1802044 tn?1316003425

Throwing up from withdrawls?

Hi all,

So for the last 6 months I have been taking percocet 5/325for pain.  When I started on them 2-3 would get me through a day easily.  Up until yesterday I was taking up to 10-12 a day as 2-3 was really only useful for a few hours tops.  I guess today is day 2 of being off the percs.. but last night I was throwing up and crapping constantly and that would have been less than 12 hours since my last dosage..  Just wondering what the stages of withdrawl are and if the worst of it has passed or is still to come.  My whole body hurts and I have the shakes and cold sweats, as well as a weird heavy feeling in my head that I can't describe... just feels cloudy.  Any help is appreciated.
53 Responses
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932659 tn?1332118704
Well you are in the thick of the withdrawals now, and throwing up is usually a normal symptom of withdrawal.  Usually days 2 - 4 are the worst, with it starting to get better on day 5 as far as the physical withdrawals go.  It's the mental that kicks in after the physical and you will need to have some sort of aftercare in place to deal with it, and to stay off the drugs.  Quitting the drugs is the easy part, believe it or not.
To try and alleviate some of the symptoms, there are the Most Viewed Health Pages here all the way at the bottom on the right that contain the Thomas Recipe, etc., that will recommend some supplements to make the withdrawals more tolerable.  We are also here to support you, so keep posting and good luck to you!
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822153 tn?1333062995
Hi there and welcome. Congratulations on quitting!!! Yep,you're in the pits of hell now but no worries....usually lasts about 1 week or so,give or take. The mental part is the tough part. Please try to seek some aftercare somewhere,like maybe NA-they have meetings all oveer the place and it's all confidential. Stay on here and read other posts as well as the health pages. Good luck to you,stay strong&keep your guard up!
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Feels like a bad flu, doesn't it!  Wd's come on fairly quick when you stop the fast acting opiates. There have a short half life, which means that half is out of your system 3-4 1/2 hrs after taking them, and gone from your system anywhere from 6-9 hours after taking them.  The wd's usually begin with watery eyes, and yawning at first, then progress rapidly from there. All of a sudden you need to run to the bathroom, then the sweats, chills and hot flashes and restlessness.  
What they are now is probably as bad as they are going to be for you.
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Wow thanks for all the amazing replies.  I ended up waking my parents up last night because I actually felt like I was going to die at any second.  I find it so difficult to talk to people when I feel this way even though I know they're trying to help... I just get hostile and want to be left alone.  I don't think I've gone deep enough to the point where I need aftercare, I just made some really stupid decisions and kind of thought I was "immune" or "above" this whole getting hooked thing.  I still have 20ish percs because I was prescribed them post-surgery, I just felt like Monday was the day I was just going to stop.  What I don't know about the wd is do these symptoms occur in any particular order or is it different for everyone?  I started with cramping and pain, then the cold sweats and anxiety, then 2-3 hours after that all started I starting violently throwing up.  Now I'm back to the pain and cramping all around and this clouded feeling in my head like it weighs a million pounds.  Sorry, I'm ranting now.  Anyway, I really appreciate all the support.  I know I'm going to get through this, I just wish it would be now already =[
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Oh ****, one more thing I wanted to ask.  If I take a 5mg/325 perc does that "reset" the addiction from a wd standpoint?  I am back to day one?  Can I never again take an opiate pain med again?  I'm scared =[
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932659 tn?1332118704
I would NOT take any pills at this point, it will just set you back farther.  In a way I see what you mean about not getting in deep enough to need aftercare, but on the other hand, there is a reason you escalated to 10 - 12 per day and that's where you may find the aftercare useful.  Was it just that they weren't taking the pain away anymore?  Opiates do that, they tend to not work for long periods of time and that's why they should only be prescribed short term as far as I'm concerned.  If you do need opiates in the future, and you can't seem to stick to the prescribed dose, hand them over to somebody who can dole them out to you as prescribed.  Withdrawals are different for everyone, as is the stages they come in, but everything you describe seems pretty normal in the way of withdrawal.  The anxiety can be a real b*tch!  
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Yes, taking any opioids now will start you back at square one. I have done it many times in detox and some times it set me back, others I just never stopped from that 'one'----hang in there, it is so worth it. 3-4 days of the worst is the really tough part. Take showers...hot ones. They really help. One is too many and a thousand is never enough my friend. I am 30 and have 116 days clean from opiates after 12 years of severe addiction.
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Thanks man. I guess Ill just suck it up.  I've taken 4-5 hot showers today already trying to deal with the muscle aches, its pretty excrutiating.  It also seems to clear that cloudiness in my head, if only momentarily.  Congrats on being clean, that's really inspiring. I'm sure if you can do it after 12 years I can do it after half a year.
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271792 tn?1334979657
Please suck it up and keep going forward. If you go back now it won't change and at some point you will have to do this again. Trust me, it gets harder every time. You have a chance at a life now, grab it and hold on tight.

