2094867 tn?1333064139

Suboxene WD and tapering off...

Hi, I just started my tapering off today of suboxene, I have been using it since march 7th everyday about 4mg.  I know I am addicted, the WD's are INSANE!  So,  I have about 10 - 8mg suboxene strips left, today I started by taking 2mg in the morning, and I will continue to lower the dosage everyday and see how low i can get it to before I start to feel WD.  My appetite is low, today I had a bowl of cereal in the morning, and thats it.  I will try to stay hydrated.  What are some good things to have around while having WD?  What are some good things to try to do? I also ordered "withdrawl-ease" from the internet, so, hopefully that helps.  But, until it gets here I am not going to lower my dosage too much, but I am going to run out sooner or later, idk.. i am just worried about this very much, and I need all the support I can get.  God bless everyone.
26 Responses
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Thanks for the advice Debbie, btw, he's a chihuahua.  I do plan on going to an na meeting by next week, I just have to get moved out of here first, which should be today if we are going according to our plan.  But, we shall see, if we aren't moved out by sunday, then monday I am going to start heading to a meeting.  I live with my mom and dad+my sister and her 2 kids(6 year old girl, and a 14 year old boy).  Me and my sister+her kids are planning on moving out today.. I sure hope we do.  I would love to live with my sis n her fam.  I used to live with them and It was great, it will be even better now that we are not abusing narcotics anymore.  We just need to get in gear and get going.  It's going to be tight quarters for me, but I would rather live in tight quarters and have less stress, than live in this big house and be stressed out.  I can't even walk downstairs in the main area without feeling uncomfortable.  I have been here since late november and nothing has changed.  My sister keeps saying "I can't live like this", so I said.. "lets move out then"... so I really hope we can get started today.  Today, I took 4mg of sub in the morning, then 2 gabapentin(300mg), a .5 colonzapam, and I started taking "withdrawl-ease" yesterday.  I pray to God to help me thru this.. I just pray to God to give me the strength to get thru another day.  Thank you for your support Debbie.  Thank you everyone.  I am so glad I found this site.. I would feel so much more alone without all of your support.  I am so appreciative.
Gob bless you all.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Tim. Try not to let the situations around you define who you are. Get away from there when tiimes are stressful.go for a walk with your pup.don't let anyone take your desire to get clean away. Your recovery and well being should be first. Take care of yourself. Please go to some aa/na meetings. Do you have a church you go to? A pastor you can speak with? Get some outside help and someone you can talk too.  What kind of pup is it? Do you live with your parents and sister? Don't go back up on your dose or take extra.you have to be charge of you. Don't let the pills control you.
Sending support,encouragement and continued prayers
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Thanks alot chris. The bond is already forming. I wish the best for you.  Thank you for your support.  I will keep you posted my friend.  Have a great night.
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I got my dog a few years after i started using too.and he was the only friend i had the bond u form will be unreal and priceless.
Just try a meeting you wilk meet people who care. I wish you luck mate.chris
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Hi mate,try to go easy with the sub dont over do it.thats s**t what your going through i feel for you. All the medhelp family dont mind you venting your anger,thats what were here for!
Try and stay away from all the negativity if you can i know its easier said than done.
Can you slow your taper a little?just till things ease off,its better than going back to your DOC.ive started to do press ups and sit ups when pissed off,it does help.ill be like arnie soon.lol.
Hang tight mate and keep on fighting!
Take care.chris
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2094867 tn?1333064139
I am having such a hard time living here in this house and in this town, everyone is two faced and they all judge you.  I have some family out here, some cousins, and they have ALL backstabbed me already, in like the past few months... my parents don't want to deal with me at all, they are not supportive to me.. I do have my sister, but she is sick just like me, even worse.... how can the sick lead the sick?  I just went to the gas station and had an altercation with someone in this town about some stuff that recently happened, but the thing is... is, I never said the things that people (family members) said that I said.. it's very frustrating.  Now, I can't go outside because it seems like everyone in this town is against me, and at home too, seems like everyone is against me, except my sister, (me and my sister take care of eachother, but we are both very sick, and we both have mental problems) I'm sorry to go on like that, but I just had to tell someone, there is no one else to tell.. I am thinking about taking some extra suboxene just to try to forget about what happened today, and well, to try to forget about everything and just relax with my puppy.. GOD this is SAD.
