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Allergic to titanium?

Allergic to titanium? I have had three knee replacements, one a cement/antibiotic one. I am in constant pain and my leg has red spots on the aria of the knee replacement and is always wormer then the other leg. Now I have developed a severe allergy in my sinus, with the tubes plug and water on one ear. No one can tell me what I am allergic to. I read many people having the idea of allergies to titanium and I have read that the medical community say it not possible. The last two night I have had a temperature of 101, that comes and goes.
my meds are:
Mometasone Furoate 50 mcg 120d nasal
Loratadine 10mg
Rifampin 300 mg cap
my Gatofloxacin was discontinued by the VA
replaced with ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day.
Are you sure that there are no allergies to knee replacements  jeff graham
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Thanks.  I know about the Melisa Test but haven't found a doc yet to do it.  Seeing an allergist tomorrow so hopefully they will.
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HI Carma, the place of the  test is on the net...it's called the melisa test...I had it...it showed I was allergic to titanium...and my insurance covered it...good luck...Linda
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I am in Highland Utah and had 2 dental implants in September.  Problems ever since and had one removed but still experiencing fatigue, problems with focus/recall and nausea.  Where did you have your testing done and where?  I'm having a difficult time finding someone who will agree to do the testing and also take my insurance.  Any pointers would be welcome!!

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I tried...the office lost my notes...the ones that showed my allergies ....figure that...hummmmmmm.....
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I've had heavy metal toxicity and it was horrible. Drs couldn't diagnose it has to pray and have God reveal what caused my malaise in a dream and was tested by a laboratory in Ashville, NC Great Smokies Lab or now called Genova, Geneva? Laboratory who do metal testing from hair samples. Most Drs don't get environmental illnesses as not trained to know. I may have titanium stuff now due to screws in ankle. My advice ... find an environmental Dr and/or get tested at that lab, also, pray earnestly for God's healing power as both the old and new testaments speak that by the wound's of Christ we are healed. In the old, it was prophetic of the messiah to come and in the new it was after He arrived. Best to you, my friend.
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Hi:  I had a knee replacement a year ago and it was not the titanium but the nickel, cobalt, chrome and was just tested.  It confirmed that I am highly allergic to the nickel and they now want to replace it with the titanium knee.  Do you know of any other material they use?  I have had all the same symptoms you reported.  Swelling, pain and it is hot and it turns purple when in hot water.  
Please let me know how you are doing?
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