1198664 tn?1368647812

Day 11 complete. Still not "great"

Still spiking a lower grade fever here and there. Nerves still raw. But I guess it's getting better and better little be little. Sleep is not great and eating still causes me to fall into a coma and I am still having the bathroom issues. Some of it is my fault i get ravenous hungry then eat too much and that kills my energy. I am taking vitamins and good protein shakes but really not sure it's working. Just thought I would be doing much better at this point. Probably hoping for too much with jumping CT from 160mg+ per day of oxycontin. It's just that I have never had a real fever from detoxing before. I have read that it is a symptom of detox just new to ME and I have done this about 6 times now. I don't know whaTs causing the fever and I can't go to the Doc right now. It's lower grade but still I know it's keeping me down. I am taking tylonol for it but it's just coming and going. I'm really ready to start feeling better. This is kind of discouraging.
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My last oxy was Nov 5, and I'm still low on energy, and the stomach thing occures about every other day still.  Hold on, we are gonna get there. Slowly but surely

Best to you
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And you know what, I multiscriped and multipharmacied.  My usual daily intake was anywhere from 300 to 600 mg day.  I have to expect to feel still so week for puttong that through my system for the past 6 years. So you should start to be back to health a lot sooner than my 8 weeks so far. I'll be thinking of you.

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1519085 tn?1318738290
I admire you both with being so far along. I'm on day 4 and I feel more anxious than I did yesterday.  Having a really hard time especially tonight, and lower in energy today.  I've been reading alot of posts that say "its ok to not be ok", I like that.  Were only dissappointed if our expectations were different from our reality.  Our bodies are healing and doing alot of work for us,   go easier on yourself....I want to be where you are.  DON'T GIVE IN!!!    :)
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1198664 tn?1368647812
Thanks. No plans on giving in here :). Just wish this fever would leave me alone.
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1198664 tn?1368647812
Maye I should just take some leviquin. I have some left. If I did have an infection thats about the best AB there is anyways.
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Back2me just wanna say that you are a real inspiration to me. I read posts all the time of ppl jumping from 80,100 mgs etc but not to often do I see the 160, 180 jumps like what I'll be jumping from. I cut my dose in half down to 80 mgs yesterday and today and omg I can't believe how sick I am and that's with still taking 80 mgs a day!  I was like WTF, if it's this bad now I can only imagine it when I go ct. It felt like it did for me when I ct'd from 100 or so mgs a year ago. They aren't lying when they say each detox gets worse huh? This is gonna be the mother of wds for sure and I gotta say - I'm scared. For all my courage and determination just feeling how I've felt the last 48 hrs I'm losing my nerve and I can't let that happen. Noooooo.. I'm just astonished at how I feel, it feels awful damn close to the real thing.. Even though I'm still at 80mg. It just scares me. And my mind - when I'm at my reg dose I think I just gotta keep this positive mindset when I detox but when those wds hit it's like all that goes out the window and the demons take over my mind and I'm reminded of how ****** up I really am. I want so bad to be clean but good grief, I'm so so hooked on the ****. Can you offer me any advice? How did you make it through? Do you have small kids? I do and I hate feeling like this around them. And trying to function is a nightmare, just normal stuff feels impossible to accomplish. I really don't know how I'm gonna make it. Please give me hope. Congrats on Day 11!! Just think you NEVER have to go through that crap again. That must be a relief. Don't pick up no matter what and please make sure you remind me of the same when I'm on day 3 in January and I'm in even worse hell then I was in today. I hope to God I have the strength you do to make it through..
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This is to back2me and bygonegirl, and everyone who posted here - you guys are all very very awesome. I just remember, I was at day 11 not too long ago, it seems like yesterday. I hung in there and now I'm almost 4 months clean. This forum helped me quite a bit in the beginning especially.  I'm still suffering just a little - here and there.  I have little moments during certain weeks, where I feel a little awkward still. Just little fleeting feelings. Getting less and less and less.  I wasn't taking oxy, but I was on a significant amount of norco, daily for about six years.  But anyway, just, all in all, generally, I'm feeling pretty great. I think the first couple of weeks - give or take- you are more yukky, and more tired, then you start feeling much better. Hang in. The time is going to go by anyway, may as well make it be clean time.  I had to go back to work pretty early on as well.  I took cal-mag every day after every meal for the first two months.  I still take it, once a day. I'm convinced that taking this supplement really helped my brain recover a bit faster. Exercise and cal-mag. Good luck to all, hugs.
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Oh, I almost forgot. The fever.  I ran a bit of a fever as well for a few days. I didn't go see the doc either. It got better by itself. I would say if you keep getting a fever for more than a week you may need to see a doc. Or call a nurse practitioner in your area. You can talk to a nurse for free - I don't have the number handy, it was through my local hospital I think.
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Hey dude hang in there your not just going to spring back from 160mg of oxy expect a month or so b/4 you start feeling like yourself.....have you gotten to any meetings yet??
it will help to have somewhere to share there is nothing that will replace personal interaction
this forum is huge dont get me wrong but we all need more to fully recover try you best to get out and exercise keep up with the protein shakes and for the time being your just going to have to deal with the energy crash ...you are getting better just slowly keep posting for support good luck and God bless.......Gnarly
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1198664 tn?1368647812
To: Tired. Yes I have some words for you :).
How I did it and what it cost and what it's worth to me:

