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Coming off methadone

Well, I had no choice to get on it, or face certain relapse after relapse. I got on it at the end of April, starting at only 15mg, wasnt holding mesteady till I get up to 60mg, I've been on that dose since maybe July, I havent touched a single pill since the methadone, so I know the program worked, I know I'm well past the withdrawal from the hydrocodone. I decided to just stop paying and let them detox me out.  Tuesday was 50mg, Wednesday was 40mg, Yesterday was 30, Today will be 20, thing is, I haven been on a high dose or for a long time, Im wondering if I will luck out and the withdraw will be mild, as of now Im feeling fine, actually seem to be sleeping better, just more tired when I wake up, but by no means am I feeling the hell of the hydro wd. Alot of people in the clinic think I will be ok since I was on it for a short time, I just wonder if anyone else had milder withdraw from the methadone from being on it a short time, I do know that it stays in your system alot longer, but I would think I would be feeling the reduction already and I'm really not.  I almost feel more alive. Could I luck out and be free finally, I wasn't even on the hydo for a year before I relized I had a problem. Any one experience a luck story and caee to share..i think I did this right before It got outta control and I feel pretty darn good about it. Thanks in advance for the input, I would really like to know!
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Everything is going good, tomorrow im going to drop down to 30mg and see how that goes, so far so good, Im glas Im myself at the moment because I have a very important job interview on Friday. Im hoping soon I can be off the methadone, and I will still do some aftercare when im done, all I know is Im done with any type of opiate based pain killer for the rest of my life, cant wait to get off this stuff.
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Hey Dude how goes it????....anyway after a detox your body should adjust well to 20 or 30 mg so it is good your comfortable take the clinics advise on tapering  as for aftercare I always recamend the N/A program  it is free the meetings are only a hour long  and it will teach you the skills of how to live clean  it is the only progam that with time and working the 12 steps that you will loose the very desire to use   something I thought was impossible  now is the time to start to build your support system  getting clean is the ez part it is  staying clean that way takes work  I been clean a wile now and still hit 3 to 4 meetings a week and speak at a local rehab twice a month  it is still less work the using 24/7  if it works for a old dope fiend like me it will work for anyone  keep posting for support here  this forum was priceless when I detox off the methadone
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Sounds like a good Plan and I wish you the best!

Do you have a Heart issue? Just wondering because you had the things to take just in case. I had NO clue that I had CAD at the time either. They told me, I most likely had a small heart attack during my detox. I went c/t off of all 3 meds at the age 56 too. However, I did not know any of this until I had around 23-24 months clean. They said it had been blocking up in those small arteries for yrs. I do blame in on my drug use because I always ate healthy and exercised. Did not Smoke ciggs until my later 30s.. Had been experimenting with drugs off and on since I was 13-14. SO I do understand You & Your Drs concern here. YOU will be fine. Just follow the Drs orders and go nice and slow.
Good Luck!
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I do have heart palpitations, and that was my concern and the docs, with the stress and anxiety the detox caused me, neither one of us considered it safe, so slow and steady will be less stressful and of course more comfortable, even on half my dose I'm actually feeling better, so I think Im doing good, and very confident I will be successful in getting off, I'm in no hurry after that spell. Just thankful i know soon I will be completely free and clear of any drug. Thank you all for the godd support, I will stay in touch here, and of course Im doing aftercare that is pretty good.
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I know, But I would have to imagine that going from say 5 to 0 is going to be alot easier than  going from 60 to 0 form a fast taper, that was way too much of a shock. Feeling a little bit bad is fine, but what I felt was impossible to do. Im going down to 25mg on monday or Tuesday and going to hold that for a couole weeks, my state insurance card came friday, so thankfully I wont have to pay out of pocket, Ill be ok with having minor problems..but nit what that was...wow... and thanks for not looking down on me for not being able to cope with it, Im not going to quit quitting!!