Thank you for listening Rizboy.  God bless you my friend.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
hey tim, good for you. remember to stay consistent. dont take more than scheduled despite the w/d symptoms. stay hydrated, thats good that you ate,
be careful with the xanax, dont over do it.
yes get in some exercise and some sunshine.
did you throw up anymore?
keep the faith. keep pressin on.
yes try to get some therapy or meetings in. it will help.
thanks for the update. keep us posted.
sending healing,support,encouragement and prayers
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Hi tim,nice to see you plugging away mate. Try a bit of exercise if you can,walking,weights whatever to get those endorphines buzzing around. Have you tried .NA its not for everyone but its defo worth a shot its take me 3 months to really get the program!!
Take care and good luck
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Just thought i would check in with you and let you know how I am doing.  Today I lower my dosage from 8mg a day to 6mg... I will be on 6mg for the next 3 days, then I am going down to 4mg for 6 days, then 2mg for 8 days, then 1mg for 8 days... after that, I am hoping my sis gets some more subs so I am able to continue to taper off with micro doses(.5,.25..etc.)
This morning I got out of bed at about 5:30am and I felt horrible, I threw up violently, my pupils were dialated, feeling anxiety, right after I was done throwing up, I took my 4mg strip of sub, 1mg of xanex.... I started to feel better around 8:00am. infact, for a moment, I felt fantastic, but then about 30 minutes went by and I was having the sweats again.  I am feeling ok now, I havn't taken my other 2mg for the day yet, I think I will wait until about 5:00pm.  I made sure that I ate this morning(2 bowls of cereal), also took vitamins.  Well, that's all for now, thank you for  you support. God bless
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Ok, I will def keep you posted. thanks again for the support. God bless you
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Hey tim its your taper mate.go for it!!keep us posted.nice to meet u too.chris
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Hi Chris, thanks for the advice :) .  I have a taper plan that I am going to abide by week 1 - 8mg a day, week 2 - 2mg less.. etc. until i get down to smaller doses like .5 and smaller, it's going to be a slow taper.  thanks for your support, I will keep you updated on my status.  Also, it's nice to meet you.
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Hi Tim,everyones different and it depends on how fast you want to taper and how confident you are about staying clean.If your a chronic relapser and have tried other methods of staying clean,then sub may be a way out.The good thing about sub is it blocks all other opiates if taken everyday,so its pointless using whilst taking sub.It also stops some of the cravings but not all,so you have time to figure out why you use, and learn relaspe prevention techniques.
It aint a miracle drug and if taken long term you need to taper slowly.
If you are trying to minimize WD then its best to start on X,then drop to Y for a FEW week then drop to Z for a few week,and so on.
The thing with sub it takes 2-3 days for you body to catch up to each drop because of the long half life.Then a 2-3 days for your body to adjust to each drop and probably another few days for you mind to adjust.
Hope this helps.
Take care chris
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You're right to listen to the ppl here...I wish I had found this forum before I tapered (I did NOT do it slow enough) . I'm grateful to be here now though...all the support is priceless. Best of luck to you with your taper : )
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2094867 tn?1333064139
I also need to get myself in gear and start going to some NA meetings, I am sure those will help
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2094867 tn?1333064139
No offense taken at all! :)  I really appreciate your help, I will slow it down.  Today at about 11:00am I took a half of a strip (4mg).  I think about 6-7:00pm I will take the other half (4mg).  I will continue to do this for 1 week, then, the next week I will cut down 2mg off the day(so, that's 3mg in the morning and 3mg at night).  I will do that for a week, then cut down another 2mg the next week... etc. until I get down to a very small dose, the smallest I can make it actually.  Do you think that is too fast?  I am open to suggestions, and please dont feel like your lecturing me, I NEED the input, and support from anyone I can get.. friends and family aren't really helping.... I don't have any friends that will support me, and my parents are clueless to this, my sister is all I got and she is in pretty much the same situation as me.  So, again, I thank you for your time, God bless and may you have a wonderful day my friend.

