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Allergic to titanium?

Allergic to titanium? I have had three knee replacements, one a cement/antibiotic one. I am in constant pain and my leg has red spots on the aria of the knee replacement and is always wormer then the other leg. Now I have developed a severe allergy in my sinus, with the tubes plug and water on one ear. No one can tell me what I am allergic to. I read many people having the idea of allergies to titanium and I have read that the medical community say it not possible. The last two night I have had a temperature of 101, that comes and goes.
my meds are:
Mometasone Furoate 50 mcg 120d nasal
Loratadine 10mg
Rifampin 300 mg cap
my Gatofloxacin was discontinued by the VA
replaced with ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day.
Are you sure that there are no allergies to knee replacements  jeff graham
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I had a TKN and 7 months I pushed the issue with my Orthopedic doctor that something is wrong. Sure enough it came unglued. I really think the physical therapist broke it loose. I then had a revision with a rod placement too. It has been 14 months. I am still in so much pain. My knee has been constantly swollen and feverish. Sometimes it swells half way done my shin. My leg sticks and I have to force it straight. I am very active but my leg feels like it is going to colapse. I have had it drained with a steroid injection and that was the best I have felt but that lasted a very short time and then the pain and swelling returned with a vengeance. I'm at my wit's end!!
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we had mellisa test after 15 months battling with dermatoligists and surgeons as I had a titanium alloy implants in my back .it came back strongly positive and now they don't reconioze the test in uk so refusing to take it out and replace it with something ele anyone had theres replaced if so what with ?
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When your metal plate was removed, was it replaced with something else?
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I would really do the detox slowly. It can cause tremendous problems. DB
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It still won't let me post her emai.  It is    Marieloughlin @  neuro relief. .  Com.    No apaces when you address it
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***@**** (sorry it didn't post my copy and past before.)
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