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Addicted to vicoprofen??????? Help????

Hi There, I have no clue where to start?? I just need some feedback on my problem. If someone out there can relate to me It would sure help. O.K. I have been taking vicodon and vicoprofen now for about 4 years on and off?? I know it sounds wierd but I would only take one a day after work only and occasionally I would do 2 a day or not even anything for 3 or 4 days.  I am a registered nurse so I know how bad this is?? Go figure? I would just need a couple of hours to myself after work with a vicodon and I would be fine. Recently I hurt my back at work and ended up w/ 2 herniated disks, so the Dr would give me pills anytime I needed them (justifiable???) Last week everyone in my office fell Ill and I started coming down with flu like symptoms.  I didn't take the pills for 5 days.  IT WAS HELL.  I thought it was my cold or flu or whatever I had??  I just felt like ****.  I had the chills, then I would sweat and the WORST thing I ever felt was the restlestness at night??? My body felt like it was going in convulsions?? I didn't think that it could be withdrawl symptoms?? I am sure that had alot to do w/ it but I just need someone to say, yes It was withdrawl sx's???  While I still felt like **** I took a vicoprofen to see if it would go away. OOHHHH, don't feel sick anymore??? I feel perfectly fine now??
I am very scared because I am getting married in a few months and we are going on our honeymoon for 15 days, I don't want to take any meds w/ me??? I just want to go and have fun, but I am deathly afraid that these symptoms will come back.  
Thank You for listening!
M :)
56 Responses
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495284 tn?1333894042
Hi Marley.......You posted on an old thread so if you start a new one you will get responses.  My DOC was vicoprofen....

Just copy and paste yours to a new thread.......
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Today I am starting my first day off coming off Vicoprofen.  For the past year or so, I have been taking them, first 1 a day then 2, then 3 or 4.  I hate the way they make me feel now, I used to enjoy taking them, now it feels like a prison.  I have almost no short term memory, I ask my son the same questions over and over because I can't remember what he told me just minutes before.  I have no energy, I'm irritable, I just feel like I'm in hell.  As of this morning, I had 1 pill left, I took 1/2 this morning, and I'll probably take 1/2 later, then no more.  I have been taking .25mg's of Klonapin every few hrs to help me out.  I really want this, I hate what I've become.  I'm hopeful, I want this, and I will succeed.
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453714 tn?1211999370
hey rocky, this post was posted in 2001, most likely these people arent around anymore. if you go to the top of the screen and click post a question you can create your own post and people will be able to help you but nobody is going to read this post more than likely because it old.
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I am a 58 yo female and I take upwards to 12 vicoprofen on bad days.  On my good days I take maybe 3 or 4; I do not feel that I am addicted as when I am not in pain I dont take the meds and dont even think about them.  I have been injured in a rodeo accident with one of my horses a few years ago and it has left me very disabled.  I live in pain mostly 24/7 but in the last few months my pain has been subsiding to a tolerable level.  My injuries have left me able to do for myself only but not able to do anything else.  It changed my life totally.  I became extremely depressed over the pain and truly didnt want to live this way any longer.  With the help of the pain meds I am able to live some of my life I use to have only not with any of my beloved horses as that involves to much painful movements.  To some this may be too many drugs to take, but to some it is the only way we can live a nearly torerable life.

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Im thankful for this site atleast I know its others going thru the same thing. Im not thirty yet and i have three children.  I started taking percocet for my teeth and then and then lortab and now vicoprofen. I need so much dental work that when i do detox (using bupromorphine) i find myself needing it again for my mouth because i dont have the money to have all the work done. Now even when im not in pain i have to take it or i feel really bad and hurt all over, and lose energy. If anyone know anything about a program that will pay for major dental please let me know
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Hi gang, I've been posting lately on one of the threads above this one.  But I was re-reading the postings I did from December and January and found I needed to share something.  

One strange or unusual symptom that I had during withdraw was a terrible Itching  skin sensation.  On my hands, arms, legs, back, ect.  I talked to alot of people about this, and found that yes, some people do experiance this symptom, but it's not common.  But for one who did have it, It was maddening.

The reason being that drug withdraw in some people is like having an allergic reaction.  It was for me at least.

I tried all of the normal over the counter itch releif gells and lotions, to little effect.  

Then one day as I was walking through the drug store, buying more itch cream, I saw lots of vaporizors on sale. Well that turned on my idea light.   So I bought a vaporizor, and hooked it up when I got home.  The added moisture in the air, stopped the itching!!!  Not right away, but it was less right away, and by day 2, the itching was totally gone, and it remains gone. It also has the added benefit of helping to keep the house feel warmerdue to the added humidity.  

I hope that is of some help to someone that may run into the same symptom.

