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to everyone who answered my post yesterday

look some of you dont even kno half of the story, i've been going to the doctor for 5 F*CKIN yrs because of my back pain. i go on this forum because addicts know alot about their pills. y should a patient be labled as a junkie if the patient just wants his pain to be fixed wether it takes pills to bandaid it or if it takes surgery either way i just want my pain to be gone. im 19 yrs old and i cant live a god damn 19 yr olds life like hanging out with your friends, go to the movies, games, sports, road trips, all of this stuff i cant do cuz i have REAL F*CKIN PAIN, not pain caused by F*CKIN pills, its pain that puts your ass in bed all day.  they only drug tested me cuz its required by FEDERAL LAW. i signed an agreement saying that they will give me a urine test to make sure im not taking any other mind altering drugs. i just pulled that out and read it so really i just f*cked up by taking my moms firecet for headaches. and no that doc wasnt doing his job believe me i've been to at least 20 F*CKIN doctors and only two of them acted like that fool. i've been getting thrown around by these F*CKS for 5 yrs so i kno wat they do, i dont go to the docs to get my pills so i can go home n get high, i go there for a F*CKIN reason or i wouldnt even go there in the first place. its NOT F*CKIN FUN. wether im clean or not i have pain, wtf does that mean idk i must have something wrong with me.    
26 Responses
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I have to agree with the person above me, first off ur lanquage is insulting sure we allll vent but tak it easy im 52 with a tn of dxs and i do get meds and i do wish i could taake an extra once in a while actually oftenbut what then ill run out not stick to my contract ect..so i do as the prexcription says i stay clear of anyone that is iinterested in mymmedication and i am in poverty with a s,s.d or923 a month and im not out selling my meds its illegal and ******** u complain about pain and then u sell ur meds get a job that u can make those extra dollars and keep ur meds besies the fact that ur not gonaan find many dr.s that are gonnaa put a 19 yr old kid on narcotics for what llife u think ur gonna b handed freemeds for life get it together im all for a pain free life  u can go to some NA meetings change friends do some pt.and get on an enjoy being a kid . your not doing aanyone any care here complaining about ur life and getting nice decent sincere friends and get into what many ppl call life and stop hangin around narcotic forums looking for sympathy and understanding as u r taking advantage of well mening ppl. try to cool it
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185545 tn?1331074866
danny u sound like a brokena$$,whinging junkie 2 me.snap out of it.u wanna try and get a lil perspective man.go to Calcutta,Dheli(india or Soweto(RSA)even Katrina victims in the US and ull c true hardship and suffering.fuk man u need 2 grow up kid and start dealing.when i was ur age i was living in a gutter on the other side of the world battling a raging smak habbit and i neva bitchd like u.get ova yrself kid.
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I will never understand why some people think they must continuously use the "F" word.  That being said, why do you hang out with drug addicts?  You say you are in pain and maybe you are, but you are in SUCH DENIAL if you truly do not believe that you are an addict.  Since you are in denial, maybe you should be on the pain management forum.  I know this is not a forum that I would have ever thought of visiting if I did not know that I had a problem.
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There, but for the Grace of God, go I.
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lots of native kids and they were the sweetest and most grateful the spoiled rich ones from the west side were little and big monsters  I burned out after 3 years working downtown.  I knew some of the girls on the pig farm very sad .  the trial is ongong I here they making a movie about that sick but its banded in Canada those poor families.
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I worked with at risk youth too, thats too funny
We have smethign in common...
hwne I was working some were able to until 29...a little more leeway to some degree...

Wikked..NOn Profit?? under paid, overworked.....TONS of stuff to do always..
I did a poverty project and with at risk youth....mine was native youth though..street kids...

