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Percocet withdrawals, how long do they last?

I was prescribed percocets (5/325) about 1 1/2 years ago for chronic back pain (scoliosis mainly). I took them as prescribed for a while and then started increasing the dosage until I was taking upwards of 14 a day (I could take 8 per my script).

I decided about a week ago to stop. I tapered down to 8 a day, I guess that's not great but I just can't have them around me without taking them.

I have been without for 36 hours and of course I feel like hell in a hand basket. The longest I've ever gone is about 30 hours.

My question is: How long until I start to feel better? I am off of work for a week (I planned this to coincide with my vacation).
I would have gone into a detox or something but I have no one to take care of my house, etc.

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Percocet is a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever which is less potent but its effect increased when it is combined with oxycodone. Oxycodone is an opioid pain medication. Percocet is often used as a prescription drug to relieve moderate to severe pain. But too much...
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I am finishing my 4th day without my 10/325 percocet 4xdaily. I would be in much discomfort except I was going to buy me a pipe to smoke mj and the girl in the head shop told me about Kratom.
I had to have something to relieve the pain from 4 herniated discs in my neck, nerve damage and severe osteoarthritis and my last pain management doctor told me he was going to completely cut the opiates off for a month OR put a pump in my back. So I fired him. I had a weeks supply of norco left and the fear of having no relief made me score something to smoke.
So this girl told me about Kratom and said she had quit doing opiates and got off of them with hardly any withdrawal and that the Kratom gave her great pain relief.
I did a goodly amount of research online and read testimonials from many people saying they got out from under the percs by using Kratom.
I get almost immediate release from the anxiety and burning nerves and as good of pain relief as from percocet and I don't have the fatigue after the initial buzz from the percs wears off.
Monday I see my new pain management doc. He is a kind man, giving me the percs. I ran out early (4 days early) because the pharmacy gave me 109 pills instead of the 120 prescribed. This time I will have the pharmacy open and count the pills before I touch them.
Mine is not an isolated case of shorting of the pills in the pharmacy. I did a google search and found several more cases from the same drug store chain of shorting pill counts.
I am not going to try to completely come off of the percs.
I will rely on the Kratom for 2 doses a day and maybe even not do percs for a day occasionally.
This will keep me from needing any increase in the amount of opiate I need to keep the pain in check.
Sometimes I can hear the discs grinding in my neck so I know it is a degenerating situation.
If there was no cause for the pain I would go through some sort of treatment center to get completely free from the opiates. I am 70 years old. However many years I've got left I want them to be somewhat enjoyable and living in intense pain ain't any kind of enjoyable.
(BTW: God almighty does not have an already set day when He is going to take me home. He is the one who give life, not takes it. He does not determine when your day comes.)
But as long as the cause for the pain worsens I don't care what I have to take so I don't feel like I am going to implode.
Anyways folks, check out Kratom if you like.
I love it.
I just had some about 30 minutes ago and the intense anxiety and pain is gone. Kratom is made from the leaves of trees from places like Thailand and Bermuda, etc;. It is not a controlled drug in the states except a few states where big time pharma companies are losing money because much people have learned they can get the pain relief without the hassle of going through the demeaning accusations of being a drug addict that some pain doctors show to beat up and weary hurting patients.
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For people who are going through tough things like percocet withdrawal but still have suffers from many pains and such, chronic, or otherwise should not just rule out all pain medicine because it's habit forming. It can be wise to do other things...I have seen many people happy with non-narcotic pain meds that seem safer, like tramadol and the likes.  I just did a report on tramadol in fact. overthecounterpainpillsonline. blogspot. com basically it explains that it is less habit forming than using the traditional pain medicines and narcotics that they put on prescriptions all the time. I don't know, I have just had so many friends and family members succumb to things like percocet. :shudders:
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I am 27 years old and where i live the percs are hard to come by and even then they are so expensive its unreal.I started 3 years ago because i went to muiltiple docs that told me there was nothing they can do for me.My teeth are bad my back is hell and the percs are the only thing that kills it completly where i can live and work for my family.I am affraid to quit knowing that i will be letting my family down is the worst pain of all and the fact i cant sleep at night and i have to work 7 days a week just makes it worse.I sit alone putting myself down because i feel like im a loser spending all the money i get on this it isnt nothing for me to spend well over a 1000 bucks ever week and a half on them they are 35 bucks a piece where i am.And people are greedy stengy people in my opinion.I look for guidance and help and all i get is bad vibs from everyone.Feels like when i try to quit is the week my gf freaks out on me making it that much harder to stay off the stuff she doesnt understand that i need rest and support to get threw this hell.I just wanted to post because reading everyone elses posts give me hope that maybe one of these days i can get off the stuff but problem is ill still have my pains that i started taking them in the first place for and that is scary my teeth are falling out i have low calcium lvls and my back just hurts so bad everyday i dont even want to get out of bed.Thank you guys hope to talk to you soon and sorry for the spell errors i dont have much time so im typing fast.
