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how long for vicodin withdrawal symptoms

Curious to see what im in for? The two previous times i did methadone at a detoc center, and subtex? Any help is greatly appreciated....not feeling so great now
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I'm trying to get off Soboxone.  I am down to 1/4 tablet of a 2mg/0.5mg tablet.  The doctor wanted me to take it every other day, but I could not.  The withdrawal symtoms started to kick in and was told to go back to 1/4 tablet daily. I need to get off this stuff because I am having breathing problems now.  I read where you said GABA and L-theanine may help.  Do you get this at a health store or should I talk to my doctor about this.  I see him next Tuesday.  Thank you for your help.
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182493 tn?1348052915
Neither can be ordered. you will have to go to a doc who is FDA certified to prescribe Suboxone or Subutex, there is a list on the drug co website. This drug is watched tightly by the FDA and doctors that are allowed to give it can only see a certain number of patients at a time. So you may have to call a few to get it.  As for clondine any doctor can give it to you even the ER
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I keep asking myself what Have I gotten myself into.The whole cold turkey thing is not worth itI need help.Where can I order the Subutex or the Clonidine so I can stay home and get this **** out of my system.
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182493 tn?1348052915
No I took xanax for several years prior to my pill addiction and i only really took it when I had panic attacks or trouble sleeping due to anxiety.A script of 90 would last me a year or longer.  I stopped taking it entirely when I quit pills. And now i just take the natural amino acids for it.

Yes its very easy to get addicted to from what I have read. I was lucky to have not really liked taking it enough for that to be a problem for me.

Good luck to you
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Hey - I liked your most recent post, it was very encouraging.  I was just curious, and you don't have to answer by any means if you don't want too.  But you said you took Xanax for the anxiety of withdrawal and I was wondering if taking that medication led to a different/alternate addiction.  I was never prescribed, but got my hands on Xanax before and I liked it.  I had some anxiety issues after the passing of my Brother-in-law fighting in Iraq, but I was worried about getting addicted to it - I heard that it is very very easy.  I was just wondering if you found yourself fighting that demon as well?  Didn't mean to pry, take care of yourself and keep on fighting.  (I think I'm going to go with your suggestion and try L-Theanine)

