone/Clonapin help!

  I have been on anti depression meds for 15 years and in the last 6-8 years had many surgeries and got onto the pain pills!
I have been on my own tapering, my psychiatrist closed his office 3 months ago and has not reopened. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!! So I have been cutting out pills for 6 weeks successfully BUT now and at a point I am not sure where or what to do.
  I am totally off Prosac now , my Concerta is half dose. I was taking 4-5 10MG/650MG Loricets for too many pains too count. I have gotten down to 1.5 a day in 6 weeks. As for my Clonapin I was on 4MG then 2MG which I have cut to 1MG for sleeping (I am bi polar) I have talked to many people who have told me that cold turkey on Clonapin can lead to siezures so I am trying to get a new shrink to help me detox them. No luck in my area yet.

  As for the Loricets I am so ready to stop them completely but have also been told that due to the years on them and all I could also be in for seizures and or a heart attack. I am 53 years old.
I am happy with myself for what I have accomplished this far and I am dead serious I want off this crap!! But my Primary is 2.5 hours away and as I said my shrink is closed. I called several places today that were referred by my insurance and 1 wants me to see a therapist to see if I need drugs!! I tried to explain I DON'T WANT DRUGS I WANT TO GET OFF WHAT I AM TAKING!! I got a run around. So I called the 2nd one only to find I was referrred to a Neurosurgeon/bone doc ???? huummm so I looked up the name given and found that he was a dentist!! Am I crazy or what?

  I am having headaches like migraines, OMG . I don't want to eat, drink, bathe or do much of anything. My stomach has been upset bad and sleep ha ha ....I can't sleep at night  with the lower dose of Clonapin. So I want to sleep all day , getting out of bed is a joke my back aches so bad and let me tell ya the arthrititus is kicking up bad!!
. One minute I am crying and then I am a shrew! I can't concentrate, my vision is blurry, I can't make a decision to save my soul. My poor husband is beside himself, I am up down and all around!! And the run around with the doctors is a nightmare. I AM NOT DOCTOR SHOPPING I moved to another state last year and have been unable to find anyone in this area who takes our insurance. So I have been driving  2.5 hours for the last year. I can't drive that far right now no way.

   I found this forum looking for a way to get off the pills and to find out if I can stop the Loricet and what more to expect.
I am truely at a loss what do I do? My doc was going to do a medical detox when he reopened his office and that didn't happen, I don't even know what a medical detox is? My insurance won't pay for inpatient detox unless I am suicidal which I am not. I don't need more meds I need someone who can talk to me and point me in the right direction. Yes I can go to NA or AA but because of the Clonapin I am totally scared to go and have someone say" oh just stop them you will be fine".  I have lots of family to live for plus when they say seizure what exactly does that mean?

  I was put on Clonapin and Prosac 15 years ago and it helped for along time but then other docs added other stuff whenever we moved (military) so I don't know what or who is right anymore. The depression is back full force but I would rather have that then the pill fog....
Is there anyone out there who can tell me what a seizure does, and what withdrawal does? And is the back of my head gonna blow off or does it just feel that way? (-:  
Thank you
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Hi gnarly
  For some reason your words always help me....today is day 1 of the half Loricet, I have 5 days left . I am super depressed ??? Have zero energy again and have chest pain. It is not a heart attack (-: this happened in May and at the ER I was told I have a pulled trap muscle that wraps around to my chest so it feels like one.... BUT I haven't had them in awhile.

  Is this normal to be so danged up and down?  Went out this weekend to see friends and felt like I was the social outcast! I don't drink smoke and try not to cuss and be loud and rude! I ended up with needing Imodium OH SO GLAD I HAD IT WITH ME!! I spent most of the evening in the house, my hubby and I spent the night. In the morning felt the same way like WOW I don't fit in here??? Note my last post I was up! Can you say bipolar?

   I am really frustrated , confused , hurt, and very whiny (-; poor poor me ha ha. But I am very serious the folks in our riding club just dont appeal to me anymore. AM I NORMAL OR NOT?
I still haven't found a doc and today didn't even try and didn't do anything...I don't really want any pills of any kind so it isn't that. What I really want is my life back and I just seem to not ever get there. I am so grateful that my hubby is so supportive or I'd be lost, he was upset about the weekend party folks too. So it wasn't just me

   Am I pulling him into my world with out meaning too? I don't want him to feel he has a problem too , trust me he doesn't! Sorry I think I  just need someone to talk to and I hurt and it is depressing... I know the Lord is there but like today I don't feel him so much.

