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Panic attacks with hydro Withdrawals

Some of these stories blow my mind about the quantity taken . I guess mine seems like nothing compared to some.. I have been taking 3 10 mg hydros a day for about 2 years. I have not missed a day one in two years. I have decided on my own to quit. On Monday thru Wednesday I have just had a half a tablet and today have had none. Worst thing for me is the panic attacks caused by this .. It is very scary and usually don't last more than a couple of hours. Have ringing in the ears, I'm irritable , can't really eat, finally had loose stool today , body aches to a degree... Sleeping is very hard too. Might sleep 3 hours and wake up sweating or sneeze and get goose bumps... The hard thing for me is, I have pills in the other room. I guess I need to flush them but think they are my safety net. I am going to quit tho. My family has no idea of addiction and they are drug free and would be upset if they knew I was abusing drugs. Good luck everyone looking at this post... It gave me inspiration looking at yours.
I have also had to give up my coffee and I love my k-cups. Just makes the heart pound too fast and don't want to have a panic attack. The headaches from no coffee hurt behind the eyes too. Any one else have these panic attacks with withdrawals?
27 Responses
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4341997 tn?1514588688
Hi and welcome!  and yes during WDs...i had anxiety....body aches...all the above....still do sometimes but it takes time....i was taking alot more than you were....hopefully your WDs won't be too bad since you were taking a low dose....you will get thru it.....no underlying health issues i'm assuming??  

if you have any questions just post here....this site is awesome for info and support....and yes i would def flush the rest of the pills and get rid of all sources.....it's the best thing to do...that way you're not tempted!  keep posting!  we can help you thru the WDs....
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1970885 tn?1435860428
Safety net? Really? You're talking about meds that you are addicted to, and you refer to the ones you have as a safety net? There is nothing safe about them at this point. Let me be blunt - if you don't flush the pills you WILL relapse, and all of the hell you've experienced will be a waste of time.
Your head is in control, that's why you still have them, and that's why you foolishly call them your safety net.
Everything you're experiencing is absolutely normal during detox. The panic and anxiety are normal.
I've got to tell you that from what I've read - having pills in the house and your not being able to tell your family - I see a relapse very soon. Getting off this stuff is hard; not just the physical detox, but also the other work that has to be done during recovery. You have to cut all your sources, you have to tell your secret and you have to get to after care.
Don't get me wrong - my heart goes out to you. When I read posts like this and see that the addict's brain is still running the show, well it's discouraging.
Others will be along. If you really want to get clean then you need to do the work and listen to what is being offered here, even if you don't like it.
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Don't give up k-cups I went today and bought sleepy time tea, green tea and English breakfast tea. I mix them with a little silk and sweetener. It helps me to keep some routine in my day, keeps my mind off the habit! Plus it smells fabulous.

P.S- flush those sceamin deamons!!!!
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Hi Timba, Ohhhh, the anxiety and headache. Those were my absolute worst symptoms. Hot baths are a Godsend for the inner jitters along with sleepytime tea ALL DAY LONG. Music will settle and distract. Believe it or not exercise helps a great deal. For the head take some advil and put ice on the back of your neck. You are well on your way with your weaned down dose. Keep posting for support.This will be the best thing you've ever done. :)
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Screamin deamons...... LOVE IT!
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That was funny.