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Rach- how you doing sweetheart?  I'm curious to know if you've begun the process yet.  I too am preparing to jump off of the "Pill Train" (Again).  I just had sinus sugery and was prescribed vicodin for the pain.  It didn't take long to start popping them again (why take 2 when 4 feels sooo good - right?)  It is a rough ride for sure.  You MUST be strong and if you don't succeed - keep plugging away at it.  I was disappointed to read when you wrote "I really screwed up my life".  Says who?  The only person you need to impress is yourself.  Take pride in yourself, you're just as worthy of a good happy life as anybody else is.  Take a step back, assess the situation - AND TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SITUATION.  It won't be easy, not by a long shot, but it's achievable for sure.  Perhaps make a game of it, take it as a personal challenge, a "Mission" if you will.  Anything to keep your mind occupied and focused on the task.  
      I relapsed a few times over the years, I'm not proud of it, but it happened and I dealt with it.  I never used any special recipes or anything like that.  I used Clonodine and Librium in the past and it helped.  You see, when I took vicodin, it gave me crazy energy and I always felt like a million bucks.  Some people like the 'Relaxed' feeling it gives them, but it always "amped" me.  So when I went off of them, I was extremely fatigued and tired -didn't want to do anything.  This was the hardest part for me, getting the energy to move forward.  And it felt like it took forever to get past it.  I didn't want to do anything, talk to anybody, or anything like that.  But it does get better, believe it or not.  
       I just want you to know, and I think I speak on behalf of everybody on this forum, that we're here for you.  If you feel a weak moment coming on, get on this page and just read.  You don't have to post anything, but just read, and soak in all the encouragement.  You'll feel better, we'll all feel better someday, but keep up the fight.  Keep checking in, on your other friends like Jim, or me, or anybody else.  We'll help carry you through the mud, because we know you'll be there to do the same.  And like I said, if you fall off the wagon, don't give up and call it quits.  There is that famous Chinese Proverb that probably fits people like us more than anybody else - FALL DOWN SEVEN TIMES - GET UP EIGHT.
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182493 tn?1348052915
Yes its normal... just don't go back to taking them or it will get worse.. Opiates like pain meds stunt the normal production of the things in our brains that control our moods as well as alot of other things. so yes the crying is normal.. all of it..  I think you said its been 4 days, by the end of the week you should be feeling much better since you didn't take them too long. Hopefully this symptoms doesn't linger to long but if it does i highly recommend the supplments i talked about above. Especially the L-theanine.. i took xanax for years for my anxiety and this helps me more than that did.
Hope i was able to help some, good luck and don't turn back
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oh my god, thank you so much, ive been going crazy, going back in forth thinking im just having withdrawals to im going crazy and my life will never be the same.... thank you :)
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182493 tn?1348052915
usually it goes away with the withdrawals. and everything else you are having is normal for withdrawals. if this continues after a week or two I would see your doctor and tell them about the anxiety.. but please stay away from benzo meds like xanax, valium, ativan, ect they are highly addicting even if used for a short period of time. their are other meds better for this.  i now take a natural supplement for mine and it works better than any drug.. its called L-theanine and its extracted from green tea, helps to calm you naturally.. another choice is GABA which also stimulates your natural GABA to calm and relax you.
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i was taking vic 750s two a day almost every day for three weeks, and i recently stopped because i didnt like what was happening to me. two days later i have a panic attack, diarreah, sweating, dizzyness and feel completly not myself and felt fluish. next day another anxiety attack, not so severe, and this is day four and ive been having anxiety problems leaving me not able to go to school, but ive been able to sorta control it, and not have an attack. yesterday and the day before i had harsh headaches. everyday ive cried, feeling like im losing it or will never be the same, and the crying comes outta no where, i just get really emotional and break down. i feel sorta fluish when the anxiety comes around, and i feel like staying home most the day and sometimes it feels fine to go drive somewhere. no vomiting , or pains, but anxiety that is scaring me, and making me think i could just have developed anxiety disorder. do you tihnk this is all vicodin withdrawal, and if it is, is there any way i could still be developing anxiety disorder, or does the anxiety always seem to go away when the withdrawals do. sorry for all the questions, but im scared , and would really appreciate all the help i can. i guess my main question is : can the anxiety be learned and stay after the withdrawals are over, or does the anxiety dissapear with the other symptoms?
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222369 tn?1274474635
Well, first of all, you're welcome. And secondly, you've found a host of people to talk to right here on this forum. Any time you have a question, need to vent, or fear a relapse, post here. Or, you're always welcome to email me. My email is on my profile page. You get to that by clicking the blue link on my name. Again welcome and God bless.
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222369 tn?1274474635
Well, first of all, you're welcome. And secondly, you've found a host of people to talk to right here on this forum. Any time you have a question, need to vent, or fear a relapse, post here. Or, you're always welcome to email me. My email is on my profile page. You get to that by clicking the blue link on my name. Again welcome and God bless.
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I found your comments very interesting and reassuring.
I have been taking Vicodin ES for over ten years, at various strengths. This past May I had a recurrence of very bad injuries (from my Vietnam War experience) and increased dosage. In reading through this and other forums the amount I have been taking really is not exorbitant... generally three to four 7.5 /750 pills per day.

I started to cut  back a couple of weeks ago and found I was getting headaches and started to realize I needed more to maintain where I was. In addition I making sure to get prescriptions from different doctors and filling these simultaneously. Although I have a very good drug prescription plan I paid cash. At that point I realized I had a problem.

My First post so excuse the length.

I cut down for three days and stopped taking any pills 70 hours ago. Not much sleep. Some of the symptons noted (restlessness/nervousness/) have justed started to abate. My diarrhea has increased and I will take your advice and use imodium.

