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Quitting hydrocodone

I've been taking 10mg hydrocodone for 2 years now for chronic neck/back pain. I'm trying to taper down and quit taking them completely in order to attempt a 30 day drug holiday. Ive been taking 3 or 4 daily. When I have run out in the past, the withdrawals have been horrible. My husband is helping me taper off, but I think I need additional help. What should I do? I know a lot of people will say 3 or 4 a day isn't much, but I've been on them for a long time and thats the main problem.
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1283286 tn?1312911966
I wish I could claim I only did 6 a day when things got out of hand!..:)..It was about a year ago that my tolerance started going sky high which had me taking the oxycontin 40's 3 times a day "along" with 10 or 12 percocets daily trying to contain my pain prior to the surgery..Then post surgery when the nerve flaired, my consumption got worse!..I'm glad I have finally broke free of the oxy's though..They caught me totally off guard..Never again though. I learned a valuable lesson the hard way but now I can say that insane consumption is finally behind me..

Sounds like you have a good plan. I can hear your confidence level changing which is great!. Being mentally prepared by listening to your Dr and seeing what others in here describe their experiences to be make the wd symptoms more managable..Because you know what your feeling is a wd symptom..Lots of people show up in here not knowing what to expect and get all flustered as to "is this suppose to happen?,,Is that suppose to happen?, when will my sleep come back?, etc,etc. It tends to make things hard on them because they over analyze every symptom they have..

I seriously believe though if you stretch this taper your doing another week or so and can get down to one pill and then maybe a half pill, you will be able to almost eliminate the majority of any hard physical wd's..There were a couple people I saw in here over the past couple of months that were on dose's similar to yours that were doing amazingly well after a few days. They literally were asking for advice because all the wd's they read about hadn't hit them and were wondering when they would..In their 3 or 4 day no less..Then everyone in here that responded to them said take comfort in this because the 3rd and 4th days are the peak days. If they hadn't been hit like they expected by then, they were part of a group of lucky one's that dodged the bullet so to speak..You may get lucky with this..Wishing you the best..:)
31 Responses
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I been on withdraws for 10 weeks 3 weeks have go by and I get headaches and ringing in my ears now for 7 week is this still withdraws or something else I take blood pills
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my former doc gave me 3 10-325 for a year, then upped the dose to 4 for three weeks, then denied my script when i was out at that point. no talking, no suggestion i quit or take less, just cold turkey. his girl lied to me over the phone so i assumed i would get the script a a couple of days telling me that is hadn't been 20 days for a refill. it was 23. so i just was left without pills. i even have a written contract with him saying he will give me pills to taper down when it is time to quit. i wanted medical mj and he refused. i'm on day 5 now and the biggest issue is having the "flu" really bad and worse today. i bought some benadryl to see if it will help me sleep. i haven't slept more than a few hours this week. anger is a good motivator and i am livid with this doc... i just don't understand why he did this. j
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Hey Court.. how we doing today?  Just checkin' in ....
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I've found with my neck injuries I'm on a non-narcodic which seems to work, not great but it does make the pain manageable.  It's called GABAPENTIN 300 MG.  I take 4 at night.  It calms the nerve endings in my neck down so I don't get that shooting pain.  It takes a while to build up in your system but it works.  Makes me a little sleepy which is why I take it at night.  Maybe talk to your doc about it, really helped me.  

Then that's when my Doctor and I finally came up with the plan to get me off of Norco.  I think I'm almost there.


You are doing the right thing.. just make sure you keep strong and take yourself off slowly.  It works but you MUST BE STRONG!  If you are preggo's you need to get off this stuff as soon as you can!

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1283286 tn?1312911966
Its the partial wd's that your feeling. But thats the only way to keep them to a minimum when you finally do put them down. Your getting thru them in little doses instead of a hard hit by going cold turkey.

Yeah, insane amounts is a good way to state that now that you mention it. Because looking back, its hard to imagine I was consuming that much. And it wasn't so much for pain either. It was to keep the wd's at bay because every three hours or so the massive headaches and such would start to come on and taking the pills was the only way to stop them because of the dependence and volume of oxy I had in my system.

Just real glad its over..That truly was a never ending cycle and no way to live. I didn't plan on quitting back at New Years, but I fell short two days of getting a refill on my breakthru pills. When the Monday came , I had a choice to call the Doctor or not call. I said screw this and went for quitting them. I still have pain, but am managing it fairly well. Bothersome, but considering the "non-life" I was having taking the oxy? This is much better. I have my mind back lol...
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Wow, Dav...it's amazing you beat that insane consumption. Thats a good way to word it.

I'm not feeling real good at the moment. 12 hours in-between pills is difficult for me right now. I have one sitting right in front of me and I know I need to wait until this evening. Counting down the hours of course. Just goes to show how I'm used to taking them.