#1 I did this for my wife and for myself and our future. But honestly at this time mostly for her. We each have a son from a different marriage but none together. We both want to have a child together and there is no way I was going into that all numbed up. And even if we decided never to have children, the way I feel about her and what she has done for me and how we have always stuck by eachothers side she just deserves me at my best. Period. And all numbed up on oxy I was never at my best for Anyone. And it was never for the BUZZ for me it was the energy, coping, and pain relief to an extent. See we both lost our jobs when we moved in and I had to work brutal hours at home for little pay. High stress. She did too. That's how I got hooked for good. But I know it changes me when I am on it. And whether you are doing it for you or your spouse or your kids or family you know you need to do it becUse you are NOT the same person when you are taking that garbage. Just even in the 11 days I have been off tons of things are soooooo much better. I'll list them for you.
-sex life. EXTREME difference. The 1 1/2 hour numbed up romps fuled by oxy and viagra are no more but every second now is just sooooo much more intense. And now there is no need for the Viagra with the oxy gone.
-closeness. We have always been very close but you know there are just some things you just don't feel as much on oxy.
-music. Wow. I can FEEL it again. I can hear it again. I LOVED music all my life. But while on oxy could care less. Insane. Now I always have my iPod with me playing again.
- clarity. I can see what I need to do now instead of messing around with bad situations. ( see my work related post)

How I did it. I was DETERMINED. PERIOD. NOTHING wAs stopping me. Nothing. No matter how bad it hurt. And it did. Every second was pure hell the first 5-6 days. Again my wife supported my through it. You are going to need that for at least 3-4 days. But honestly by day 4 I was doing crazy shitz like driving my motorcycle in Michigan in like 35deg weather. So I had some spurts of weird energy. Then at day 5 the mental meltdows started. Crying, panic attacks like crazy!  Non stop for like 3 days of this. But I pushed. I went to my sons basketball game miserable and went tree shopping for the Xmas tree. I pushed. Then I rested. But for 3 days nothing but bed rest and hell. Grit your teeth. Get some clonopin or valium to try to sleep most of it away if you can. The bad thing Bout Valium and
That stuff is if you take enough to sleep and it works the SECOND it wears off you jerk out of sleep like your house is burning down or something in complete panic. It ***** so used it sparingly. But I had to use it. But it's WORTH IT. if you have people or someone you love it's worth it. I happen to also hold MYSELF quite dear so yeS I also did it for me. But that's ok :). I know wha I am capable of and that goes down like 80% while on oxy. As for the kids my wife did the work for them whatever they needed. But that would only be for 4-5 days. Get your mom or husband or sister or someone to help. Oh and I  also open about my problem with everyone so that helps a lot ! Don't lie about it. Just tell them. If they dont stand by you then they were never on your side in the first place.
And btw. By me missing 4 days of work and my wife 2. We now BOTH do not have jobs again. And you know what?   It's f'ing WORTH IT!!
If you need any more advice than that just hit
Me up anytime on here :). Good luck you can do this!
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1198664 tn?1368647812
And thanks gnarl I guess I need to keep hearing that :)
And yes I am drinking the shakes!
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:) Thank you SO MUCH back2me!!

I have two children I love with all my heart and they are my main reason. Of course I'm doing it for ME too but the motivation, determination and courage I need comes from looking into their innocent little faces and knowing I MUST get through it and make sure I'm around for many years to come for them. Plus I want to remember every second of it and on oxy you know how the memory thing goes..it can all end up being very blurry and I don't want that. God has given me two precious children and they deserve a clean mommy. And that's exactly what I intend on giving them.

Your right. I gotta just PUSH! No matter HOW MUCH IT HURTS. Tell myself that no matter what, no matter how bad it gets that it will end and that I will have earned back my freedom. That I will no longer have to have my life revolve around a damn pill. That I can feel better about myself as a mother and not feel guilt eating me day and night knowing I'm a drug addict who's playing russian roulette with my life and risking it all over a ******* pill. Although I'm scared on one hand, on the other I can't WAIT to get my life back again.

