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Dr. Do you have any suggestions for dealing with rebound headaches/migraines when detoxing from Percocet. I have a constant throbbing of a vessel on one side of my head and its really painfull; i have a hx of migraines but this is the longest- Its been 6 days. The only time i dont have a migraine is when i sleep. Is there anything I can take apart from anelgesics? Do Imitrex or Amerge work on rebounds?
Thank you
41 Responses
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I take depakote. I have episode where I feel like my equilibrium is off and hear a sound on both sides of my temples I've been to every doctor in Texas. No one can help me I also take effexor. If anyone else experienced this please tell me how to fix it.
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Oh my Goodness! That is great! Yep... that would do it! Do you think that was just a coincidence? Thanks for that visual, I'll be laughing all night!
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Can't argue your point, I married a beautiful ex-cheerleader, homecoming queen the whole bit. It's just a guy thing... I havent been in years because of a bad experince. Went to my friends club, noticed a pretty young girl dancing and it turned out to be another friends daughter whom I changed her diaper when she was a baby!!! With having a beautiful daughter of my own I decided that's one vise I could do without!


P.S. I have to defend the male animal.. it's a guy thing...
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You must be one of my husbands golfing buddies! Your answer sounded alot like his. Is there some universal code you guys learn in highschool, invented to confuse and throw your wives off track, that you've sworn never to break? It seems awfully coincidental, that all over the country when asked the same question, men will automatically say "I don't know...guess its  a guy thing!" Since we're on the subject, I'm curious,isn't it kind of a self induced torture to go to a strip bar anyway? You know, look but don't touch? Talk about living on the edge, what if one of the strippers liked you back?

I still don't get the whole thing but thanks for trying.
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Your absolutely right Rex! You remember the old VanHalen verse, "went to the edge, stood and looked down, lost a lot of friends their baby aint got time to stick around" Well I've always liked being right on that edge and for 43 years have been able to back off in time. Most of my buddies are recovering addicts of some sort, some don't drink but smoke, some drink but don't smoke and so on. We all kind of keep an eye on each other and try not and due to much of anything. We are all blessed with good jobs, family etc.. but just like that little wild streak. I know I shouldn't keep pushing my luck but I'm not going to lie to myself or my friends which I considered this forum and say I'm never going to party, it's just not me right now. But I do owe this forum a lot in that it got me back on track from abusing a drug I could not control.

Lifesbetter, golf is an addiction in itself and if your competitive it's even worse. I live 4 houses from a golf course and try and get on it 3-4 times a week. Drives my wife crazy but she says at least she know where I am. Can't say much about the strip bars cause one of my buddies owns one and I use to go to. One of those stupid guy things I guess. My wife always tells me "I don't care where you get your appetite as long as you eat your meals at the house"! thanks for everyones help!

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Hello Miss Lisabet, I was a bad boy to for a couple of days too.  Got hooked up with a coulpe of old golfing buddies, spent the day with a little drink, a little smoke and of course an extra hydro I didn't need. Why is being bad so much damn fun (fot the moment)? Don't get down, get back up!

What's up Rex? How's the back?
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What exactly is it about golf and drinking buddies that makes you men go brain dead for a day. I mean that in a loving way...really. :0) Seriously though, my husband smokes pot daily and doesn't really like to drink but if one of his "golf buddies" calls then I know he's getting drunk and probably going to a strip bar. The odd thing is that the whole group tells their wives "I only go because they want to, and I only drink because they are" but nobody ever seems to be the one to suggest it. Just curious, its one of those thorns in life I guess I just have to bear.
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Hey T, the back is getting better every day.  

Could it be that in effect I have no back pain at all?  Could I have been this dishonest to myself all along?  Could it be that I mentally developed this supposedly severe back pain just to get my precious Vicodin?

Don't answer that!;-)

Because I think I already know the answer.  Yes I probably have some back pain, you know that same pain that everybody on the planet has around the time they turned 40.  The real question is "does this pain require a four-year regiment of powerful narcotic painkillers?".

When I lay the question out this way, it is absurd in its nature.  Of course I do not need painkillers.  And one of the things that bugs me the most is that I am giving a bad name to those folks out there who legitimately need painkillers for real honest to goodness pain.

Tomorrow will be 50 days.  I may not always feel this strong, but for today I can say there is no way I'm going back.