> tim barton, you have been given some great advice here.
Kyle is right, please flush what you have. You will thank yourself later.
If you don't, when wd's get rough that pill will be calling you.
Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
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Thanks for the advice and the criticism ..  Kyle, what I meant about the safety net was if I was so uncomfortable and sick and couldn't function in society, I could taper just a bit slower if necessary ... I know my dose is very small, especially compared to others but believe me, the mental part of this is worse than the physical... Especially going two years with no day off. Sad thing is , I am abusing these pills... I'm not using for pain. Time to go to grocery store... I need a tab and its all good.. No worries..I like the euphoric high. I am an addict. I don't need this and I don't want this... This is why I am on here...
Self, I use my iPod for music to relax at night and when I have a major panic attack... Doing better tonight . My joints are stiff and legs are a little restless... People don't pray for me, pray for the people who have been on 10-12 of these a day and want help ... I can't imagine... Thanks again
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Tim, check out the Thomas recipe down below on the right of this page. Take a peek and then get some of that stuff. It helps. And get some epsom salts. Take hot baths and force all that Epsom Salt magnesium into those legs before bed and when you get the jitters during the day. The restlessness is what will keep you awake for a few nights, but not for too long on your dosage. You'll be feeling better in 5 to 6 days I bet. But don't minimize that 30mg dosage. You were taking a good chunk of vicodin every day for 24 months. Addiction is like a ride on a dump truck. You're lucky you're getting off the truck now. Some of us addicts have toured the entire dump. I did 3 times. And It's a hole that gets deeper and deeper, it takes more and more to get the same effect. 1 is too many and 1000 is not enough. Listen to Kyle about telling your secrets, especially telling your doctor. I did the very next appointment I had with him after I quit. He seemed surprised. WTH it says right on the instructions ADDICTIVE (not habit forming!) Its very cunning baffling and powerful stuff. Thank the God of your understanding that you're showing the "Screamin deamons" some respect, dumping them and heading thru the tunnel to freedom from the bondage of opiates. And, getting into some kind of aftercare program is imperative or, like Kyle sez, all of the BS you're going through right now is for naught.  Congratulations on your decision Tim! We're here for you and this is very doable for you. Keep posting!
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1970885 tn?1435860428
Most of us have a hard time tapering. If pills are in the house we'll take them. If you do decide to go back and taper, well, you should have someone who you can trust giving you the pills per the taper schedule. But really, honestly, the odds are if you take another pill the madness will just start all over.
You still haven't acknowledged anything that's been offered to you relative to recovery. And being on here is nothing unless you do something with the advice given you.
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Hey Tim, Hang in there. I know it's tough, but with each day you'll feel better. If your not drinking some protein type drink you may want to start. That will help your body and brain recover quicker. You are so right about the mental part kickin your butt. I remember during detox having one of my kids drop me off a few  miles from home so I would be forced to walk home. By the time I got home I was so tired and the cravings subsided. Your making great headway. Keep it going Tim.
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Keep yourself busy! If you find yourself tired yet can't fall asleep, don't torture yourself trying to get to sleep. Watch movies, listen to music and get ready for one of the hardest mind games you will have to play with yourself for about 5-7 days.

I went through rare sleep problems from WDs, so my addiction specialist told me.
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At 3 pm today will be 72 hours of no hydrocodone... I had to get a few Xanax bars for the panic attacks... Were very intense on Saturday ... Feeling overall much better on Sunday but woke up at 5:30 this morning with Diarrhea and sweats and some anxiety. I broke a Xanax into a quarter... I took in quarters but once had to take a half on Saturday . I have a craving but want this out of the body so really not tempted at all... It looks like what a person needs on this is time, and a benzo helps with the time. I kept myself busy and it's much better. Got some ringing in the ears a little this morning but not as severe... Plan to stop the Xanax by Wednesday and do a quarter in morning and a quarter at night until then. Don't want to trade one addiction for the other . Hopefully by Wednesday will be doing much better... I'm doing this on my own against the advice of others ... Never old a soul. I'm going  to beat it .
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WOW! 72 hours is such an accomplishment. Just know as the days pass you will start to feel normal again little by little. Watch the xanax as it seems your doing as you said it will creep up on you quick and be another monkey to feed.Stay busy to help the cravings and keep feeding your body nutritious foods to speed the healing. Doing amazing my friend. Keep posting your progress. It's such an inspiration to others just beginning.
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1970885 tn?1435860428
Sorry to hear that you've decided not to take our advice. Bottom line - if you don't cut sources (which involves telling people), tell your secret (the great wall that you use behind) and get aftercare (the physical detox is nothing compared to the mental; that never stops, and so you need aftercare) then you will relapse. Maybe not right away, but soon. The addiction is bigger than you are, more powerful, and relentless.  I wish you the best, but I can't agree with the decision that you've made, thus the warning. Sorry.
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Day 4 was probably the worst. Didn't go to sleep till 2am and slept till 2 in the afternoon. No energy whatsoever . Had really bad headache and a couple panic attacks... Since my dosage was lower than most,  my physical symptoms werent that bad, it was mainly mental. I have had some cold sweats, restless legs and a bad headache but the flulike symptoms are gone. I also have no appetite and I'm not eating very good but continue to drink Gatorade and water. Has been now five days at 3 o'clock since I have had any hydrocodone at all. Just hoping to feel better mentally. Every night about 8 pm the anxiety hits me hard. Head is a little more clear today. But ready to shake this anxiety. Hopefully that will end soon.
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3176864 tn?1391555073
Hang in there will get better day by day. I was 8 days then got flu really bad it's been tough cause I feel crappy and mentally dealing with pills
U are through the worst u can do it.  Day by day
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You are doing great, I had a small affair as you did with 2 Vic's and 1 10 OC a day and this past summer what ever Percs I could manipulate from my Primary Care.. All prescribed other than one of my friends passing out a Perc at Happy Hour .. ( seriously) I realized I needed to stop as well as I did not want to spiral a i read these threads the amounts that people have consumed scared me @ 40 years old.. I had to taper and controlled the taper myself as I wasn't interested in getting others involved in managing my problem or exploiting my business.. I surrendered to my self I guess but as you have indicated that you are strong willed as I am just ask all of the guys that work for me LOL I work in a field that is dominated by guys and they laugh because I am always delineating expectations and hold them accountable so I know I can move on from this but like you have indicated the mental part is tough.  I get home from work and my husband is traveling for business frequently so I end up bored.. Venting on here is good for me so I tend to vent a lot.  Right after dinner it seems that's when I start the anxiety and  some minor flu symptoms too.  Everyone says exercise but I have ZERO motivation and didn't have much before this as I would rather count calories to the T and skip exercising.  I would consider going for a walk but it's snowing here in New England - just another excuse.  Stay strong and we will both get over the mental hurdle !.  
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4626633 tn?1382597122
What is sleepy time tea?
Congrats on 5 days!
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Herbal Tea by Celestial Seasons : )
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Try to nourish yourself a little more.  The gatorade and water is good as it's keeping you hydrated, but try to get some food in you.  It will help you feel better.  Start with some soup and crackers, maybe a banana.  The banana will help with your RLS and the soup will help you feel better mentally.  Remember it's really important right now to treat yourself well.  And that means taking good care of yourself the best you can.

