4753943 tn?1359934569

When Will this ease up? Vicodin Detox...

Can someone roughly give me a "timeline" estimate of how the detox progresses and where many people begin feeling better? I'm on day 4 right now...I really feel it has been one of the worst days out of the whole detox so far. I woke up at 6am with a migraine. It felt like nails were being hammered into both of my sides of my forehead. I thought it would go away after more sleep but I woke up around 1:30 pm (almost 7 hours later) and it still felt the exact same. Almost like a hangover. This is the first headache I've had this week. I have also been incredibly weak and tired. All I could think of is laying down or going to sleep and it's been that way the entire day. I got up and ate, took a really hot bath, some tylenol, and went back to sleep. I still didn't even feel any better after that nap.
I just want to know what else to expect. This is all new to me because I've never allowed myself to go this far without Vicodin before. I never went more than one or two days.
My back pain seems to spike every other day. And my mouth is really dry, no matter how much I drink.

Thanks for taking time to read this...
Best Answer
2107676 tn?1388973859
Yeah the lack of energy was a big shock to me.  Washing my hair just exhausted me and my legs felt like rubber.
Maybe a B12 vitamin will help.  There is also something called L-Tyrosine that is supposed to be good for energy. You should research it first and also don't take it if you are on anti-depressants.  It is discussed in the Thomas Recipe.  I couldn't take it because I am on AD's.  If you do decide to try it, stay away from caffeine or chocolate because apparently it can cause jitters.  
As hard as it sounds, force yourself to go for short walks.  The more exercise, the sooner your energy comes back.  It will come back but it does take time.  We abused our bodies for so long and it' like it's in shock now.  Every day will get better but the first week is pretty bad energy wise or it was for me.  I did feel better after FORCING myself to go for a walk.
I would get dressed and then rest from that and then drag myself outside.  The fresh air felt so good and helped me so much.
35 Responses
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Hi there and congrats on Day 4.  Everyone is different but I think you should start to notice a big difference tomorrow or the next day with the withdrawal symptoms.  Lack of energy is a different story.  It's like walking through mud for awhile.
This is when it's really important to drink, eat healthy and take vitamins.
Try starting your day with a Boost, Ensure or Carnation Instant Breakfast.
They are full of minerals and vitamins that your body is lacking from the opiate abuse.  
You are very lucky that you are able to nap.  Most of us can't nap or sleep at all so enjoy that part of it.  Even when we do sleep we wake up feeling tired as hell.
Are you taking any sleep aids that can be causing the hangover feeling?
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4610518 tn?1361075748
The turning point for me was about day 5, I to suffer pain in my back and that is the toughest for me, in fact I was 33 days clean and 6 days a go got meds to help the pain so now I am going tbrough withdrawls again, there not as bad but hurting... Your lucky if your sleeping, sleep all you can, I also suffered a migraine I have them even on or off pills so I took migraine med for that. hang in there your doing soo good, I couldnt last 3 days when I tried before and I lasted 33 so you can do this. Eat and drink when you can. Then the best peice of advice I got from this forum was get moving, even if its just down the street a lil ways.
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4753943 tn?1359934569
Well, it takes me forever to get to sleep, I'm up most of the night, and when i do finally get to sleep, it's not a satisfying one. When I wake up, I know I slept, but it doesn't feel like it...it's weird. Well I have muscle relaxers for my back that I take before bed. But I've taken them before and they don't usually do that to me. I have to take them because my back pain is killer even with the Vicodin so without it, especially with the WDs, it's terrible.
I tried drinking muscle milk today, but didn't care for the texture. I have a milk allergy so the carnation and ensure drinks would mess me up worse =(
I have been taking B6 and a magnesium, calcium and zinc blend of vitamins every day for almost a week now. I just don't know what to do for energy in the mean time.
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4753943 tn?1359934569
Thanks for all the advice. Yeah I've been idle for the whole 4 days so far. I went out to dinner with my family but that's the extent of my physical activity since I've started detox. I'm just drained of energy. I can't even do simple things sometimes. I will try to get up and take a walk outside tomorrow cuz I probably need some sunlight too. This fatigue and energy depletion is killing me though! And the back pain!
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4753943 tn?1359934569
