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Allergies and Pale Complexion

Hi, ever since I got hit with hayfever chronically, my face is always pale.

It make a big difference in my appearance, yet, most doctors never pay much mind to it.

They prescribe anti histamines, and nose sprays but it never really does anything for the paleness.

A sun tan or a sun reddening, doesnt really do it, it just makes the face a bit more  red while its pale lol

But, I can usually get the doctors to admit the allergies are doing it, but they dont do anything for it, I guess because they dont have anything for it. From what I understand it's not anemia that causes it so iron doesnt work.

Does anybody have any idea what I can do for this?
4 Responses
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134578 tn?1693250592
Try something to build up the strength of your liver.  It filters toxins from the system, and can get stressed from allergens going through your system.
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Thanks for the info, the meds do their job, but this is just a symptom that is not helped, not sure the liver has anything to do with it, but will look into it
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

There is an entity called allergic shiners, which is a symptom of allergic rhinitis. This consists of darkened areas under the lower eyelids thought to result from venous pooling of blood.  But you are referring to paleness, if anemia has been ruled out, then you can consult a dermatologist for the paleness, and discuss about tanning beds and photo therapy, this could help with your paleness as this is more controlled.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Hi Dr, thanks so much for replying. That is an interesting idea, i have tried sitting out in the sun, I tend to get reddish, but the paleness will still be there.
One Allergist told me that the blood vessels of the face cause this.

I do notice when I am pale, my face is also cold, and when the face is warmer the color is better, the allergies cause the blood vessels to constrict or to dialate, sometimes I get flushed too, the exact opposite.

But if a dermatologst could do something, that would be wonderful, but it's been many years I have had this, and the allergists dont really seem concerned about it.

You would think medications that stop the allergies would prevent this, but they dont do that much for it, although im worse without the anti histamine, I look like a ghost!

But im open to any and all suggestions.
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