I worked out, took a hot shower, and I'm about clean the house. I can get through it.
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I've been on NORCO for three years now. In the last 14 months I've gone through every detox imaginable. It's such a shame how the pills have put my life and others lives on hold.  All I've known for the last two years was either I'm high or in withdrawls. THere is a light at the end of through tunnel for me personally suboxone only prolonged the inevitable, it was simply an oasis and not a solution. The program that finally worked for me was to simply go cold turkey, with a helping hand from Imodium AD. There comes a point I think all of us come too, where the fear of w/d no longer worries us and it can't get any worse . You have to want to stop in order to be successful
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Hi back! I have my bad days too, but I'm not going to give up. Thanks for the kind words! David
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Thank you so much for the suggestions and support, Dav. I've taken steps this week that I never have. I ordered something called the Drug Bomb with is like the Thomas recipe but better and calmag. Both are supposed to help tremendously with withdrawals. The doctor I spoke with suggested those 2 things along with tapering. I'm definitely scared, but I'm more comfortable with this plan than anything else. I was up to 6 a day at one point and now at 2 per day I'm confident I have the will power to quit these things. I'm hoping I don't have a setback with my neck like you did with a nerve flareup. I can't imagine the pain and discomfort you felt when quitting CT after the large amounts of oxy. Wow. Again, thank you so much for sharing your story and suggestions. They were very helpful.
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1283286 tn?1312911966
If you are down to two pills a day,,then get yourself down to one pill a day maybe breaking it into halves. If you can get 3 or 4 days in at the minimum dose, your wd's will be "very reduced..I went thru three wd experiences. The first time was a straight cold turkey last Spring when I ran short by a week due to my pain elevating prior to surgery..I figured at the time I would tough out the week to get a solid read on how much pain I really had going on with a re-ruptured disc.At the time I had no idea as to what wd's to expect but boy did I find out quick what these meds can do to a person..That was a jump from 120mg a day of prescribed oxycontin..That is the definition of brutal..

The second time post surgery in August, I did a short taper with percocets I had for breakthru pain getting my dose down to 30 mg over a 5 day period before stopping..I still got hit, but the wd's only hit me half as hard as that first time..Due to a major nerve flairup, I had to backtrack into the meds for a few more months..

This last time I quit over Christmas, I tapered even further over a week and a half getting my self down to 20mg/day of hydrocodone for the 3 days prior to stopping..Other than energy and insomnia issues, I was amazed as to how limited the aches, pains, night sweats and stomach problems were.. Virtually non-existent or greatly reduced...As Gnarly has quoted on many occassions, this battle is 1/3 physical and 2/3rd's mental..If a person keeps telling themselve's they "can't" function without the pills, then they've defeated themselve's before they even begin..Believe it or not, having that young child actually would work to your benefit in getting thru this as caring for him/her is something that requires you to do certain things during the day that cannot be put on a backburner. It makes you have to get up and move which is key to overcoming those moments when you feel you just don't have any energy..Laying around is one of the worst things a person can do as it enhances the wd symptoms..Once you get moving, one finds they had more energy than they thought. Showers first thing help immensily.They do energize a person some to get moving...I'm not sure as to what this counselor has told you in regard to this process as you haven't elaborated on that, but what I have described here is fact as it happened to me..If you are pretty sure you are pregnant, then the place to get any further advice is from your Obyn or regular Doctor...Your one step from being able to free yourself of this relience on the meds once you decide thats what you want to do...Make that commitment to yourself and you may just find you were overthinking this, scaring yourself into believing H*ll on Earth is waiting for you when you stop..

There is no quick and easy fix thats going to have you feeling better the first couple of weeks. Thats mainly going to consist of feeling rundown and having this constant thought in your head that you want to fell better like "now"..Thats where many fail with this. They drive themselve's nutty wanting it over now and not letting time heal them...Once you accept your not going to be in the greatest of moods for a few weeks, this process is not that hard to deal with.It does get frustrating at times, waving in and out , but each additional day added on without use see's the frustration becoming less and increments of positive changes growing..

.Everyone commenting here has given you a good description of their experience and advice for how they continue to work thru the lingering ups and downs that take time to undo..We didn't get to this point overnight and its not going to correct itself overnight either. Develop your resolve to end this mental headache and go for it..You might find this wasn't as bad as you initially perceived it was going to be..Your tapering "will" make a big difference over what wd experiences you had previously..
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I know you have come here for help otherwise you would not be here. Storme is just trying to help you she in my opinion gives very good advice. We all need understanding when we come here, you are not being judged at all. We have all been right where you are now. Just read the posts these people have sobriety and really are trying to help you. I dont have all that much clean time but I have 2 months and it is from really reading these posts and taking their advice, this website and the people here are heaven sent to me. I really want all good things for you. You can get through this I promise, I did it and so can you!!