Thanks, I will try to go on a walk tomorrow when I get up. I've been wanting to it's just hard to even think about. But I'm ready to reach a new milestone in my recovery already because it's beginning to feel a bit hopeless. So i will force myself tomorrow. I really want to try L-Tyrosine but it makes me nervous since I don't know much about it. I take Adderall for ADD and Effexor for anxiety...but Effexor is considered an Anti-Depressant. I'm on the lowest dose, though so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. And as far as Adderall goes, I'm only supposed to take it for work and school, as needed. So I can stop taking that if I try the supplement. I just think feel like the lack of energy is making everything feel worse than it has to.
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2107676 tn?1388973859
No don't take the L Tyrosine if you are taking Effexor.  Stay away from it.
Just realize that your energy will come back.  I rested often and just did little things.  Little walks, rest, another walk and so on.  It is really hard to do and I didn't do it on my first detox. I just stayed in bed and it took forever to get it back.  
The next time I forced myself to get up and walk.  It was really hot and I would go as soon as the sun came up as it was nice and cool in the morning, plus nobody would see me lol.
Some days I could hardly wait until the sun came up because I knew the walk would make me feel better.  I thought people were nuts telling me to go for a walk when I could barely move but once again, they were right.  It really did help.  
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Hey I just did some research and apparently there are milk free protein shakes availabe for people with milk allergies.  Also you could add almond milk or coconut milk to the carnation instant breakfasts.
Some people say that they Whey protein powders that are availabe at Walmart or drug stores taste pretty good if you just add water.
I just know that I lived on boosts and ensures during detox as I didn't have an appetite.  I still drink the Carnation Instant breakfasts since I discovered them.  I don't know how good they would taste with water but they are delicious.
Just an idea.
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4753943 tn?1359934569
That was sweet of you to research that. Thank you! I will definitely look in to carnation instant breakfast. I tried muscle milk which is a lactose free protein shake and got the chocolate flavor but I didn't like the texture at all. Or the aftertaste.
Is there a reason it is bad to take L-Tyrosine with Antidepressants?
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Well I have read that it can increase your blood pressure but I am not totally sure.  It speeds you up like caffeine and we already have anxiety issues so it's just not a good idea.  
I know that they say it's a big no-no so I have stayed away from it.
I will have to research it to give you an exact answer but I am getting sleepy lol.  Finally.
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4753943 tn?1359934569
It's okay, I understand. Sleep is good. =)
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4407520 tn?1363011865
the more you force yourself to get up and move around the better, your muscles have been numb for so long they have forgotten what it feels like to be normal. ive found just a lil exercise brings energy back, i know it sounds rough, but just imagine how you feel before the pain pills if you just laid around for 4 days straight, heck i get tired if i sleep in late and my back hurts just from that, get some blood pumping in those muscles, GOOD LUCK!!!
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Your so close power on!!!!
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Hang in there...you are about to be free from the physical wd symptoms.   The energy and fatigue hangs around for a bit, and as others have said, you have to force yourself to go for a walk, shower, go to store, etc.   Sitting around actually increases your back pain.   Consider it like bed sores.  Your muscles start to go into atrophy from not using them.   Try turning on some music...it always seems to help lift my mood and get me going.    Try B12 for energy or some Gingko.   Gingko helps increase oxygen and energy levels.  

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4753943 tn?1359934569
Thanks everyone I am going to take all of the amazing advice to heart and exercise more and force myself to be more physical. It's tough because I was on so many energy enhancing things like Vicodin, Adderall, and HIGHLY addicted to caffeine. I haven't really had caffeine during this detox so I'm sure that's made everything feel a little heavier. I'm basically getting off of two drugs at once!

Thanks so much for the support.
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Are you feeling any better?
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4753943 tn?1359934569
Yup! Lots better. Not as fatigued and no depression. I'm trying to hold on to that by not doing anything that triggers it. My back pain is still KILLER though! I don't know what to do about that. The hot baths kind of worked. But I've been taking tylenol and then before bed I combine that with a muscle relaxer and my back pain is still there. Other than that, I'm so much better than all the other days!
Finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel!
Thanks =)
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4626633 tn?1382597122
It's wonderful your seeing light! It's there, it's like the sunshine is behind and eclipse, and comes out a little more each day.

