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Vicodin Addiction Withdrawal, How Long? Does It Ever End?

Hi all, I would just like to say that I have been lurking on this site for awhile now before finally deciding to kick my habit. I have been addicted to Vicodin on and off for around 2 1/2 years. I recently decided it was time to stop after having taken it for 3 months straight. I just did not like what I was becoming, and what this drug was doing to my life in general. I always told myself that the habit I had (I never called it an addiction even though it was) was under control, and I could stop at any time, well I was wrong for 2 years. No reason existed for me to take it other than the relaxation the drug gave me. My dosage would be roughly around 2 to 3 pills in the evening just to relax, and help me sleep. I never went over 2 to 3 pills thankfully.

I decided to stop cold turkey 6 days ago due to the fact that it was having an impact on my work, my social life, and my time with my child. It is something I am not proud of having done, so I had to stop. I have stopped before as I stated, but this time I was determined. The withdrawals were miserable, something I never expected, but only heard about. It started with a very very strong craving for the drug the first 2 days, and constant muscle aches, along with sleepless nights. All along this time the urge to swallow some pills was always on my mind. I was dizzy sometimes, had hot flashes, and was cold all the time. To try to combat the sleepless nights, I used Advil, which didn't help. The mental said of the withdrawal is much worse than the physical pains. After 6 days now, I think I am starting to return back to my normal self. I feel more alert, sharper, and overall a different person. Today I have only thought about the drug maybe a few times, but without the horrible cravings I had during the mid-week. I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg on what to expect on my long road to being clean.

The questions I have are, how long will the urge to take a pill or two last? Does it ever really go away?

Thank you,
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So fast forward 13 years, and here I am again, back to the devil in my head that I thought I had escaped from. It's been a long 13 years, filled with failed relationships, losing loved ones, and all the other challenges that life throws at you.

How did I end up returning to this addiction?
Will it always be a fallback for me?
Why can't I get this out of my head?
Am I always going to seek and give in?

These are the very  basic questions that seem to haunt me throughout the years. As it turns out, the older I've gotten, the more I learn about family history, and more importantly, addiction. It's a disease, no question about it, which plagues both sides of my family. Both sides of my family have alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling, etc. I am not using this as an excuse, but it's clearly a factor. Even with all I've been through, losing a sibling to addiction especially, I still manage to return to this downward spiral.

I am on day 5 of a horrible cold turkey withdrawal. This one is by far the worst I have ever been through, namely because I have been taken multiple different long-acting pills, in addition to fast-acting, and also alcohol. Daily use for at least 2 months with no pause, and now this, painful withdrawal. This time around the mental part isn't as bad as the physical. Literally for 5 days straight 24/7 I have had unmanageable  muscle/joint pain, with no relief (over the counter meds). The worst part is, I still have access to pills, and I am fighting the urge because I know if I give in to 1 of them, all this is for nothing.

Thank you all for the support over the years.
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Hey Man,

Sorry things are so tough.  I guess the key is to keep fighting.  Have you tried any kind of aftercare?  Meetings etc?
I should also ask, do you have a way to cut off your access to the pills?  If you don't to that it's gonna be tough.
Hey bro.  I'm sorry.  It's a life long battle.  For real.  I want to send you hugs because even though it is a life long battle, YOU, my friend, keep fighting.  You are strong.  You are doing great.  

WE are here to support you!!  But do you have anyone at home as well? big hugs to you.
8976007 tn?1413330650
heed the warnings above about getting off suboxone.
there is NO easy way out of addiction.  there is NO WAY to avoid withdrawals. you pay to play, etc

a vicodin withdrawal compared to a suboxone withdrawal is like the difference between a paper cut and being stabbed.  
you WILL go through withdrawal off suboxone sometime and it lasts months to years compared to a week of flu like symptoms.

your sister was wrong.  you will not feel bad the length of time you use.  it depends on the half life of the drug.

just stop using and get aftercare if you want to save your marriage and avoid the most painful detox you could imagine.
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Hi I just found this thread via google as I am in the grips of a two year Vicodin addiction and was looking for some advice and help because I've always been a strong person and I think I can kick this bs on my own and am finally ready to do it. I'm definitely not finished reading as there is so much useful info on here but I did want to respond to,your initial question about how long to expect the withdrawal symptoms to last. My sister went through a much heavier addiction than me and has come out clean and sober on the other side. She says that kicking the habit yourself with no help such as subosone you can expect to feel bad for the same amount of time you were on the drug. So while that is her acknowledgement of how this works it is from the mouth of someone who's done it however everyone is different.

My issue at this point is whether to just suffer through the withdrawal or go get on subosone to help. My marriage is hanging in the balance and my husband has no previous knowledge of addiction and is therefore not very supportive at all and just wants it to be over "right this minute". I've tried to explain that's not how it works and can't be like that he's really at the end of his rope with this so I'm feeling very horrible about myself and very stressed to please him and that in turn makes me want to take more pills!! Geeez. It's like a never ending cycle.

Anywho I've written a book and I just wanted to comment on the initial thread.

