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Hi Mariah I am so happy for you!......

First I cant believe I was able to post!  Thanks Med Help.
Mariah, I read your news I am so glad you went to the Dr.  I have not been on the site for a while.  I hope everyone is doing well.  I was SO surprised at Dr. Steves answer to that one lady about her pregnancy and Fiorcet.  He seemed to read it as if she was smoking crack and shooting up.  Obviously she is looking for guidance and to take responsibility or she would not have been here in the first place right?  I guess what shocked me was that Dr. Steve seems to have compassion in his answers.  I think he has compassion which would be why he has this site in the first place?  Maybe someone answered at med help using Dr. Steves name that day.  Anyway, enough said it really got me off guard that is for sure.  Enough to where I would be afraid to ask any questions directed to him.  Mariah once again I am so glad that you are on your way to a great pregnancy!  I will bet your blood pressure is great too. I will be staying tuned!!!!

Take Care,
21 Responses
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Inderal is usually prescribed for heart problems such as arythmias(spelling)? and high blood pressure but is also sometimes prescribed for stress and anxiety in place of additive substances such as benzodiazapines like Valium.

Be careful with the Valium you can get addicted to Benzos in a very short time of taking them. Good Luck!

I took Inderal for a while a long time ago for arythmia and it made me feel High and spaced out and in a fog. I finally decided I did not like the daily fog so I stopped them.
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i agree that brian is my favorite advisor here.  get a lot from u brian.  stick around. we need you.  i'm stuck at this dose.  in a mental fog.  can soembody tell me about inderol?  my dr. gave it to me in the place of clonidine for the physical anxiety part of withdrawl.  any heads up on this one?  i also have some valium, (not prescribed by dr.) that i'm told will help if when i finally give em up i get freaky.  any advice?
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The first time I started checking for doctors on the net about one year ago to find soem answers I came to Dr. Steve's web site that answers five questions a week so the advertisement says. Then it goes on to say if you can not get an answer fast enough you can always call him with your credit card number
and PAY,PAY,PAY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I also noticed when I kept checking that site after that, that the questions were never updated and he forwarded people to his other asite where he sells books and such. MORE$$$$$$$$$$$$

I wish this site could get a doctor like the Neurology forum has. He truely seems to care as Brian does here on this site. He answers all questions thoughourly and compassionately.

Dr. Steve, You Suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey everybody!  Guess what!??  I got my ultrasound moved up a day, I was too anxious.  So, I had it done today at 4pm.  I got the best news of my life!!!!!  THE BABY IS PERFECT!!!!!  Can you believe that?  I'm on cloud nine!  I kissed the lady that did it, I was going crazy!  I'm having a BOY!  I can't even explain the joy I feel right now!  I told her to tell me everything she was looking for & what she was seeing & she said, "I'm going to honey".  I think she thought I was a nut, but I didn't care!  She checked all his organs & measured him.  She said, as far as she could tell, he looked perfect.  This has been the best day of my life!  I can't wait until I have him, I don't know how I'll act then.  I'll probably kiss everyone in there!  Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my posts & for the great advise, it means a lot to me.

Pam,  Hey!  I'm so proud of you!  I know how hard it is for you to do that!  You go girl!  I bet you feel better too, I know I do.  You will feel tired, but you'll be tired because you're pregnant anyway.  So, this is a really good time to quit, at least that's how I look at it.  There can be only good that comes out of you quitting right now.  Keep up the good work & keep us posted.  I'll be here for you.  You are a strong woman!

Momma Lindy,  Hey!  You are so fuuny!  You have been here for me & I do appreciate it.  You're right, there are so many people that come here just to help without anything in return except hopefully a thank you.  There are a lot of people that help & not just by answering one question & telling you to go to a doctor.  You all don't just answer one question, you give support & keep up on how the person is doing.  The people I have come to know in this forum have made me realize there are still good, caring people out there.  Thank you.

Love You,
Mariah  :)
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Your up late!  I am so happy for you!  Aint Life Grand!!!!  I am thrilled for you!  When is your due date?  We need to have a CYBER SHOWER for you!  Celebrating some closure with what you have been through and now with all that is going to come!  You have come such a long way!  Your a poster child for progress and what can be done when you have that kind of will power.  Oh well off to sleep now (I hope) it is only 2am!
Take Care Mariah and sweet dreams!  
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Count me in on volunteering my time! I have been with Mariah from the start checking on her and others every few days. I don't think (I hope) that I was one of the "complainers" in which you were referring. After reading JoAnns and Suzannes posts I don't know if my advice (which I don't charge for) is "solid" as much as it is from personal experience!!!  Don't you think ones personal experience is "Solid" and as important as clinical experience?  If you look back there are so many GREAT people volunteering their time here on a regular basis in addition to the doctor. These people genuinely care! Alot of them have been on the same stretch of road as me. It is SO comforting to know at the end of my day that they are there for me.  Just to let me know that I am not alone.  They don't judge me or give me "Verbal Shock Treatment".  It is only MY opinion that the doctor was too abrupt with this particular response that was given to Pamela.  That is the only comment (I myself had no complaint I was just surprised)that I had.  I love this site, Dr. Steve and all of the special people that have the courage to come here in the first place and make that first post.

