5508943 tn?1369017801

help with opiate withdrawl using neurontin

hi , i am trying to get help with at home withdrawal, i do have neurotin that i have NEVER taken before it's 400 mg capsule and says to take 4 a day but i know i can't start out on that MG l some say it will help with withdrawal and some say it will not....i am willing to try anything at this point..(( Almost Anything )) does anyone know how much do i need to start out on and how often??  i have been on pain meds for years i am on Opana and Percocet but will be out in 2 days, i usually have a friend that loans me some or whatever but i am tired of it just tired...i am praying that my will power will hold up, i would go to rehab but i am scared it will affect my check and i have a fiance that does not understand anything about pain meds or withdrawal.he thinks just stop taking it and that's it i don't wanna loose him over a pill.so not only am i gonna go through withdrawal but i have to do it with a smile on my face.......can you tell me anything to help me. DESPERATE!!
21 Responses
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Are you on pain meds for actual, legitimate pain? No judgment here, just asking.  I am tapering and it has been very difficult. I have a friend who was on Opana and Hydrocodone for 7 years and it was difficult but she did it. I do know, from personal experience, that Percocet (oxycodone) is difficult to kick as it is very strong. But, I would just encourage you to go for it. Others, more skilled and knowledgeable, than me, will chime in soon. Listen to them-they truly care. They can give you practical advice. I've heard that both Neurontin and/or Lyrica (can't take both at  the same time) will help a lot but others say no. How much percocet are you on? And how much Opana?
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Welcome! I looked up neurotin. Basically an anticonvulsant. It.WILL help with your RLS that you'll have for a few days. Thats a good thing! But I've been on here for 7 months, every day, and so far everyone has pretty much gone thru withdrawal of some degree. I did. 3 times over 3 years. If I, or anyone else knew of the manic potent to take away our WD, believe me, it would really be prevalent on here. So far, nothing that I know of will take away our WD. I personally think of it as a hidden blessing, God knows if I'd have ever quit knowing there was some magic pill to make my WD a piece of cake.

BUT, we do have lots of experience to pass on to you to make your WD as easy as it can be on your system. Look below on the R and click on the Thomas Recipe. That will really help you thru this. Do get your neurotin if your doctor agrees and try that out. We also believe in the power of hot baths with Epsom salts. A major weapon in battling WD. More will post with much more info.