108 hours clean and feeling Great!

Love Korg

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Hello people, I had a back problem about four years ago. Ive been using Vicoprofen on and off during the time. I averaged about two or three a night at evening to unwind, occasionally I used twice a day. I have no problem coming off of them for a month or so, except for the sleeplessnes at night. My biggest problem is not getting started again. I have noticed the depression and lack of energy. My biggest addiction is to the high I get in the evening when I use, not from the lack of pain that it is prescribed for. When I stop using I get anxiety also. how long do you have to quit before you forget about this drug and its high all together? I am mentally a strong person, I plan on taking this drug out of my life once and for all. I hope I succeed. Thankyou
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welcome to the forum! there will always be room for one more! a bit of advice: post closer to the top. it is real easy to overlook a post in the "basement!"

the trouble with taking vicodon, lorset, etc. is they all have
hydrocodone in them. hydocodone is an opiate and has a potential
for abuse and addiction. the other problem with all of these preperations is that they all contain tylenol. when a addict starts "oil burning" (getting a habit and taking more and more) dangerious amounts of tylenol can build up in the system. tylenol is metabolised out of the body by the liver. a person can be do-
ing a real number on their liver without ever knowing until it gets real bad. perhaps the next time your husband goes to the doctor he should ask for a liver pannel. they will draw a little bit of blood to look for elavated enzymes, etc. that indicate how well the liver is functioning.

as far as getting your husband to stop or moderate his intake of
hydrocodone there are not any quick or easy answers. i do know
that you can get straight hydrocodone without any tylenol or as-
prin mixxed in. this would at least be a start in stopping pot-
ential liver damage.

keep posting and keep an angel on your shoulder
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hi I have just found this web page and was happy to find it my husband has been taking lortabs and vicodin, for over 3years he is hooked on them!I am not sure how many a day (maybe 6-8 a day) I try to talk to him about this but he gets mad if I say anything about it.(he tells the Dr. his back is hurt but i am no so sure that his back hurts)He works every day never tell me about a hurt back when his pills start to get low he gets ill!!but his Dr.keep giving them to him. what does this drug do to your body long turm? and what kinda high do you get from them ?  i don't know what to do and don't know a lot about this drug.If I went and  talked to his Dr. he would be very upset, HELP I DON,T KNOW WHAT TO DO     thanks
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First off, Thanks for at least answering Skipper.   That's at least something.  

Progress report:  I'm below my prescrbed dosage now, And the worst seems to be over.  I'm still focused.  But still dealing with this damn itching.  My energy hasn't returned yet. But I'm forcing myself to get off the couch and get somethings done.  I'm dealing with more pain then I'm use to, but I want off these things if I can stand it.  I don't post every day, but I do check the board several times a day.  Reading the new posts is a boost.  I want to thank everyone for your kindness and caring.  I pray everyone sucess and joy.

If anyone has any futher advise about this Itchy feeing, please post

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in my 35 years+ of drug addiction (everything-mostly junk) i have
not heard of a withdrawal symptom. are you taking other drugs
(benzo,blood presure.or sedative? there is theory that opiate with
drawl has a very allergy like componenet to it. try some benedryl
(ich). Maybe your Dr will write an Rx for somehting more effective
with less unpleasent side effect
keep an angel on your shoulder
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I was hoping someone could tell me if itchy skin is a symptom from withdraw.   Most of my withdraw symptoms have gone, and my dosage is lower then it's ever been.  I've made real progress, but my skin itches like crazy.   Will someone please resond or recomend something for this sympton.

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Happy New Years to all.   Happy Days ahead without the slavery to pain pills.  Happy sober days, to all.  I pray a safe, and sober New Year, and new beginning to all.

Love, Korg
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It's been a tough one today.   The normal with draw hasn't been bad.  But I"m itching like mad.    Is this a part of it ?  Anyone else have this happen.   No victories today, except for staying at the level I was yesterday.  But, I haven'e slipped back to where I was, even though I was tempted.  Terrible sleep last night, but a good nap today.

Happy new years all,

Love Korg
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Thank you Metalback. It's a journey for sure.  little by little alot of small victoies add up.   Another day is done, and the total reads another half a tablet less.  Baby steps if that's what it takes.  The cravings and bluriness are getting less and less.  I'm feeling more and more human.  For some reason I find I'm itching like crazy.  Is this another symptom of withdraw? It's earitating, but not as bad as that craving feeling.  Sleep is still not as good as I'd like it to be.  But, I'm getting it, even if it's on and off.   I'm reminded of an old Chicago song, "Feeling Stronger Everyday".  I am.   Today's another day.  Another step, even if it' a baby step, I'll make it.

