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Suboxen withdrawl

Hi names jeff,im 21 years old, iv never posted here before but im struggling right now with HEAVY withdrawls, i had an accident where i got 3rd degree burns on 30% of my body about a year and a half ago, i had a little history of abusing pain meds before that but nothing like when i had 85 15 milligram oxys to myself twice a month for MONTHS, so when i first started taking the meds i took what i was prescribed to take, about 60 milligrams a day as needed, but towards the end, naturally, i had developed quite a habit of taking around 150 milligrams a day. It got to the point where i would run out and have to buy some off the street to get by till my doc visit. Well after i got all healed up(i healed up nicely thank god)i continued my habit because my withdrawls where pretty heavy and i was terrified, but after about two months of spendin hundreds of dollars a week just to get by i started getting subutex and suboxen from a friend of mine and his girlfriend who had prescriptions. I would either get a two suboxen films and take those everyday or i would get a subutex and take one of those per day, both where 8 mg. i have been on that schedule for around a year and i recently decided to kick the habit! I got to where i was taking a half of a suboxen strip everyday, and jumped straight off from there, i have no money to buy more suboxen to taper down, and i never could taper down effectively anyways! It is night five tonight and i havnt had any rest and im giving up hope that i can make it through this, i just need some words of wisdom and some help to know what i have ahead of me, and what i can do to get through this more painlessly. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks...
46 Responses
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Hey..... I was glad to see your post this morning and VERY glad to hear that u r still clean! I am currently a little over 6 mths clean and still have some up and.down days. I wanted to.through.a few thoughts out to you so you can realize that the people on this site understand a lot and a lot of us have similar stories. I started using pills when I was about 13, about a year after I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphotic Leukemia and the likelyhood that I would survive was 1/4 survived. I attend n/a mtgs with a man my age that at 15 was the first person to.have a special heart procedure where he could drop dead of a heart attack at anytime! I appreciate the fact that you are proud that you gotten clean, I really do, but if u r thinking you've got this licked without any form of aftercare, well, all I can say is yes, your young but don't be nieve. There are a lot of us medical conundrums around here, lol, don't know how we are all still here, but some form of aftercare is needed to STAY clean and to learn coping mechanisms that don't include numbing ourselves! Good luck to u and I wish u all the best!
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OMG do I feel your pain! But stick it out!! This is my 11th day off of subs and I was using the same as u when I stopped. I originally stopped almost a month ago. I was 13 days without suboxone when I used something else and was doing that long enough to be sick. I did a quick tapper with suboxone for a week and I am just now starting to feel normal. But u will get there I promise I tell u this because I felt hopeless I thought I would always feel like crap but that's not the case. I know it ***** but don't give into temptation and use because u feel sick that's what I did and it set me back all this time. Everyone on here told me not to and I wish I would have listened they know what they are talking about. Hmu if u need any support!!
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Thought id make a post just to say i did stay clean. Idk how many days iv been off the suboxone rollercoaster but its been awhile and i havnt forgotten tbe people that helped me through that horrible month... I still have sweats and trouble sleeping some nights, even occaisional cravings. But other than that im back to my normal self. No aftercare or taper or meetings. Straight up cold turkey from a sub a day. Do i have the right to be proud? I think so!!!
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Awesome Jeff congrats on 27 days very proud of you.
You will continue to heal. Time will be the factor. Exercise, healthy eating,
NO mind altering substance, vitamins. Keep up with these things.

Have you gone to any counseling, support groups, church? To help prevent relapse?

What about that dentist appt you spoke about earlier?
You definitely should not take the Vics. It would more than likely cause
A relapse. Tell the dentist you are just getting clean from opiates and no
Script. He could prescribe really strong Motrin. Put ice on your jaw.
Will it hurt for a few days?  yea but you will be ok.

Many have gone to the dentists in early recovery, got scripts and are back at
The races. It is way to soon for you to take something.

