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Prescription drug abuse

I think a friend of mine might be addicted to prescription drugs. How can I confront him with my concerns without ticking him off. What if I am wrong? Can anyone tell me what signs to look for to make sure?
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Well, that makes two emails to her.  I emailed Cindi last night when I posted about the Rachel Hunter thing.  Enough is enough.
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Wow! I'm quite the topic of conversation these days. I want to sincerely thank all those who said such gratifying things about me. What most of you don't realize is that you have all saved my life countless times simply by being my friends. It is my priviledge and salvation to offer what knowledge and experience I might have to those who suffer. Whatever my faults, my motivation for being here has and will always be true to the spirit of this forum.

I'm sorry to take so much time and realestate to resolve the groovy/mariposa/minime/rachael hunter issue. For those who don't know, she is an extremely troubled person who almost singlehandedly destroyed this forum, I think it was sometime last fall. Fortunately, we've bounced back. But it appears that the threat has returned. As per my previous post, I am now turning this problem over to Cindy at Med Help.

I apologize to our newcomers who came here for help and have been forced to wait while this war of words raged. I want them to know that their welfare is important to me and I will now concentrate on addressing every post that has up to now gone unanswered. I can't guarantee that I have the knowledge to help all of you, but I will certainly try.

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You know, you're really very foolish. You get banned from Med Help for cause. You let some time go by, then you sneak back in under the handle "minime." But you just can't hide your hate, can you? This dispute between us has resulted in your exposing your true identity once again. You see, Mariposa, it's easy to spot you because there is simply no one on any addiction forum as blatantly vicious as you. I wonder: should I pity you or encourage your self-destruction?

One thing I know, your illicit presence on Med Help diminishes the forum as well as every legitimate member. I would ask you to do the decent thing and stop posting, but I know you too well. Instead, I'm going to inform Cindy at Med Help that you've returned unbidden and are posting under the handles "minime" and, of all names, "Rachael Hunter." I guess you forgot that you used the Rachael Hunter alias last time around! Fatal error, don't you think? Of course, you're free for the time being to create yet another false identity. But experience shows that you're incapable of hiding your malevolent soul for long. Truth be told, you've probably already posted under other handles. No matter. The good people that care about this forum will just have to root out your aliases one by one until you're gone.

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And, if that was a shot at me, you got to be kidding.  This latest thing has nothing to do with me.  I just couldn't help but comment on what finished wrote.  He hit the nail right on the head.  This IS a message board.
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And, as Mariposa/Groovygirl/Rachel Hunter has just pointed out, some people keep it going.  People should just let it go.  By the way, Rachel Hunter is the name Groovygirl/Mariposa goes by.  Or, it might just be a pseudonym.  So, I thought those not in the know should be informed.
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Minime, please get in touch with me.

This forum is a valuble service to addicts and chronic pain sufferers alike, and about every 6 weeks a new confrontation breaks out for many different reasons. If any of you are reading this forum as a newcomer, please do not be scared away; as addicts, many of us have egos that can be bruised quite easily, and because of that we tend to be confrontational at times.

Fingers COULD be pointed at about 5 people here who have let this new confrontation go on too long, but I say to you- DROP IT for now.

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That is so true.  I am commenting on what you wrote about Thomas' original post and not knowing how it all came to be what it is now.  That is the way it usually happens around here.  And, it is usually the same players.  Minime tried to do it with me back when during Hellbent's banning.  I think she has definitely shown us what her MO is.  Just to remind, when all that dust cleared, and I posted to someone about something, she jumped right on and asked where Hellbent is....just for a little dig.  So, after this, I think the track record has been established.  Basically, people should just move on.  Certain people feed off of this.
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The morals in Aesop are keepers. If only I had taken them to heart earlier. ~~
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Peeps were banned for less than religion. (if that is true) "Staff" informed us/me on another site (I dare not post the URL for peeps +have+ been banned for that, selectively)

However, Robyn Banks/Mariposa/minime are beyond the pale. There are a bezillion self help books but this addict's recommendation is Aesop's fables.

These^^^^ morales are to live/die by.

The Subutex/Suboxone thread is where the silly bickering started.

There posts under that thread are C2, C5, C9-10, C42, C44, C49 (Thomas's words)

And: C7, C11, C16-17, C26, C34, C38, C40, c43, C47 (minime's words)

I will not take sides. It's easy to determine who is angry and who is not.

One didn't even have to be present the day "inferred main idea" was taught. A (literal) no brainer.

Regardless, I read/have read here on this forum a long time, long enuf to remember mariposa, groovy and now.. Robyn Banks.

Anger is part of the healing process.

So is reading x-cellent writers, such as.. most recently: Sisyphus and Dancin' in the Dark.

As for mythology, there are a few posts dedicated to the character/story of Sisyphus on another site. I dare not say where though.

