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Terrified of risks and threat of miscarriage

I have been taking about 6 10/325 vicodan tablets for pain on a daily basis for a year and a half - I am now 7 weeks pregnant at age 42.  I have scheduled to go to an inpatient program - 5 day detox using librium.  Does the librium simply help to eliminate the withdrawal symptoms - and is it dangerous to stop taking the vicodan all at once like that during early pregnancy?
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Yes I have read that it can be harmful to both you and the baby to stop cold turkey - so it is GREAT that you're going into an inpatient program - they'll give you all the tools you need to get off the narcs and stay off - and congratulations btw and don't lose hope!  You CAN do this!!  :) p.s. there are a lot of members here familiar with your situation and I'm sure they'll reply to you soon - it can be quiet here on the weekends so keep checking in!
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Does the clinic know you're pregnant?

Librium is a benzo and will not eliminate the withdrawal. It's not safe during pregnancy either;especially in the 1st trimester...

Does your OB know about this?  I think it would be so much better to have your doctor handle this. Detox is just not safe for the fetus.  A long,slow taper is generally the best thing. Please call your doctor and I wish you well!
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im speaking from personal experiance. detoxin in any part of pregnancy is a BAD idea. 4 of my misscarages (god has blessed me with 2 girls) happend because i stopped taking the pills. emily and angel-grace came into this world i fully belive b/c i did not stop taking pills i did go down on them but i did not stop. remember anyhting you feel your baby feels. be careful and good luck...oh and congrats
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1041243 tn?1375230520
PLEASE listen to Vicki and talk to your OB, this is NOT SAFE for the baby!!!
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Yes, the "clinic" - or addiction/detox center - The Patrician Movement, located in San Antonio, TX, is aware that I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant.  When I questioned them about their program, I was told that they provide a 5 day detox program FOR PREGNANT WOMEN - the the inpatient program does not provide counseling services during detox, (but, there's one around if you need to speak to someone... whatever *that* means...)  When you are admitted they provide 50 mg of librium on the first day, 40 mg. on the second, and so forth until you are released 5 days later.  They only required a note from my *idiot* ob/gyn - he was the only dr. available that is connected with the hospital that I trust and want to deliver at - he is the ONLY dr. who will see a pregnant woman "pending medicaid" approval - so, I was sorta stuck.  I know little about the medicaid program - I had very good insurance and was taken excellent care of by the midwife who delivered both of my boys - ages 17 and 19.  Said idiot doc ran my blood work, tested urine for routine tests, and then provided a Pap Smear - he did not perform an internal exam, did not measure height of fundus, and signed off on the detox program with no problem, "because I'm in good health, even at age 42."  He then scheduled my next appt. for a month later - no further discussion regarding my concerns about the vicodan I take for pain and the xanax I take for panic attacks - just said he wouldn't prescribe them and that I couldn't take them.  The wonderful receptionist/caseworker at the pregnancy clinic got my medicaid approval pushed through within the week.  

So, I call the Patrician Movement to let them know I have doc's approval and start asking about how they complete the detox... this is an agency that is gov't funded and works with a large population of court ordered/cps ordered mothers and pregnant women, and who, of course, accept medicaid.  I HATE THIS MEDICAID SYSTEM - is substandard care the norm?  I'm an intelligent woman who is educated (9 hours shy of MS degree in human services/counseling - had to quit grad school when going through divorce and raising two children under age 5, while working full time)  I quit a 14 year career in casework/counseling and went back to waiting tables - less stress and money was comparable, and I wasn't spending hours upon hours updating casenotes and working until 9 at night trying to complete required home visits.  

I wonder if this place is just ill-informed, or doesn't care about the women who are pregnant and are required to be in a treatment program.  I was calling looking for help and scared, but, I don't want to risk miscarriage - my motivation is pure - not because a judge or cps had anything to do with it!  I just don't get it.  

I have since found another obstetrician with a good reference who will see me since my medicaid has been approved - who is connected with the hospital I have chosen.

I am worried about trying to taper off of vicodan on my own - I'm a waitress/server - I often work 40 to 50 hours a week - my back pain is sometimes unbearable.  But, I have wanted to get off of the pain pills before - I have, in the past taken as many as 7 10mg/325 vics during a double shift.  I'm down to 5 pills/day at the same dosage.

I feel lost and terrified and a victim of a system that is supposed to HELP pregnant women who cannot afford healthcare/prenatal care.  And I'm angry.  Even in good health, and at a normal weight for my height, at 42, I'm still considered a "high risk" pregnancy.  I don't want to lose this baby, and I don't want to cause my unborn child harm.

I don't know what to do.
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One more thing... I've heard of using methadone during pregnancy - I *do not* want to take methadone, for a variety of reasons.  
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Hi Jen...I just saw this post and I'm about to go out but I wanted to "touch base" with you.