I'd just like to congratulate you on your decision to quit and get your life back! You can and will do this! Take it one day at a time, stay in the now and you'll do just fine!
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5347058 tn?1381188426
Is there any way that you can let your fiancée know what's going on? You are going to need all of the support that you can get. Wds are rough and it will be very hard to try to fake your way through it. I don't have any experience with the Neurontin, but I do know that staying hydrated is key. Drink tons and tons of water, juice, and Gatorade. The hot baths do help a lot. Cut out the caffeine if you can because it can cause really bad anxiety. There really is no magic cure. Just have to tough it out for a while. We are here for you and we have all been through it to some degree. Keep posting on here and we will be rooting you on! Good luck to you!
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5508943 tn?1369017801
yes i have 16 steel rods in my back...from a injury on the job in 1998 but after my first surgery i broke my back a complete break after leaving therapy out in the parking lot i fell and hit across the side walk hump and have been in chronic pain every since...Thanks i am scared to death cause i know it's gonna be rough.....
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5508943 tn?1369017801
he knows he just don't understand hes on xanex and takes them like 30 last him 3 months he just thinks that when i quit it want be nothing to it.he does not understand addiction on any level..i am gonna hurt but i have been on meds so long they don't help anyway....i am just sick of watching the clock...then taking more than i am suppose to any way....just tired of being tired....someone said xanex would help but i hate the way they make me feel...i tell you i am so glad to have some support it meant a lot to see the responses....
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5508943 tn?1369017801
i am on 10mg percocet and 40mg opana--6 percs a day and 2 opana .....i have 5 opana left i am gonna try to use them to get through the next couple days and start taking the neurontin like a 100 mg every 6 hrs the first day and increase it slowly i don't know how to break up a capsule so i am gonna take the stuff out of the capsule cause they are 400 mg and part it into 4 parts then put it back into the capsule and in one part and it should be 100mg...or do you think i will be OK taking 200mg every 8 hrs to start off with...
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5347058 tn?1381188426
I hear ya. I was on vicodin for a little over a year. I had a bad rollover accident and my back is a mess. I was prescribed the vicodin and never took more than I was supposed to, but I was hooked on it. It wasn't doing much for me anymore either, and I refused to go on to something stronger. You definitely have found the right place here. These people are wonderful. I would not have made it this far if it wasn't for them. As far as the Xanax goes, for me it was better to not take that stuff while going through wds. I had Ativan and took 1 and it made me feel a lot worse than I felt before I took it! Everyone's different though. SO are you planning on doing a taper or going cold turkey?
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5508943 tn?1369017801
i am gonna use these last 4 now to taper off and get the neurotin started to see if it helps if things don't go well i will just have to go to the hospital cause i feel a little bad this morning....
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Hi Flossie,  You've come to the perfect place  for support. I don't have experience with Neurotin, but can tell you to stay clear of the xanex. Can you tell your doc what your situation is so he can maybe guide you through? The few pills you have left won't help you taper properly, but if you could get some clonidine (bp med) from your doc that will help with anxiety. The best detox advice I can offer is to stay in a hot bath as much as needed, get some exercise in each day even if it's a short walk, distract yourself with music and movies. Take the immodium for the bathroom issues, pound some lean protein to help the brain heal, the B vitamins will level out your nervous system. Add additional supplements as you can tolerate. I will promise you , getting off these evil pills will be the best decision you ever made. Keep posting, you CAN and WILL do this.
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Hi Flossie and welcome....I have taken Neurontin for several years on and off.  It is an anti-seizure med often prescribed for epileptic patients and is used for nerve pain as well.  I've actually taken it for both reasons; after a seizure several years I took if for about 16 months.  Then a couple years ago my doctor (surgeon) prescribed it for nerve pain for about 6 months before and after neck fusion surgery.  I was taking it during the time I c/t'd from opiates back in December, and I think it probably did help a little with some of the w/d symptoms; specifically the RLS.  It's hard for me to tell for sure as I was already on it and had never heard of it being used to help with withdrawals.  Mine were pretty intense because I c/t'f from a very high dose of opiates after 15 years of use.  In any case, it probably wont hurt and in fact may also help you with pain (is that why it was originally prescribed for you?).  If you are going to stop taking it after the withdrawal I would taper back off; not just drop it suddenly.  And I do agree with the above posters about the Xanax; it often just makes things worse IMO.  It always made me feel sluggish and "heavy" the next day - just another unpleasant thing to deal with when you are already having other w/d symptoms.  Otherwise, there are some great suggestions above; the hot baths are SO helpful as is exercise (of any kind, even small amounts), and staying hydrated.  Sweating was one of my worst symptoms.  I found that having a good stock of clean towels, washcloths, cotton & comfy t-shirts, underwear, etc. was great.  Each time I had a "meltdown" (which was very often in the first couple days), I would just strip down and put on all clean, dry clothes.  It felt so good and sort of re-energized me (until the next one :).   Also try Vitamin Water; the "Revive" formula has exactly what your body needs during detox - B & C vitamins, potassium and electrolytes.  Just do what you can to make yourself comfortable and know that the physical discomforts are temporary.  In a few days you will start to feel better.  Stay positive and know that you are doing the right thing - this is a small investment of time that will reap rewards for the rest of your life.  Keep posting here; this site is a great source of support and information.  Good luck....you CAN do this - we are here for you!
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5508943 tn?1369017801
Thanks so much..
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5508943 tn?1369017801
Just thought i would let you know i did call my Dr. and i am to see him at 1:00p.m. which it's 11:15 a.m. now, i am not sure how this will turn out but if he wants to detox me i will go cause i feel really crappy ....its so depressing...please pray that i get some kinda help...and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND YOUR WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT....if you don't hear back from me in the next couple days you know i am in Detox...i will keep yall all informed and Thanks Again.
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5347058 tn?1381188426
Good luck to you! Keep us posted if you're able to, ok?
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5508943 tn?1369017801
Hey, well the latest is, i lost it in the doctors office and told him straight out i did not wanna take pills anymore, i explained everything to him and he said without something for pain my body would not hold up, my blood pressure was 190/178 and he said it was from pain. that i had not started going through withdrawal because i still had some opana in my system so he put me on a 3 day patch called DURAGESIC....i of course in my weakened state accepted ...i can honestly say he is not a med pusher at all....REALLY...he said that my pressure being that hi and i am on blood pressure meds could make me have a stroke, . I feel o.k. about it i guess i am really happy not to be popping pills and watching the clock but i am not too sure on this patch thing...guess i will have to see he said it would take a day and a half to work....sooooooo please don't be disappointed in me....
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5347058 tn?1381188426
I'm not disappointed at all. I'm really glad that you were able to involve your dr in this. It sounds like it would have been dangerous for you to just quit everything. You and your dr know what is best for you. You take care of yourself, ok?
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5508943 tn?1369017801
Thanks and again i so appreciate all your input and advise.... i am however now real nervous about the darn patch after reading online about it do you think 25mg is a high starting dose??
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Hey Flossie, I hesitate to comment as I've never been on the fentanyl patch, but know many members that have. From reading what you are trying to kick it seems your going from the frying pan to the fire. Don't get freaked out, just do your research. Fentanyl is a very serious narcotic. If you want I can pm you other members to message with that know more about this drug. BTW, not disappointed in any part of your struggle. We've all been there and all in this together.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Hi there!  I wanted to chime in, plus offer my support as well.

