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Prescription drug abuse

I think a friend of mine might be addicted to prescription drugs. How can I confront him with my concerns without ticking him off. What if I am wrong? Can anyone tell me what signs to look for to make sure?
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In past times, when I was clean and working a program, I always tried to avoid "accusing" someone, whether a friend or an acquaintance, of using.  I would approach a friend and "suggest" how much better life had gotten for me since I had quit using.  Many times, I would even remind them of just how screwy my life was while I was using. I found that this would open the door for them to come clean with me about their possible problem.  I never did any friendly "interventions"; I found that these would usually cease all communication with my friend.  Hell, just tell them how much you love them and just how quickly their life can go from casual using to a living hell.  There's really no easy way; just kind of go with your gut feeling.
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What signs tell you that there mightbe a problem? What makes you think this..I can tell you when I knew I had a problem...I took meds even when I was not in pain anymore. I took more than prescribed to get the buzz. I was worried about my next Rx and how I didnt like being withoutit. And then when I was refused anymore and freaked out physically and mentally, then I knew I had a problem. Mine started out because I have chronic pain (degenerative disc disease)....Good luck...
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My first post...I sit here, 36 hours from my last Lortab never in a million years thinking I would be posting on an addiction board. Started the same as most, legitimate pain, nerve damage. Took 1 .5 Lortab for 2 years and was fine with that. All of a sudden 2 made me feel a lot damn better, then 3, then 4. And so began my vicious cycle.
Why quit 'this' time? I ran out early, as always, but this time I want so badly to stop this. I tell myself when I have 3 or 4 tabs in me, "Why do you do this? It doesn't even make you feel much better"  I want to be happy because I am happy, I want to laugh and hold my head to the sun and dance like I used to. I am tired of a chemical 'high' that isn't even a high anymore.
You know what I did today? Called my doc, told him my meds had been stolen from my car, did he 'believe' me? Of course not. Today has been a day of extremes, extreme lows "I can't do this, I am so sad, What in the hell am I thinking? ohpleasenexttimeiwilltakethemlikeiamsupposeto" to extreme highs, "I can do this! Soon, I will feel better, Soon I will wake up happy like I used to and not have to wait until that first tab hits my system.
I have cried all day, I haven't really felt that 'physically bad' Last night I had the leg/arm creepy thing going on. A little diareaha, but mostly just so damn sad. I did get the Thomas Detox items, but already take B vitamins and zinc,etc. Just bought the L-Tyrosine. Did it help? I don't know because I don't know how it would have felt without it. The main thing I want is to follow through. I don't want this to be my only post because tomorrow I will 'find' some Lortab. I want to be "ME" again. I need to be "ME" again. Help me please.

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Damn I can not belive the pain and suffering this **** causes so many of you, I got hooked becuase of chronic pain and felt sorry for myself but some of you seem to be hurting far more than I think I am. I came here for a little support and info but some of your stories kill me. I have no craving for this **** and the more I read the more I am determined to never take it again.

Some of the guys here were like me many operations to rebuild stupid things we did. You know guy stuff. And we became dependant but not adictted. Yes I went through hell and got sick and wanted to die but it is passing I am gaining strength every day. I thank God I do not have the craving you guys speak of
the thought of taking it makes me sick now. So I dont know what to say but hang in there, There are a lot of very cool and helpful people here. I am not big into praying but I will give it a shot for you guys, just dont think I am a wuss just hate to see you suffer.
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It does get better minute by minute then hour by hour then day by day!!Just hang on I promise youll look back and say I KNOW I CAN cause youll be done with the bodyaches and not have as many cravings.Try to get some exercise in if only short walks,drink lots,and make sure you eat!!!Make sure you take vitamins too!!I dont know about the energy ones they make me shake so I cant take em!But welcome and I'll be praying for you..I know theres alot more I should be saying but the brain doesnt kick in as fast as it used too!!!      Jerri                              I forgot lots of hot bathes!Read or watch a movie,anything to keep your mind off of what your going through!!!
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I'm just on the edge of addiction ...I think. I've been managing to stop myself from increasing. They are prescibed for my   back pain and other various aches etc.

Five years ago, after a surgury,(with the perc. in my system) while walking my dogs, I came to realize that in my entire miserable, rotten ,lonely life .....that HEY, I FEEL HAPPY.I don't know...maybe it wasn't happy but, I felt better than I could EVER remember feeling. It was like my attitude towards people changed from finding them annoying to actually enjoying a chat with a stranger. I remember SMILING......ME! Well,that seems like 10 years ago .....that euphoria has long been gone. I wish someone could make a pill that gives that feeling but it wouldn't be habit forming.  