I'll tell you what I think...only my opinion and what I would do:

I wouldn't go to the in patient clinic for 5 days. It's BS. Librium will do nothing but make you drowsy AND sick!  I'm pissed off gor you!

You're down to 5 a day and that's good but it's still too much. It would be far better for you and babe to taper over the next months. An intelligent OB can help you do this and do it right!  I'm all for seeing the new doctor and just bagging the old one and the in patient detox. I just wouldn't do that,knowing what I know.

You're on track now...So see the new OB,be sure you're taking enough fluids in,prenatal vits?,get some good shoes because that would help your back immensely,be sure to eat well, do some stretching for your back,feet up at night,and please try not to worry!!

You're very bright so you know if something just doesn't "feel right" in this process...it probably isn't.  The most important thing is to talk to your OB honestly...he/she will make a plan for you and please be assured you are not the only woman who's been in this situation!  So,just go with your gut and again...try not to stress about this...

Please check back and have a nice Mother's Day!!
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1641357 tn?1470495393
Hey!  I'm from San Antonio too!!  Small world. My husband went to the Patrician Movement as well!  A while back, but he went.  It was crazy there. I dont' know if it's still the same, but I wouldn't doubt that it is. And if it is, I wouldn't advise you to go. AT ALL.  My husband said that it was nasty there, the walls were disgusting and nothing was ever cleaned.  Like ever.  I think he was there about a week and he decided to leave because it was so gross. He even told me that there were people there shooting up and snorting coke.  All SORTS of things!  At a detox place!  It's government funded and that's why it's not good.  They don't really care about you but instead care about the money they are getting from the insurance.  Although it might have turned around now, my husband was there in early 2009. As everyone else is saying, it's not good for the baby to stop taking them.  You need to taper super slowly.  Glad that you found a good OB let us know what happens when you go to see him okay?  
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Thanks for your thoughts/encouragement - and the more research I do, the more I'm finding affirmation that my "gut" feelings were correct.  Every addiction hotline I've phoned has said the same thing - they've suggested either methadone - which I refuse to take - or tapering off the pills with medical supervision.  

Mother's day was holy hell! (lol ;)  It makes keeping to my 5 pill a day deal with myself sorta difficult when I worked from 9AM to 9PM straight through - our restaurant does big business on this particular holiday - great money - but, holy wow the back pain.  And I DO have a good pair of shoes - as a server I invest in good/supportive shoes designed for waitressing once every 3-4 months - currently the sketchers shape ups for work.  I wasn't being so diligent about the fluid intake - but, made a commitment to *make* myself drink a large bottle of water at least once every 2 hours - limit caffeine to 1 (indulgence ;) can of Starbucks mocha in the am and then follow it up with 8 oz of oj and gingerale to calm the nausea... drink lots of milk and have switched to caffeine free dr. pepper.  I need to eat more, however.  (is tough when you're schedule is sorta nutso at your job)  Oh, and yes, am taking prenatal vitamins and B6 - for the nausea.  

Got through the day with only one extra vicodan - couldn't take the pain by the time dinner shift was only just beginning.  I'm using a heating pad at night and salonpas patches - don't think they're harmful - otc methol type patch.  Sometimes take epsom salt warm baths - when I have the energy at night to actually fill a tub - lol.  

I hope new ob doesn't give me an attitude and that, "you awful woman," kind of attitude.  I might just slap the next "medical professional" who isn't willing to actually HELP.  It just blows me away.  

Would it be safe for baby for me to cut down to three pills a day - I have scheduled to take a week off from work - so, it would give me time to sleep and deal with some of the unpleasantness of cutting the dosage, and I will have a support person here for that week to help take care of me.  Is cutting from 50 mg. to 30 mg. per day safe though?  I don't want to risk miscarrying or harm the baby.  Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks for all of your help and insights.

I'm going to report the Patrician Movement to SAMSHA (sp?) - as I was advised to do by a counselor I spoke with last night.
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Thanks for your comment - I doubt the place has changed much either.  The nurse I spoke with about their program was rude, appeared uninformed and seemed to be actually annoyed that I was asking informed questions about my treatment and the risks to my pregnancy/baby.  

Funny that a state that is soooooo pro-life would provide such a low level of care to women who choose to continue their pregnancies, huh?  I'm reporting that place to the appropriate government agencies, as they are state funded.  The whole thing is simply confounding.
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Hi Jen!!   I hope I've caught you in "real time"!!    First, I'll tell that I am a medical professional and I'm embarrassed and apalled at the treatment you've received so far!!  I just hate it!!  