I am almost 57 years old and the worst part is no one to speak to about this, mostly because I am ashamed and feel lonely, althoug I have a loving family. I know the biggest hurdle ahead is to find a way not to relapse.

Again, thanks for your advice

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176495 tn?1301280412
Reaching the point where you just don't want to do it anymore is where you need to be.  Yes, we can do this...YOU can do this..a few uncomfortable days and before you know it,  you're going to feel so much better.

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It sounds like we were going through the same thing. My life revolves around me getting pills and counting the days until i can refill my Rx to. Its a horrible way to live and i just dont want to do it anymore. Im going to see if i can go see the dr tomorrow and find out if i could get clonodine or suboxone and start my recovery now. Im really glad your feeling better and it should only get better from this point on. We can do this!! Im ready! Lets see how i feel tonight and what the dr says tomorrow.
Thanks again
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I am taking alot of vikes and hours after they start to wear off i get w/d symptoms so i imagine this is going be a tuff battle. Thank you for all that great info and the thomas recipe. Im going to take Beargizmo and try the ER and get some clonodine. I have done this before as i have said but never set up any aftercare, so im going to look into that now. If i cant do it cold turkey as you intsructed im going to try the suboxone again.
I have been taking lots of vikes, oxys, norcos, somas, xanax,...you name the pill and i have done it. And im not braging, im quite embarassed to say that. Im only 34 and i have really screwed up my life. The timing is perfect because im on umemployment now lost a job working for a dr stealing scripts. I really want to stop this. All i think about are these pills, and it really has consumed me and nobody knows except you guys and my as___le ex boyfriend who likes to feed them to me like there tic tacs. So i really appreciate the advice and all the support thank you


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222369 tn?1274474635
Rach..200mg a day is pretty high, and you're gonna feel it for a few days. The clonidine will help. I am posting some info for you about going cold turkey. I don't post it much because it's so long...but, I think it may help you. read it, and if you have additional questions let me know.

This is a work in progress...something I've been working on off and on for the last couple of weeks. It's not considered complete, but has lots of info from lots of sources. If any of the "old timers" have anything to add, let me know and I'll add it to the document. I hope to use this to post a general "how to" every couple of days or so.

Listed below are suggestions for detoxing and quitting an opiate addiction. They are just suggestions compiled from the detox plans of people that have gone through cold turkey detox before. They are just that, suggestions, and any detox plan is best when done under a doctor's care. Consult your doctor before trying any of the suggestions below.
This is prewritten for anyone who is beginning, or planning on beginning, a cold turkey withdrawal to opiates. This includes drugs such as tramadol (Ultracet and Ultram) codeine (Tylenol #3, #4), Darvocet, Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Norco, Lortab and derivatives),  Oxycodone (Endocet, Percocet, Oxycontin), Morphine, Demerol. Fentanyl, and Dilaudud. There are many other opiates not listed, so if you don’t see it listed, you can still use these suggestions if it’s an opiate based addiction. None of these apply to benzodiazepine based addictions. These addictions should never be dealt with by going cold turkey. Always consult a doctor for a detox plan for benzos.

First of all, opiate withdrawals are uncomfortable, but rarely life threatening. You may think you’re going to die, but most of the withdrawal symptoms are just very uncomfortable. If possible, take some time off work or schedule a week or so in order to fully detox. You will honestly not feel like doing much anyway. Opiate withdrawal symptoms usually start 12-24 hours after your last dose. But, the timing of withdrawal symptoms depends upon the drug taken, length of time you’ve been taking it, and how you react to medications. The physical withdrawals usually last 3-7 days, with days 3 and 4 being the worst. Once again, this is all dependent on the person. You can expect these symptoms. Dilated pupils, diarrhea, runny nose, goose bumps, abdominal pain, stomach cramps, sweating, agitation, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, leg cramps, general aches and pains, and sleeplessness. This list is not absolute. You may experience all of these symptoms, only some of them, or other symptoms. Again, we are all different. Below is the famous Thomas Recipe. It gives some general information along with supplements that help with the withdrawal symptoms. The only thing I would add to this list is a blood pressure drug named clonidine. It effectively lowers the blood pressure and lessens many of the withdrawal symptoms. Most any doctor will prescribe it if you’re honest as to why you need it. Discuss dosages and frequency with your doctor.

