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rash from Warners "This Is Not a Bra" bra

Just learned about the formaldehyde in Victoria Secret bras when I went online to try to figure out why I have this red, burning rash under and around my bra. It's all over my torso and arms.  I recently bought the Warners "This Is Not a Bra" underwire bra.  This reaction didn't happen right away, but maybe the fabric starts to break down with wear and washing, and releases the formaldehyde (or other hideous chemicals).  Anyone else having this reaction?
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I have a new Warner's bra #01526. I didn't break out the first time I wore it, but each time thereafter I've broken out in a red, itchy rash on my breasts. The doctor said it was an allergic reaction, possibly from my detergent, and gave me a cream to use. I switched detergents and still break out. I think it might be the padding under the material. It's 89% nylon 11% elastane but it doesn't say what the material for the padding is for. Does anyone have an answer? I am going to send a complaint to Warners U.S. and Canada, also and do more research on this.
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Does it have Nylon? If so, it could be that, do you itch when wearing nylon stockings or panty hose? or nylon sutures. I have experience the same and am allergic to nylon.
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I am having the same reaction.  I cannot find anywhere on the net  exactly what the cup padding is made of.  My newest Warner's bra has "20% Elastane indicated as bra content material, where my other two Warner bras have only 11%.  I broke out after I purchased the 20%... What exactly is this material?  Is it chemically similar to Latex?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could be an allergic reaction. Sometimes you may not have an allergic reaction the first time you use a product, repeated usage can trigger a response. Allergic reactions can show a waxing and waning phenomenon. They can improve or worsen with time. Also it is possible to develop new allergies, you could develop new allergic reactions  to food or other substances. You will only have to closely monitor.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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