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Wow, I just read the other post and this one.  My pain management doc just gave an annual drug and liver test to all his patients.  Didn't matter if you wanted to or what was wrong with you or what.  He gives those test to everyone that goes to him once a year.  Thank god I quit smokin weed a month ago to find a job lol.  But yes, I agree with Danny.  They give you those test, one to see if you are taking anything else, 2 to see if you are taking the drugs or giving them to someone else and don't have it in your body, and 3 to check your liver and make sure it's ok.  I'm so sorry about your pain Danny.  And yes, I have severe arthritis in my lower back and leg... along with a couple of other things going on in my lower back, so he isn't drug testing me because he thinks there is nothing wrong with me and takin the drugs to get high, he's testing everyone to make sure the pills are going into your body and no one elses, and making sure your liver and everything is ok at the same time.  Once a year.  Danny try and have a good day, Take care and god bless u, Lil.
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yea i live in cali and yes our system is really f*cked up i wish i was a canadian resident i probably woulnt be in this situation but who know's SH*T happens thats reality and right now the only thing real is PAIN. take care everyone
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I  they really take care of you until your 24 because I worked with street youth at risk.  after 24 years thats it your cut off but in some places they don't even have that some folks just have some shitty situations I'm grateful beleive me but once your an adult your supposed to know better in societies eyes. it sucks but thats life in the big bad world.  they have closed mental health places and some of these folks end up on the street it could happen to any of us.  By the grace of god go I   is it just luck. sometimes I think it is.  no reason for any of it just random ****.
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If hes in the states...its not controlled like it is here in Canada...a bit different system...

Im in Canada too.....I almost went on the meth program, but chose not too.....but fromw hat I read from other members...its quite different than in Canada...

yea, street people do get medical care in Canada..yet, very little....
I worked in a non profit area..that worked on hand with street people of all ranges...I was shocked at what I saw..in every sense of the word, when I thought that people were taken care of, yet arent....

I dont know....Just want to share what I know..

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can't imagine what your going through always knew where I was going to sleep though not a lot of money at the moment either but that changes.  Look all I can say is you got a real hard hand.  I hope someone here can help you like someone that canget you a pain doctor without insurance though I live in canada and even the street people get medical attention when they need it .  You must have a lousy medical system where you live .  what about methodone that cheap and its pain control 24/7 like you need.  I don't know what to say all I can say is peace and all the best to you.
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I try my best, Im sure you have been here looking for imformation..all anyone can tel lyou is about addcition and what these pills will doto you mentally, physically, and emotionally....
Please use my email when you need to.....Im not usually too far off...unless its in the evening, the 19 year old in MY HOUSE..is usually on the comptuer lol......

Hang in there buddy!! Try to keep postive....happiness if a frame of mind, not solutions around you!
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u have no clue bro i do take them as prescribed. i ran out early this time because of my F*CKIN finacial situation. ever had the feeling of not knowing where your gonna sleep that night. i sold some of my pills to just get buy. therefor i took the pain so i can have something to eat and somewhere to live. im sry if i sound like im attacking you its just your not understanding any of this. try having your whole lower half of your body feelin like pins n needles stabbing you, burning sinsations all up n down your legs, try having this plus worrying about eating and sleeping. its a cold hearted world bro i kno, and i'll do wat i got to do to keep my family fed and to have somewhere to sleep. want to kno the reason we got in this situation, i was on fentanyl patches which costed $400-$500 everymonth. my mom who is the only one working didnt want to see me in pain anymore therefor she spent the money that was for rent and food on me, do that everymonth got us behind on rent so then we got evicted. that was 3-4 months ago. now i live in a trailor and i still have to worry about eating and making rent. it sux when you have to quit your job cuz of your pain. thats wat i did thats y this sh*t happend. im just tellin you facts bro so dont think im attcking you. take care
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i kno i have waited to long thats my whole problem. i would've rather had surgery knowing i was goin to get somewhat better then laying in my bed worrying about myself ending up in a wheel chair. but docs keep putting off the surgery cuz they really dont kno wats wrong with me. its so frustrating to have to go thru this and i see that you've gone thru this too. believe me im not addicted yet i kno these pills are strong and easily addicting but i cant afford to be addicted. this would be worse if i was. i would be selling everything i have right now to go get some pills. it aint me im stonger then that. thanx for posting your so understanding. thanx again i will be emailing you if i need to vent so be prepared. take care
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I can't imagine being 19 and being in the kind of pain you describe.  I myself have major back pain from both a car accident and fibromyalgia.  I'm wondering if you can get to a pain specialist to help you get it under control.  You are so young it's sad to hear how frustrated you are.  Do you live with your parents or on your own?  Maybe your parents could help you to find a doctor that can see you on a regular basis.  If not I'm sure you can find one on your own.  Take a deep breath and try to make a few calls about a referral to someone who specializes in either pain or back injuries.  Best of luck hon.  Post anytime
Peete (Heather)
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wow I don't know what to say but you can't be on pain pills the rest of your life they won't work after awhile what about surgery what is it in your back that messed up your vertebre or what whats the diagnosis your so young thats why some docs give you a hard time why do you hang out with junkies you said they wouldn't give you a pill you are what you hang out with and if you don't like the term junkie quit pills or use them as prescribed .  there must be a reason you ran out early noone can be pain free all the time unless your dead
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Im sorry I havent been around much.....Im sure you just need to vent like crazy...You are on an addiction site...all anyone can do is give advice on addiction to pills...hence the reason why we are here...They are highly addictive and alot of us including me, start off with ligitmate pain....