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Well just did the math in my head and i am on day 27 now! Wow i cant even believe it myself, only symptoms really are anxiety and insomnia, both alot lesser than that first hell week. Just checkin in again, any advice on things to take to repair my receptors and all that? Iv got some depression still. I will be posting a 30 day victory post soon! Any advice is good advice to me
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Definately good to hear you again! Congrats on your 2 weeks as I know you probably feel as if you've had your *** kicked, but your winning! What do u intend to do to keep yourself clean once u can re-enter the world? Lol! As soon as I could get my *** out of my room I went to n/a and I find it has helped a lot! Possibly do the 90/90? I just want you to hear this one sentance...willpower alone is NOT going to keep u clean! For sure if it  were that eas
y, I wouldnt have ended.up here in the first place! Keep posting and let us know how u r! Push, push, push!
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7689249 tn?1408018598
jeff congrats on your sobriety i just read this thread boy you been thru the ringer I'm down to 1mg of subs tapering off haven't used those evil little blue pills in 7 days I'm not looking forward to the awful wd coming my way soon but good for you for sticking it out you give me hope kid
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7567066 tn?1392068986
Hi Jeff,
I was just reading through this thread, and have to say congrats -- you are a very strong guy.  You do need to remember, though, that you need to do some aftercare -- AA, NA, addiction counseling, rehab, -- whatever works best for you.  Don't think that just because the people around you don't use, that you won't relapse.  You started in the first place, and they weren't, right?  Also, who knows when some random may offer you something, and in a weak moment, you accept.
From what you've said, you haven't had an easy go at life so far, and this effects a person.  From someone who knows, trauma can really mess with you body, mind, and spirit, and maybe you need to do some healing around these things.
Another thing is that if you do go to your doctor, and decide to talk about getting some help with sleep, you do have some options.  Someone here said that Seroquel is not a sleep med or barbiturate, and they are wrong (this is why you should speak with your doctor about these things)
It wasn't designed to be one, but they've found that in low dosages it helps with insomnia, and is not addictive (though you can become physically dependent).  I am by no means encouraging you to take it, but am telling you the facts about this med.  I would hate for you to have gotten this far, and then relapse on Xanax, or something like it.
Take care of yourself.  I am truly inspired by what you've accomplished, and really hope that you check out a meeting.

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Plan on going back
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Just thought id post again here on my thread, its been over 2 weeks, probly  over three not for sure, id have to add up the days, but im still having trouble but its getting better. I actually sleep a little at night, but its still difficult at this point for me. The shakes/tremors/muscle aches have DEFINITELY gotten better but they are still noticeable when i lay down to go to sleep, just checkin in to let anybody that had followed my detox know that i havnt fallen off the wagon or anything, i standing tall and strong still, and dont  
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Hey Jeff,
Just saw your last post here, I've never had that surgery but everything in me tells me you should not take them!  Again, I'm not familiar with that surgery but if IBUprofin, or ANY other kind of pain pill is available that would be so much better!  hopefully someone will be on soon to advise more, like only getting three pills, etc...take care, I'll be jumping from suboxone in a couple weeks!!  by the way, you are doing amazing!!
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So i have a question... I have a dentist appt. in a few weeks, they are going to give me pain meds, if i take them will that be a relapse? I always heard that after your clean off opiates, you can never take opiates again or you will instantly be dependant again, is that true or will i be ok to take the 5 mg hydros they are probly gonna give me without worrying? Im really fretting over this, because i will be in pain after this impacted tooth.... Please advice!
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480448 tn?1426948538
Day 10 is amazing, truly!  Sub is a toughie to come off!  The light is at the end of the tunnel.  It won't be long until every day gets a little bit better.  Try to hang tough!!!
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Its good to hear you with some positive in your voice.  Continue to push forward!  Remember, put your headphones in and listen to some happy music.  My kids actually got me to listen to "Lonely Island Crew" and "Outkast" which both made me laugh my *** off of which, I found was very helpful TO LAUGH! Because right now, we need things that will make our brains feel better and laughing did help. Honest!
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Well i managed to get 3 hours of sleep last night and had an alright day, managed to get out and do some yardwork but was miserable the entire time, i have 0 energy or motivation, it ***** so bad. My anxiety is baaad too, im gonna go to the doc monday and see if he will change my vistaril to something different because i have refilled it twice and it doesnt help my anxiety at all( i had anxiety way before any addiction, but it has gotten worse in recent years for obvious reasons) but i have a full day ahead of me tommorrow, my girl gets her senior pictures, yay for me! Lol! Its gonna be awful.. But monday will be day 10 for me so im exited about that!
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Yes you do sound better.
Isn't getting out of the house wonderful.  It just lifts my spirits so much while I am detoxing.  It makes you feel like you have accomplished something and you realize there's a whole world going on.

