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temesic doseage

I am now down to 3 mg.of methadone, I have temgesic (buphenorphine) tablets and I am wondering if anyone knows the ususal dose to take to control the withdrawal symptoms.  It is the .02mg. pills (sublingual). I took one and it didn't help much. I just want to make sure that I don;t over do it. In a few more weeks I will be completely off of the meth. and then will I have to take a higher doseage of the temgesic?  And how long should I stay on this med, I just want it to help with the end of the withdrawal syptoms.
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Sorry, mispelled the subject line:  TEMGESIC, not temesic!!
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Well sorry for the hijack but I just had to post, I have been sitting here in fear since last night that the cops are going to come knocking at my door.  I have been a lurker here for months and want to quit and of course am in so deep just keep playing the same old game.  I ran out of vics yesterday and decided to try calling in a prescripiton to the pharmacy (idea I got off of here, but not blaming anyone but myself) and I have done this succesfully twice but am very paranoid.  I used a fake name and went to pick it up and the girl at the pharmacy was too nice and said script would be ready in a minute and I could wait right there.  Instead I went and sat in my car and waiting 10 minutes and told myself if there was any cop cars etc in front of the store by then I would just leave.  Well guess what there were 2 cop cars parked in front of the store, so needless to say I left and drove home shaking, thinking about my 11 year old daughter at home waiting for me and what it would have been like to be cuffed, arrested, and hauled away in the middle of the grocery store wearing my son's high school sweatshit. God, all I could think about was how low I have sunk and when am I going to get caught.  Do I live in fear wondering if they are going to catch up with me and the fake names I have used at the 3 or 4 doctors office I have gotten prescriptions from.  Why can't I just quit, what kind of life is counting out how many pills you have left and where the next ones are coming from.  I have so much to live for but just feel so scared and afreaid to quit, why is that?  I appreciate everyones support and posts it is so encouraging to know people can quit, relapse, quit and doesn't make me feel alone.   That is all for now. Thanks
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Well, first thing it is ok that you cut in on my post, its sometimes difficult to post a new question and when in need you post where you can!!  That sounds like a real scary situation, I hope that it works out for you.  You may be ok if they don;t have your name,but I don't really know about anything about that. Anyways I would suggest that you try to find an addictionologist that can help with your addiction problems.  The doctor can get you on a tapering schedule and try to get you off of your drug of choice.  Do you have chronic pain issues?  I don't really know too much about your situation so I can't recommend too much.  But there are many people here with lots of good advise and everyone is willing to give you the support and whatever help they can.  This is a good start, coming here to post.  Having an extensive support system is very important. Good luck to ya....

Sharon  (remember your beautiful child when you are feeling low)
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Fortunately, you used a fake name. True, you're on the in-store video, but they have no way to readily ID you. Even if they could ID you, you didn't actually pick up the phony Rx and there's no way to prove you made the call. You got away with this one. Obviously, you can't go in that store anymore.

One thing to remember, caller ID.

In my 3 decades of using (mostly Vics like you), I was a "guest of the county correctional system" 3 times. Each time you get busted, it gets more serious. This particular crime can be a misdemeanor or felony at the DA's discretion. Your bail would have been between 10 and 20 thousand.

After this, you may be so scared walking into that pharmacy that you bust yourself. Consider doing something else.

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I was in your shoes 2 yrs ago. I too have kids. I did the same things, using fake names, many drs, writing scripts, etc. Yes I got caught. You need help. I did too. I didn't know how or where to get it. Getting in touch with an addictionologist is very good advice. When we are so desparate todo those kind of things, we are crying for help. As long as you recognize ths, you have already taken the first step.  Keep posting, that does help alot.  There is a good life after addiction just waiting for you!

