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open fourm. what is our goal here.

my own personal experence here at this fourm has been a great help to me ever since i stumbled acrossed it back in feb /02
whhile i have been here i learned how to deal with the probleem
of getting off a 10 to 20 a day vike habit.
the good folk's here welcomed me ,and pointed me in the direction of the vitamine receipe here at the fourm known
as thomas's receipe. i started taking it right away and it helped
greatly in the area s of depression during withdrawls and lack of energy due to withdrawls.
along with the supportof the people here at the fourm i was able
to kick cold turkey. i still read the post everyday , and i try to reach out and answer any questions that i can.
there are other people here who have to take meds for severe pain issues. the people here at the fourm in this situation
are a great help to anyone dealing with such issues.
i have been around addicts that are clean an some that use,
and they all do there best to get along, we are a sensitive
lot. one of the hardest things for us to do is to ask for help,
amit when we are wrong, ask for direction. and sy wer are sorry.
these are secondary issues, the primary issues are geting off the drugsand dealing with pain and taking meds responsably for
real pain issues.
96 Responses
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I am not on such a high dose of Opiods, but have been on 10-15 Norco a day for some time.

I have tried cold turkey many times and it was just too much too soon. I am in a slow tapering process now, and down to 4-5 Norco (10/325 Vicodin) a day.

Now, this is no picnic, and yes the depression is hitting me, but I realized one thing recently, really when I arrived at this forum. GEtting off of Pain meds requires a well thought out plan, plus a support system, and maybe the help of a doc that understands what this is all about.

I was trying and failing, trying and failing, and wondering why. When I met up with the folks at this forum, I found out something that made me feel much better. I am not alone.

Try with everything you have to start tapering now. Create a document that lists all the reasons why you MUST do this and read it daily. And support the folks here. Check out the Thomas Recipe and maybe consider getting an addiction doc involved.

I hope this helps and I hope to see you around.

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That is terrible that you felt you couldn't answer my posts for fear of being ripped by me...that makes me feel very bad.  I'm really sorry I come across like that...I know it though, and I am working on it.
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You have mail.
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You are very welcome for my post, It took alot for you to apologize.  To be honest.  I was afraid to ever answer any of your posts because i thought you would say something that would hurt my feelings.

If you ever get a chance,  pick up a book called " Tuesdays with Morrie"  It will make all the sense in the world to  you..I know it will.

and by the way..My email address is ***@**** (two nn's)  if you ever want to talk.  I post my email alot but aside from lizzy and some strangers that find my email address on here looking for help I get no replies to my requests for emails. lOL

Bmac, i was wondering if you would email me too, I have a question for you.

noone likes me. :( LOL

But thats okay, I'm a big girl..I can handle it. LOL

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I read your post about your son and i am sorry you lost so much time with him, But I will pray that you two will have a beautiful reunion someday. A friend of mine did find her son after 25 years and he told her he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her, however, a year later he called and told her that he loved her and forgave her and now they have a wonderful relationship.He even moved her near him. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I must say you are a brave woman and have been through a lot, I was very moved moved by your story but I wont pry. God Bless.
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can you explain to me why you wouldn't marry someone that would want to marry you..(Did I tell you that I think I am in love with you? LOL)  Frankly, I feel the same way and I have been married to the most patient man in the world, living with the most difficult woman in the world..He accepts my downfalls, my faults and I often tell him he needs someone that would be a better wife to him, but he says to me " one good hour with me, is worth all the bad ones Ie..Drug withdrawals, the pain, the popping of the pills, the agitation when I had none) I am a German, Bitchy, spoiled, a drug addict.  Who in their right mind would want to live their life with someone life me.