Cheers. This nightly glass of vino is hardly worth the effort to pop the cork, but it's better than washing down Vikes w. Stoli.

Isn't it?


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AGAIN someone (Blue) butts in and flames ME, but yet again I cannot say anything back.  I can do this as long as you can.
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i have to point out that a few months back some very special people were banned from this forum for being too religious.

i am truely suprised you would choose to keep such hostile people on a help forum, yet ban people who where a true insperation.

just my  opion

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Well there ya go...I tried. You choose to be hostile towards everyone here that opposes you rather than just move on. So why don't you just go ahead & leave this forum? If you're so bothered by everybody here & their words, opinions or advice, why stay? To cause more problems? Your hostility is not needed & I'm sure not appreciated. To blatantly attack Blue for agreeing with me by saying "F-U" is utterly childish & uncalled for. Blue said no harsh words towards you & you should apologize for your reply...but something's telling me not to hold my breath.

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Butt out and F-U.
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Hey hon

Haven't spoke to you in awhile. I am so glad to hear that you are sticking to your game plan. It WILL get better. Just hang in there. No one said it's easy, if it was we would do it over and over again. ( although lots of us do anyhow!! lol)

keep me posted, my thoughts and prayeres are with you.

be safe
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Hey, finnished!! Just have to say I AGREE

I haven't posted here in awhile but i am very familiar with Thomas Finnished and even you MINIMME

all i have to say is CUT IT OUT!! If you don't like the people on this board minimme than DON"T Come. No one is making you.

be safe
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That post nor any other was not meant as a "dig" nor did I exclude anybody from what I was trying to convey. You're correct in the fact that I did not specifically address Thomas or anyone else by name. My entire point, starting from the first post regarding this was that I constantly see YOU in these tiffs. Not pointing any fingers at you for starting them however...and that's SINCERE. My point is this: It is up to EVERYONE involved with these arguements to take the higher road & pass on further commenting that is hurtful, aggressive or insulting. That DOES include Thomas, you, myself & everyone here. NONE is above any other here. It just seems that you take a lot of what is said as insulting or mean-spirited. My posts to you were neither of these yet you came back with this:

"Are you saying that Thomas, who started this, can say terrible things to me and everyone else (including you) can continue to bash me, but I should say nothing?"

Including me? How could you possibly interpret my words as "bashing?" And NO...I am not saying that Thomas or anybody else can say terrible things. What I'm trying to do is maybe help you to see these things from a prospective other than one of a defensive position. If you remember, you & I once had words & it was resolved because I chose to accept the fact that the bickering was leading nowhere. I read over Thomas' original post that "started" this & I don't really see why this became what it has. If Thomas or anybody else says things to you that you don't like, you have the right to retaliate if you so choose but I see nothing that will come of it other than more bickering. I see your point when you say that I have helped to keep this going but my intentions are different than most. My intention is ONLY to help you to see that NOTHING has come of this, NOTHING will come of this & maybe you should try to not take one's words as hurtful as you seem to. I apologize if you feel that I have jumped on the "minime-bashing-wagon" or I am contributing the anger you're feeling. That was never my intention. I TRULY hope you see my posts as they were intended...as helpful...not hurtful.

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You keep telling me to drop it - I only respond to the posts written to me.  Are you saying that Thomas, who started this, can say terrible things to me and everyone else (including you) can continue to bash me, but I should say nothing?

I was doing all I could do to help Freezing, when Thomas decided to insult me, so what you and everyone else is saying is that it is OK for him but not me...you, along with everyone else, has continued to help keep this thing going.  It blows my mind to see how hypocritical everyone can be.

There are a couple people here that continue to throw digs even when I'm posting to someone else trying to help them.  When they stop, so will I.
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Minime...Why wont you drop it? You have accomplished absolutely nothing with the continued lashing & insults. I don't agree with the "ganging up" on minime that's occurring here but I STRONGLY disagree with your comments to Thomas regarding him killing himself. Be it seriously said or not...it was uncalled for & quite frankly...childish. You DO have some of an old member's qualities named Mariposa & they are NOT qualities to be proud of. I've tried to advise you on how to handle these attacks & you've obviously chose to ignore that advice...which is fine. That's the beauty of choice & freedom. But you have contributed to turning this forum into a wrestling ring (not alone) & many people have jumped into this "fight" without need. If there is one person...only one person on this forum that's capable of handling himself it's Thomas. Please...there are many people here posting questions amongst the harsh words that may be overlooked. Please drop this. Pride is a wonderful quality but there IS such a thing as TOO MUCH pride. Swallow your pride if you're truly here to help those in need. If you're here for reasons other than to help those people or to help yourself...please leave. I don't believe that this is the case with you mini. I believe you are here to help when you can but you must stop the continuous fighting to do so.

