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Allergic to titanium?

Allergic to titanium? I have had three knee replacements, one a cement/antibiotic one. I am in constant pain and my leg has red spots on the aria of the knee replacement and is always wormer then the other leg. Now I have developed a severe allergy in my sinus, with the tubes plug and water on one ear. No one can tell me what I am allergic to. I read many people having the idea of allergies to titanium and I have read that the medical community say it not possible. The last two night I have had a temperature of 101, that comes and goes.
my meds are:
Mometasone Furoate 50 mcg 120d nasal
Loratadine 10mg
Rifampin 300 mg cap
my Gatofloxacin was discontinued by the VA
replaced with ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day.
Are you sure that there are no allergies to knee replacements  jeff graham
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After having your titanium implant removed, did you need to do any chelation therapy with chelators, or does your health gradually return on its own?
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I had an anterior cervical fusion with a titanium plate and screws. I became horribly ill afterwards; fever, chills, edema, joint pain, body aches, cold sweats, etc. I eventually (after 15 months) had the plate removed due to what I suspected was a metal allergy, and substantially recovered over time. My surgeon did not believe I was allergic. I eventually had testing done by Melisa Labs, which confirmed I am in fact highly allergic to Titanium, as well as several other metals. Most doctors do not believe that it is possible to have a Titanium allergy, however, they are sadly mistaken. I was so sick from it, I honestly thought I was dying. I hope this info helps.
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my dad has been sick since he had a back operation on April 11. They inserted a device called a "Coflex" into his low spine instead of doing a fusion. He has run fevers every month since he had that titanium put in his body. He has severe cold chills (looks like he's convulsing) and his fever gets up to 103 sometimes. This cycle does pass but he still is not himself after. His body is being attacked by something. He gets a rash on his face, flaky skin on his face, runny nose and severe dizziness before these attacks. He is hospitalized and released once fevers go away. This has been happening every month since April. They have run so many tests. Bone scan, MRI's, Bone marrow biopsy, x-rays, blood work etc. All negative. There is no infection in his body. I have felt like this titanium Coflex thing has been the culprit all along. Hard to get doctors to take that seriously because NO NONE is allergic to titanium or titanium alloys. We have finally succeeded in sending a blood sample to a private lab in New Jersey for Melisa testing (metal sensitivity/allergy) and are waiting on the results.
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One other thing...I developed "double pneumonia" within 48 hours of surgery. Maybe it wasn't pneumonia at all, but my body's allergic reaction to the new "foreign body" in my body!  I was told it was double mycoplasmic pneumonia. I don't remember them ever considering the possibility of an allergy reaction. It could have been just a coincidence, but based on what I've read here, I have to wonder!!! "JA1520"
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Interesting to read your post! I also had a total right knee replacement at the end of Dec. 2011. I think it was due to an auto accident, but of course the defense attorney decided that since I had osteoarthritis anyway that I would have had to have had a knee replacement. The summer before the accident I was in Europe for 3 weeks with teenagers!!! Anyway, I was off work for 15 months for this surgery and almost 4 months when I had 2 pins to fuse my big toe due to the accident. I am a realtor and I have had problems doing steps. I still have to have the occasional cortisone shot in the new knee to get rid of scar tissue. My doc said I'm in the 1 percent that gets scar tissue. Have to wonder if I have a metal allergy that caused the scar tissue?  Concerned now because I have to have oral surgery and have been considering an implant. The more I read, the less I want a dental implant!  Thanks for your post!!! "JA1520"
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After a bad experience with a total knee replacement 8 months ago, my surgeon said 96% of patients are happy with the surgery but 4% have "unexplained pain" and I was in that 4%. He sent me on my way to suffer for the rest of my life. A new surgeon said it's their job to find out why there is pain and to address it. Found out I am allergic to titanium. Before scheduling surgery to take out the knee prostheses and put in a replacement made out of materials that won't last as long, he prescribed an anti-inflammatory with the hope that I can get the inflammation down long enough for my body to eventually accept the knee. It's sure worth the effort since the alternative is a really big deal. I'm so sorry to hear of others suffering with this. After 3 weeks I am in less pain and am hopeful for the future. Before getting a new doctor, being very frustrated and in so much pain, the accompanying depression and sense of hopelessness was even worse. You too may benefit from an anti-inflammatory. I wish you the best! Oh, BTW, I've had a titanium dental implant for years with no problem. The surgeon said that implant is totally unrelated to this. Maybe because the dental implant is in bone. I have no rash - only swelling, pain and my knee is "hot". Does anyone else have these symptoms?
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