Your post hit close to home.  
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Thanks and yes you made sense.  You are right about the little things...I am trying to concentrate on that.  I've been overwhelmed with so many things lately...my head is spinning.  I am going to go relax, and write in my journal...that is where I can be brutally honest and not feel bad about it. I truly appreciate your being as understanding as you have been...it means something to me.
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When I find myself "losing it" or not being in control of my anger..In email, or in posts or whatever. I reread what I have written,  think about it, count to twenty, calm myself down a bit, leave the room and go outside for a breath of fresh air if its necessary for a moment and then come back to see if I want to still hit "post message" Or "send email"  I have done the same thing..Hit sent mail and thought..Damn, that was harsh.  I shouldn't have said that.  With my new attitude of doing things, I do less apologizing. When things are directed to others in email and in forum their first instinct is to flame the person that flamed them, without thinking about it or taking the breath of fresh air, because frankly they are furious at that point and usually they have good reason to be.   This just works for me, I've learned over the years.  Life is hard, work is hard, The pressures of life are hard, but I try to see the good in all people and all things and live one day at a time and not to stress to much because stress will kill you fast.  I try to help as you have on many occasions..if I see a post that is directed to someone other than me and it infact pisses me off to the point of wanting to stick my nose in it..I turn the computer off and leave it at that.  Then later I am calmed down and I don't go back to that post..Am I making sense at all. LOL  Life is just too short.  Its the little things in life that bring us joy that is important.

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Hi - There is no "formula" - there are things that can make it easier.  If you can swing inpatient, you might want to go that route.  Have you talked with your dr. about this...that is the first step.  Do you have support of family and friends?  That is another biggie...the depression can hit hard.  I was taking a combo of things too, and I am now taking Buprenex in small amounts on a daily basis.  You could look into that...it's called Subutex for detox (I think).  

I'd talk with your dr...then decide what you want to do...good luck.
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post your thread up a little higher...some of the older, more experienced folks here can offer you great advice.  either way, i can tell you it will be hard.  it depends on what your goals are.  are you wanting to be COMPLETELY free of taking any pills?  is that your ultimate goal?  i here it's easier to taper off...much easier than going cold turkey.  no matter what, stick around here...you'll find folks who are going through the same thing and have been right where you are.  you're in the right place and you are always welcome!
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Hello everyone and anyone.   First time poster (here or anywhere believe it or not).  Looking for advice.  Since an accident where I broke my back almost two years ago, I have been taking about 80 mg of Oxycontin and 80 mg of Hyrdocodone daily. Also, I have been for many years (I'm 43) probably what most consider a heavy drinker and have an "addictive" personality - i.e. i like the high. Although I'm still in a fair amount of pain, I think its time to kick the habit- tired of being a slave to the clock and the next pill. So I tried not taking the pills and, surprise, that lasted about one day. Qs :Can anybody tell me if its more or less difficult to get off when you're taking two drugs vs one, specifically the two I am taking.  Would it be better to go to a higher dose of Oxycontine and not take the Hydro and then try to quit?  What is the formula?  What about drugs that would help me withdraw?  Do you think my chances are better in an outpatient or inpatient environment? Is the depression I read about inevitable?  Any advice about finding an "addiction doctor".  When I if I kick the habit, is it wise to try and take some pain meds occasionally when it really hurts?  Are there other pain meds that might be effctve but not addictive?   Thank you all.  Sorry for all the Qs but I am a newbie and

Scared of the future
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Again...I am very sorry about my behavior.  I am still feeling badly about it, so it's obviously something I care about.  I can't explain what happened - I got out of control.  Words have always been my thing...probably explains why I'm a writer.  They can be very powerful. I have written many letters when I've been upset and then never sent them.  Looking back on them, it's a good thing I didn't.  It's different here, once you hit the "post comment" button, there is no going back.  

Obviously, with this amount of people participating and the varying degrees of unhappiness that many of the forum members feel, there are going to be arguments.  I can't claim to like everyone, but I can try to have more respect and compassion in my posts.
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I wrote the post to Mariposa  about her apology before I read all the craziness below. Then I was ready to leave this forum and told Cindy so in email.  I jumped the gun on that post.