Thomas Recipe:

1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can't get one of the others.
2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).
3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store.
4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium.
5. Vitamin B6 caps.
6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all that's available).

How to use the recipe:
Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5. During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom.
Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you don't need it. At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help. With breakfast, take the mineral supplement. As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.

After withdrawals, the fight has just begun. It is as important to have a plan for recovery as it is to have a plan for detox. Some people swear by AA/NA and the 12 step process. Others take the private therapy route. There are many options, and there is truly something for everyone. Whether you attend meetings every night, group meetings every week, or therapy every other day, find a support system and work on your recovery. The withdrawals will be the most physically challenging part of your recovery, but the mental part that comes afterwards is just as hard. The best defense to relapse is to have a plan and stick with it.
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176495 tn?1301280412
Rach, my habit was not nearly as serious as a lot of folks on here...I was taking 6 7.5's/day.  Nonetheless, I became addicted to them and my life revolved around them, going into panic as I ran out 2 weeks before I could refill and all that stuff.
I've never done suboxone, though had I not heard about clonidine I might have.  Based on your consumption, it may not be as easy for you as it was for me...but, I believe you WILL see a difference with the clonidine.  I felt better within hours of taking my first one and.  My doctor told me he prescribed it to a heavy oxy user and it helped him...it is worth the try..if you do get some, make sure to pick up some of those little hard candys to suck on as clonodine will dry your mouth..and make you drowsy.

Yes, you are around people going through the same things...there's a lot of experience here, and I've benefited greatly from it as have others.

and thanks for the congrats...I haven't felt this good in quite a while.

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Thank you so much for your advice! Congrats on 11 days and no bad meds. How bad has it been for you, im nervous. Were you also taking vikes and how many for how long? Sorry for all the questions but you have been so helpful and i have nobody i can talk to about this. But i think Im going to take your advice and try the clonopin, also i have tried suboxone...have you heard anything about that. It was a fairly pleasent detox, except very expensive. Im def going to stay here for some time as i feel like im around people just like me going through the same things. Thanks again!!
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176495 tn?1301280412
I believe they would.  Be honest with them and let them know you are serious about quitting..they may also give you something for nausea.  Just make sure you let them know you are NOT there for narcotics..you want help.   My wife finally talked me into going to the ER nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm so glad I did.  Give it a try..

and let us know how it goes...stay with us here.

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I have being taking vikes for years now. On a bad day i take 20 or so 10mg vikes, and always 4 at a time. Im really tiny 5'0 and 115lbs and these dont even effect me anymore like they used to. Do you think if i went to the er tonight and told them the truth they would give me clonodine? thanks so much for you help...im desperate
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176495 tn?1301280412
Depends on how much you were taking and for how long...generally the worst is over in 3-4 days.  I highly recommend, if you can, see your doctor and ask for clonidine, a blood pressure med that does wonders for withdrawl symptoms and perhaps something for anxiety.  I'm on day 11 right now, started on clonodine on day 1 and I never really had a bad time..the med will make you somewhat lethargic and dry mouthed but it does help, as plenty of folks on here will agree.

Perhaps you can get to the ER and tell them what's going on now (tonight)?  That's what I did..wrote in big letters on the form I filled out.."I'm addicted to vicodin...I am not here for narcotics..I want help!", and help I got..

Good luck and stay with us here

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222369 tn?1274474635
Depends on your dosages. It varies greatly by person also. For me the worst seemed to last 7 days. People with huge habits can take weeks.
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