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Sudden Allergy to Peanuts?

Ok, im going to be 29 this year.  I do eat peanuts off and on, but last friday, i was at a sitdown dinner with my girlfriend and i was eating peanuts out of the shell with the skin on.  About 45 minutes to an hour i had to go to the bathroom.  I shrugged it off as eating too many with the skin, since the skin has high amounts of fiber.  A few days later i completely forgot about it and bought some peanut mnm's, again, about 30 minutes later i hit the bathroom.  Today was weirder. I had a snickers bar, packed with peanuts...no reaction.  Thinking i was over it, i had some sweet and salty trail mix with nuts.  Sure enough 45 minutes later, bathroom.

Whats the deal?  did i develop a sudden allergy to peanuts?  Its not severe, just going to the bathroom
19 Responses
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1666434 tn?1325262350
FurballsMom I reference Mercolas site a lot.  I do like how they go back and update the articles if he is disproved or has found out further information on a food topic.  Definitely helps out a lot.  I think Andrew Weil is another favorite of mine too, thanks for the great post!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Great post!  Lots of great info!


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681148 tn?1437661591
You will find similar information on this topic on Mercola's website.  At least you'll find that he will agree with what was just said here about allergies in general.  There are other reasons for why the peanut allergy is so disproportionate in comparison to other allergies.  I think you'll like his website, because you do like the big picture of things and that is what Mercola is after.  Plus, he teaches people to stop and think for themselves.  A great thing he does is puts out information for people to make better choices.  

A huge thing that will help everyone with allergies is to shop just the perimeters of any grocery store you go to.  This includes the natural grocery stores.  Stay out of the aisles, because the expensive stuff that is mostly processed foods--even the "natural" processed foods, has more potential of causing us to get sick.  If you do a little bit of planning ahead when doing meal planning, the whole foods concept will work well, even for busy working people with families.  Crock pots are a great tool for this.  It just takes a bit of planning ahead to make it work.  Plan two or three meals ahead of time.  Make something quicker on the stove top or in the oven, while making something for a day or two later in the crockpot.  Preparing everything in the crockpot first thing in the morning and coming home from work to a meal that is at least most of the way finished is another way many make this household tool work, even for busy families.  This is a way for you to have your multiple ingredient foods that you make yourself from scratch--a way for you to control what is in the foods you eat.

Buy single ingredient whole foods for the most part.  It saves a lot of confusion about all that label reading, too.  It removes the processed foods from the equation.  Or, at least limits them to a bare minimum.  Have fun buying bulk spices.  You can buy just the single spice, or the mixes that are truly only mixed spices and not other stuff added to them that you know you can trust.  It doesn't have to be hard at all.  But, doing this helps people figure out if it's a specific spice they're senstive to or an additive.  If you remove the additives from the equation in doing this, you're ahead of the game, because then you know for sure it's the spice that bothers you.  

A lot of people with allergies have gut issues, too.  Going gluten free and dairy free helps a
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1663430 tn?1306162863
Now that is refreshing to find some thinkers such as yourselves. It's ashame there are not more in higher places to do something about issues such as this and it seems the American people don't have the same drive that they use to have in protecting their brothers and sisters when it comes to this aspect of it. We got to much greed and not enough compassion. It breaks my heart to know that most people refuse to except that it is possible that certain diseases or alergies and etc. are from the big corperate businesses that are trying to make a buck and don't care  how it effects you and i but there are a few of us that can't sit on the side lines and do nothing. it is our responsibility to research and tell what we find in hopes that others will listen. LOL that all came from peanut alergies..... I'm not crazy ya'll ...LOL . i just don't like what i see.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I think that's a reasonable query.  I'm more than certain that plays a role in all allergies.  I know that there is still more to it than just the few things you mentioned.  I am absolutely certain of the truth in what you said.  There are other issues involved that are actually along the same lines.  All sorts of other allergies are also on the rise, but peanuts have become so disproportionate and a particularly potential lethal allergy to so many.  Especially little kids.  I know there is one other thing involved.  Like melons, peanuts tend to hold onto dry powdery mildews on their outsides.  So, that will definitely play a role in the extent of the allergen that peanuts have become.

This isn't even the full extent of all the issues that play a role in why peanut allergies are on the rise at the incredible fast rate that they are.  But, it is definitely on the right track.
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168348 tn?1379357075
It can be a change in the way (soil, etc.) it's grown in (( or )) could be that repeated exposure can create a heightened reaction that gets worse and worse ...

Keep us posted and really curious what others think, too!