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Hey Dude....well I did my best to prepare you for this  but those 2 week tapers are brutal...you got to do what you got to do  a slow taper is a lot better....dont yo yo your dose up and down  your brain will ketch on quickly and it will make your taper all but impossible  just taper slowly and accept the withdrawal you get it wont last long or be that bad it will be very manageable  just know the last 20mg are ruff for most people  your aiming for single digits  tapering below 5 is miserable and after doing it I would jump at 5 and cut your losses keep posting for support  you got a taste of just how hard this drug is to get off  I took it down to 1 and still went threw hell  it wont be so sever if you slow taper to single digits  but it wont be a picnic ether where here for you keep us up to date
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Well, Im doing ok, here is the story...I had to go back to the clinic, I had a very bad episode where I could not get my heart rate down, I literally thought I was going to have a heart attack, my lips went completely pale and alomost passed out...I had the phone in my hand to call 911, I managed to chew a couple bayer asprin in case I was having one, and dissolved a nitro glycerin tab, After about 20 min I calmed down and went to the clinic, talked to my doctor about a steady taper. They put me back on 30mg...which was half the dose i was on..its holding me pretty good, so what we discussed is to adjust my dose until it is just low enough to keep me stable. What I'm going to do after this weekend is continue to drop my dose until I start feeling sick, then I will go up very little until it holds me and then slowly start to taper down until I'm off. With a possible new job coming up this was the only option I had because I need to get back to work as soon as possible. I really hope you guys don't look down on me because I am trying very hard to get off of this but I just couldn't handle the withdrawals and I thought I was going to literally die it was really bad. The doctor told me that it could very well have led me into cardiac arrest, given my family's heart history I didn't want to chance it I was very scared yesterday. I will continue to post here to let you guys know exactly how I'm doing and I'm planning on being off of the done well before spring, coming off of 60 milligrams to 0 was impossible for me to do, so if I taper down gradually I will get down to one milligram and I should face very very minimal withdrawals, the doctor is on my side, he was actually pleased to hear the plan that I had and thought it was a great idea. I really hope you guys understand and I will continue to post here, thank you!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Hi again.
Yes, the Epsom salt is cheap. I do not think the Airborne is to expensive either. Buy some Bananas. I just read a book that talked about Bananas. Not only do they have Potassium in them, they also do something to our natural Melatonin in our Brain. This Chem is what is responsible for sleep. So eat a few ripe bananas before bed and get under a big Heating Blanket. This here will all pass in time. Hang Tight!

Stay Positive
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hey Dude  how you holding up????  the energy crash and the lack of sleep where my worst symptoms  as for the freezing  I detoxed in the desert here and phoenix and froze my a s s off it is a very common symptom  try to warm up in the shower or a hot bath  you may need several a day.....hows the rls going??...just know this every day you get behind you is a day closer to recovery  you just have to push threw it  keep posting for support .........Gnarly
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317787 tn?1473358451
Do you have any Epsom Salts?  You could put it in a hot bath and soak.  The magnesium will help you with cramps.  Epsom salts are pretty cheap.
Again so sorry. I think they did your taper too fast.  They have to know that
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317787 tn?1473358451
I just read your story and I am so sorry for what you are going through.  I wish I could help you.
I was thinking they did the detox way too fast but as someone above said no one can discuss taper.
Hang in there!
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I cant afford rongoe all that stuff so im forced to donthis like this and it *****...
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Cant afford to get all that stuff*
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I read it all, what ***** is im constanly freezing and cannot sleep. Id be ok if i wasnt so cold and could sleep
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4522800 tn?1470325834
So you are feeling a bit of w/ds now??
I do think since you did do the Dones for awhile, then you gave it time for the hydo to leave the system. Now you were not on those Dones to long, so I  think them w/ds will not drag on like some of us on here.
The only thing is you might get is the anxiety, anxiousness and lack of sleep for a short time. Then you might have that energy crash or no-low motivation. This all will pass in time. Remember what I had mentioned above?? The Brain is what will take some time to adjust back. This is why your emotions will be all over the place too. I do not know if you caught anything I had said, but I did say that the dones is a different w/d in some ways then the short lived opiates. The hydos and oxys and so forth, will come on fast but they also will go away faster. The dones like to stick around a bit longer and for many reasons. The more synthetic the harder it is.

Are you drinking tons of fluids and mostly water? Are you taking some good vit/min? Eating healthy and getting some good antioxidants and other good vit/min will work faster then a multivitamin. Go out and look at the Airborne. I had been watching some commercial and seeing that they have a Great immune system one. Plus the EmergenC has some great ones and these you can add to water..However, no matter what you do the Brain & Body need time to re-group back. You did taper a bit and this is why it should be less intense and not so long. I really do think you will be seeing the other side sooner then most. Hang tight and make sure you get out and hit some of those Support groups. You can share face to face on how you are feeling and they sure will talk to you about this. This way you know that you are only going thought a w/d. I do wish you the best and maybe go back up and re-read everything that we had been sharing with you. YOU will be fine in Time. Hang on to that Patience and keep that Positive Attitude. Do not let it bring you down and go back out and pick up again.