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I'd like to ask, how many of YOU complainers in this forum are volunteering YOUR time on a regular basis??

Thanks Dr. Steve for all that you are doing - even for those ungrateful people who come here and get solid medical and psych advice for nothing!

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The money means nothing. He needs to be locked down somewhere before he ends up dead or taking someone else out. I don't care if its jail, rehab or psyche ward. He will not get help on his own. Broke into his parents home & took all his dads tools, so its not just me. Its anyone he feels is safe and won't shoot him. Goes into Home Depots and walks out with thousands of dollars of stuff. He's been caught two or three times, but he keeps getting braver the more he gets away with. I truly believe his rock bottom is death and he does have a death wish or he wouldn't be doing this, right? He hasn't called in over a month and I know I should just cut my losses and move on, but I care so deeply for him.
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It sounds to me as if you still love him and really want to help. So now its time for tough love. If it means time in jail or rehab whatever it takes. First thing you have to do is to contact his family to see if they will support you in your efforts to help him. Then when he contacts you, you must have what they call an intervention. You either have him committed or put in jail. Its not going to be easy to convince him to go quietly, but it
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Hey what happen to Chad.  Has anyone heard from him?  I hope he and his girl-friend didn't have a relaspe.
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I'm sorry Joann, what was your question? We're all doctors here!

Hey Mariah..
All is going pretty good here. I have been kind of tired these days. I have decided to go my last 2 months "drug free"! I have weaned completely off of Fioricet! I have been for 2 days without even a half. I must admit, I have been really tired but nothing major yet. I'll be in touch, now that I need you "pathetic and "ungrateful" people more than ever!! LOL!
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I snort pills do you have any help for me?
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Well jon, If your serious you better be more specific,What kind, how many, how long. If your not serious then there is no help for someone like you in a serious forum like this.
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The last time the Chadster dissapeared wa when he was using again. I think he has the feeling we will judge him.Hell I'm up and down on the oxy roller coaster I can't even keep track. But he will run out or bum out and he will be back. He knows the answers to the questions he is asking,but wants us to say, it's ok Chad.Not getting down on thelad, I've just seen his patten since he joined our dysfunctional family.Hello Chad..are you out there? Check in.
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Comment By: Kate on Friday, September 22, 2000

Ex-boyfriend broke into my home stole checks and wrote over $4000.00 to himself. He already has 7 other charges against him now, 3 felony thefts, CDS posession, misdemeanor theft, violation of probation, concealed gun. If I press charges he could get 45 years, but he has a golden horseshoe you know where. He has had about 30 charges against him in the past 15 years and has done very little time. If he doesn't get in a rehab or do some time he is going to end up dead real soon. Do you all think I should press charges or just take the loss and try to move on ? (Ken please reply)
I had to move this question up Kate so it can get the proper responses.
As far as asking me what I would do, thats a tough one.He will probaly get some time whether or not you press charges. It seem to me as if its only a matter of time before he goes down.You will not get your money back if he is gone. And you wont get it back if he is dead either. So if its the money your worried about I would say put his ass in jail. If its him your worried about then I say tell him either he gets help or you send his ass to jail. That way he gets the help he needs. I, myself never took from others except from my kids, I took thier Daddy for awhile, but other than that I didnt steal , I sold off almost everything that I had worth anything. Good luck Kate, Im sure you will do the right thing.
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Aunt Lindy, Hey!  I like your "question"!  This thread is so funny!  One of the best yet, as far as entertainment goes!  You are so sweet!  I was wondering where you were!  I get an ultrasound on Thursday!  I can't wait, I've been so excited!!!  I'll let everyone know what's going on as it happens & I'll write on Thursday after the ultrasound.  It was good to hear from you...  

tom,  Hey!  As always, you are right!  You have to be one of the smartest people I have ever "met".  You are such a joy!  I'm so glad that I bumped into you on here.  I was cracking up reading your post!  I was on the floor!  Everything you wrote is so true.  I thought that was hilarious when you were asking & answering your own questions!  I think the reason it's so funny is because it's right on the money!  That's what I was trying to say when I said it, I just couldn't find the right words!  So, thank you from me & I'm sure a lot of other people.  Shew, I'm glad to get that off my chest!  he-he (thanx tom)

