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1752120 tn?1322657822


My sisters had a problem of watery discharge from her private part, headache but not always &back ache feeling very uncomfortable day and night so please advise. Thanks.

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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The discharge and odor that she is experiencing could be due to infections of the vagina. Vaginal candidiasis (Thrush infection) is the most common cause for vaginal discharge and itchiness. Treatment is by topical antifungal pessaries or vaginal tablets . Other infections of the vagina are bacterial vaginosis, trichomonasvaginalis and herpes vaginalis. Please consult your primary care physician who will examine her and ask for a few tests to determine the cause and treat.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1752120 tn?1322657822

  Thank you for your response and concern
  well it smells odor  and yellowish in color to make the matter worse we are in a place where Gynecologist are not available.
Kindly Help?

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How is your sister? Are there other symptoms present? Any change in the private part or vaginal discharge or odor warrants further evaluation by a gynecologist to rule out infection. Pain medications may help provide relief. However, it is important that the underlying cause be treated to prevent complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease. Have her see a gynecologist for proper diagnosis. Take care and regards.
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