Hang on and whatever you do, just don't use!!
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Just want to add to make sure you're hydrating.  It's really important, especially if you're throwing up.  I've found myself in the ER with dehydration and it makes everything worse.  You need to be able to at least take a good sip of something every 15 minutes.  Water is okay but you need more than water long-term.  Gatorade is good, popsicles, watermelon, juices and bland food ... whatever you can keep down.  Maybe you're past the vomiting stage (I hope!)  For me, once I start, I can't stop.  Not sure if you've looked at the Thomas Recipe or Amino Acid Protocol but a lot of people swear by the supplements for easing withdrawals.

I can personally say I've taken Melatonin and/or Alteril for sleep.  Both are all-natural and don't cause dependence and WORK!!!  I've also used Valerian Root for anxiety and that works for me as well.

Good for you on catching this before it becomes a bigger problem!!!
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495284 tn?1333894042
How are you feeling?  If you dont need those pills anymore i would recommend flushing them.  Out of sight out of mind type of thing.
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Hi sarah,

truth be told I feel like utter ****.  my girlfriend is upstairs in bed sleeping and Im downstairs on my laptop feeling wide awake in the mind, but my body is extremely tired.  I mean the pills are literally 20 feet away from me right now.  i dont think im dealing with a psychologic addiction as much as a physical dependance. i was thinking about maybe taking half a perc to get some sleep... i tried valerian root as someone had suggested and it's done nothng for me.  all i want more than anything right now is to be able to sleep.
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617347 tn?1331293081
Hi... the valerian root helps but keep on mind that you are in the middle of the battle and nothing will wipe away the symptoms, bite the bullet, my friend... we say take each hour, even one minute at a time because of this, it seems impossible to feel better, nothing works and we feel like dying but we are NOT :) your body is detoxing from all the toxins, your mind is asking for it dose... if you are thinking of having a perc to sleep, you are also facing the lies our brain trick us to believe, don't believe them. Using is NOT an option, Jmoney... For the first days, i was so, so tired that i thought that sleep will be easy but i was  so wrong... I didn't sleep more than a couple of hours for the first days, then the RLS came.... Anyway, it is a matter of time only, keep taking the supplements, eating banans, drinking fluids ( tonic water has quinine on it and will help ), keep taking the valerian root and the melatonin to help you with sleep and anxiety and keep believing that THIS TOO SHALL PASS and you will feel better soon
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Oh mellie u sound like me the throwing up was wretched....once I start that's it.....and by day four I was in er dehydrated....and oh my it was on then....every symptom I had tripled....so please keep drinking if u can....and after care is vital...I too believe mine was physical but the wds like to killed me so I'm too scared to not get some coping tools in my corner I'm to scared...I'm just now back to 108-110 lbs.....its been a struggle bc I could eat on the pills but have a hard time being hungry wo them....and its so hard to eat when not hungry....but we are getting there....and the we is a lot of precious people in my life...and its not near as scary with that kind of support...I still have bad days but now EVERYBODY knows so hence the comfort I'm not alone....best of luck to u..hang in there and keep posting...
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Day 3

6:30am.  Ive managed... half an hour of sleep.  My chest feels tight and my heart is pounding out of my chest.  I'm still incredibly tired but so restless I can't manage to get back to sleep.