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10996785 tn?1432812977
Hey still, just letting you know someone is here. You are doing a great job and are well into it. Keep you mind busy on other things and just know what awaits you out the other end that is so close now. We all have felt crappy for a while but it's not something we haven't all dealt with. I know you'll stay strong and keep posting.....ike
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Is anyone around?? Empty in here today
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What i hate the most is being cold all the damn time, and the lacknof sleep drived me mad..
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Maybe by the end of the week i will be doing better...that would be nice
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Hope..not hole
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Even though, it is wierd that as bad as I feel, it still seems less intense as the hydro withdraw..idk. I remember feeling terrible like worse than this for a couple weeks when Inwas on the hydrocodone. But it is still pretty bad
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Hi  well what your describing is very tyipical  for methadone....because of it long 1/2 life and the fact that it builds up in your system over time it can take a wile b/4 it really hits you...for most people it progressively get worst threw about 10 days to 2 weeks then the phyical part lets up the energy crash as well as the insomina will last out to a month  I realize you havent been on it that long  but please understand methadone is hands down the hardest of of all the synthetic opiets to kick  Just hand in there it is doable but it will defenatlly where you down   keep posting for support where here for you.....Gnarly
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I will, I hole I can do this, if not I may have to go back and ask for a slow taper. I dont want to but since i need a job...it may be best, Im going to wait about a week and see.
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Today still not good, but Im not sure why, just not feeling as bad i think...or im just getting used to how im feeling..i didnt sleep well last night either, But Im not as run down as yesterday and the chills ave eased off, the rls eased up a little too today...not sure what is going on.  Could it be i wasnt on it that long the withdrawals with be short lived?
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Hey  good to here from you....ya the ''energy crash'' is one of the worst symptoms with this drug  that and the lack of sleep almost drove me over the edge  I was on it a lot longer then you at 150mg for almost 7yrs  that and I detoxed at 47  so the cards where stacked agenst me  about all you can do is just go threw it  most people dont get off ez with this drug  the withdrawal is slow coming on but by day 10 or 12 is when it gets the worst  just know there are a lot of our members who have made it off this drug and you will to  keep posting for support
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Great...more to look forward to, I'm normally pretty strong but this has me bet down pretty good today. My emotions are in the dumps too, I'm a guy and I wanna cry...this just *****. .i really wish it would get better. It feels horible, although its not as intense as the hydrocodone wd symptoms..well not yet. Ibwas hoping by day 10 i would be feeling better, I need to get a job, maybe it was the wrong time to get off? I cant get a job like this...impossible.
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Hey Gnarly, thanks for asking. Nope inchose to sleep instead of dosing, just felt it would drag it out and why gonfor a measly 6mg. Ill be honest, today is worse, I'm not feeling as bad..or just different than I did when trting to come off hydrocodone. Still no rls but the lacknof energy and motivation is almost out of body like..ive been tired and drained all day. So maybe im not getting off as easy as I thought. Im not sure if its as bad or different type of withdraw. Just took a hot bath that didnt help, ive eaten today. I cant afford much being unemployed  from a layoff. But I have some vitamins im taking to help with the lack of good food. But well see what today brings..all i wan a do is lay down today. Guess im gonna go through hells gates the way its going..but i guess i deserve it. I've been napping on and off all day..and watching tv with my daughter...nothing else.
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Hi...well did you go get your dose???  how you feeling today??? form your post you are getting very mild symptoms but it usually takes about 3 days to really feel it post to let us know how it is going
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I'm not even sure if I want to get up all early tomorrow and stand in line for 6 measly mg, but we'll see, thinking I should but I dont think 6mg will do anything, like I've said I'm not feeling super perfect, have the chills and hot flashes (minor) and lack of energy/motivation, but that is due to the chills I think, just do not want to go outside and freeCorporationze..lol. If I get up early tomorrow I'll go and get my dose if the line isn't super long.  Im still hoping the w/d dont kicknin full force on me...still waiting in fear of that..but this I can handle..just bored. Did most of the housework all week preparing for some hellish w/d that havent shown thierselves..
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