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Amoxicillin Allergy

I have been repeatedly prescribed amoxicillin to fight a bacterial infection. I had difficulty figuring out that I was having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin because many of the symptoms (abdominal pain and swollen glands) were similar to the original infection and the more classis symptoms (tching and hives) didn't appear until after I had finished my third prescription.

My question? Is amoxicillin less effective in fighting an infection if you are allergic to the antibiotic? If so, would it be completely useless or still have some of the desired effect?
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580723 tn?1218004925
Hello there,

I'm Victoria..
I'm just looking to see if anyone has similar experiences. I am 30 years old, and have allergies. In the last 4 & half years, I have been allergic after my appendix operation. After the operations, my whole body is pain & itchy.. Doctor said im allergic to "CEPHALEXIN".. Adviceable not to take any medicines on it.

Not sure what makes me allergy mostly at the hands.. Maybe the dust, drug allergies, food allergies,  certain chemicals in shampoos, shower gels.. When allergies happened, my body feels hot, hurt, pain & itchy all over my hands, including my face, body & legs.. The most seriousnes is my hands.. I'm normally take up medicines given by doctor. The medicines are fungus, itchy & allergy.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience of this or the symptoms and if so what can help - apart from taking the medicines on itchiness!

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... Amoxicillin's efficacy is not affected ( i.e. still be effective to the bacterial infection) even if you have allergies to this drug. It is discontinued,  primarily,  due to the allergic symptoms that may be manifested, in particular, anaphylaxis, which is a serious reaction that may be life threatening. Take care and Good luck.
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Thank you for the quick reply but all of this information is readily available online. I'm still looking for the answer to my question.

Would the amoxicillin still be effective against the bacterial infection if I were having an allergic reaction? If so, would it be less effective?
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Symptoms of an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, a member of penicillin, may include anaphylaxis, hives, below-the-skin swelling, or asthma symptoms. Skin testing is the best method for diagnosing a penicillin allergy. If found to be allergic, the main treatment is avoidance of future use of amoxicillin and related antibiotics. Other groups of antibiotics with the same efficacy, may be used to treat the infection. Amoxicillin's efficacy is not affected even if you have allergies to this drug. It is discontinued due to the allergic symptoms manifested by the patient. In particular, anaphylaxis is a serious reaction that may be life threatening.

If a person who is truly allergic to penicillin has an infection that requires treatment with penicillin, a desensitization process can be performed until the person can tolerate a full therapeutic dose. I hope this helps. Take care and regards.
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