Thanks for the Cheer,

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Good morning friends: )   Starting another day and I'm feeling good as it begins.  Is the battle over?  No.  But I'm winning it. Today is just another oppertunity for a small victory.  Another oppertunity to use less, and get closer to my goal of not using at all.  I already know not to celebrate my progress by using more. I've done that trap before.  There may be others ahead, but I'm watching out for them.   I thank everyone for their posts, and the wisdom they contain.  I hope my progress may help others that may need some.  I still need all of you. Please post more.

Peace to all,  Love Korg
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Thank you for your thoughts. I was just having a bad day and feeling sorry for myself. I do it at least once a month and then go back to normal.What did you mean there are alternatives? I know there are, but was wondering what was on your mind as far as an alternative.
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I just read your post. Im sorry to hear you are in such pain. I just wanted to let you know that there are several alternatives. I hope you get to feeling better, I know when there s a lot on your plate it seems to never end and there never seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. But there is babe. Keep the faith. I'll be thinking of you and I'm here if you need me.
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I want to congratulate you on your progress. Keep it up. It is so worth it. I am not a doctor, but years ago I remember reading about taking powdered Vit.C to help with withdrawals. What you body doesn't need is voided. I tried it but wasn't mentally ready. You really are an inspiration. I hope you have a quiet New Year's. LOL.
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Thanks for the thumbs up bud.   Encouagement goes along way, espeically during the bad times.  Every small victory really seems to count.   Today started a bit rough, but after 2 hot baths.  And forcing myself to at least get dressed and to EAT SOMETHING.  I got through the rough part and stuck with my program.   I've cut down to my actual prescribed amount today, and after the morning sweats, I actually feel good.  I ran the vacume and cleaned up a bit.   I'm even doing laundry.   Small victories mean alot.

keep the faith all.

Life is worth it.

Love, Korg
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You are doing a great job staying on track. Please keep posting, it is an inspiration for me to hear someone so motivated.

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Hi, I am new and I am now very scared. I was looking up muscular trouble but methadone came first and then I came to the addictive medicine site. I started having back trouble at 10 and my first surgery at 14. I am now 44 and have had 5 major and 2 minor spinal fusions.  I hurt when I was young, I didn't even hear of Vicodin, just Percodan. But none of that mattered for at that time you needed a broken bone for medication. My surgeon said take 2 aspirin and lie down. We know lying down is  terrible for the muscles and that was after nine months in bed recovering from scoliosis. I didn't like my doctor's advice and the only thing I could find living near NYC was heroin. That was only trouble. I made it through with one hour sleep per night for six months. But my back wasn't better and I eventually got vicodin in 1993-1994. After being tackled on the ground by an abusive boyfriend who didn't want to break up, I was hospitalized for rest and was put on MSContin. Since I had nerve damage that would wake me at night and back pain when walking in the day, the MS Contin took too long to work and I went to a pain doctor who put me on Methadone. Now after 7 years, I am on 180 mg. of methadone and, oh Lord am I crying. I'll never get off of this. I am a slave. Snow scares me for the tight laws on prescriptions. That is pathetic
     I sure hope those who stop once, never ever get back on these kinds of drugs. The sad part is I still hurt. I am starting to fall from the nerve damage so I see a wheelchair in my future. I have prayed that God will take me for I can't. I have dogs I love and they wouldn't understand. My mother does understand and wouldn't prevent me from ending it all, but she doesn't want the dogs; they are a bit obnoxious.
    I am sorry to have gone on like this, but lately I have been so burdened by everything. I can't keep my house clean. I finally figured out I should use paper plates, cups, etc. Sorry for the landfill, but I can't do the dishes and cook. Stoffer's is pretty good, but vitamins are a must. I have had to get some of this grief off my mind for it's dystroying me.
     Thank you for letting me release this. Please, no one go this way. If you hurt, do anything else but medicate. And don't really believe that surgeries are the best thing for you. Think long and hard about it. In hindsight, I don't see doing it another way, but technology has improved. Good luck to all.
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Thank you for the pep talk it help's to hear from someone who understands. I took ultram today on a good freinds advice. Iknow they are also addictive but they really do nothing for me so I figured it was worth the shot. right now I really feel pretty good physically. Kind of shaky mentally but 100% better than I ussually feel at this stage in detox. I took 2 pills at 6.30 am and 2 more at 3.30pm and i honestly don't feel that bad .I am going to take 1 before bed. Not to bad considering I was taking 8/7.5's a day. I will let you know how tonight goes night time is ussually the worst for me.    God bless you all and thank you for the shoulder
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What exactly does this drug do to your neurotrasmitters?
I take 8-17 vicodins a day for going on two years. I try to get off but the w/d's are awful. Does it cause permenent brain damage?
Any info would be appreciated.
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