Good luck to everyone in the grips of this horror.
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I don't mean to be harsh but the suboxone is worse over the long haul than Vicodin ever could be. I went to a "detox" clinic 10 years ago to get off vic and they prescribed suboxone...talk about going from the frying pan to the fire!--wow...suboxone did a number on me and on everyone else I came into contact with in the chat rooms, recovery rooms, detox clinics...I finally got free and clear of it after a very nasty detox in Miami for a month...this was after weaning down from recommended dosages over a span of about two years. believe me, the suboxone is far worse and the manufacturer knows it...so do the docs but, heh, it ain't their addiction or their families...get off now while you can.
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day 3 for me and I have conquered this addiction in the past... but don't remember it being so bad. I find, I'm crying a lot, I do have a lot going on in my life, but the depression seems overwhelming. I feel like I have the flu. I thought I remembered, this only lasting 3 to 4 days, but at this point, I don't see feeling good any time soon. I've spent way tooooo much money on these pills and really want to get past this. But I do sit here and wonder if, I'll ever feel good again. I have put off the withdraw for about a year, because it hurts. But day 3 now and I plan on getting past it. The money I have spent, could of been spent so much better. I tried about a month ago and made it to day 4, before I bought some more. I was sickened with myself. Now, I'm starting all over and day 4 scares me. I hope this only lasts a few more days, I'm wasting too much of my life letting this withdraw control me. Good -luck to everyone.

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I just got off of suboxone and it has been hell.  After two months I was thinking it had to be soon but no.  It has taken at least 4 months just to be able to do laundry again.  I started at 8 mg and weaned town to 1/16 piece of 1 mg. and it was still hard.  I wouldn't recommend staying on it to long.  It is lot worse to get off of than vicodin.
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I've been on Vic since I.was 19 I moved to Kansas and for 6 months I.was clean but I was always looking for something from.Xanax.to percoset anything to feel it but none of that was possible there because I didn't know anyone. I moved back to my home state a year.ago and jumped right back on the popping pill wagon I've noticed my mood is nothing without them I've been with them so long that I fear being off of them for good will make everyone I know not like me. I took them BC they made.me feel less insecure well now I'm having to quit cold turkey BC I will no longer have any access to them. I'm scared for a lot of reasons my.relationships have all been easy for me BC I had my fall back pill now I'm without anything and.once again moving where I will.not get them. I have horrible anger problems which I'm hoping r the effects of Vic and will go away but today's.my first day sober and I'm so mentally and physically tired.due to that being the first thing.I.take when I wake up to start the day..I'm 23 now and finally realized I once.lived without them so I.still should be able to..but I was insecure.and.trapped in a shell.
Will I go back.to being that.person? Biggest fear of.all :'(
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Hello everyone! I am new to this and never thought I would write anything here. I have been on Norco/ Vicodin 10 for about 2 1/2 years and had my wake up call today at the pharmacy when the pharmacist told me I am a chronic abuser. WOW!!! That really opened my eyes. I mean I knew I had a problem, but did not think I was nearly as bad as some people are. But, yes, apparently I am. This is my first full day of not taking anything and my body feels so weird. I'm shaking, trembling uncontrollably and I feel like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest. I just want to go to bed, but I fear that waking up in the morning is going to be even more painful. I am dying to be normal again. I also have work tomorrow for 12 hours and do not know how I am going to make it through without killing someone! I hate when I am so dependent on something (also like my cigarettes). I am lovingly married to an awesome supportive husband and we have a beautiful soon to be 4 year old boy. These people should be who should have all my attention---not these stupid pills. I need to be that awesome mommy to my boy and I know I am not. I notice too that when I am coming down from my high I get angry for no reason and tend to take it out on my boy (not physically or anything like that) I just do not want to be around him or anyone. I used these pills also a reason/ excuse to get by. Like its time to clean the house...better take a pill. Time for work...time to take a pill. Time to do school work...time to take a pill! Also, I am graduating June 10th with Bachelors degree and used the pills as a "jump start" to get me motivated to do the work. I see people haven't posted here in a while, but hopefully we can all pick back up as I can really really use some support here!!! This is not something I want to share with my world yet. Please help me!!! Keep me updated what I can look forward to!!! Thanks everyone
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Day 2 of no Vicodin after about 13yrs of daily use. I cut down from 4-5 10mg a day to 1-2 1/2 a day.  I desided to stop for good after I started dreaming about not having pills or pills getting stolen. Freaked me out that these pills could envade my mind like that! So far I feel OK just can't quit thinking about taking one. Has been like 48hrs since last dose and my nose is running and am so scared about what will come next!
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Actually I'm glad I found this page!  Thanks to you all.  I guess we all have a story.  I've been on 6 to 10 Vicodin per day for back pain for 8 years.  Finally after much body work with Pain management Doc's and Therapists, they told me my back was fixed.  So I asked my Doctor, why I still needed 6/day?  You all know the rest of that story...  I went Cold Turkey.  It's been 9 days.  Most of you have answered my question:  Does it keep you from sleep?  YES!  I didn't sleep for more than 30 minutes to one hour for the first week.  Buy the end of this week, I plan to get back in the gym, elliptical, and light free weights and many many stretching exercises.  Sleep deprivation is the toughest thing for me.  But it getting better.  Last night slept 6 hours.  What a relief!  Energy!  Maybe 6 hours 5 minutes tonight?
No way I'm going back!