Maybe it will stop now.  I just want things to get back to normal.  If I get flamed for emailing cindy then so be it.  BMAC, You were my first contact on here and my complaint was not about you, you were just defending yourself.  ANd by the way, can i have a picture of you? LOL  I'll sent you one of me that you can throw darts at!  Peace everyone, you just don't know how this form has helped and I get real nervous when people argue.


Suzie, i am often on late at night..my email is ***@**** you need to talk, email me and I will turn on my yahoo for ya.
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Thanks I have been taking ultram for  a few days ,four a day. I have heard the horror stories and am concerned, but it seems to help a little although not for the pain??
I really appreciate your post, Thanks, day four tomorrow and no pills in the house  thank god Or i think, wait  I KNOW i would take them. Peace
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I was on 20+ pills per day and fenatyl patches due to lower back pain and thigh pain. I had been using heavly for 2 years and realized I couldn't take as described either. I finally got to the point where I was taking so many meds and I couldn't get ANY effect from them. The first days of withdrawal were pure hell and there's no way around it. The receipt will help along with tons of hot baths. The baths will raise your body temp and cut down on the chills as well as help with the aching muscles. There were times I had to hang on by my teeth and I even relapsed on day 10, but I'm clean again and the "fog" that was in my head is lifting. I get more energy each day. It does get better. If you are serious about putting the pills down, you can do it. Just take it one day at a time. Good Luck.
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I was on 20+ pills per day and fenatyl patches due to lower back pain and thigh pain. I had been using heavly for 2 years and realized I couldn't take as described either. I finally got to the point where I was taking so many meds and I couldn't get ANY effect from them. The first days of withdrawal were pure hell and there's no way around it. The receipt will help along with tons of hot baths. The baths will raise your body temp and cut down on the chills as well as help with the aching muscles. There were times I had to hang on by my teeth and I even relapsed on day 10, but I'm clean again and the "fog" that was in my head is lifting. I get more energy each day. It does get better. If you are serious about putting the pills down, you can do it. Just take it one day at a time. Good Luck.
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Hi, and thank you for your response to my apology yesterday.  I too have bad migraines, and they started six years ago right after I had my child.  I've had every test, and I've tried every migraine med...it is how I got started on the pain meds.  Bup works the best for me...1 amp per day, and I rarely get one.  If I stop taking it, I get them bad...basically, I've been using it as a maintenance-type thing.  Most docs disagree with what I'm doing, but it is my body, and it works for me.

Someone on here said magnesium got rid of them completely for her....who knows.
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hello all lurkimg here and glad to not be alone, wow so much hits home, day three of 20 day vik habit the usual lower back  buldge neck pain etc.. Single dad of a 5y/o girl just returnd from living in camboida where i bought codune over the counter 30-40 per day. fo allmost a year.

It is tough and i have been here before, i know it will pass but the emotional relive it brings along with the pain relive is wonderfull, i simple can not take it as described, iam a alcoholic & addict simple, I have 14 years no drinking. Anyway would like to hear from anyone in the same boat or simular, thanks I have enjoyed the posts and just need help.


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I think I have had every test under the sun...
I had ovarian cancer when I was 24, so the hormone thing was dealt with a long time ok.  I am 40..just turned 40.  I get sick to my stomach and feel terrible. I live in a samll town.  I just don't know how to deal with the pain....

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I was disabled from my headaches for a time in my early 30's.  Its so hard to work or do anything with your head killing u!  Wut are your symptoms?  Do you get nausea, or visual disturbances>?
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Yes, I'm back.  You need to go to neurologist.  NOW!,  to rule out other causes.  I know its scarey.  You think u may have tumor or sumfin.  I've been there.  How old r u if you dont  mind me askin? Mine started realy bad in late 20's.  Hormones very relevant.  
Peace to you!
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are you still here?
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I did
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Can you email me at ***@****, I can help you.

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