When I take one now, I don't feel much,  if anything at all.I wish I could take the pills. I don't enjoy my life. The pills are magical..... for a little while.

  This past summer I began dating a man who as it turned out....is addicted to percs .( I think.) He had no sex drive, was always sick with a cold or the flu , or took a bad fall, would cancel our plans  last minute. I think he wasn't able to have relationship with me because of the monkey on his back. I doubt he'd admit he's addicted. I'm hearbroken. Does this sound  right? Is  it likely that he wasn't able to be with me because of the pills?
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sorry to break the thread...but does anyone know if the L-Tyrosine will work without the b-6?

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They do make a pill that causes happiness. It's called prozac.
It's been around a long time. Depression is the most "untreated" undiagnoed illness in our society. If you do a search on prozac, they have a little check list for depression. Alot of people use painpills as antidepressants. Check this out .... it could be a wonderful life .. Goldie
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Goldie, thank you for responding to me.I have been on practically every antidepressant (over the last 18 years along with serious therapy)......currently Lexapro and Wellbutrin,it's true that some people simply do not respond well to these medications.

But, I'm torturing myself over this man, a man who I would do anything for because I love him so much......but, the last time he asked me for pills I told him I didn't have them and I know he didn't believe me because he has stopped talking to me. And ignores me when he sees me.
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What happened to me here could easily happen to you.  Thomas first insulted me when I was trying to help Freezing.  He apparently cannot tolerate someone knowing more than him about a subject.  I have watched him scare people off this board for a long, long time.

I was helping someone, and he came up insulting me - do I not have the right to defend myself to the Great Thomas?  He has no life and spends an unreal amount of time here telling everyone what he knows about the subject of addiction.  Then when someone else with an opinion comes along, he throws them a dig.  Since he's the one here all the time, people jump to his defense.  It's sickening, and it has scared off a lot of good people.

Thomas you are obviously a "dry" addict...filled with anger toward the world for your lot in life.  Do yourself a favor, and just jump off a bridge and get it over with.
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hi everyone havent posted lately, just been reading everyones post. cannedheels i can totally relate to the way you feel the hydros gave me that feel good feeling also about people and life that i never felt before, but now that feelings gone after using for 3 years. and i feel numb and miserable again. i also suffer from depression and panic attacks not to many antidepessents seem to work either. i dont know what to tell you about your boyfriend seems maybe his drugging has takin over his life also, you know the pills come before anything else when your addicted.anyways hang in there your not the only one with this shitty addiction. good luck!
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Hey guys I am very new here and I am thankfull to all of you, it gave me an outlet I trully needed and it helped a lot.
minime I don't know you or Thomas but guys aren't we here to help each other. Thomas you were one of the firsts to asnswear my post and I thank you, minime I thank you as well.
Email and post are very hard to determin someones intent, my sense of humor has often been mistaken for an insult when I meant none. minime I hope you don't let this upset you just a thought,, not an attack, but maybe you over read thomas, YES I did not read all your posts and don't know everything but at this point I do not think I would have made it if someone wanted to pick a fight with me (not saying you or thomas did that)
But it would be ashame if you let it effect you. There seems to be an overwheling amount of pain here nothing in my small world prepared me for ,so my heart goes out to you all.

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Read my post below...It's REALLY tiresome watching this & that's one reason I spend very little time here anymore. The bickering is uninteresting to me. JUST LET IT GO!!!! For the sake of others, swallow your pride & drop it.

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Agreed.... Let it go and lets help some people here...
We should use all of our energy helping others and ourself.
We appreciate ALL posts that are trying to be helpful...

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I guess this was addressed to me also, being a Thomas butt kisser and all.
Hell, I would have paid anything, walked on coals, poked myself in both eyes with pins...........so to be deemed a butt kisser of one of the people instrumental to me getting and staying clean(now 7 months) of percs, something i never thought possible.....oh well!!

Bottom line: We can't afford to use up valuable thread space on this diminishing return exchange.  Loads of newbies/and others need help and advice.

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Well said percs!!  We all have gotten so much needed help from Thomas and we appreciate him more then he will ever know!!

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Oh, minime, or should I call you Mariposa, despite yourself, I want you to know that I do feel the love! And my butt does love to be kissed. In fact, here comes one now -- smootch! oooo that was a good one!


His Emperial Junkieness, The O So Great Thomas
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I almost forgot to thank you for wishing suicide on me. You're a true humanitarian, no?

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If you only knew...yes I'm a humanitarian when dealing with a human.  You seem like only a shell of a human - a hard shell filled with only your opinion, self loathing and a cynical, cold outlook toward the world.  If I wasn't so sick of you, I'd probably feel sorry for you...now I just wish you'd go away...and your welcome - I meant it.
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Why would you waste so much time and energy corresponding with someone you find as loathsome as Thomas?