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1663430 tn?1306162863
Hello all, I'm interested in this. It makes me want to research where the penuts are coming from and how they are kept up. possible intolorence to certain pesticides? Would be a good one to research. I too have noticed a possible spike in peanut allergies sinse i was younger so maybe its not actually the peanut but the way it is grown. What do u think, plausable?
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681148 tn?1437661591
Sorry, I don't know what happened, why the same comment was posted three times.  A bit overkill, for sure.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I agree with the information that peanut intolerance that isn't quite allergy should be taken seriously.  I have this intolerance, too.  I actually know the information about this one possibly becoming a full blown allergy causing anaphylaxis is true.  It's generally true of everything, but peanut allergies are becoming more and more wide spread in young children than they were when I was just a little kid.  Some people can't be in the same room with peanut products, because just breathing the air with peanut dust and oil can cause anaphylaxis.  I know that the smell of peanuts will even trigger migraines for me, so I myself can still have a reaction if I'm in the same room with peanut products.  Even if I didn't have this intolerance myself, if I were going to be around a large group of people and had to take a lunch with me, I wouldn't take something with peanuts or peanut butter in it because I know that the smell would be enough to cause someone else a medical emergency.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I agree with the information that peanut intolerance that isn't quite allergy should be taken seriously.  I have this intolerance, too.  I actually know the information about this one possibly becoming a full blown allergy causing anaphylaxis is true.  It's generally true of everything, but peanut allergies are becoming more and more wide spread in young children than they were when I was just a little kid.  Some people can't be in the same room with peanut products, because just breathing the air with peanut dust and oil can cause anaphylaxis.  I know that the smell of peanuts will even trigger migraines for me, so I myself can still have a reaction if I'm in the same room with peanut products.  Even if I didn't have this intolerance myself, if I were going to be around a large group of people and had to take a lunch with me, I wouldn't take something with peanuts or peanut butter in it because I know that the smell would be enough to cause someone else a medical emergency.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I agree with the information that peanut intolerance that isn't quite allergy should be taken seriously.  I have this intolerance, too.  I actually know the information about this one possibly becoming a full blown allergy causing anaphylaxis is true.  It's generally true of everything, but peanut allergies are becoming more and more wide spread in young children than they were when I was just a little kid.  Some people can't be in the same room with peanut products, because just breathing the air with peanut dust and oil can cause anaphylaxis.  I know that the smell of peanuts will even trigger migraines for me, so I myself can still have a reaction if I'm in the same room with peanut products.  Even if I didn't have this intolerance myself, if I were going to be around a large group of people and had to take a lunch with me, I wouldn't take something with peanuts or peanut butter in it because I know that the smell would be enough to cause someone else a medical emergency.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Peanuts can be a very dangerous allergen, but in your case, it sounds more like an intolerance. However, I know from talking to my doctors that sometimes foods that first cause intolerance, can indeed turn into a full blown allergy. Also, sometimes, a person can eat a food for the first time, and nothing happens, but then the next time, the allergy shows.

I think I would check with a physician who specializes in allergies and discuss this with him/her.

I love peanut butter, but, with all of my problems, I do not eat it alot.

Best of luck and glad you are doing well.
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168348 tn?1379357075
This is an interesting thread .. hope others stop by too!

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1573758 tn?1299965037
hi this is menu52
   when I said peanut butter I meant creamy peanut butter no chunky
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168348 tn?1379357075
Sometimes back to back to back can cause temporary intolerance and that varies with how often ingested.  ?  Just a thought.

Glad you are doing okay!!!
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Ok, so update.  Had a peanut butter chunky sandwich, mild gas but nothing else. Maybe its just a mild intolorance
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168348 tn?1379357075

I'd be careful to be sure this doesn't progress into a more serious allergy .. especially being peanuts.  what once is a delayed reaction as you describe can escalate without warning into a more serious peanut allergy needing an epi pen.

I'd see an allergist and be tests and do always treat peanuts with respect.

Repeated exposure is what can cause an allergy to form .. the body continues to build antibodies against the item . this case peanuts. and the reaction can change suddenly .. this is what we've been told.

PS:  My kids are + in blood to peanuts; yet don't react .. however, we never know if this will change so treat peanuts with "respect" .. hope that makes sense :)
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allergies can come anytime in your life. Your bathroom problem indicates that your stomach bacteries are allergic to them and they treat them like toxin but not virus. Genetic disease, maybe.
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1573758 tn?1299965037
you might want to stop eatting peanuts it is bothering your stomach same thing happened to me.try eatting peanut butter. then if you dont go to the bathroom you'll know it's not peanuts
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