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im just beginning was on also perk up to ten a day if I could get them or whatever they hada. im just starting to withdrawls I need this page . I am loving reading this that I can survive this and when I do I will be a better wife aand mother to my kids who are 7 and 4
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I think the morphine might help prevent withdrawal symptoms.
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I had colon surgery on Dec. 30th. Eight weeks ago today.  I was on morphine in the hospital for five days, then started on Percocet when I arrived home. Most days it was 2 in the morning, two in the afternoon, one at night. And the dosage was low, these were 5/325.  Most of January I stayed with this, then in February I began to come down. Pain was diminished but these opiates excite the brain, and the brain learns how to adjust to normal function ON the opiates. Constipation was handled with Milk of Magnesia. No real problems there as long as I had a regime. Now I am on day four off the opiates. I weaned all the way to one pill a day, but the step off of one pill is what kills the patient. It's that ONE pill that the brain is screaming for. I am anxious, moody, depressed, lonely, nauseated, and last night I barely slept a wink. Oddly, I'm not in much increased pain from anything in my body. Just stay strong, the further you make it away from the opiates the less inclined you are to touch even one pill. Anyone can make it off, you do need to commit and realize there will be discomfort. You can manage it. I had previously been on opiates for up to a year for a prior problem, and I successfully came off of that too. More symptoms, more time, but it can be done, and it has to be done. Doctors must discuss this process with their patients to whom they prescribe these drugs. It's kind of an unspoken thing that there will be a withdrawal, but docs owe it to all of us who must use opiates to explain the step off process and check on our progress. Much luck to all.
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I have an addiction problem, I used to be a major alcoholic but that's because I constantly take pills, I now take morphine while I wait for more Percocet to come but they barely take the edge off. If I go maybe three days tops I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown or something. I an exhibiting anger problems and mood swings suddenly, my bowel movements are about once a week and my sex drive is completely non existent now which upsets my girlfriend. I know I'm not as bad yet as what you see in the stereotypes but I want to stop before I get there! I'm worried...
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It will be sooooo very hard not to pick that script up, but if you really sit down and think about what these pills have robbed your life of, you will feel so good about yourself when you don't get them. I am praying that you have the emotional strength to decide for yourself that you are going to continue yo treat your body well, and you will feel as well as you treat it! I will be thinking of you.....  lisa
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just an FYI from a true addict as unfortunately I have issues as the rest started out innocent enough but spiraled OTC with legitimate pain issues but a fiend non the less...and I would say more of  fiend than an addict as go long times without but once a taste sever addiction...not to trade one for another but I know what withdrawal is like...I REALLY DO...neoprene plus wich you can get per your pharmacist without DR.prescription...WARNING this is bad for you as has Ibeprophene X 10 so be carful but helps w first couple days as has 12.5 milligrams of codeine per dose so 1/3rd of a Tylenol 3 if you are a opioid attack you know what I am saying...this with the slightest of vodka mixed with orange juice...does help but as all comments say everyone is different as weed does not work for me as it adds to anxiety...I get it detox ***** but this mostly helps especially with bouncy legs and sleep which is the key to recovery...I keep reading posts as everyone says how bad it is but doesn't give real solutions...9 times of 10 works and trust me been there 10 times easy...so please be catious as not total relif but for first 3 days helps tons...it also helps to read about other people struggles as gives you piece of mind...also piece of advise since you have to ask your pharmacist for nephron plus do not tell them you are detoxing because if you do not have a family pharmacist they do not get it,,,you can do this you just have to make through the first couple days...and phuk praying as if a god big IFhe doesn't care about your addiction I assure you....be realist and be honest...but not with your employer as I found out the hard way if someone has not gone through this they don't get it...I assure it...thanks as it does get better...really it does
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For what it's worth, for me having beat alcohol years ago - the hardest thing I ever did (took me about 20 tries over 10 years to get it right) I wanted to share what I learned about addiction - other than the substance to which you are addicted changes nothing about your struggle beating it:
1. I am not broken because I was addicted.
2. I am not and never was helpless. I chose to be.
3. Choosing to be helpless did not make me a loser or unimportant, I just wasn't ready
4. We are all children of the world in search of a better tomorrow. It's not a big deal, it's just how we chose to live on those days. That can change at any time.
5. Until I starting working on forgiving myself, I didn't have a chance.
6. The world is far too beautiful and interesting to ignore or see through a muted lens.
7. Lots of people told me how to behave and handle things. They were all wrong; we all have our own path

