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Anyone allergic to polyester? I am and can help!

Sorry the topic is not right. But closest I could find for polyester and some other allergens cause skin eruptions. I am allergic to polyester, vinyl, some plastics, vinere, The clear coat on boxes, and more. And after 5 years of studying myself closely and control environments etc... I finally live with only mild symtoms. This is done strictly through knowing all I have to do, and avoid.
I have also studied extensively the immune system, and other related health issues, and believe I have a higher knowledge than doctors on synthetic allergens now, for lack of studies being done in the medical society on this.
Pardon my spelling please. I had severe adhd growing up and spelling was a weak subject for me.
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Wow!  I am still not sure what my allergy is.  I tested positive to mixed diakyl thioureas and entire body broke out during test but that was only positive on patch of 80 allergens that was positive. This chemical is found in neoprene and no idea where else. Everything went down hill after testing.    Going on four years and since patch testing and seem to be reacting to all kinds of plastics now.  Eyeglass frames and hair clips cause my head to itch and tingle, bra line and straps leave itchy rash, back of thighs always covered in rash, hips and sometimes where my jean pockets sit on my upper thigh!  I also get rashes on back of hands. I noticed when in my car a lot or sitting on certain cushions reactions are much worse (Mercedes my tek)  Any ideas? This week I pulled several couches apart to determine why one itches and another does not.  The bad one is polyurethane foam cushion, the good (non itchy one) is down!!!! Any ideas or doctors that specialize would be great!  My allergist and dermatologist just look at me like I'm crazy!!!!
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I have problems with cushions.  I was told by my doctor it's the chemicals in there. I have a cotton towel for my car and blanket for my couch as a barrier between me and them.  But know that if you wash them they can't be used again because the chemicals don't wash out and get all over the items. Also, you may be allergic to the dyes in your clothes (the stitching on your pockets).  The stuff found in neoprene also have chemicals it cross-reacts with.
All foam, polyester, plastic is BAD. Chemical composition begins with muriatic acid. Immune system reacts with rash, nausea, headaches to warn you away from those products.
The softer (silicone, foam) & warmer: the more fumes it releases. 6" is a safe distance, but fumes without ventilation will reach you eventually.
Your mattress, your clothes, your car interior all emit toxic fumes. Some people are more sensitive to it.
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Sometimes I feel like I'm allergic to the world.  It started in my 20's when I wore a pair of brand new keds years ago and my feet were covered all over with blisters.  Over ten years later I broke out all over my body.  The first dermatologist/idiot I went to just said I was allergic to rubber and thirmerosol.  She gave me the patch test and made me feel like a freak show by parading people into the office to look at the extent of my reactions (there was definitely more than two).   It took me two years to seek out another dermatologist.  He sent me to one of the specialist in the area and I finally felt like I was about to see someone who wouldn't make me feel like a circus act.  Well I will admit that I was still paraded around the office, but she asked first.  She said that she had never seen that many reactions on one person before.  I am allergic to rubber (not latex), reactive dyes used on synthetic material, and thimerosol used in some shots.  This basically means I'm allergic to all synthetic material (nylon, polyester, spandex, ect), elastic, and glues used in shoes.  This means wearing bags on my feet inside my shoes, drawstring bras and underwear, and  only clothing made with natural materials.  It's taken years, but I finally feel like I've gotten things under control.  I admit it still ***** and I miss being able to just go shopping.  I especially miss girly undergarments!  It's important for people like me to know that usually when someone is allergic to rubber (mercapto mix & thiuram) they are usually allergic to the black dye used on synthetics.  Anyways... just thought I would put my info out there in case anyone else has these issues and wants some info.    
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Halp! Can we please communicate. My skin is totally out of control and i am not sure what to do at this point. I cannot take much more. I was diagnosed with rubber allergies but i think theres more to it. My email is mndi.***@****. thanks!
I am allergic to all man-made fibers, plastics, products. Gotten worse for 10 yrs. I now make my own clothes, incl. Bras, undies, coats. (cotton,silk,wool only) cotton thread too. No elastic, not even 1% spandex.
