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1655215 tn?1302954188

Day 5 of weening off Vicodin

I have to say this has been one of the toughest things I have ever endured.  The nervousness and the night sweats seem to be the worst.  Depression not too bad, but It is there and I do take Zoloft. I take potassium for the cramps and sweating.   I have used some Valium that I had used for muscle spasams in the past just to mellow the nerves.    That seems to help as well.  Weening does seem to make this go smoother.  From a 10- 7.5 mg day habit  75mg daily,to a half tab of 7.5 3 times per day, now  to a 1/4 of a 7.5 tablet today 3 times today right around 3mg give or take.  (depending on my pill cutter) lol.  You have to want this to be able to be strong enough to do it.  One of my biggest suggestions for everyone on here wanting to get clean of this devil....sit yourself in front of the tv show INTERVENTION and watch it ....watch multiple shows.  I cried for these people and I cried for myself.  I have a life and I want it back.  I have read many posts on here and have to say God bless you all.  Kick yourself in the butt and do it.  I have two wonderful small boys and a husband that has worked his butt off to help me be as comfortable as he can do.  I look into my boys eyes and I can see the pain there because mommy just doesnt feel well enough yet.  I will soon.  I came clean to my husband right when I started to cut back and cried to him and said ...I'm so sorry for what you will see the next week or so....this is going to be bad...I am addicted to Vicodin and I need your help.  He looked into my eyes and I could see his hurt as well. He is supporting me through this.  I am going to do and say things I dont mean....please know this is my withdrawl and not how this is going to stay.  He would take the boys out of the house to keep them from seeing me go through the worst of it.   I just felt so bad mentally that I couldnt bear to have my own kids see their mom having 'the flu'.   I see many write that there is a light at the end of the tunnel....and today the sun shines in my windows...I praise God today and reach to him throughout this and from now on ....for everything else.  Every single person on here has been a big help to me as well.  Thank you.  I will keep you posted on the out come of this.    
15 Responses
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1655215 tn?1302954188
I understand the pain you must be having.  The sad thing is....how do you function with the pain?  It's a tough call when what your taking now does not help.  The thing I feel with most of the Drs is...it's like they don't understand that this is your life and living it daily it daily with pain is ...uhhhh just not comfortable at all.  For the past 2 years this has been my life.  Keep posting so I know how you are doing.  Hopefully will have results of MRI Monday.
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1283286 tn?1312911966
I'm looking at the same. I solved the disc re-rupture with surgery in June(had surgery on L-4 AND L-5 back in 2005), shook the oxycontins first of January only to have uncovered possible neck vetebra compression pinching the heck out of a nerve in there or I am having repercussions from nerve damage that had me have to have shoulder surgery in 95. An internal cyst had crushed a nerve feeding the scalpula muscle..Lost 50% muscle mass before it was noticed.

For the past month I have been biting my tongue on this as since quiting the oxy, the shoulder stuff has been coming alive. We did a look see MRI 2 years ago and didn't see anything that pointed at any one cause. Its getting worse. Like when one's neck gets a kink in their neck..Just not sure. Just not sure what approach I'm going to take as this is something that really is starting to mess with my resolve..I'm gratful to be free of the oxycontin, but finding a balance with this new pain is going to be tough to resolve..Its definitely rooted in some sort of nerve issue. I started taking some lyrica again with zero results..Just not sure..Jump out of one fire onlt to find myself in another :(
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1655215 tn?1302954188
Tomorrow morning I am scheduled for an MRI to tell me where and what the problem is.  I am being very careful with my meds.  Only take them when I can no longer take the pain.  I was able to ween myself down and feel good that I can do it again after we find out what my problem is.  I agree with you totally.  These pain meds are a beast!  My problem in the past was ...I was unable to afford an MRI.  I was buying time and killing myself in the process.  Our main hospital in my area charges $1500.  I found another MRI place that offers them for $595....I thought well heck....I will be able to do that ....I am doing that tomorrow.  I'm so excited this is all falling into place.  I have to keep the respect for the drug so it does not sneak up on me.  I will keep posting.  I just wonder if I will be told anything from the MRI tomorrow or will have to wait on my dr visit.  
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1283286 tn?1312911966
These pain meds are in a category all of their own..They sneak in and ravage everything..Body, mind,and soul...