Cutting your dosage to 30 mg?  No. That's almost 50% if you consider some days you may take 60mg...Remember,anything you "feel" in terms of withdrawal,the baby feels...
So,don't do that. If this were ME...I'd cut down nice and slow and small doses at a time...it's what your OB will tell you I'm sure.  Let's hear what he says though...please don't take that as advice,okay? I just would NOT go below 40mg, if that.  When will you get to see the new doctor?

Still take advantage of having a caregiver around!  You need to rest,eat,and relax. Seriously...it will be good for both of you to have a little stress relief!

As far as the new doctor goes...I hope he's nice and understanding...Most are...I have not been in this particular situation but have been acquainted with many people who have and  the vast majority are treated well and with respect!  As humans,we all have our biases and that holds true for health care professionals. If it's not one "thing" it's another. I've worked with doctors who have made addicts out of their patients without a second thought BUT
could never understand the plight of an obese individual....never had an ounce of respect or compassion.   It just takes all kinds,you know??

You're doing everything perfectly,I think, so just try to be calm...and keep in touch here...
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Hi Vicki - thanks again for the words of encouragement - I appreciate them more than I can express.  I had scheduled my appt. with the new Ob for the Monday after I was to complete the 5-day detox - before I became so informed of how dangerous that particular program would be for both baby and me.  However, now that I'm more *informed*, I'll see if they can get me in sooner so I can discuss the entire situation with the Ob and hopefully she'll work *with* me to make a plan that is safe and medically sound.  

For this week I'm going to try to cut down to 4 pills per day and see how that goes.  Hopefully this week won't be so crazy and physically demanding at work - which will result in less need for pain relief.  I'll just have to play it day by day and pay attention to how I'm feeling re: any withdrawal symptoms.  I hate that I ever let it get this far... unfortunately, without insurance or resources for a pain management clinic, vicodan was the least expensive medication available - financially LOL.  

Thankfully, my mom arrives back in San Antonio later today - she's been visiting family in NY for the last 4 months.  She'll be of help to me in many ways and she's a terrific advocate with healthcare professionals - she can be like a lioness protecting her cub ;)

I'll keep you updated - and again, thank you, sincerely :)

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1641357 tn?1470495393
I agree with vicki on this one too.  Take it slow, I know you want to get down but it's not safe.  Think about the way it effects you, it will effect the baby even more because it's smaller.

I don't think the Patrician Movement has changed either.  I know it helped my husband a bit, just to give him a place to go for a few days, but said he'd never go back.  And I didn't push the issue either.  There was only one nurse there that he could talk to but that was it, no counselors or anything like that.  So sad when people want to actually get help as you are and there isn't anything decent.  I know when my husband went it didn't cost him.  He was sent to it straight from the hospital not sure if it was just free then if you had a referral or if he got lucky.  

Let us know what the new OB says okay?  
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Sounds great...but don't go below four per day until you talk with the doctor and even do THAT very slowly.  Promise me??  LOL

Stay close...we'll be here! So many great people here,huh??

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1041243 tn?1375230520
Sooo glad you took control of the situation, got informed, and left that horrible ob! It takes a strong person to do that. Sounds like you're doing everything right. We will be here for you through this, many of us are moms, almost all of us are addicts, so you'll have people to tal to who can at least somewhat relate. I got pregnant with my daughter at a time when some doctors were still claiming xanax wasn't addictive, and my doctor told me withdrawal would be "very mild and only last about a day" when she took me off it cold turkey. At the time I had no idea how dangerous that was, nor that I would be violently ill for 2 weeks. You are much more knowledgeable than I was at the time, and hopefully now will be in better hands, so I'm sur you'll do great. Please keep us posted sweetie! Good luck with your new doctor!
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Hi - just an update... I *finally* see Dr. Chen tomorrow - he's the one all the other doctors kept referring me to - as I've been very upfront about the vicodan use.  I've been able to cut down to 4 pills/day and don't seem to be feeling any ill effects.  I really hope this ob will be able to work WITH me and help me through this.  I read some other posts on different boards about CPS involvement - especially in TX - regarding removal of the infant from the mother if the baby tests positive for any drug.  The irony here... I was a CPS worker for 14 years!  I was only involved with babies testing positive for the mother's cocaine use during pregnancy - luckily I was able to create safety plans that didn't result in the removal of the child, but which provided for the safety of the infant and the assistance of the mother in recovering from substance abuse.  I'm hoping that my honesty with my doctor will not come back to bite me in the ***.  It's a vicious cycle - if you're honest - even if the addiction came about due to legitimately prescribed pain medication - you're a horrible person if you continue to use the medication while pregnant - even for LEGITIMATE pain... if you're not honest... you're a horrible person.  Ugh.  I did start massage therapy yesterday - that seems to have helped with some pain relief.  I'll be seeing the massage therapist once per week.  

Isn't pregnancy stressful enough?  LOL  (without the added stress?????)  It's a comic tragedy... or a tragic comedy... you choose ;)  

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