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Can allergic rhinitis cause un-conventional symptoms?

I recently tested positive for dust-mite, tree, and grass allergies.  My primary symptoms are daily fatigue/malaise, intermittent headaches (temple and bridge-of-nose), slight nasal congestion, eustachian tube dysfunction, and lightheadedness. I often feel feverish, but whenever I take my temperature it is normal (98.4). I also occasionally get an itchy throat, burning eyes, dry mouth, increased thirst, and frequent urination.

On the other hand, I never sneeze, never have a runny nose, and have very little post nasal drip.

My question is can allergic rhinitis really be causing my symptoms. I'm worried to death it's something else that's more serious, because some of my symptoms (like increased thirst and urination) don't seem related to allergies.  Or can allergies somehow indirectly cause these symptoms?

I've had a lot of tests (Sinus CT, Brain MRI, vertigo/balance, blood work) over the past few months, which all were negative, except slightly elevated lymphocytes. My glucose is normal.

Would appreciate any advise.


3 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

It is true that allergic rhinitis can cause some of the unconventional symptoms that you are having but frequent urination and increased thirst are unexplainable.I am sending you a link that gives a list of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Also I would ask you to get your ANA titres done to rule out Sjogren’s syndrome which may cause dry mouth and increased thirst.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.

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Thanks so much for your feedback..

I have already had my fasting blood glucose tested on several occasions, and it always comes back as normal (in the 90's).  I have also had a TSH test, which is normal at 0.43.

I haven't had a kidney test, so i will investigate that.  

By the way, I have read in a number of Immunology/Allergy related texts and websites on the Internet, that allergic rhinitis (especially perennial rhinitis) can cause 'systemic' symptoms like fatigue, malaise etc.  Also, I've been told that allergic rhinitis can increase a person's likelihood of getting viral infections, because the immune system is so busy/distracted fighting the allergen that it misses the virus?  I wonder if all this might also explain my 'unconventional' symptoms.  Would love to hear your thoughts.

thanks again!



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563773 tn?1374246539

Without examination confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but all theses symptoms are strongly suggestive of diabetes mellitus.Other possibilities are diabetes insipidus,glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis(inflammation of the kidneys),urinary tract infection,hypercalcemia,hypokalemia(low potassium),hyperthyroidism,hyperparathyroidism,diuretic drugs and benign hyperplasia of the prostate(in males).Allergic rhinitis can explain the headaches and eustachean tube dysfunction but it cannot explain the other symptoms.

In my opinion, investigations like kidney functions, blood sugar levels, ultrasound lower abdomen ,intravenous pyelography ,prostate specific antigen blood test,thyroid function tests and cystoscopy may be needed to confirm a diagnosis.I sincerely advise you to consult a urologist or nephrologist and get yourself evaluated so that a confirmatory diagnosis can be made.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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