It's SO tricky managing pain as an addict.  I DO get where your doc is coming from, but I also have some concerns.  For ONE, opiate w/ds cause marked hypertension, so I would respectfully say that your BP might have been from that versus your pain..or a little of both.  

The biggest issue I see with you staying on a strong narcotic (which a Fentanyl patch IS very very strong), is the fact that you were abusing your meds, running out early, and supplementing your meds illegally.  That raises red flags that you have an addiction problem versus just being dependent on your meds.  Addiction involves a significant mental aspect in addition to the physical dependency...that would include mental cravings, taking the meds for reasons beyond the pain, along with other issues.

Also, you state that the meds weren't helping your pain anyway.  Long term use of high dose opiates can (and often does) actually INCREASE pain.  It's called hyperalgesia.  It's very difficult for you at this point to even determine what your REAL level of pain is...you couldn't really accurately assess your pain level until you had been off the opiates for at least about a month.

My personal opinion is that you were on the right track with your original posts.  I think you would be wise to seek a second opinion, and if you do, be SURE to be honest about the fact that you were abusing your meds.  That's very important.  I would also encourage you to look into alternative ways to manage the pain without opiates...again, the second opinion.  Are you a surgical candidate by chance?

I DO totally get where your doc is coming from, but from all you have told us here...I just simply (and respectfully) disagree with his assessment of the situation.  Were you honest with him about you taking more than Rx'ed?  If not, that may be why he went the route he did.  Is he a specialist?  Sadly, not a lot of doctors are very familiar with addiction and w/d.  I'm wondering if that could be the case with him as well?  Keep in mind that my opinion is based on the info you've provided..obviously I wouldn't be privvy to all of the info your doctor has.

Please keep talking to us, and think about seeking another opinion.  You wouldn't be under any obligation to the new doctor...but I think it would be wise to run this whole situation by another practioner.  You've already got one heck of an opiate tolerance built up with the heavy hitting meds you were on before (and with the high doses you were taking)..so therefore you will run into the same exact issues with the patch...you will build a tolerance quickly, and it will not be very effective most likely, due to cross tolerance issues.  And actually, the dose you're on probably isn't close to being comparable to what you were taking (with the oral meds), which may lead you to have lots of breakthrough pain and some w/d symptoms.

Just my opinion...I wish you the very best.  We're here for you.
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So glad you went to the doctor. I can see his point. All those rods in your back... Yes, you need to do as he suggests. Your BP from the pain is amazingly high. You are absolutely a candidate for pain management. Controlled pain medication makes it a lot easier on the patient. I have a friend in NA who has a back somewhat like yours. He has been on a controlled morphine pump for a few years now. It works well for him. God bless you Flossie, I hope it all gets under control for you. Glad to have you on here with us. You've just made yourself a bunch of new friends!!
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I also agree with nursegirl about needing to be straight with your doctor on everything that's been going on with you.  Also on getting a 2nd opinion. Be completely straight about everything with that doctor also. You're going to make it throughout this!
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1855076 tn?1337115303
I was in  similar situation where I wantednoff but my doctor said it would be too hard on me.  It was -hardnro come off and I recently had to gonback on meds due to my BP being so high that theynwere woeried about stroke.

Fentanyl, though, is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.  It reallynshould not be used in chronic pain, imho.  It is very strong and very hard to come off.  At least w-ith pills it is easier to taper.  I put Fentanyl in nearly the same category as methadone.  It takes a long time to withdraw frommthem.  

Have you thougt about getting a second opinion?
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