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No I don't  really know how there so many different sections. I just kinda wanted and idea an average to set a goal.
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Stay strong. That's good...I feel the same way what he posted...PK made me sit on my *** for 2 in half years doing nothing....coulda got some school or something done and what not......
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3517260 tn?1388877193
        Everybodys detox is different,I have withdrawn from many drugs over the years and not one of them the same.Try not to dwell on how long its gonna take.We can make detox alot harder with the worry......And yes ive been on methadone more than i would like to admit.I am on day 5 of my latest relapse from oxy and just starting to feel normal again.You really should start your own post........Do you know how?....
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How much is a little bit longer like a week?  Or more I just think once I get past the urge to pop them I can handle all the other crap. I just don't want to give into it. Also thank you for the reply did you go threw the same thing?
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3517260 tn?1388877193
   Hey texan,you posted on a old thread you will get more support if you post your own.At the top of this page there is a post a question box.....Methadone takes a little longer to detox from.....Things that help with sleep tylenol pm and long baths.Immodium for stomach issues and make sure you stay hydrated.Good luck texan......
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3517260 tn?1388877193
   Hey texan,you posted on a old thread you will get more support if you post your own.At the top of this page there is a post a question box.....Methadone takes a little longer to detox from.....Things that help with sleep tylenol pm and long baths.Immodium for stomach issues and make sure you stay hydrated.Good luck texan......
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Man it's so nice to read these comments they really do give me courage to face this crap. I'm only 21 and I've been on the dones for about 1 1/2 to 2 years. It started slow not for pain to have a good time with my buds before you know it I was taking 15 10mg a day then I slow down to about 10 a day. I would wake up take 5 I know 5 then wait 8hrs then then take 2 1/2 more then 5hrs later 2 1/2 more and repeat this. I had a routine I I'm about 6;3 210lbs all muscle had a full ride scholar ship to the university of Texas to play football and I pissed it down the drain cause of these pills they made me not give a ****. I was happy blowing off friends and family to just stay in my room  and watch television. Being in college all day just made me want to take them more. I hope the ones who said they had kids made it threw I'm just now starting my struggle to get clean. the urge to take them is so tempting but I'm only 52 hrs into into and it ***** sleepless night so much energy it's unreal I get tired but can't sleep. Stomach aces. Some of y'all said y'all had muscle pains and that freaks me out. I just hope some one can tell me how long it's going to take before I can wake up and not want to pop the pill so bad or get past all these withdraws. Any reply would be greatly appreciated.
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Your almost through the worst, make sure you pound the water drink,drink, this will help with cramps in your legs and to keep hydrated. Make yourself move around, and don't give into the anxiety of wanting them, the first couple days are rough, mentally. Just think you have these days under your belt and trust me if you backslide the withdraws are worse next time
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4 years on vicodin,not for pain, but for the high of feeling energy and that feeling of being super woman. i now realize that the feeling i had was feeling numb, anything to stop the pain of memories, and the **** i was going through. I spent i think over $25,000.00 on this drug over the 4 years, having tutti buy and hustle them from people that actually had a script. I'm now 10 days clean, and this is the longest I have gone. still going through a little withdraw symptom of not being able to sleep very good,but worth going on for. Depression, bipolar, I suffer from but truly think it it's to do with this drug.  Withdraws had had me thinking a whole lot, and I'm starting to get to the root for my addiction and to face the mental part of why I started thus drug at all. These posts have always gave me inspiration, and like to say thank you for all that have shared
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After being on vicoden for 6 years I am now going cold turkey.  I am on day 3.  Would you please tell me when this trip from hell will end.  When will I stop vomiting, ********,   depression, and most important when will the aches and pains of sorness in the joints go away.  Please help, thanks
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insomnia, depression, headache, and with me constipation.  Im on Day 15 also.  taking up to (6)  5mg of Vics a day for 1.5 yrs.  There comes a time where you have to say you r addicted and that if you dont have chronic severe pain. you should NOT be taking them !   Sure, it is sedating, but in order to get it after awhile you have to start taking close to 50 or 75, then 100.  Do you  wait till then to quit ?  Overdose and no waiting is required ?  Screw up your liver and wish you quit sooner than later ?   Im hoping my addiction is over, but in this world, its easy to trade one for another im afraid.
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So I decided to make a change for my myself and get healthy again.im sick of feeling this way. It feels like the once happy person is no longer happy, except when I took pills to make feel better. Feels like Im not on top of anything anymore and my mind is a fog, and all I keep thinking is this horible achey depressed feeling will be all over if I take one. Its been 24 hours and I want to cry. Ive been mood swingy all day... drinking coffee and soda, but I even crash on that soon of later and feel sad. Super fatigue yet I cant sleep. Hopefully soon this will pass and I feel better.
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