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Blood test for food allergies

I've been trying to do elimination diets to see if I have food allergies. It has been a difficult process. I want to have a food allergy panel done tomorrow. What should I ask my doctor for? I have to go through quest diagnostics. I noticed they have 7 or 8 food panels. Is there a comprehensive food panel that covers most food allergies?

How much would these tests cost if I paid out of pocket?

Thank you in advance
6 Responses
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It depends based on your history they may try to use the appropriate food panel. Keep a food dairy to identify the probable allergens that could be causing your symptoms. This will help to further narrow down the testing. The cost will depend on the panels used. Hope this helped and do keep us posted. Warm regards.
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1725215 tn?1309676061
(sorry last post went wrong)

There are very similarities between irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Lactose Intolerance, and you may want to check out avoiding lactose for a while to see if your problem is lactose intolerance. My eldest son has it, and I found this video really helpful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V81uwYDa0Q
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1725215 tn?1309676061
There are very similarities between irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Lactose Intolerance, and you may want to check out avoiding lactose for a while to see if your problem is lactose intolerance. My eldest son has it, and I founf this video really helpful: Lactoce intolerance
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681148 tn?1437661591
Google a company called Alcat.  They do blood tests that aren't covered by your insurance that I know a friend of mine used when she had the same problem you're talking about.  It costs a lot of money, though, which prevents me from doing it.  Their website explains how they do the testing.  It's something different from what conventional medicine does, which is why it's expensive out of pocket and not covered by the insurance.  It works for some people, though.
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363281 tn?1714899967
The blood test that I have had for food allergies is called R.A.S.T, it is the best one I know of. There are many food panels, and unfortunately, they are not all grouped together, so, they actually need to run many, but, they will run them from the one blood draw, at least they have mine.

I do not remember how much it costs, but, I do know it depends on the lab and how many they do, you could always call a near by lab and just ask, that might be your best bet.
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Hello and welcome to the community.

I am not familiar with food allergy testing.  There is a food allergy community that may be able to help you more.

As for the cost, I doubt anyone will be able to to tell you.  Doctor's offices charges varrying amounts to some degree.  The lab should be consistant though.

Take care and God bless.  Please let us know how your tests goes.
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