Just had to stop typing this for an hour to puke.  Threw up everything I ate... being a banana, a few bites of chicken breast, cashews, and some cheese.  Could barely breathe.  The tightness in my chest just went away with the puking and my breathing is a little more normal now.  Parents heard me and want to take me to the hospital but I'm refusing to go.  Somebody tell me I can get through this on my own.  I'd give anything to be able to just sleep..  Each minute feels like an hour... I'm so angry for doing this to myself.  Trying to keep down some water so I stay hydrated..   thank you all so much for being here with me while I go through this.
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You can do this!  I am now on day 4 and it is much better this morning.  Of course I am sitting here at 4:45 am on the computer because sleep is still not the best.  My chest was really tight yesterday too, along with the cloudy head and just plain feeling like ****.  If  you still have those pills next to you I would flush them.  Even though you don't feel like you are psychologically addicted feeling like this could push the strongest of people to start taking them again.  Hang in there!!! We are all here for you.
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Alteril is an all-natural OTC sleep aid.  I find it works better than Melatonin.  It has several things in it including, l-tryptophan (which is in Turkey and why we all want a nap after Thanksgiving dinner,) Valerian Root, melatonin, passion flower, and some other things.  Keep drinking!!!!  Water is good but you may need more than that.  I'm a pain patient, but wind up in withdrawals if I wind up with some stomach issue or other.  (Or because I decide to taper my dose too fast and wind up in withdrawals.)  Last time I ended up in the ER for hydration and wound up being admitted.  I did have an other issue BUT found my potassium levels were WAY off; to the point they had to give me supplements, and when I would take them, I could really notice the difference.  Your electrolytes can get thrown off, too.

Gatorade is good (though personally I can't stand it.)  I was always able to keep down a little tea with milk and sugar.  Bland is best:  yogurt, cheerios, popsicles.  And try to just eat a tiny bit.  Sometimes after throwing we think we're REALLY hungry and overdo it, and the whole cycle can start over again.

Smart not taking the 1/2 percocet; it really wouldn't do anything for you.  This is a really hard thing to do, but you're doing it!!!
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Hey guys,

So its 9:05 now and I just got back from seeing my primary doctor.  He definitely confirmed what I already knew - oxy withdrawl.  Advised against taking anymore percocet, and I'm 100% with him on that.  The percs are downstairs now Lily, I'm back on my PC as my girlfriend has left for school and I can be in my room without waking her lol.  My work wanted me back today, but I don't think that's going to happen.  After heaving for a solid hour I do feel a little better, and I had a coffee with some cream and sugar.  Not sure if that was a good idea or not but I feel right now the best I've felt over the past 3 days.  Hopefully I don't have another puking episode coming, this was the second one, the first being late monday evening (sunday evening was my last perc).  I went out last night to buy valerian root but I found it doesn't help me as I didn't get any sleep at all. I also bought a case of vitamin water and a case of gatorade and have been drinking both.  Gatorate tastes so nasty after puking, hence my idea for the coffee. My doctor refused to give me xanax or any type of benzo for anxiety and lack of sleep and suggested taking tylenol, yay.  Still hanging in and thankful to be feeling just a little bit better.  Trying to keep my head up.
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You should be feeling a bit better by now. it's important to keep hydrated though, so try drink something. Herbal teas are good-(no cream) I fact I'm drinking one right now, a strawberry vanilla one. Tastes pretty good. some, like cammoile, help you relax and sleep. 7-up also helps an unsettled stomach. You could also try gravol or immodium disolving tabs  to try settle your gi system down.

As for wondering if you were an addict or not, that depends on why  you were taking them. Were you taking them just for pain, or were you taking them for a little buzz, to"feel good" ?  The feel good is addictive behavior, taking them just for pain is not. Everyone gets a physical dependance to opiates after a while, but that doesn't mean you are an addict.

It is also not a reason to stop taking them if you really need them for  limited term pain.
However, for long term pain management, I would not take percs at all, because of the acetaminophen.  Even taking the max recommended dose of 6 pills a day is a lot of acetaminophen to be taking every day.
Anything over 3000mg a day/925 per dose is an overdose and could shut down your liver. (revised dosage, used to be 4000/1000)

They are ok to take on occasion, or a very short term, such as after a surgery where you are feeling better and pain has subsided within a week or so.