I know I'm gonna need a lot of help. I'm going to NA meetings already but come January I'm gonna step it up and hit 90 meetings in 90 days. That's the thing I failed to do last time - aftercare. Thought I was "strong" enough to stay clean after the physical hell but that mistake sent me relapsing. I've learned the hard way (the only way anything gets through my thick skull) and I am going to protect my sobriety and invest in a strong recovery program. Do you go to meetings or have a counsellor?

I'm sorry you and your wife lost your jobs but I read that you were working at a pain mgmt place. (I also replied) And had to agree with those who said it was a blessing in disguise. Your a smart guy and you'll land another job as will your wife. Who, btw, your lucky to have such a supportive partner. And you'll probably land a much better job. Demoting you for taking a few days off sick was a reall ******* thing for them to do and you probably don't want to work for people like that anyways.

I'm so glad to hear how well your doing now and again, YOU ARE SO INSPIRATIONAL TO ME!!! Reading your story helps me to truly BELIEVE that I can do it. That it IS possible to get my life back, my self respect etc. And the sex thing - jeez I haven't done it in I don't know how long!! Sex life is non existent, it's pathetic. And MUSIC, God I have always loved music. Before the pills music was like my drug. I was addicted to the powerful feelings I got from it, the emotions it invoked. And once I got into oxy suddenly music no longer mattered. Nothing mattered but pills. When I did listen to it I didn't get those same feelings because I was too numb and couldn't FEEL anymore. How I want to really feel again!!

In early January when I'm going through it I'll keep your posts in the front of my mind and your words - DOING IT NO MATTER WHAT! I'm sure it's gonna be hell but like you said, its WORTH IT! Thank you Back2Me, you really helped me to put things back in perspective and yes, you can bet I'm coming to find you in January to give me some encouragement when I'm in the midst of helll on earth. Monday January 3rd is when I start my detox. Figure it'll take til the 13th until I feel human again. Gotta pay the piper for the 2 year long oxy party I've had and no doubt it'll be a big bill, lol.How long were you on oxy for? Again THANK YOU for your words of encouragement. I really needed that right now.  
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Hi Back2, that was a great post to tired_of_oxy and tired I am gonna add you to my prayer list. hugs to you!

Back2, you are so right about music, it sounds so different and so much better since I am not numb anymore and can feel everything with intensity..love it.  I love every type of music but for me right now I am listening to alot of a group called Avenged Sevenfold that is loud, hard, blow your eardrums metal music..lol.  I think there is this part of me that is so angry about how pills affect every aspect of your life so for now the louder, harder music is great!   Don't get me wrong, being a southern girl, gotta listen to my country music too. ;-)  Oh and Eminem is good too.

It can only get better with each passing day too, thank God.  And if we have a bad day or a down day, at least it is a normal one just like everyone else and not a medicated one.  Love ya!

PS>  Your an awesome husband and your wife sounds like a sweetheart.  I hope you two have many, many happy years together. Lyn
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1519085 tn?1318738290
thank you for telling us ALREADY  some things that are so much better.  Thats the kind of talk that is pulling me through!!    Your wife and you sound awesome as a team....how much closer you'll be even still after going thru something like this together!!
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1519085 tn?1318738290
If I could I would be there front and center and I'd look after your kids for you and get you thru it. because I had that kind of help.  you are so on my mind, I really want you to win this battle!  
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Thank you! Encouragement really helps keep my eye on the big prize - my freedom! My kids are in preschool during the day so that is going to be one big key thing - I will have the daytime to detox and attend meetings. Had NO help last time and it led me back in again. I just couldn't cope all by myself. Nights are going to be rough but I'll make it. My husband and I are separated right now. Although we're working on things and he has promised to be far more supportive this time around. His lack of support last time really  hurt and made me angry. Here I had detoxed the detox from hell, was struggling so bad to stay clean and he almost seemed to try and sabotage my recovery by refusing to be supportive. This time even though we are not living together he's promised to come over every night and help with the kids to make it a little easier on me. I really hope he keeps his word. It will play a big part in my decision whether we will move forward together as a couple working on our relationship and as a family - or if I will be moving on without him. I love him a lot and we've been together for 14 years but I don't want to be with anyone who won't be there for me when I need them most. That being said, from our recent conversations I'm pretty optimistic that he will be there for me.