All I can say to you, is hang in there! Maybe some research your symtoms online while you are around a computer.....and do a little reading on your own, I dont know where you are..or what its like for health care there, however in Canada...We basically have to take control of our health, to be seen by so many doctors and htis that and the next thing, all telling you different things and making their own judgments and so on and so forth, is VERY FRUSTRATING...I hear you.......I am in alot of pain myself...some days I am stuck in my bed....because it hurts so much. I usually feel my pain even on my great days but try really hard to keep myself focused....and I have heard all sorts of different htings...FINALLY after all these years of going thur symtoms that were unbeleiveable....to now...Im just FINALLY getting some tests done and a few surgeries to find out my own problem...I guess in all that little rant on my part..Im telling you....dont wait so long, you already have 5 years of this bullshit....and it plays such a toll on our lives......you maybe going to be stuck in a wheelchair your entire life...but you need to DEAL WITH IT......You maybe in pain YOUR ENTIRE LIFE...but there is some you can do to decrease that....I know its hard and its sooo frustrating.....I get that..people looking at you funny this that and the next thing..You have to keep yourself in check..I know thats tough, but right now, you are facing what others have faced as adults and your so young......thats a kick in the teeth.....but there is no way to change that...whats done is done...and its time to move on...

I really hope some of this helps..your gonna feel sad, be pissed off...frustrated wanting to yelll...everything....but its all in what you do and how you direct that energy that will hopefully come to a place of contentness for you..

As for the pain......it sucks...its bullsiht..but its your reality...I really dont know what else to say to you, other htan, hang in there..and Im always around....if you need to yell, vent or just someone to shoot the **** with...heres my email...


Hang in there....buddy....
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i understand they have to cover their arsh believe me its just the fact that i see a new doc cuz my docs not available so they judge me right off the bat. maybe i am addicted by prescription but y would i abuse when i actually need pain relief and i need it to last. i got pain 24/7 dude im not the kind of person u must think i am and thats ok im not attacking you its just a person that has my kind of pain shouldnt be labled as a junkie just because the doc has seen this kind of sh*t b4 with junkies. im not faking my pain so i can get high on F*CKIN pills. again im not attacking anyone here i just want someone to understand for once.
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I'm sorry didn't know good luck with doc again I'm sorry thanks for writing back
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yes i had an accident 5 yrs ago on my bmx bike. idk kno y the doc would do that maybe because im 19, look like a stoner cuz i am and he didnt kno **** about my history. im sry for not explaining fully. every doc has their own opion and since i could never see my regular doc they always gave me another doc to see. there for  they only go off of wat the last doc said. i've seen a new doc everytime i've went into that place. its just strait bs. like i said i've been going to the docs for 5 yrs and seen everyone. not one can give me a accurate diagnosis. its just been a vicious circle. if you kno wat spondylilosis is, probably spelt wrong, but thats the last thing they diagnosed me with.
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what is the cause of your pain what happened to you danny. were you in some sort of accident.
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and by the way if you take pills for pain or not if you take more then prescribed your a junkie it s called addiction by prescription.   you know yourself and thats all that matters.  get a new doc and follow their protocal and you won't be in this situation.  as I say they have to cover their arsh they don't want anyone blaming the blamegame you dig dude.  chill nobody here is attacking you, just responding to you thats all.
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I am sorry that your so frustrated.  Pain does that to a person.  I will be praying that you can find a doc that will take the time to understand and find a way to fix it.  I can only imagine how hard it is to hurt like that.  
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F*CK that idea. i dont want to sit there with the pain i have for 5 hours just for them to give me a shot and send me home. i've been there done that and im not about to do it again. the only thing i can do right now is just take the F*CKIN pain and just lay there in bed. nothing new to me im just p*ssed that this **** happens to me, i just get thrown around like a damn rag doll.
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