As far as your aftercare, and whether you really need it or not, that again depends on why you were taking it.  If you were taking to  "feel good" you have some addictive behavior issues to consider. But if you were just taking them for pain and really don't have  desire to take them,  probably not. Just because you developed a physical dependance on them doesn't necessarily mean you need 'after care' of that intensity.  You should at least practice some sort of home aftercare, eat a diet that helps restore your endorphins to normal levels, and be aware that your not going to be feeling "100%" until they do, and you are going to have to do things that help alleviate those symptoms.
I just see them being all that bad for you, not for very long at least, all things considered.  
As far as taking them again in the future after you've got over all this stuff, that again depends on how you feel about them. if it's just for some pain, for a day or two, that shouldn't be a problem, but if you are looking forward to "feeling good"  that is a problem, and I wouldn't go near them.

If you are the type of person who knows they are there, and you just have to take them for the slightest twinge, and they are all used up by the time your new refill prescription is ready, that should tell you something, and what you should consider doing.

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oops, "Don't see them being"
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And don't forget, coffee will increase your anxiety, and make you feel jittery.  I'd stick to herbal teas, and avoid caffeine for a while.
I don't see how people can drink so much of that stuff, One cup,  maybe two is enough for me. That second cup sometimes gets the jitters going.
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1802044 tn?1316003425
Hi lucky, thanks for the reply.

I should try a camomile tea.  Right now the worst of my symptoms is an upset stomach and my leg continuously shakes, but that's always been normal for me.

I was taking them for the pain, and really still could be, but truthfully I liked the buzz as well.  I think anyone who says they don't would be lying or having a bad reaction to the drug.  I was taking them for pain for a few months prior to surgery, had my surgery on sept 6, took them until the 11th, and then quit cold turkey.  The problem was I had built up a bit of resistance to them over the months prior to surgery.  So after the surgery I had to take a greater dosage (not authorized by physician) to get the same kind of relief I had initially been getting.  I had even increased my dosage prior to surgery because I found the percs wearing off too quickly and I was overly drowsy at work.  So I was taking them just to stay awake and get through the day feeling normal.  Abuse in it's own way I suppose.

Cold turkey probably wasn't the best way to go for me, but it was a decision that I made as I felt physically I didn't need them for the pain anymore, my surgical wounds are pretty much healed up.  Unfortunately I have an addictive personality, and everything that I find I like, I like a lot.
So really I was at a disadvantage even the first time I started taking the percs.  I know I no longer need them for their original intended purpose, and I am mentally strong enough not to take them for fun or to ease the wd symptoms as I'm sure in the long run it has more negative consequences than positive ones.

Anyway I greatly appreciate your input, thanks for helping me through this hard time.
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I've never gotten a "buzz" from opiates, Not even when i was taking 500mg of oxycontin/day. Sure got the physical addiction though. Big time on the oxy, but not a bit for percs, morphine, and only a little bit, nothing serious at all when I quit fentanyl. The Fentanyl made me a bit groggy, but I wouldn't call that a buzz, I'd call it a pillow addiction cause everywhere I sat down I'd fall asleep, doc's waiting room, dentists chair, anywhere.
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The Hylands Restful Legs can really help with the restless legs!  A lot of people swear by it.  Caffeine can often make people jittery and it can upset your stomach.  Not sure why but I couldn't do coffee, but tea with milk and sugar settles me down.  (Normally I'm a huge coffee drinker.)

Popsicles can be good, and lemon-flavored things can settle stomachs.

Sounds like you haven't crossed over too far with this and you seem to be very aware, which is good.  Taking more than prescribed, though, shows there is a problem.  After one of my surgeries, my meds weren't controlling the pain, but I called and they authorized an increase; they knew I had a tolerance and dependence.  Since you are being honest with yourself, you're certainly heading in the right direction.

It would be a good idea, though, to get rid of your pills.  Or at least give them to someone to hold.  It can be very tempting when they're right there.

Hope your done with the vomiting!!  If the Gatorade isn't appealing, stick with the vitamin water.  (Or like someone mentioned 7-Up or Ginger Ale; they can help tremendously with an  upset stomach.)
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