To the friends that posted about my feelings of shame & guilt. I want to thank you. I tried that dilemma on 2 other boards & didn't get any feedback. It made me feel so good that some one cared enough to post!! I need so badly to feel that I am not the freak with a big Red Letter A on my forehead.
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Sorry to bust in on this thread.  Nicolette, please email me at ***@****.  I can give you some insight on the methadone.  I am also a mmt patient.
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I like your handle. I do not have anymore pearls of wisdom to tell you because it sounds like you already know yourself what you are doing and what the conquences are.  If you didn't care then you would not be so worked up about it. You have to come up with a plan.  One that is good for you.  If that plan includes in-patient treatment, tapering, cold turkey, out patient counseling is of course up to you.  You do have options you just need to sort them out and decide where to go from here.  Good luck and you have come to the right place!  Pammy
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Thank you everyone for being so supportive it is really what I need right now, as well as to know that I am not the only one who has been there, done that.  Yes, of course I know I am in trouble and in deep trouble.  I legitimately started taking pain medication vics mostly, for managing my migraine headaches about 3 years ago.  Last July things just got out of hand and I started doctor shopping etc. and my primary physician found out.  Mind you I had no one in my life that had a clue about my problems, to them I am a single mom doing the best to provide a good life for my kids.  My physician sent me a letter informing me she was disappointed by my betrayal of her trust and suggested I seek treatment.  It took a couple months to sink in but I went to a 3 week inpatient in November and came out and was clean maybe a day.  Obviously this is way bigger than me, and I can't believe I have become such a sneaky person.  Lying, cheating, going to doctors telling I am in pain,when I am not, god the disease just kills you.  Anyway I use anywhere between 10-12 10/325 Norco a day, when available.  I find it so easy to lie to doctors faces and think up ways to get drugs it is scary, as one member put it they deserve an Academy Award, as I do.  Anyway, thanks again for listening, I got the **** scared out of me and that will keep me from doing that again, and I just pray I am strong enough to keep making the right choices.
Love ya all.
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Gosh, sharon, your post got lost in the rush! I'm not a bup expert, but I know that the maintenance drug Suboxone comes in 2 and 8mg doses, while your Temgesic is, what, .2 of a mg? I'm not telling you what to do, but that's the dosage comparison.

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Yo Sharon ... you are the headache lady .. yes? Sounds like you are still fighting the good fight. What happened to ultram? I thought you were using it for a while. Did you change to something else? I'm starting to think I will never get rid of this dependency. I am at a really low dose ... but I'm getting impatient. Glad to see you again .... Goldie
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Hey, Sharon!

It's been a LONG time since I've posted here... I WAS JesseSarpy, but had to change that signon as someone else was posting using other's signons (And they included MINE!)
I hope that's not happening here anymore--

Anyhow, I would like to re-iterate what Thomas was implying about dosing w/ Buprenorphine. With your Temgesic pills containing 200 Micrograms (.02 Milligrams) of Buprenorphine, and Suboxone containing 8 milligrams of Buprenorphine, we're looking at two VERY DIFFERENT dosings. Taking one 8-milligram Suboxone pill is the equivalent of eating 40 (yes, FORTY)   Temgesics.

Good luck with WHATEVER you do!


P.S. Did you receive that shipment? US Customs seized mine. Damned Customs... It
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0.02 mgms. is 1/400 of 8 mgms, not 40.
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Thanks Thomas for your info, anything is a help right now. Trying to determine the amount to take is a little bit confusing because it is different from the buph they prescribe at the clinics.

No I am not the headache girl, but I did tell you one time that I was trying ultram for my arthritis, I only take it on occasion when I get an arthritis flare-up.  It is definitely not a med that I like so I know I will not abuse it.

After reading the forum M.D.'s reply I am a little bit confused.
1/400 of 8 mg.? actually how much is that?  I am just trying to get an idea of how many .02mg pills I should take,I tried getting info online (most of it is in french) but the little that I did read in english pertains to the suboxone dose. And yes I finally did receive my parcel.

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Temgesic is .2 mg, not .02mg.  Forty of them will equal one 8mg Suboxone.
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Dear SF:

You have come to the right forum, espec. because the detox recipe you speak of is called The Thomas Recipe.  The tabloids suggest the author is the same Thomas you find so knowledgable.  And yes, *he* does have his moments of clarity but I can't imagine he'd be one and the same.

OK.  He is & spurting a fountain of well-founded knowledge, most first-hand & apart from me, we all LOVE him.  I'll admit he's master of this domain but well, we don't want him to get all full of himself now, would we?

If you scroll down the forum a tad, there's even a thread named The Thomas Recipe & there are copies all over the place.  And in my 2-3 mos, here, I have heard over & over how it has helped ppl, even w/out the valium/xanax.

You have come to the right place & for all the right reasons.  You sound utterly committed & that is at least half the battle.  I am not real familiar with Lortab but I know of many on this board who have taken far more than you who have come out the other side.  Now is the time to literally stare yourself in the mirror & tell yourself not only that you can beat this but that you will.  

Most important:  Stay in touch with this forum, even when you don't feel like it.  Apart from one wackjob who tries to climb aboard occasionally, *everyone* else is terrific, supportive & will offer you knowledge and that much needed lifeline we all need - whenever you need it.