Thanks for asking.

As far as your party goes, I do not really need to comment, do I? You know, something about playing with fire, slippery slopes, mixing nitro with glycerin, living on the edge....  Etc.

I could say all of those things but I won't ;-).

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Haven't forgotten about you girl.

What can I do or say to make you feel better. Take it one day at a time and know that we're here to help - ok?

Praying for ya...

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Hi tee - Yeah, I'm doing moderately OK; I've relasped a little bit, but trying to get back on track. This time of year is always depressing to me; between Jan-Feb. I've just been mostly reading the past few days, SO many informative and great posts-I'm just absorbing it all.  I feel so blessed to find this forum; so many good people and a wealth of great posts. Hope you're doing OK - and don't worry about me, despite the relaspe, I'm damned and determined to get through this thing.  Love/Peace, Lisabet
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Hey Tee,
Thanks for the congrats but maybe you didn't see the par of the course I was playing...68!!! I know that's not too bad but for me, but I play at least 3 times a week & I'm at the range at least 4 times a week...& I have for almost 2 years now. Maybe I'm just used to exceeding in all my sports REALLY quickly & golf is so inconsistent...well at least MY game is. I played a little par 31 pitch-n-putt last night & golfed a 59!!! TERRIBLE. That's just 3 strokes away from a total bogey round. I'll be ready to play a few rounds with you in about 10 to 15 years at this rate.

Anyways Tee,
  How've ya been? You're still tapering right? Hope that all is well with that because if I make it out to your neck of the woods this year, we have some golf to play. You're up in the Texas area aren't you? Let me know because it looks like I have a pretty busy travel schedule this year (already) & in June, I'll be in Houston for 6 days.


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Good round, yeah I've got the tapering down to 1 - 2 a day wish it was 0. Like you I can't take the anti-inflammatories, thats why I started hydro. I live 100 miles east of Houston off I-10. You have my email, when it gets closer we must set something up. It takes me 1 1/2  hours to get to Houston, I'll take you to play golf! Hope you get better and thanks for all the support!

Ola Lisabet! Hope your doing okay!

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What a day, one of those ones where you just want to come home and get **** faced! But I didn't thanks to the forum! Good to see all the new post over the last few weeks. thanks to everyone for their help!

Finished- way to go on the busting 80, I know people who have played 10 years and can't.

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Hey Tee,
Thanks for the concern & well wishes. I'm excited to be back & hopefully I can skip the possible surgery ahead & stick around a while.

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Glad to hear that you're feeling better today than yesterday about your upcoming fight. Remember what I said; The anxiety of detox is more often than not worse than the detox itself. You sound READY!!! I'm pulling for you & I have great faith that you'll succeed in your battles. I did it with open prescriptions & pills in the house so I KNOW that you'll do just great!!!

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Hey everyone, thanks a million for your kind words and support, it means alot to me to have you guys on my side and exactly knowing what I am going through.  I also have my wonderful husband to support me through my detox this weekend, but its not the same talking with him about my addiction, because hes never been there, ya know?  As of right now, thursday AM, I have exactly 10 pills left, no more refills!  I am getting myself psyched up to do my detox and I feel OK about it this morning, it helps for me to keep reading everyones posts.  I am not so scared about it today, or right this minute I am not scared - In fact when I think about my crazy cycle of taking pills, I would go through a bottle of 30 pills within 24 hours, its absolutely insane!  Why do I do this to myself?  I certainly do not want to die, nor continue hurting those around me that love me.  I have a husband, 2 new beautiful kitty kats that I adore, who always greet me at the door with their wonderful little meows and purrs when I cuddle them in my arms and a somewhat supportive family.  Only my sister knows what I am going through, who didnt really say much when I told her I was battling a prescription abuse problem.  I think about last year when I OD'd on Tylenol 4's, how scared I was that I came that close to dying, laying there in the ICU unit for 2 days while they monitored my vitals and kept giving me that awful charcoal stuff to drink, I was sh*tting black stools for an entire week!  I was able to quit cold turkey back then felt pretty dam good about it, but started up again after getting a root canal treatment this year in Feb.  Alot of you remember my posts back then, I was hesitant to start my vicious pill popping cycle again, but caved in to the urges.
Sorry to ramble so much this morning, just typing out my thoughts.  I will keep everyone posted on my detox progress.  Thanks for being there, and listening and giving me great bits of advice.  CTG.
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Hey Tee,
  Forgot to mention that I finally broke 80 on the course before I went into the hospital....of course it was on a par 68 executive course but that's good for me. Ah man...I SUCK AT GOLF...but I'm now addicted to it. Better to be addicted to a little white ball than a little white pill I guess.