Thank you for the listen
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Hi got an email from Medhelp asking me to pick the best answer and comment! WELL ALL OF YOU ARE GREAT!!! I thank each and everyone who replies and helps!

I have been busy so haven't had a chance to check in. Still doing ok, the half time is coming on the Loricet )-:  oh well I can do it!!! Still no docs taking my ins BUT the one who wants me to see a clinician has a shrink who takes it so I have to go that route! Thank God I still have Klonapin to see me thru till then...

My kids have been routing for me as my hubby and friends, I have a couple of them who take way more Loricets than me and they are begining to wonder if they may have a problem (-:   had a garage sale yesterday quite reluctantly BUT glad I did. Had a recovering guy come up and just start talking about it!!! I must have a sign on me ha ha it was really great, he shared his drug stop and I shared mine and the Lord with him!!! Interesting day I was worn out tired.

I have a big party to go to tonight and I get cramps still so bad from a prior condition, and now the wds and just wearing my jeans hurts so I am scared I may "feel the need " for an extra pain pill to make it thru.....I found 2 of them cleaning house...)-: gave them to my hubby but ya know me well I do I can whine with the best of beggars......Well today will be an hour at a time!

YOU ARE ALL GREAT THANKS AND GOD BLESS will let ya know if I was good or bad!
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Thank You
I remember the weight gain from before and I honestly don't remember if I tried Risperdal or not?? He had me so up and down several times my head spun. Being a military (ret now) family you move and move, each new doc thinks they need to remake you! So they always messed with my hormones )-: yikes! And my meds too, there were times i think my hubby was ready to go to sea all the time!! So thats been my major hesitation with yet another new doc....

  Yeah I am getting close and scared but not as much as I was, today is my 1st day with NO headache at all even on the edges of my eyes!! I didn't sleep last night again uuughhh and my face is kinda puffy , I am so dang pretty that if I still look this good I have a costume for Halloween!!! I am gonna keep the Klonapin at half and wait for that , it makes me groggy in the morning but at least I sleep.So the quarter isn't gonna cut it now.

God has me in his hands I know and now I am beginining to see it, for awhile He was pretty fuzzy!  But the idea of 8 months makes me crazy I am too impatient , I want to say I started this really started in Sept. I had already cut down on stuff but not with such intention as I am now. I am just so grateful the Lord keeps putting folks in my path and letting me talk to them!

I am trying to get ready for this weekend we are having a street garage sale and I have changed my mind 6 times..we also have a campout at a friends where we can go shooting and bbq and all that fun out in the sticks BUT I am like "wah wah I don't wanna leave my house and sleep on the ground, or price my junk" BUT we can't walk thru our house!! ha ha we moved a year ago into 1000 sq ft smaller and I have tried and tried but with no garage its bad...so I am trying today to get it together and tomorrow I will try to go to our friends and have fun. I always do once I am out of the house!

  I don't understand the not leaving my house thing???? I used to be go go go now I am almost scared to leave and it has been a gradual build up for more than 5  years! My hubby would try to get me to go out anywhere and no go! I almost lost him a year ago due to my mule headedness and moods , so when I was 11 days away from a divorce I woke up! And it has taken me since Jul 09 to get this far....so I guess I didn't really start in Sep I started 15 months ago and didn't know it!

    If anyone out there ever reads this WHO is NOT ADDICTED or thinks they aren't to pills listen to me and us! It can happen to anyone anytime and you don't even know it! One day you wake up and your world is in a pile at your feet! I didn't see it coming not one bit, I was in my own little pitty party HELL....and it had affected my kids and everyone I knew. I Praise God that my grandbabies are too young or weren't here yet! I have a few roads left on my make up journey )-: OH HOW I DREAD THEM ....but last year I almost got divorced, had 3 grandbabies in 3 months, 1 needed open heart surgery at 3 months then my mom died!
So did I......so I fogged out more for a bit, now it is as you say "just for today" and Help Me God I am powerless!  
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HI....well im glad your feeling a little better...I remember the withdrawal migraines I had them for days....my last detox was off methadone I tapered for 8 1/2 mo in and out of withdrawals
hey id you put weight on with lithium try risperdal I noticed no weight gain on that
your getting down to the wire here your taper is almost threw...I highly recommend you only come off the loraset first dont try to do the clonapine at the same time the withdrawals from it can be wicked ...I watched my wife go threw them...hang in there your doing great
you will beet this thing like all of us do....''just for today'' and your day in coming
im also a believer and Christ Jesus can set you free of this mess he did me so hold on to your faith pray for strength to get threw it...when I went threw it threw the soft spoken words of God he gave me this....'''my grace will be sufficient for you'' when I finely got ahold of that things smoothed out a bit remember all things are possible threw Christ Jesus...good luck and God bless......Gnarly  
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Hi just an update (-: its my birthday and I don't feel like I may die anymore! Yeah!! I am actually getting some short term memory back, and my head is better. I got some cleaning done yesterday and today wow....even some hunger!!