Pam,  Hey!  How have you been?  Doing OK?  I hope so...  How's your baby girl?  I find out everything on Thursday!  I can't wait!  Catch me up on what's going on with you!  By the way, you are in NO way a looser!  Don't even joke about that!  But, I know that's how "Dr.Steve" tries to make you feel.  This was so funny to get on here & find everyone talking again!  It's like the good ole days! he-he

Thank you.
I Love You Guys!
Mariah  :)

PS  Watz JoAnn trippin on?  Where did ungrateful & pathetic come from?  I never hesitate to give thanks to people who deserve it or have really helped me.  What are we supposed to be grateful for besides a place to chat?  If he really helped people, I would thank him.  This is a joke.  This sight has his name on it & he's so inactive here, it makes me wonder why anybody talks about him or even knows who he is in the first place!  
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I believe some people have been EXTREMELY rude concerning Dr. Steve here. I dontunderstand your ungrateful, pathetic attitude. This man takes his time to answer questions from people who have made poor choices in their lives....Heck, most docs would throw ya to the wind.
And no, not all docs are in it for the money. Most of them are busy paying off student loans and dont see a dime till they are in practice for many years....SO BACK OFF.
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It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$! A generic problem with a generic answer from a generic "doctor"!
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My feelings exactly.I get more help on this site talking to the other people with similar problems. I thought it was me, but he answers with the same line every time. Why have the site if you can't offer some more information.It's an easy out and I get the feeling he doesn't really want to be there. Oh well.
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my criticism of Dr Steve's answers (or answer, really) is that they are one-dimensional and consistently predictable. Here's Dr Steve's answer to EACH AND EVERY post:
"Be honest with your doctor about your drug abuse, consult an addiction specialist and enter a 12-step recovery program immediately." Gosh, what a revelation.
Dr Steve, anytime you want me to fill in, just let me know. I think I've got it down. In fact, with PC voice recognition available, perhaps you can train a parrot to take over at least on the weekends.
It's not that his answer is wrong. It's just that he doesn't exhibit any real interest in the individual asking the question. Bland, robotic, generic. Not a particularly good advertisement for his profession (or sobriety, for that matter - just kidding).
How do we know it's even him? Anyone could post that same answer over and over again. His insistence on restricting the site to one new thread, or question, a day does not exactly scream "commitment, compassion, vision," does it?
(Dr) Brian's answers (he's gone too, notice?) blow Dr Steve's away in terms of scope, specificity, sensitivity and impact. At least with Brian, you know he's been there with the rest of us and is answering because he cares on a human, not just professional, level.
Am I impertinent and ungrateful to be saying these things? As far as the impertinence, he's putting his answers out there willingly, so they're fair game. As far as gratitude, what's there to be grateful for? I just gave you the stock answer for every question. Honestly, how many people coming to this site couldn't tell themselves the same thing without Dr Steve's "help?"
I admit, I'm generally pissed off because his insistence on a one question daily limit has for all intents and purposes doomed the site. Some have said, "Well, we just post new questions on the old threads." But, get this, he only "answers" the new thread. You can type all you want onto the ends of existing threads, but he'll never answer you. He doesn't even read what we say to each other. (He won't read this, for example.)
I don't know what all else Dr Steve is engaged in. I'm sure he's a saint and does all kinds of wonderful things outside of this site. But what's that to us? We come here expecting to get an educated answer to a question vital to our personal well being, and, even if we squeeze in our question, we just get the same boilerplate we could get from the inside of a matchbook cover.
Let's take a poll: is he lazy, over-programmed by AA, or plain old indifferent? And don't give me that "Ooooh, he's just so busy helping people to answer more." He chose to place his name on this site. No one forced or begged him to. He should either do it right or quit.
"Dear Doctor Steve, I'm a nurse and I'm stealing my patient's pain killers. What should I do? --- "Be honest with your doctor, consult an addiction specialist and enter a 12-step program."
"Dear Doctor Steve, I'm a burned out MD who gives the same pointless answer to every question my patients ask me. What should I do? --  "Be honest with your doctor, consult an
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Hope you don't mid me calling you Aunt Lindy! I thank you for your input regarding the doc's answer, I felt the same way at first. It was like "Okay, yes I am a big loser, but thanks for confirming it!" You know what I mean. Mariah and I have been chatting back and forth for moral support, and other people on here have been some comfort too! I don't ask for answers, just some compassion. Not everyone is readily available to give that.
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