Hang in there - I promise you it gets better.  Have you thought about what kind of aftercare you'll be seeking?  You're going to need it.  We all do.  :)
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2218783 tn?1357571081
Congrats on day 4.  You have been given alot of good advice on here One thing I would like to say is:  why do you keep saying in your post about how small of a dose you are on? Compared to many on here. (Dont Pray for you pray for the people that on on higher dose because you are on such a small amount compared to many on here.  We all started at where you are at right now only thing is we didnt listen and the problem escalated to 8 to 10 sometimes 15 pills  from where you started off at . addiction doesnt discriminate doesnt matter if you are on 2 or 3 or even 10 pills. If you are an addict your an addict. I was on the 8 to 10 pills a day sometimes 15 at the end before I got off this Merry go Round  and I did finally listen to the advice I was given because, Its a cycle my friend and dont kid yourself If you dont get rid of your pill source and tell your secret and get some type of aftercare you will be make it that much easier to relapse.
I am not trying to come across as Harsh But I read thru this and I see how you have referred to your dosage as maybe not as horrible as many on here. And yes you are right You are on a lower amount than many but we all started off somewhere I bet everyone that I ask On here wishes They had stopped and Listened when It was at a lower amount before their tolerance level went up and no more taking a pill to get the High To go to the grocery store now its to take a pills just to be able to get out of bed and feel somewhat normal.
I Hope you read this and understand where I am coming from and Good Luck to you!
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I think the reason I brought up the low dosage is because I feel weak because I am only withdrawaling from 30 mg a day while others are struggling with much more... I thought about it more and it has been closer to 2 1/2 years without ever missing a day. I never ran out . It will be 6 days at 3 pm. I feel better today mentally and physically. Hope it holds up. Not getting any aftercare. Just going to try to do this solo. I really have no desire right now for one. I just want this out of system and am not tempted at this time.
I am going to try to get some exercise today ... Thanks for the post everyone...
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8 days at 3 pm today with no hydrocodone .. I guess everybody reacts different from the withdrawals. My physical WD  were about like everybody said and are pretty much gone but the mental part is still there and finally starting to lose some of the panic and anxiety. Still have a little ringing in the ears but has improved over time. I think my body and mind is waiting for that next dose. Had some really bad headaches too that are finally going away.
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Congrats Tim!! I just read your whole post as I came on here to get the Thomas Recipe. Heading out the door to but everything I need to do this thing. My plan is to stop Saturday as I have 5 days off from work afterwards.   Sounds like you made it through the physical part!! Congrats again. I will keep u and everyone on this site in my prayers!!  Lok for me on   Saturday...as I am sure I'll be here needing everyones shoulder. God Bless!!! and continued strength!!
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