I had the dry mouth you speak of. I still do on day 31. ( it's after midnight)!

It made chewing rough. So I bought Biotine toothpaste and mouthwash. It's for dry mouth and was a life saver.

Your headaches are prob coming from caffeine withdrawal. That will pass too.

It's amazing you have no depression! Be blessed. I think that affects a lot of people at first.

The muscle milk, did you buy powder? If you buy it pre mixed, the texture is fine. It's just expensive that way. But it's so good for you, 3$ a day for one isn't really bad in the scheme of getting well.

I have been following your posts. Congrats on your days so far. You're doing great!
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4626633 tn?1382597122
Also, I tried L trysone but it led to anxiety. I switched to D Ribose. It's safe, found naturally in the body, but our bodies have taken a hit.

It has shown promising in some studies for treatment of fibro, chronic fatigue syndrome, and to help with energy specific to exercise.

It has helped me, as physically I'm unable to do more than just walk due to a heart problem.

You may want to look it up. It's ok to take with AD's. The only people that need to take under dr supervision are diabetics.
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4753943 tn?1359934569
It's so great to know that people actually take time out to keep up with posts, especially with how many people use this site. It means so much!
Your right, the light is a great feeling and I'm excited to see more every day.
I'm thankful I'm not feeling that intense depression anymore because life was so dark for a few days. I'm just hoping it stays pretty neutral and doesn't get really bad again. It wasn't fun!
I don't want to go through that again but I know I'm going to have to with Effexor and it *****. A different experiencing than a Vicodin detox for sure. NOT excited.
This is at least a start. =)
Thanks for the support!
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4753943 tn?1359934569
Thanks for that advice! I'll look in to it!
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2107676 tn?1388973859
The Effexor is probably working much better now that you are off of the Vicodin and is really helping with the depression.  Don't be in a huge rush to come off of it.  I know how much you want to be off of it but allow yourself to heal first.  You can do a very, very slow taper of of the Effexor.  I had to go back on it because Cymbalta made me really sick and I couldn't handle how sick it was.  The Effexor has eased my symptoms quite a bit but I am still suffering from the Cymbalta.  So now I am back to where I started over a month ago only I feel so sick.
I am going to my doctor tomorrow and start a slow Effexor taper.
I read where people count the beads in the capsules and then remove a few at a time.  I am not going to suffer like this again.  The slower the better for me.

It will be so nice to be totally pill free some day.  You are doing great.
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4753943 tn?1359934569
Yeah I have no doubt the Effexor is helping me, but I want to know my genuine self again and now that I've been through a few life lessons (major ones) see if there are other ways to manage my depression and anxiety that don't involve a pill. It would just suck to go through life not living fully and then learn that it was that medication the whole time. If I learn that it really was helping I'll go back on it. I'm still on my mom's insurance though and it ends when I turn 26 in december. So If I'm dependent on any sort of medication, I'm screwed. I kinda have no choice.
That ***** that you are feeling sick and have to stop it again. I'm sensitive to those medications too. I had all sorts of bad side effects with the list they tried to put me on so i was always "on to the next"...Then I finally ended up with Effexor.
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4626633 tn?1382597122
I have been on many AD's and Cymbalta made me very sick too. It's the only one that did. I would throw up within a half hour of the dose.

I quit my AD 2 weeks ago, but I am lucky and haven't ever experienced wds from AD's.

I was on my ad quite awhile, but decided to quit it two weeks into quitting my opiates. Reason being, I didn't think it was possible to get any more depressed than I already was, and my anxiety was through the roof. I wanted to test a theory that my AD may be making it worse. So far so good.

Have you all read about single dose Prozac to come off AD's? I'm not sure how it works, except it has a very long half life. It's a month before its totally out of your system where some AD's are as little as a day. It's an off label thing, but something you both may want to read and discuss with your Dr. The stories I have read makes it seem very effective for a lot of people. And unlike going from opiates to Methadone, I don't think taking 1 single Prozac to skip or minimize ad wds is a big deal. Plus if you find the single dose Prozac doesn't work, you can safely resume you taper of the original AD. Just a thought for you all.

Have a great day!
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