My actions while drinking ruined a very prominent career. I have however met the woman I waited over 40 years to marry, and we are happier together than I even ever dreamed I could have been. I would not have her if I didn't beat my alcoholism - and no I do not believe I am an alcoholic today. I don't drink, and I don't want to. I'm normal - and yes I can and have enjoyed a glass of wine over dinner (once in the last 2 years or maybe twice - I don't count and don't even think about it anymore).

It has truly become uninteresting, and a complete non-issue, because I learned the things I noted above. I really wish I could put more clarity behind it. The peace I found within myself made it a complete non-issue, just something that my life was and no longer is.

Despite my inability to articulate, Keep the faith. Maybe go for a walk, enjoy the wind blowing through the trees. Get lost in a sunset, find a beach or a hill...just sit, and enjoy, and be grateful and know that somewhere there is someone just like about to walk by, and they might just say hello, sit down, and enjoy it with you.
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Hi.  This is a very old thread.  Please go to the main substance abuse page and start a new question...a new thread.  There are lots of folks here going through what you are going through or have and you will get lots of support and advice!  Just copy and past what you said above onto the new question :-)
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I have been taking narcotics for over 4 years. I was prescribed Vicodin after my first back surgery in 2010. In 2012 I had my second back surgery and then was switched to Percocet because Vicodin was no longer effective.  About six months later due to increased pain ( I now know was mostly  caused from drug intolerance) I asked my doctor to prescribe Fentanyl narcotic pain patches.  I started at 25 mg. And a few months later had him increase it to 50mg.  I changed patches every 72 hours and supplemented Percocet on flair up days. I just had my third back surgery 6 weeks ago.  Due to increased pressure from doctors I decided to wean myself off narcotics on my own before I was forced to do so.  Two weeks ago I went Fentanyl patch free and within a day started experiencing many withdrawl symptoms. I switched to Percocet as needed for the next week. Eight days ago I wrote out a three week withdrawal schedule to for myself in order to become narcotic free.  My first seven days I allowed myself to have no more than 1 and a half pills no more than every 5 hours. As each day went by I stretched the time distance a little more.  I am now on my second week of my plan and I am now allowing myself to have no more than 1 Percocet no more than every 7 hours stretching the time distance a little more every day.. Next week I plan to cut down to no more than a half a Percocet no more  than every 8 hours  again as each day is a new I plan to go a little longer.  When my three week plan is over I plan to get rid of all remaining narcotics!  I will be honest.  It has been HELL!!!  The hardest days were day 3,4,5, &. 6!  I didn't sleep or hardly eat for three days.  I had extreme anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, extreme sweating, nose running, sneezing, chest cramping, headaches, hot & cold flashes, depression, and increased pain. I am finally doing a lot better now.  Day 8 of my 24 day withdrawal plan and my symptoms are a lot less. I still have extreme sweating  and hot & cold flashes but I think I am also suffering with menopause symptoms as well. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea  2 years ago caused by my brain sending messages that I don't need to breath. I have to sleep with a bi-pap machine. I hope and pray that after becoming narcotic free I will no longer have brain induced sleep apnea.  Does any one else taking narcotics out there now have to sleep with a bi- pap machine? I wish all of you the very best luck in getting off narcotics all together!
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Guys, all you need for withdrawal is clonazepam and baclofen. Clonazepam will calm you down, remove the anxiety and let you sleep. Baclofen is a mussel relaxant, it removes the tension. But it also activates the GABA receptors in your brain and releases endorphins. That is all you need! So use these two and you will be fine.  I went through withdrawals couple of times, I know for sure it works. Plus you can easily get prescription for those and they cost next to nothing.  Just try it, Ok?
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Guys, all you need for withdrawal is clonazepam and baclofen. Clonazepam will calm you down, remove the anxiety and let you sleep. Baclofen is a mussel relaxant but it also activates the GABA receptors in your brain and releases endorphins. So use these two and you will be fine.  I went through withdrawals couple of times, I know for sure it works. Plus you can easily get prescription for those and they cost next to nothing.  Just try it, Ok?
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Guys, all you need for withdrawal is clonazepam and baclofen. Clonazepam will calm you down, remove the anxiety and let you sleep. Baclofen is a mussel relaxant but it also activates the GABA receptors in your brain and releases endorphins. So use these two and you will be fine.  I went through withdrawals couple of times, I know for sure it works. Plus you can easily get prescription for those and they cost next to nothing.  Just try it, Ok?
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Hi everyone. I'm getting mentally ready to go off of oxycodone 70 mg per day prescribed by my doctor for pain. I am at the point where I either need to up my dose or go off of them. I haven't felt any pain in about 3 weeks and it just feels like it is time to step off them. Your posts have been so helpful. I see my doctor Tuesday, July 29th for a med consult and I want to discuss the right way for me to begin coming off the oxys. I'm really scared.