I hope you're getting some sleep.  That will make a huge difference as well.
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I do not have pain from my burns anymore, so thats a good thing, and i feel like i have been through some heavy s**t for my age to! And i am very proud to be taking my life back! I owe all of my recovery to of coarse myself, but mostly to my wonderful girlfriend! If it wasnt for her id still be stuck to my old ways, she is just what i needed, i cant begin to explain how important a support  system is for my addiction, i just couldnt do it by myself. Also this site had been a major help, because i can be totally honest with people who i know arnt judging me, i have had a better day today mentally! But physically no changes, as you can see im postin this at 3 in the morning! Lol, but as far as talking to my gp about my problems, at this point im thinking i can do this without him, unless this doesnt get better at the 15-20 day mark, i will not be talking to him about it, because iv gone 8 days now successfully(and with 50$ in my pocket knowing i could have pills brought to me) i think iv got it whipped! But yall know how it is! Ups and down emotionally, i mean like 4 hours ago i was crying i was so emotional, and now im happy as a clam lol! I actually managed to get out of the house and take my girl out to eat for V day! So thats a step, being its the first time iv been outside in 8 days! Of coarse i felt and looked like hell! But 5 days ago getting out of bed to go anywhere but the bathroom or kitchen was out of the question! Anyways overall decent day, and i can only hope tomorrow will be better! Matter of fact, i KNOW it will! Anybody notice a change in attitude from days past lol? I sure do, anyways getting off for now, i think i might even get some sleep tonight! I will keep posting daily as usual, i want people to follow me so as when im clean totally they can accredit themselves to a piece of my success! Hope everyone and their valentines had a great day! ✌
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I was the one who told you about being labeled as a "high risk medication use" patient. I was only relaying MY experience. I don't want you to let that keep you from doing what you need to do, because to be quite honest, that doctor I had was a di€k!! He wouldn't even prescribe 800mg ibuprofen for me after that. I asked him to do bloodwork for me because I had just turned 40 an had not had anything like that done (and diabetes runs in my immediate family, wanted to get that checked) and he wouldn't even do that! I ended up switching very soon after and the doc I have now did bloodwork on my first visit (and I am borderline diabetic...imagine that.). So like I said in my earlier post, it just depends on what type of doc you have. If he's understanding and compassionate, I say go for it!! Good luck :)
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Hey Jeff do you still have pain from the burns?  

For me pain is the almighty trigger.  I can honestly say that if were not for my back pain i would not even think of the opiates.  For some that pain is mental whether it be depression, anxiety or whatever.  I was none of these and the most optimistic person in the world....depression was a just another word to me.  Until i quit the hydro...that depression phase $ucked out load & gave me a whole new respect for those that suffer from it.  At day 26 i'm over the depression but the back pain is back in full force.  I have not been able to really move in 5 days...a 3rd surgery will really not help my situation.  I would still take this over teh depression though and believe yours will get better.  Your young...mere pup so do your damnedest to get of these because as you get older the wd's are worse (or so i've heard)

The sleep aspect is bad also but like Nursingirl i've suffered with insomnia since getting out of college. This too will come back you just have to be patient.

good luck buddy & keep posting.
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Oh I agree but still they should have helped you anyway.  
Wow, you have been through a lot at such a young age.
I'm glad you're taking your life back now.  You are worth it.
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7163794 tn?1457366813
My husband has his hip replaced in 2010 and after the surgery he was put on a pretty high dose of oxy for the pain.  The surgeon we used MUST know that these pills are extremely addictive b/c they tapered him while the home health people were coming over. My husband REALLY liked those pills...but the doctor knew better!  Give her a chance...she might surprise you?
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I actually was air lifted to arkansas childrens hospital, so my gp had nothing to do with that, was in a burn ward for a week gettin shot up with 30 milligrams of morphine every hour and 45 milligrams of oxy every 3 hours, then i dealt with a surgeon type doc, not sure what to call her, but since i continued my addiction so long afterwards, im thinking that i would be labled as a high risk patient, as someone told me in an earlier post. And not just someone whos dependant.
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Maybe you should get your script for visteril filled.  It's non addictive and can help with sleep and anxiety.
I would be honest with your doctor.  Any doctor that prescribed that much oxy would KNOW that the patient would become dependant on them if not addicted.  I'm surprised he didn't offer to help you taper off.

Sorry about your accident.  You can do this.  Just don't give up.
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7163794 tn?1457366813
You couldn't be more right....I think about opiates and subs every damn day, for now!  I am hoping that the more I learn about myself and learn that I don't have to put something in me to "handle" it, the less those thoughts will come.  You should be very proud that you quit dope for 2 years, that's a hard thing to do, but think about it, your just trading one for another b/c you feel like ****! I truly believe that if you stick it out, and again, its hard, but there is a time when the pain is going to stop, you will be able to get off the toilet, lol, and it will get better.  #2, we can't rely on the people around us to keep us clean, this is a problem I'm having right now w/ my family, kids and parents! Who all seem to want to be my ******* babysitters right now?????  I'm a 42 yr old woman w/ 4 kids, a business and I don't want them telling me what I can and can't do! I want to be clean for myself!  Because when one of the disappoints me (and they always do! not on purpose, I don't mean that) I don't want the excuse to use.  The responsibility is on me now!  ME< ME<ME! YOU!
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