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I've heard of it! I have family in North Carolina, I'm in a little town called Groves about 100 miles east of Houston on the Texas/Louisiana border. have a good day!


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Hey bud - how you doing?  I didn't catch where you where from; ever golfed at the "Greenbrier" In West Virginia?  Look it up on the "net" - a golfer's dream!!!   Love, Lisabet
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Hey!  I too suffer migraines for years.  The worst culprits that cause rebound headaches are aspirin, aecetomemaphen and ibuprofen.  Do you take any of those daily?  If so stop!  I never can take ibuprofen every day or else i get rebound.  
Imitrex and the other work well for sure.  They go right to your brain at the cause of the migraine headache.   Best wishes to you and your detox!  Congratulations! That is awesome!
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JUST A WARNING TO ALL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY USERS: I just spent three and a half weeks in the hospital, two of which was in ICU due to 3 badly bleeding ulcers. After vomitting blood for an entire night, I was rushed to ER to discover that 2 ulcers in my belly & 1 in my esophagus, none of which I knew I had, were bleeding...badly. The doctors are saying the cause is most likely due to close to 15 years of taking Relefan & Motrin. These are apparently VERY hard on the stomach lining & actually have been shown to promote ulcers over long periods of use. Here I thought the Vicodin ES abuse was the ONLY "problem" I had. I'm not a drinker, I've never smoked & I've never abused any illegal substances. This is not to say that these anti-inflammatories are ALWAYS dangerous but over a long enough period of use they can be. I know that the majority of the members here are in chronic pain & I'm sure that at least a few of you are taking these meds. PLEASE be careful & see your doctor at any sign of acid reflux or heartburn. This almost killed me!!! The procedures to rid your belly of blood are not exactly pleasent either. There are other anti-inflammatories that are supposedly not so hard on the gut so you may want to check with your doctors if you do in fact take the above mentioned medications.
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hey Gurl!  Welcome to detox!  I am on day 12 from my detox from stadol!  But i did it while taking ultram to lesson the effects and now i will be going off the ultram this weekend.  So...we can chat you know where and stuff this weekend gurl!  You can do it!  Esp with all the Thomas recipe stuff.  If you have any questions ask Thomas the expert!   Or ask me, he's my friend and i can get to him via e-mail.  
You have all you need to do it right.  Do you have anyone with you to support and encourage you?  Take plenty of hot baths too!  Walk walk walk and get outside if  you can to get your system ridding yourself of that stuff quicker.  The more you move the better but you will just feel lkie crawling in a hole and not moving believe me!  
E-mail me and let me know if i can help.  Also you can call me if you like. I will send you my phone number.  Just think this tijme next week you will be rid of that **** and doing much much better.  that devil wil be off your back!
Congratulations for your courage!
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Hey, sweetie - I've read your posts, but don't think we're ever corresponded....I want you to know that I think you are very brave..I can tell you are scared...In accordance to past posts, the fear of going cold turkey is actually more scary in theory than in actuality. (Although I couldn't really verify that, since I'm too "chicken ****" to go the cold turkey route)..smile.  So guess this cancels out my post---smile...
I just want you to know my good thoughts and prayers are with you; you sound really determined---good luck! Your post could have been written by me - I do good until the 6 hour mark-then I have to have my pill...I know exactly where you're coming from!  Don't be too hard on yourself; you're wanting to do better and that's a giant step!  Keep us posted, Love, Lisabet
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Hey bud, we have all been wondering where you have been, and now we know.

I too have been taking the Ibuprofren, but for about 4 years on and off. I have recently, even before I heard your story decided to taper on these, and now just trying to take low doses of Tylenol.

I am so sorry to hear about your bout in the hospital. Are you feeling better now? Whats the prognosis?

Hope you feel better each and every day, and hope you will visit here as often as you can comfortably.

God's Grace to you...

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