To those defending Thomas...like I said before, I think if anybody on this forum is capable of defending himself, it's Thomas. It's great to see the outpouring of support & praise to Thomas but when you start lashing out against mini, it makes the snowball that much bigger. That does NOT mean that you shouldn't point out to mini or anybody else the things that he or she may be misinterpreting about Thomas. BUT...Calling names or lashing out in the defense of anybody accomplishes nothing. We ALL really need to focus on the HELP in medhelp.org. If something is said that we do not like, appreciate or agree with, we have the choice to scroll past that post without comment, comment with a little tact or attack the poster. I think that the most productive decision would be the first two rather than the last. This is coming from a guy who ran head-first into EVERY battle waged against him with aggression, anger & hostility just a few months ago...BUT...I've learned a LOT from the other "old-time" members here like Rex1, MrsRat, Thomas & many others. I now look at these arguments & shutter to think that this was me not long ago. Please drop this argument. It has made zero sense from the start & will make less in the end.

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Feel free to ask anytime.  I have more experience than I wish I had.  I have done a ton of research on opiates and opioids.  I hope I was able to help you in some way.
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I'm definitely not angry anymore...haha...this has gotten funny with everyone stating St. Thomas' virtues...pulease!
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I've been checking this board out for many, many years. Like most of you guys posting here, I'm an old opiate junkie just trying to survive each day; sometimes I'm clean, and other times I'm hustling oxies to feed my miserable habit.  Right now I am clean; one week of withdrawals.  I'm O.K. today, as long as I don't give in to the gorilla.  I do know that Thomas has been fighting addiction for as long as myself, if not longer.  Personally, I hope he doesn't check out on us.  I don't think people posting here "worship" him, as earlier posts by someone reflect.  I have gotten many inspirational posts from him, as well as some of you other guys.  And Thomas, I don't mean to talk about you in my post, except to encourage you to keep posting, as I know you will.  I remember way back when, a time when you were anticipating trying to de-tox with a new drug, bupronex, I believe.  From one ole opiate lover to another, "This ain't your first rodeo to ride in," and, like myself, I'm sure it ain't your last!  Some people wear their feelings on their shoulders, and when junkies try to express themselves, it's a wonder all of us don't cuss and fight more often.  Stay clean and stay from the big green 80!!!
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MInime...Cant even believe you wrote that about ANYONE..telling them to die..your the problem here and you need to stay away of your going to act like that...Anger managment would be nice. Usually when someone seems like they have alot of knowledge and help others more than we can..we seem to get aggravted with them (it is called jealousy)

Listen...you might want to buckle up because it will get real hard in these days..seemed for m the worse was my psychological part wasa totre around day 12 13 14...I as ging out of my freakin mind. I just had to stay busy, pray and try to be grateful and stay focused...hang tight sweetie!!
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I am going to interrupt all this fighting thats going on around here and talk about something that really needs addressed rather than all the he said she said ****.Anyway I am one of the "newbies" that is in desperate need of some help,I have been posting on another thread for the past couple of days and you people are wonderful,you have already helped me tremendously!!!For those of you who have'nt read my other posts I'll briefly catch you up.The "pill demon" took over my life a year ago and now I want it back....sooooo bad!!!I am currently taking 15 to 25 lortab 10's a day.I have detoxed twice but failed horribly.I am planning on trying agian in 2 weeks when I have 5 free days but I am so worried that I will fail agian.I am so miserable with my life,I can't do anything b/c of damn pills that don't do anything for me anymore,I was thinking today and even to go on a vacation I have to plan it around pills that sucks.My husband is in the same boat as me but he is way stronger than me.This just all seems hopeless.I want me back soooo  bad how do I do It?Will the craving ever go away?Will I ever get to the point where I don't want pills?Seems so far away.Someone please help me give me advice.I really don't know what I want from everyone here maybe someone to relate to, someone to talk to, someone who understands this hell I'm living in.Sorry I butted in and made it so long but I am on the verge of going crazy I think.Thanks to everyone,I love you all and wish you nothing but the best!!!
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Well, THANK YOU Mr. Michael for your response.  I should have known the first time that I get desperate for responses, there would be a fight going on.  I initially was going to ask Thomas, cuz of all the experience, but it seems he's busy getting his butt reamed.  I left (except occasionally) this board because of all the **** like this.  Seems like Ladymp or someone was on FINISHED's case the last time I looked in.  GEEZE!  Please people!  Sometimes people just need help from as MANY SOURCES AS POSSIBLE.  They are ALL valuable and unique--just as you and I all are.    Even I am feeling  bitchy because I AM IN WD's RIGHT NOW!!!  Please reach out and touch those who need YOUR HELP!!!  Love, Love, Love!   Thanks
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