I have a boat load of health problems and am 3 years out from breast cancer treatment, so if I chose to stay on the pills, my doctor would have no problem with continuing to prescribe them. I want to get off them to feel better and to get off the couch. I'm going to be 56 in a week and my life has become completely inactive. I rarely go out and I have stopped doing anything that I don't absolutely have to. This started last March, before that, the oxys gave me a boost and I was always doing something. Now, it's an effort just to get up to make dinner.

I'm ready for a change!
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I was only on Percocet for 1 week and I am experiencing many of these symptoms.  I thought maybe much of what I've been dealing with was part of the healing process from my surgery, but I've had a similar surgeries before and don't remember it being like this at all.  I'm sweaty all the time.  I have a headache most of the time.  To the point that I can't sleep through the night.  I'm hungry, but NOTHING sounds good enough to eat.  I started out extremely constipated, but have reached day 3 of no meds and have switched over to frequent trips to the bathroom... somewhat controlled by not eating anything.  But then that's not really a healthy solution and I know that.  I am really discouraged to hear that this could last a while.  I've been seriously tempted to take just a half a pill to see if the symptoms subside to be sure that's what I'm dealing with, but I really don't want my detox time to start all over by any means.  I go back to work in 3 days.  Hopefully things subside or I stay busy enough to keep my mind off of it.  Good luck everyone.  I can't imagine the fight you are all dealing with if I feel this way after only a week.
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Been three days without my percs and I am miserable. I have only read a bit of this thread so far. I wish someone could tell me the worst is over but I know that is not the truth.
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Im so glad to hear that someone else believes that jesus christ is there and is our strength when we need him most. I have been on perc's for about 3 years know. I just decided i needed my life back. I have never abused the pills that my doctor had me on for my degenrative disk. But got tired of worring what would happen if i ever ran out and felt like they controlled me. Was taking 10/325 3 times a day, then tapered down to 1 10 mg. a day. I started seeing a doctor and put me on subloxen 2 mg. and made me high as a kite and then made me very sick. I stoped taken them and going cold turkey on day 4 and its not to bad. Just having a little bit of nervesness. I have prayed and he has been pulling me through and i feel stronger and stronger every day, and that i can make through this with him right next to me.
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how are you doing now?

I've been on Ativan for years and years for anxiety and to sleep.      the shrink had me on 2 mg before bed.    went to NP and she told me to quit taking it when I had 2 days of "nothing important to do."          so I didn't take any last night.   now I'm reading all this stuff about terrible w/d and I don't know if I should start taking it or go with what the NP said.
I don't feel bad, just tired (didn't get much sleep last night w/o Ativan).

will I get w/d symptoms?
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i agree prayers and talking to the lord helps  i love that answer give it to him and let him handle it and dont grab it back he will fix it
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he has to wean him self off slowly take 6a day when he most needs them in the morning 2   then 2 at noon then 2 at bedtime and do that for 5 days then cut back 2 more and only take when the craving is the strongest then cut back 2 more then cut down to 2 then cut them pills in half and take 2 in the morning 2 at night for 5 days then cut them halfs to fourths till ur strong enough to leave them all together. i   am almost done im down to a quarter of a pill in the morning  and i havent suffered to do it u just have to get your self ready to do it be strong and go forward and dont look back as you go i have beat this and i never wan another narcotic drug in my life i would rather deal with the pain then be addicted ever again
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