It was my 1st day on 1 Loricet and last night was my 1st night on the lower dose of Klonapin. I did not sleep well and I must have had a dream because I woke my hubby up I was yelling , what did I do what did I do? )-: he told me nothing and I went back to sleep..... oh well

Also talked to a doctor who gave me the name of a good local shrink AMEN.... he said I sounded like I was doing really good BUT that with Prozac (of all the ones) t sometimes later you get massive depression and weird thoughts.....I already have been thru that but closer to 6 weeks when it is all out of my system I may actually get it all over again DRAT!!
So I have my fingers crossed and will try to see if this doc is on our plan and if I can see him, seems my area they are big on you see a therapist before you can see a doctor! I hope I can get in soon before I really try the Klonapin kick! Seems even doctors will tell you that it is common to be given more and more medication BUt never take you off the older stuff, and that pain management will keep ya coming back for more. Boy I feel like an idiot!!!

But overall it was a good day, I am actually tired from movement not pills, my back hurts from working around the house not WDs, I don't look like my eyes are falling out anymore! I got lots of roses and all the kids called and grandbabies too!!
Thanks for listening all
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Hi Thanks for that! I have asked I don't know how many people what the heck is a siezure! Hubbys are wonderful! How did you finally get off them?

I had finally talked to a pharmacist of all people! She told me what to really expect and said I was doing a good job tapering, she actually helped me figure out how many days I had left of the Loricet and we worked out the next phase for tapering the Clonapin.

I guess I must be stupid because I kept taking what they gave me and kept wishing I felt like me . Crap I haven't felt like me in years????  And did great for along time so when the bipolar was diagnosed I was sure it was fine to take all this stuff because it was "prescribed not illegal" ha ha . Kinda like thinking cosmetic surgery won't hurt because YOU want it so it isn't real surgery....I am an idiot..

. I had a hysterectomy at 30 until then I functioned super well, then OH BOY LOOK OUT! Life became a real rockey road to hell. Mood swings and man was I a mean old hag, But it took 9 years to stabilise me and my moods SO THATS WHY I TRUSTED THE DOCS AND ALL THE MEDS!!!! Thats when the diagnose came in I have the deep lows but no highs!

One of you wrote to me gnarly1 I think who said Lithium, I love the stuff. 1st thing they ever tried after my surgery BUT I gained so much weight and still being young I couldn't deal with fat! It is a natural medication made of salt, I felt normal immediatly. So thank you for reminding me of the Lithium, I had forgotten that. Along with so many other things. I had no idea that I was losing my memory as much as I have been. Today is the 1st day I feel semi human and will tackle the phone and insurance people again, my cell can't handle another direct wall hit (-:

My son who has been thru  hell gave me a great idea and I am going to the health food store today its called Taurine. A natural herbal that will flush out liver and kidneys (I think he said both) my back has hurt so bad and my head OMG. So heres whats been working to keep me sane and alive . You all said to post them

#1 Frozen pepsi ice cubes!! I kid you not.... they are perfect for nausea and have enough caffiene to stop the head spins temp.
#2 Heating pad I have always been a heating pad user and it helps my back so much
#3 Excederine Migraine again more caffiene.
#4 Calling my sons and my husband, 2 of the kids have been there and my hubby never but he has been reading and very helpful! so get your better half on board.
#5 SLEEP I lay in a dark room allot and sleep , to heck with my house!
And most important I pray and listen to the Christian radio all day....

I have 1 day left of 1.5 Loricet then one a day for 5 days then half for 5 days I am done! OH I FORGOT I found out from the pharmacist that cutting the Concerta in half was not good!! It breaks down the time release and makes it worse, it also has no particular withdrawals so I can take them for some energy until they are gone and my own comes back.
I started my Klonapin last night on 1/4 of the tab .50, so I did 1 mg for more than a month now .50 for 2 weeks then will go to every other day on one for 2 weeks then stop, she said I should be ok because I have tapered them down so well. I actually slept ok.