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Have you heard me once deny that I have a problem? I also said it was a possibility I may be pregnant. It's too early to tell so im taking the proper precautions in the case that I am. I am down to taking 2 pills a day and I thinks that's pretty good for long I've been taking them. How do you know things will get worse for me? I don't understand how you think you know so much about my situation. I'm looking for support here, not lectures. Thank you.
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1374564 tn?1295059520
You don't know if I am or not dear. I am not trying to hurt you in any fashion okay. I just know from being an addict of Norco that this will only get worse for you. I am concerned for You and your baby! That's the honest truth and I think maybe you are denying you have a problem at the same time  you are terrified you may have one hon. You can be angry at me all you like, it's okay..I am just trying to state facts to you..not just personal opinions and I am NOT judging you at all. Who am I to do that? I am just another addict on here who needs understanding and support, same as you.

I am going to pray for you and your baby because I kn ow you need love and help with this. I hope you will talk to your doctor hon because I am sure he will help you and be understanding. I am fairly certain he won't take your baby away from you when you are totally honest with
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Just a quick interruption here - wanted to say Hi to hiskidd - so good to see you again, and CONGRATS on the 43 days!!  You sound so great and so positive.  That is really great to see!  :)
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Hi :) I've prayed and will pray for you... I agree with ImDone. I know you said you didn't come on here to get advice for going CT, but if you're doctor ends up telling you it's "just as safe" as tapering, it will help you in the long run not to prolong it if you are a few days in...

No judgments here. Not a one. Just wish you felt better, and I know that day will come for you... Blessings.
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1416133 tn?1351123217
I know you're struggling right now and I'm so sorry.  Only please reconsider picking up that script - you're three days out now and you are SO close to being past the truly difficult physical withdrawal.  Please think about cancelling that script so you don't have to start this awful process all over!  Just something to think about.  :)

I wish you the best - good luck to you. :)
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I have been on some sort of pills for the past 20 or so years and I now find myself in the position of taking way to much, running out, and having to go thru this god awful feeling again and again. I have decided it's time to quit! The porblem is that i take 10-12 10mg a day! I also have a small child and am bi polar and the worst thing besides the flu like synptoms is the manic feeling I have when I'm not taking Norco. I am 3 days without and all I can think about is getting my script on Friday!!! I know that since I'm already this far into it I should just keep going but I have talked myself intop thinking that i would rather taper off then feel like this any longer then I have to.
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Goodluck and let me know how it goes!! No one is wrong or right I feel as long as the end result is the same!! But I'm sure a lot of people disagree with that! One day at a time.....one minute at a time....and we can be pill free!!.
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You know what else? I didn't come here for support on quitting cold turkey. I came here suggestions on options I have. Withdrawal can cause a miscarriage if I'm pregnant. Like I said, thank goodness you're not a professional.
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Good thing you're not a professional drug counselor! Luckily, I spoke to someone who is and got some great advice.

Thanks vikeaddict and netstv!
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1374564 tn?1295059520
Okay, this is going to sound incredibly mean spirited but I am so tired of reading all the excuses people make on here for why they can't quit. I know the withdrawal symptoms sound horrible and the fact is,, they are awful but they can be dealt with and can be eased by using the recipes and methods provided on this web site!

Honestly, you need to just stop making excuses and get off the pills. Yes, the WD's suck but you need to just get through them. I am a SAHM and I still went through the WD's and took care of my family. You will not die from this even when it surely feels as if you will. Perhaps your husband can take a couple days of vacation so he can help you on a Thursday and Friday and then you would have the weekend of his help as well to get through the worst 4 days. If you are pregnant, withdrawals can be hard on the baby but so is the Norco you are forcing that baby to ingest. You need to talk to your ob/gyn and tell him/her about your addiction because they can help you through the withdrawals but I am fairly certain they will tell you that you need to quit immediately for the sake of your baby.

I too am a Norco addict and I know that by the 5th day you will be able to handle things on your own very well. You will still feel as if you have a terrible case of the flu but you will have a bit more energy and the worst part will be over. You have so much support here. You can talk to us every day, every hour or every minute if need be and we will answer you to the best of our ability. We have all been through what you are going through and we know first hand you CAN do it!
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Hi I can totally relate in in the middle of trying to taper, even tryed suboxene for 3 days! I to have a small child and I'm a single mom so I can't really be sick for days as I don't have the help!! Well I'm now taking 1/2 a pill daily just to sleep and so I can get out of bed and function but I realize there is no easy was out I'm trying to just make this as comfortable as possible but at this point idk anymore just know I'm done being a slave to pills and don't want to be addicted to suboxene, which for me I found better then vikes so that scared me!! Your not alone and with the help from all we can get through this for us and most imprtantly our childern!!!
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Good luck!  I truly wish you the best!!!  
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