When you go back & read through your own vituperative messages towards someone who actually contributes to this board, you will read the pathetic, hysterical rantings of a child tangled in a web of unfounded fury.

Could the drug you are using possibly be contributing to this?

Take some time to cool off and then come back.  We're all here for you but I am shocked at the tone of your messages.  Go & jump off a bridge?  Take some time - please.

Dancing in the Dark
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Okay, here it is.  I've been tapering from Oxycontin & percs for about 6 weeks (with several Big dose blow-its).  It's been 5 days since I've had any oxy.  The two days before that was only ONE 10mg. perc each day.  This is my Day 5 w/o. or Day 7 including the two days I did 10 mg.   BUT....I was assuming that I could take hydro 7.5 4 to 6 times per day to make the wd's bearable.  That it did!  But my question is this:  Is it prolonging the addiction to the oxy, or is Hydro enough different that I can quit before becoming addicted to it too.  This is my WORST DAY SO FAR!!!  I have not had anything except 1 7.5 hydro yesterday morning.  I can get more --- WANT more cuz I'm MISERABLE!!!  Do you think that my taking the hydro has prolonged the oxy withdrawals???  I was quitting the hydro before becoming addicted to it.  I was also experiencing wd's the whole time since going off the oxy.  What in the HELL is happenening to me?  This is my Day 5 from NO oxy!  Shouldn't I be better now?  Will I screw myself up by taking more of the Lortab?  I have an appt. to meet someone to get more in about 1 hour!!!!  Please help me!  SOS!  Don't fight with each other!!!  I need help, Thomas, Mini, ANYONE please help me FAST!!!!  It's 5:30 MST now!
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A shell of a human you say?  Someone who has helped countless people and inspired so many?  Psycho-******* like you belong in Anger Management Therapy hooked up to a Thorazine drip to keep them quiet!  By the way, Home Depot is running a sale on duct tape so we can seal off our windows in case of an attack  --- you might want to get a few rolls and use it on your mouth!
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Basically, you are addicted to opium....to a certain degree.  Both hydrocodone and oxycodone will relieve your withdrawal symptoms.  If you are taking hydro, you might as well be taking oxy.  Of course you would feel better taking hydro four times a day.  Hydrocodone is an opiate agonist, just like oxycodone, or morphine and so on.  The only way to truly get the withdrawals over with is to just do it without either.  Taking hydro is just substituting one for the other.  Any opioid agonist will make you feel better.  That is what cross-tolerance basically is.  If have a tolerance for one, then you have a tolerance (to some degree) to the other agonist.  And, vice-versa.
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First, I am not sure why mimi is upset with Thomas, I did not read that far above, but, I will tell you that there is not a better person(addict that he is) who has not tried to help each and everyone on this board.  Thomas has suffered through withdrawals and had seizures that almost killed him, but, he is still right back here, trying to save us, or lives.  And to ask him to jump off a bridge, how inhumane.  I am sorry to say this, because I do feel your pain too mimi, and I know that you must be huring real bad inside because of your addiction, but Thomas does not think he is better than anyone else, and he doens't think he knows it all.  What he does know, he shares, in hopes I believe that if he can help one person not make the same mistakes with drugs like he has, it will be worth it.  Don't you see the true caring, empathy and compassion in his words. Many of us here see nothing but that. Yes, Thomas says he has been abusing for 30 years, but, like all of us who have abused, I know he wants to stop.  I know the last time I talked to him here, he was 3 weeks clean, but, still wanting to get high!  I hope Thomas you are still hanging in there, but, if not, I still love you, and you are still a wonderful man.  Suicide is what we all are afraid of at times, when going through withdrawal, when hitting rock bottome.  We want to live, have a life, feel joy again, and to have someone tell the most needed person on the forum to do that, I have to only hope and believe that you are in severe pain.  But, we are still here for you, and even though I know Thomas is hurting by what you said, I truly believe he will reach out to you if you will let him.  Maybe it is your fear of what he says to be the truth that frightens you and you get defensive.  Whatever it is, open up your heart a little and let him in.  He can save your life, he did mine a few weeks ago.  I took zanax for only two weeks and at the percribed dose, but, when stopping this short acting benzo I thought I was dying and almost went to the emergency room with such awful pains of anxiety in my chest.  I lost 10 lbs(thanks Thomas I wanted to lose that weight) in one week, couldn't eat and each day I came here and Thomas talked to me and told me it would get easier everday.  That the panic and severe fear I was feeling was just the withdrawal, not that I was going crazy or dying.  Bless you Thomas.  Love to all here, you to MIMI
Love Sugarbeens
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