So I have 11 days  and no more Loricets! Then 4 weeks  and no more Clonapin by then I will have a new doc and monitered. The only reason I feel good about this is my last doc did wean me off them several years ago and he had me go down half every 2 weeks and I was fine but I couldn't sleep and nothing seemed to work.
I think I could just stop the Loricets but I feel so crappy now I can't imagine it being worse. Plus I am really able and very determined to do this,but I won't get cocky (-:

So thank you so much for talking to me and listening I am excited (well as much as I can be right now) to think I am getting back to my own mind. I look forward to seeing my own personality again, I didn't realise how much it had affected me until my grown kids told me how much I had changed in the last 4 years )-:
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Deb-I have been in your shoes more times than I can count:( But slowly I've been recovering and you sound like you're getting there as well. But your concerns about seizures are right on. I was on Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan (all legit scripts from same doc!). But I hated how I felt and the memory loss was horrible and embarrassing. I literally lost an entire year by being so medicated. Anyway..I stopped them cold turkey one Wed. Come Fri I was physically fine. But my mind seemed to be playing tricks. Sat morn comes..I'm in the shower andstarted feeling woosy. Next thing I know my husband's wrapping me in a robe and paramedics are in my face. It was truly the grace of God that my husband was home ( I had a toddler and infant @ home) as he just happened to catch me as I went down in a porcelian shower w/benches. Or I could have been drivingw/my babies and seized. It's a real threat. With poss disastrous consequences. So, Yes! Seizure's can happen to good girls like us:)
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HI.....well I have been where you are and its no fun....your probably going into a depression because of the lack of endorphins hitting your brain receptors now that you have really cut back on the lorcets....im also diagnosed bipolar...I know its a pain being on meds but it beats the alternatives like horable debilitating depression or the other side racing thoughts that wont stop unable to focus on anything....I got it so bad I couldn't even pray one time...the first thing you got to do is get off the lorset and your low enough in dose to quit that you will be uncomfortable for a few days but you tapered pritty far down you should go threw it fairly painlessly you can read from that website Laurel gave you...as for your bipolar both my wife and I both have it my wife was completely debilitated with it and bed ridden for 3 yrs deathly sick for 7rys so it is nothing to mess with you need to focus on getting a new phyc doctor...someone you trust there are a lot of good meds out there that you dont even notice your taking them risperdal is a good one and so is lithium both address bipolar issues and you really dont even know your on them...I feel nothing from them I just notice I dont deal with the depression or the manaia's treating bipolar with antidepressant is not always a good way to go I have been down this road and you can wind up going off on the high side real eazy if there not monitored closely ...been there done that got the t/shirt...ask your doctor for a mood stabliser one of the ones I suggested I have been on both and again you wont feel grogy or lethargic if its the right dose you wont feel anything but good there is no euphoria or anything like that...I dont think you could get high if you wanted to on them they dont work that way they just keep you out of the highs and lows when there working...the clonipine is a whole nother can of worms its a benzo  and there highly addictive you do need to be monotored  by a doctor to ween off them a seizure is like what someone has when there epileptic you fall on the ground in convulsions shake uncontrollable and often black out and not remember anything...its nothing you want to leve to chance...my wife came off clonipine  under a doctors supervision and it was a ruff withdrawal even doing it slowly your not going to be comfortable getting off it but it is worth doing my wife is happy she no longer takes it and has a lot more energy now ...I really feel for you I know what its like to be an addict and to also be bipolar at the same time just know you can do this also know that your bipolar is going to need to be treated....I was once told by my doctor you treat your bipolar for your loved ones that are living around you...personally I dont like feeling out of sorts weather it be high or low so I always trust my phyc dr to adjust my meds when they need adjusting I wish you all the luck with both conditions we can help you threw the loraset addiction here so stick with us for support read some of the other post we all want to see you succeed ...God bless.....Gnarly                    
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617347 tn?1331293081
you were asking about wds... here is a quite interesting page with a lot of info... you can find it at the health pages ( right side of your screen)  you could also read the amino acid protocol..


there is a lot of info or advices that you may not need, just leave them and take what you may need
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617347 tn?1331293081
you have posted on the right site, debigen :)

how are you feeling ?
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Thank You so much...I am new to the online so I wasn't sure where to post (-: but I was determined too ! My head is not so bad today yeah....
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617347 tn?1331293081
sorry that your post got overlooked..

welcome here... i am bumping your post so someone with experience in all those meds you are taking can help you better
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