I too was " a not me " as well..Started taking it for back problems,,for a month here and there with no problems over the past 8 years. Then two years ago re-herniated a disc that I had surgery on in 2005. I wasn't ready to go thru that again so stalled some which meant continuous meds but thought "no big deal, they haven't caused me any problems in the past"..How very wrong I was..By the time I figured it out, it was too late to avoid the consequences..I wish I had found this site long ago..
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I first took it for my back and I was telling a friend about how goooooood they made me feel, and she said to be careful....I had never even HEARD of vicoden before that and thought, what, not ME!  I have always thought that God uses these experiences to teach us many, many things---I'm amazed at how things in my life that have been hard come to use for others later.  So, we must take our lessons and know that all things work together for good with God!
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1655215 tn?1302954188
That is awesome your husband is willing to help and UNDERSTANDS the beast within you.  My dad had always told me when I started these drugs ...becarefulllll....I thought ...not me ....I have been to these classes on this stuff....WRONG!  I am still shocked I let this happen.  I will keep posting.  Thank God for all of you.
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I too cannot believe that "I" got here!  Just shows that addiction can happen to anyone at anytime.  I kept thinking "this is not ME!"  I am also in health care and KNOW the risks---I just think that shows how this stuff takes over your mind.  It is pretty mindblowing, isn't it?  I think it is great that your husband is helping you with your dosing.  Ironically, my husband is a pharmacist!  I have relapsed several times (I would stop and think, "see, I don't have a problem!).  My mom has locked her pills up.  My goal is to NEVER have access (unless for legit reasons in which case my husband will administer).  I am feeling SO GOOD, and yet that is the biggest risk for me....I start thinking....oh, I can just take a few and I will be fine.  THAT has never been true!!  I just keep praying to God for help and strength, and to keep the medication out of my reach!  I will never trust myself again around it---if it is there, I know I will take it.  Hang in there.  I love this site, too---it is so helpful to know we are NOT ALONE!  Hold on to God, but remember, HE is holding on to YOU!!!!
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1655215 tn?1302954188
I totally agree with you.  Kicking the habit is the easy part.  I will soon be faced with a dr appointment and an MRI.  I do have back pain.  I have 2 underdeveloped vert. and poss. buldging discs. I work full time and have 2 little children.  I have to work.  I am the only income in the home at the moment. My husband cares for the children.  For the past year and a half I have taken thes drugs to be able to get out of bed.  I no longer want the drug to control me.  I want to be the one in control.  I'm in pain this am and caved in and took one half of a 7.5 vicodin and it has helped me.  I do feel I have done well in bringing my tolerance of the drug down.  Weeks ago a half of a tablet would have been a joke.  Today I am feeling proud that I only needed a half!  I got pain control with much less than what I was doing before.  5 to 10 per day and some times more.  I tell my husband when and how much I take so he can help me monitor this. This took some strict self-control! Addiction can happen to anyone.  I never thought in a million years "I" would be here. Not that I am high and mighty, but I am a health care provider and KNOW THE RISKS. I thank God for all of you and the support you have provided to me and everyone else.  If the appointment outcome yeilds me to continue the drug... I will ask for a lower amount to take daily and have my husband dose my meds to me.  I don't want to fall back into that pattern again!!  I do believe being aware of what the hell I just put myself and family through has opened my eyes.  I do feel I am thinking clearer now. The tears I cried through this were real.  Failure was something I could almost not handle.  My strength has been great.   I will keep all posted.  Thank you again! God bless !
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HI....glad  to see a taper worked for you ....so many try and cant do it  you may have a few nights of no sleep and some minor withdrawals but cutting back the way you did usually helps a lot....remember a hot bath goes a long way in reducing most of the symptoms the aches and pains as well as the anxiety you should be fine in a few days.....kicking is the ez part it staying clean that takes the work plug into some form of aftercare it really does help ...I wish you all the best in your recovery keep posting for support good luck and God bless.....Gnarly
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1655215 tn?1302954188
Thank you so much for your comment.  I will hold on to God.  I will beat this.
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I can very much relate to you!  I am on day 9 clean from the same dosage of Vicoden, and I am feeling SO much better!  The sweats, anxiety, and depression are lifting and my mind is clear.  It is wonderful.  Hang in there.  It is wonderful that your husband is supporting you!  I told my husband, too, and he has been wonderful.  You can beat this!  Hold on to God and he will help you through.  Remember that he is our Father and is looking out for us.  I bet in a few more days you will be feeling much better!!!
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1655215 tn?1302954188
Thanks so much.  The sun is out and day looks clear.  Warmer weather is on its way.  I'm ready to have my life and family back.  Will keep posting.  Thanks again....
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Good job with the taper..I know it had to help..It's probably time to bid them farewell as you kinda state in your mood. You've gotten the dose down so much that to continue taking it is not really enough to make a difference anymore. You are in wd now..If you have been void of any major stomach problems up to now, that would be a real strong indicator that within a day or two the night sweats and such should back off pretty quick..I did a week and a half taper from 80mg down to 20 and was extremely surprised as to how much affect it had vs's two prior wd experiences I had gone thru...You've done well for yourself..Now its time to start counting days....:)
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1655215 tn?1302954188
Thank you....I only take the valium in the am when i feel the most nervousness.  I have tried GABA with niacin...a natural nerve med.  It does help with the nerves and sleep.  I will try to walk away from it today.  I took 1/4 this am and I will resist the need to take any more.  I take 800 mg of ibprofen for any muscle aches or 500mg of asprin.  I am pending a MRI to see what is wrong with my back.  I told my husband I will refuse pain meds at all cost as not to go throgh this again.  I just pray this back problem can be fixed without surg. or other narco. drugs.  Thanks again !
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1580085 tn?1400940838
hi, your doing really well, be careful with valium , you dont want to swap one addiction for another, i personally would stop the vicodin now, as tapering can just drag it out longer, drink plenty of fluids and look at the thomas recipe in the health pages ,top right hand corner, theres lots to help you there, try some excersize ,that does help, take cre, god bless,
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