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Allergic Reaction?

Ok, so me and my friends oftenly go out and usually they smoke weed. I've done it a few times, not too many, and everytime i do it, it seems to get worse with the smallest hits. The last time, I smoked it out of a hookah with sheesha and i passed out and got extrememly sick. It's not the first time i've passed out from it and i really just want an explanation. Also, i work at a makeup and salon store, and we sell hemp lotions. Once i put it on my skin, i broke out in a bad, itchy rash and it wouldn't go away without lotion. Please help, i just want an explanation.
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You are obviously allergic to marajuana, and all related plant parts. Easy solution, don't try to use it anymore. You should avoid all contact with it, as for most people allergic reactions get worse every time, and can eventually lead to anaphylactic shock. I would suggest not even hanging around when others smoke it.
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Great Advice MyProblem!  I, too, am allergic to marijuana.  I get violently sick from it.  I get a rash and then vomiting for several hours.  Remember, it is a weed and therefore a likely candidate for making people sick or allergic.

I used a tanning lotion at the tanning salon one time with hemp oil in it and broke out in a blistery rash that lasted for over a month!

Just avoid it & all of it's relatives and you will be fine.
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I'm glad I stumbled across this, 9 years ago I had a violent reaction to smoking pot, I thought geeze maybie it was laced and I haven't done it since.  Decided to try again and had the same reaction, had no idea why and this forum certainly seems like it might have shed light on the issue and never again will I put myself through that : )  Jen
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Wow sorry to hear about all these horrible reactions people are getting from marijuana. I smoked a fortnight ago and subsequently had a panic attack and was unconsolable for three hours. I have since researched into the drug a bit more and found out that this kind of reaction is what is termed as an acute panic anxiety reaction where a person's fear of losing control gets the better of them. Different to these allergic reactions maybe but it just goes to show all the potential adverse effects smoking pot can lead to. Fair enough, most people get euphoric when they smoke, lucky them! but its just not worth it for the people that don't. It obviously doesn't agree with me. I'm not gona be smoking again. I hope none of you others get any more horrible reactions. xx
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I bought a bottle of The Good Oil, a hemp product, at the Gold Coast markets also some shampoo and conditioner.  I was looking forward to improving my very dry skin.  However after rubbing the oil on my arms Sat night and again on Sunday I came out in a red itchy rash over most of my body and needed 2 doses of Polaramine to quell it.  I have never suffered allergy problems with anything before, not medicines, skin creams, food etc.  What annoys me is that there was no warning of possible allergic reaction on the bottle or accompanying information and no warnings on their web site either.  I'm really curious about why I should be allergic to this one product, hemp.
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