I'm exactly 2 weeks away from "the day" today. Feeling pretty uggh from cutting my dose in half but thats to be expected. I just figured if I can sustain the drop then it'll make wds that much easier. It has to be easier to jump from 80 mgs then 160 or more right? So I figure some suffering now will be worth it when I make my jump. Lessen the intensity of the wds that much more. Experience has taught me (this will be my 3rd detox in 2 years..3rd times a charm :)) that the wds tend to hit me hard and FAST. I mean most people from what I've read peak at day 3..not me..it's day 2 and then does not let up til day 7 or 8. By day 10 I feel just a little bit human again and then the mental crap peaks and I'm pretty much an emotional basketcase for awhile. I've never made it to 30 days. Just shy of it. I want this time to be it. I don't want to ever have to endure wd again. And God willing, with the help from people here, NA and my dedication to being clean I will never have to do it again.

THANK YOU for your encouragement. It means sooo much to me. This place rocks!! And I totally agree - hard rock/heavy metal is awesome. Very good for the soul. Gets out that frustration. And I love Eminem too!! Like Em says in Lose Yourself- "Success is my only ----- option, failures not!" lol.

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1198664 tn?1368647812
Eminem! My boy!  Man I didnt know if you guys would like him in here. I used to play shows with him way back in the day in Detroit when he was just coming up ( I'm a drummer ). We played tons of shows together and used to jam all the time. Our people used to hang out during shows all the time it was pretty cool. So I really relate to him going through the hell that we all have and he is fighting off of the same demons every day and his music is VERY inspirational to me (listen to "till I collapse, not afraid , and forever with Drake). Three very powerful songs that always lift me up. Sometimes I can't even get out of bed without blasting some of that stuff!  I like kings of Leon, silversun pickups, amberlin, and all kinds of metal. It's got to be loud and moving for me right now. No sad songs for a while. :)

And just as an update I am STILL running that low grade temp. I'm going to give it one week from today if it's not gone I have to get sOme bloodwork done I think. But honestly, even with the fever each day is like a millimeter better than the last. I guess its small steps from here on out.
I'll be watching for you on the 3rd! Man everyone on here has been very cool. We have a nice group on here.  All of you have helped out, even those of you who have not quit yet. And lyn old buddy good hearing from you!  
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Is 160 considered a lot? I was taking 40 mg x 3 day plus 4 percs from pain dr. And it's let's mr just be able to walk from the pain.  
You did it. Still amazing it takes 11 days!  That's a long time.  Ice tried ct from dose above and only lasted 60 hours. I have no support so it made it hard.  Every minute felt like an hour.  Night time was the worst since I'd spent all day in bed.  I give you credit and I'm jealous. Real jealous
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Hey Ballgame,

You'd have a ton of support here. I'm not even quit yet but am getting the encouragement and advice I need to get my mind right about my upcoming detox.

Why not give it another shot? 60 hours means you were really close to getting over the hump. Between this forum and maybe getting into NA you'd have lots of support and could take your life back from the pills.

Back2me: can't speak for anyone else but I love Eminem!! My brother actually has a picture of himself with the great one. Were both huge fans and for me I find his music so moving, so real and I literally could play it all day and just be lost in those amazing melodies/lyrics. And he's battled addiction too, plus a ton of other crap. He really is an inspiration and his music indescribably awesome the way it invokes ones feelings. Oddly enough when I left my husband this summer who'd started drinking a lot and being a jerk love the way you lie was all over the radio and I was blown away at how he captured the raw emotions of a dysfunctional relationship. The guy just "gets" it. I think a lot of people can relate to his songs.

Well going to crash now but thanks again back2me and keep on keepin on :)
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1198664 tn?1368647812
I jumped CT from 160 ballgame and it's been the roughest one yet. Some days I probably took a little more. And that was for about 8 months or so from the last relapse. Oxy is the worse IMO. I had much better luck getting off of percs.
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HEY Dude how you holding up  ??? things should slowly be getting better how are you sleeping?? that was the worst part for me it took 2 mo to get my sleep right how are you doing with the energy crash.....if your still taking those clonipine they can really zap the energy out of you to but theres nothing worst then post withdrawal energy crash you just dont have the energy to do a friggin thing when you get a chance post back to me
good luck and God bless.....Gnarly
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1198664 tn?1368647812
No more klonopin not since like day 5 or so. Sleep is not too bad with some tylenol pm's. About 6 good hours now. It's really just this damn low fever and some energy issues. Other than that I would be almost 100%. I know I might be in a hurry but man you can't help but be right.
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Sound like your coming around....just remember be happy with baby steps from where you where 11 days ago your doing great hang in there and get to a meeting.......Gnarly
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Hey bud, checking in...wow what a difference from where we were Dec. 8th. !! We are really doing this. I am proud of both of us. Thanks again for contacting me on day 3, it gave me strength to know I wasn't alone.

"One day ahead forever"
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