And if you're feeling blah, post anyway.  We all go thru that angst & completely understand it.

All the very best,


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Your last comment illustrates a very important point why it is dangerous to provide specific advice long distance. I was fully aware of the dosage of bupenephrine but did not know whether  the form of it you had was identical with others. You should inquire about experiences of others and share concerns but you must communicate with the professionals who are treating you.The two efforts are complementary.  It is unfortunate that you remain confused. You may have meant 0.2 mgms. instead of what you wrote 0.02. I wish you speedy recovery
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Hey people!  I would be happy to share my strength, hope and experience with anyone about my 27 day inpatient experience!  Please e-mail me at ***@****  but wait a few days cuz i cant find my password!  Ha!  Mind is clearing here slowly but surely!
Love ya'll!
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Thank you for your input and info. I have not been able to find a physician in my area that has this knowledge.  There may be an office for (buph) opening close to my area in a few months but I am hoping to be off the methadone by then.  In the meantime I am using temgesic 0.2 mg. (not 0.02) which I am starting to realize is not a very strong dose, but it is all I have to get me through the end of this detox.  Thanks again for your compassionate response.

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Your last post on the discussion thread at bottom is most expressive. It convinces me more than ever that you are in no shape to do this by yourself. The recipe is for assisting people doing a cold turkey (no Lortabs period) self-detox. This is not something you want to do in your frame of mind. Also, in order to accomplish a 1-week detox of this kind you need to have at least 4 days to crash - no work, no child care, no driving, no nothing. That's just the nature of this addiction.

As for your work learning of your rehab: I don't really know. I'm hoping someone else on this forum has some experience in this area. One thought: Your concern about confidentiality is hardly unique. Why don't you contact a rehab and tell them of your concerns. I know that some medical providers provide drug rehab but bill their services for something else.

Just try contacting a few places. The detox recipe is posted under a thread below called The Thomas Recipe. But I honestly think you need some "hands on" help right now. A slow, controlled taper would help you more than anything else will.

You are not going to lose the fear that grips you until you share your secret with someone who can help you. You've made a good start here at this forum. We are here to help in any way we can. Please keep in touch.

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IM SO SORRY TO BREAK IN ON THIS THREAD GUYS BUT THE NEW QUESTIONS AREA WONT LET ME ASK ONE. SO HERE IT GOES. I ran out of vics and percs so i bought a fentanyl patch that is 100mg patch and Ive had it on for 2 days now and boy it helps with the arthritis pain and fibromayalgia I have. Should I ask my doc to put me on this. I dont get the euphoric feeling from it like the pills but it takes the pain away. Its like a new me. I dont know what to do. Im so lost right now. Im tired of feeling pain and not being able to do things. Im really sad. Dont know what to do. I just needed some input and advice. Love you all and thank you for your time.
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Sure the patch will do wonders.  I am surprised you are handling the 100ug/hr patch so well.  That strength is equivalent to taking somewhere in the area of 40 percs a day.  I can't remember what you were taking, but I thought it was less than that.  The patch could be an excellent alternative for you.  I do doubt your doc would put you on the 100 though.
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If it works for you, why not? But be careful buying those off the street. Fentenyl is ultra-potent. Its dosage is measured in micrograms. Get the wrong dosage and you could OD. You should also know that Fentenyl can have a difficult withdrawal.

Of course, when you ask your doc, you're not going to tell him you snagged one from the guy on the corner, right? I'm glad it makes you fell better, Erika. I know you've been struggling. Good luck at the docs.

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JFC, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOTH IT MAKE??? WHEN ALL LIVER (note, NOT lover, God, what wouldnt i give for a frickin decent, Real.. real, REAL lover) TESTS ARE ALL OK ( frickin liver tests).. IF U FOLLOW THIS- U R WORSE OFF THAN i


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is it really equivalent to that many vics? cause It does not feel like it. Why is that? I would feel higher taking all those vics than just this. It slowly goes into your system is that maybe why? I dont know but I have never felt this good since I was 10 years old just before I got this painful disease. What should I say to my doc? I want to be able to say I tried this and it worked. I know it sounds dumb but I have never felt so good and have no desire to pop pills at all when its on cause the pain is under control. Should i not tell him and just wait until I get insurance and tell the pain mgnmt doc? Im lost you guys. Thank you for your support and guidence it means the world to me. Thank you both of you from the bottom of my heart.
Luv always.  Erika
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