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Hey.if your tapering the subs go way slower( if you can get enough that is) 2mg is way to much to soon.
It takes probably 2 weeks for your body to adjust to each drop!
Cant give a specific taper plan,we get told off!!
If you want the highest chance off success go way way slower with the taper,especialy if your a long term opiate user(like i was)
Sorry for the lecture.
All the best.
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Hello, nice to meet you.  I don't really have someone who could help me with dosing, I could try my sister, but she is dosing herself and she gets sick of being the distributor.  Sometimes I wake in the morning with nothing and I have to go, and wake her up, get her up, get her to take the meds out... etc. it's just a long process. Thats why I told her to give me about 20 of em so i wouldnt have to go through that every day. it is so stressful living here that i would rather have my subs with me just in case i have to leave suddenly, or leave and don't want to come back.  Since 3/30 I have been taking about 6mg a day but some days I would take 4 mg. I was in the process of tapering, and now I am feeling anxious, but I can deal with it for a time, after a while it really gets to me(i have an anxiety disorder)  but yesterday I took a full strip I think.  I am going to have to start over AGAIN,       :,(.  Tomorrow I am going to start with 6 mg for a week and go 2 mg less per week.  My sis told me she is getting more subs next month so I should be able to get some off of her to complete my tapering off..  I pray to God every day to give me strength to rid my body of these narcotics, I know I need the benzos, but the narcotics have to go.  Thanks again for taking the time to read my post.  God bless you.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
do you have someone who could help you with your dosing? if you keep changing your dose and not tapering properly it wont work. you can cut those strips up to much smaller pieces. can someone hold them for you? so you dont take too many. start taking less tomorrow then you took today. how much have you been taking since you started this thread on 3/30th?  were you  tapering?
how you feeling now?
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2094867 tn?1333064139
I woke up this morning and had severe w/d at about 5:30am(pupils dialated to the fullest, violent vomiting, anxiety i couldn't handle - it was just hell for me, and I was really freaking out.  I think I messed up because I took about a 6mg piece of the 8mg suboxone film when I should have taken way less.  I messed up before like this and I am getting worried that I will not succeed in this and the end result will be disaster.  I currently have 15 - 8mg suboxone films left and THATS IT.  I have some .5mg colonopin (but it barley works for the anxiety i get) also I am on a mood stablizer called Tegretal, I take 400 mg a day with that.  My question is this.. Do you think it is possible for me to taper off of suboxone with what I got?(15, 8mg suboxone fims strips) FYI- I have been taking suboxone since March 7th and before that I was on sniffing about 10 pills a day for about 2 years. my craving for sniffing pills is gone, now it's just the suboxone that has me.  I was so scared this morning, I still am.  
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2094867 tn?1333064139
Thank you, we will be in touch :)
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1235186 tn?1656987798
these are links to all free meetings. copy and paste.





stay hydrated, eat,exercise. you can do this.reclaim your life.
hope and prayers

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2094867 tn?1333064139
Thank you very much, I really appreciate that.  I would go to meetings but I do not have any insurance.  Do you know how to find free meetings?  The xanex I have is a small amount(4 blue pills-2mg).  So, I am going to run out pretty quick, but I have about 50 5mg valume to help me through the WD from the xanex, I think I will be ok in that area for now.  Yesterday I split one of my subs into 2 peices, they were uneven.  Yesterday's piece was bigger than today's (I took the other half this morning). I also took one valume(5mg) + smoked some weed and some cigarettes. God bless you.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Don't do your tapers too fast.especially the xanax you can have seizures. You should probably cut your subs into smaller strips and go slower with that taper also.take hot baths with epsom salt for aches,pains and rls. Force yourself to eat small amounts and move around.keep yourself busy.
My friend please get yourself into some therapy. It is very easy to continue using and just switch addictions. There is healing from your years of substance abuse. You deserve to be free. Look up recovery groups and start to attend some meetings. There is a lot of help and support is you avail yourself of it.
The chains and bondage of addiction can be broken.work a recovery programto give yourself a fighting chance.m you can do this.be strong. Keep the faith. Ask the LORD to strengthen you.
Blessings to you
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