I make my own shampoo, toothpaste, detergent, deodorant, cleaning products, faux-cortisone, band aids, etc. Not complicated & products are best I've ever had. Glad 2 share if u want recipes. Sophi
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Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the overwhelmingly disgusting body odor that seems to appear as soon as I get out of the shower if I wear elastic underwear or stand barefoot on carpeting, or drink liquids out of plastic bottles etc... and these miserably inflamed sinuses.... I'm flat out exhausted from trying to avoid these materials. I'm also a guitarist and the inside of every guitar case is.... wait for it.... polyester fun fur. JOY! Everytime I go to play those hairs get up in my sinuses and the misery begins. I'm frustrated and lost.  
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I'm living there too! I am allergic to all man-made fibers, plastics, products. Gotten worse for 10 yrs. I now make my own clothes, incl. Bras, undies, coats. (cotton,silk,wool only) cotton thread too. No elastic, not even 1% spandex.
I make my own shampoo, toothpaste, detergent, deodorant, cleaning products, faux-cortisone, band aids, mattress, etc. Not complicated & products are best I've ever had. Glad 2 share if u want recipes. Sophi
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I cannot believe what I've read here. I thought I was alone with this until talking to my niece who's also dealing with it. This allergy has absolutely ruined my life. After buying a new mattress I started to experience insomnia, sinus problems, headaches, skin rashes, burning eyes, waking up spaced out and nauseous and my immune system just began to completely fail. Once the mattress made broken my immune system down I began to severely react to all of my polyester clothing. Body hair falling out, burning lips when I wore a polyester shirt, excessive urinating and uncontrollable hypoglycemic episodes! My face became so swollen I looked like an old alien. Everything made of polyester, latex and PVC vinyl became my enemy. Shower curtain liner, interior of my new car, carpets, water bottled in plastic, "hypoallergenic" pillows, all my brand new faux leather furniture.... when I walked in the room I would get severe stomach cramps, ringing in my head and dizzy. At first I thought it was chemicals but after cleaning many times with vinegar it became undeniable it was the material. I couldn't sit anywhere near those couches. I always knew polyester and I didn't get along (at Christmas those Santa hats would always break my head out badly) so I avoided it but not so stringently. After that mattress  I had to buy a 100% organic cotton mattress and I use a cotton quilt I got at Bed Bath & Beyond as a mattress pad. And 100% organic cotton pillows ive made myself. That mattress would affect me from the next room! I have to wash all of my cotton clothing in vinegar and baking soda only or it triggers me bad and I get severe cramps (from histamine Ive figured out) and feel weak. THIS IS CRAZY!!!! If every member of my family wasn't suffering with this I'd think I was crazy.  But my brother, mother and niece all suffer from it. I'm anxious to read how others are coping with it. because I'm at the end of my rope.
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Recently received a new Saatva mattress, we purchased one from them before and it was wonderful.  It states 100% organic cotton.  However, I could not sleep on the one we just received yesterday. My entire body got hot like a bad sunburn.  I think there must be poly something inside.  I cannot tolerate polyester or polyurethane, nothing in that family.  So my question to you is what mattress do you use?  I have to sleep on something this will drive me crazy
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My contact allergy started 6 months into my 2nd pregnancy 2.5 years ago. After seeing several skin specialists I am allergic to nickel, fragrance mix, cinnamon, cinnam aldehyde and cinnamyl alcohol. I react mostly on neck and chest. I wonder about the long term effects of glycol which I didnt know comes from polyester. I believe I have an allergic to polyester. I certainly cannot wear it and scratch immediately when I touch it. How do they test for an allergy to polyester? My doctor has given me a steroid but it burns when I apply it. He is going to do a skin biopsy soon and can't understand why none of the skin specialists I have seen haven't already done this. I wish I had some useful information for you. I feel like I am going crazy. Thanks for your post.
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Thank you for the advice. I will try to wear polyester again after I get over my sickness.
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