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Why Do Chicken and Eggs make me suddenly so sick?

I have allway been able to eat chicken and eggs. Chicken was even my favorite food. Then about 6 mouths ago It made my stomach hurt and mouth burn. Then it stopped burning in my mouth and changed to sudden explosive diarea. Every time I ate chicken or eggs. Naturally I stopped eating it the problem went away. I just want to know if I just suddenly becaame allergic or something happened?
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Since I became type 2 diabetic, eating chicken (with or without skin, but especially with the skin or any fat) makes me want to hurl.  Hits me a few hours after eating, then I'm up most of the night trying not to hurl.    Is there a connection to the diabetes?  Even pork is hard to keep down.  Beef is still okay though, as well as fish. I'm thinking it's the fat that is hard for me to eat now.  I'm 60 so this is a very new thing for me.
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363281 tn?1714899967
You could have developed an allergy to them, I am allergic to both, but, if I eat them in moderation, I am OK, if I over do it, however, I get horrific tummy pains and diarrhea. I would see an allergist and have a food panel run.
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They give battery hens cyanide to produce more eggs. They give broiler chickens so many drugs, hormones and pesticides that it's hard to say if you are allergic to the chicken products or the toxins in them. Do you have drug allergies? Either way, if you develop allergies to milk/meat/ other animal products you will know the cause -- the drugs, steroids, stimulants and whatnot. I urge you to stop eating animal products. They are truly toxic. The new farming methods -- having more than 1 million chickens in a hen house at any given time -- creates conditions that just aren't safe for human consumption. Look at the recent salmonella egg outbreak for proof.

You can get food allergy tests at a allergist/ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) doctor. I recommend it.
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681148 tn?1437661591
The eggs in particular indicate Tyramine Intolerance to me.  You have certainly developed an intolerance to anything chicken.  I know of others with the same problem.  I can't deal with the eggs myself.  I'm still okay with chicken.

Check out this site:  http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=30
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1386405 tn?1291587800
it sounds like maybe you could have developed an allergy to it
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